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OT: I just got the vaccine. Ask me anything.


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Vaccines help develop immunity by imitating an infection. This type of infection, however, almost never causes illness, but it does cause the immune system to produce T-lymphocytes and antibodies. Sometimes, after getting a vaccine, the imitation infection can cause minor symptoms, such as fever. Such minor symptoms are normal and should be expected as the body builds immunity.

That's how I heard it from a local (Chicago) infectious disease expert on one of our major TV networks. He said that it is even a good sign when you experience fever, chills, etc., because that means your body is building up immunity. As to why there tends to be stronger side effects after the second dose, he explained it's like your immune system says "we thought we kicked this thing's ass 3-4 weeks ago" and responds more strongly with the built up antibodies.

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing."

- George Bernard Shaw


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Vaccines help develop immunity by imitating an infection. This type of infection, however, almost never causes illness, but it does cause the immune system to produce T-lymphocytes and antibodies. Sometimes, after getting a vaccine, the imitation infection can cause minor symptoms, such as fever. Such minor symptoms are normal and should be expected as the body builds immunity.

That's how I heard it from a local (Chicago) infectious disease expert on one of our major TV networks. He said that it is even a good sign when you experience fever, chills, etc., because that means your body is building up immunity. As to why there tends to be stronger side effects after the second dose, he explained it's like your immune system says "we thought we kicked this thing's ass 3-4 weeks ago" and responds more strongly with the built up antibodies.

Exactly, and also explains why people who had the virus tend to get worse reactions to the vaccine (anecdotally).

Now out! "Mind the Gap," a 24-song album of new material.

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How does it feel having all of that 5G flowing through your body?


Couldn't have been easier. The longest part of the process was the 15-minute wait afterward to make sure the 5G implanted correctly.


I'm still waiting for someone to tell me how to activate the damn thing ... ;)

Bill Gates turned it on remotely. Now you are part of his pedophile ring.
These are only my opinions, not supported by any actual knowledge, experience, or expertise.
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From a CDC article on vaccines:

Vaccines help develop immunity by imitating an infection. This type of infection, however, almost never causes illness, but it does cause the immune system to produce T-lymphocytes and antibodies. Sometimes, after getting a vaccine, the imitation infection can cause minor symptoms, such as fever. Such minor symptoms are normal and should be expected as the body builds immunity.
The Coviid vaccine actually works differently that previous vaccines. Also from the CDC:

Messenger RNA vaccinesâalso called mRNA vaccinesâare some of the first COVID-19 vaccines authorized for use in the United States.


New Approach to Vaccines

mRNA vaccines are a new type of vaccine to protect against infectious diseases. To trigger an immune response, many vaccines put a weakened or inactivated germ into our bodies. Not mRNA vaccines. Instead, they teach our cells how to make a proteinâor even just a piece of a proteinâthat triggers an immune response inside our bodies. That immune response, which produces antibodies, is what protects us from getting infected if the real virus enters our bodies.


COVID-19 mRNA vaccines give instructions for our cells to make a harmless piece of what is called the 'spike protein.' The spike protein is found on the surface of the virus that causes COVID-19. Once the instructions (mRNA) are inside the immune cells, the cells use them to make the protein piece. After the protein piece is made, the cell breaks down the instructions and gets rid of them. Next, the cell displays the protein piece on its surface. Our immune systems recognize that the protein doesn"t belong there and begin building an immune response and making antibodies, like what happens in natural infection against COVID-19. At the end of the process, our bodies have learned how to protect against future infection.

These are only my opinions, not supported by any actual knowledge, experience, or expertise.
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How does it feel having all of that 5G flowing through your body?


Couldn't have been easier. The longest part of the process was the 15-minute wait afterward to make sure the 5G implanted correctly.


I'm still waiting for someone to tell me how to activate the damn thing ... ;)

Bill Gates turned it on remotely. Now you are part of his pedophile ring.

As I said on the socials a few months ago: "May I just say that if it turns out that our government really is a cadre of baby-eating lizard-aliens operating through a pizza shop called Comet Ping Pong, THAT WOULD BE F*CKING AWESOME."

Now out! "Mind the Gap," a 24-song album of new material.

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I'm actually ready to give up getting a second appointment.


I've been trying for a week unsuccessfully. I was able to search all the facilities around me for the first one, but I'm locked into the place where I got the first one now as far as the search program goes...and absolutely nothing is available ever. On April 1st, a whole bunch of people become eligible so I'm sure my chances will decrease further. Interestingly, there appears to be one day next month on the schedule that the Pfizer shot is available at my facility...but according to my facility they don't GIVE the Pfizer shot. :facepalm:


Even worse - I can get into the CVS site, which shows me that several facilities near me are available...but won't let me make an appointment at any of them. I even called them, and the lady I spoke with just got on the same site and tried to to it for me. Kinda dumb...


I wonder how long I have to wait before the first Moderna shot wears off and I can try to find a J&J?





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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I'm actually ready to give up getting a second appointment.


I've been trying for a week unsuccessfully. I was able to search all the facilities around me for the first one, but I'm locked into the place where I got the first one now as far as the search program goes...and absolutely nothing is available ever. On April 1st, a whole bunch of people become eligible so I'm sure my chances will decrease further. Interestingly, there appears to be one day next month on the schedule that the Pfizer shot is available at my facility...but according to my facility they don't GIVE the Pfizer shot. :facepalm:


Wow. In Missouri, you are automatically scheduled for your second appointment at the same time you schedule your first. When I found that out, it eliminated the anxiety I had about that.




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I'm actually ready to give up getting a second appointment.



Same here in L.A. Country in fact I had the 2nd appointment before they even gave me the shot. Dave you're in T.O. not to far from L.A. have you tried to schedule at CVS or one of the others place in L.A. Country?

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I'm actually ready to give up getting a second appointment.


I've been trying for a week unsuccessfully. I was able to search all the facilities around me for the first one, but I'm locked into the place where I got the first one now as far as the search program goes...and absolutely nothing is available ever. On April 1st, a whole bunch of people become eligible so I'm sure my chances will decrease further. Interestingly, there appears to be one day next month on the schedule that the Pfizer shot is available at my facility...but according to my facility they don't GIVE the Pfizer shot. :facepalm:


Wow. In Missouri, you are automatically scheduled for your second appointment at the same time you schedule your first. When I found that out, it eliminated the anxiety I had about that.


Same with Iowa.

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Wow. In Missouri, you are automatically scheduled for your second appointment at the same time you schedule your first. When I found that out, it eliminated the anxiety I had about that.


For the life of me, I can't understand WHY they don't do that here...the system totally knows who I am, and that I've already gotten the first shot.


Dave you're in T.O. not to far from L.A. have you tried to schedule at CVS or one of the others place in L.A. Country?

CVS is worse. They show availability all around me...but not a single one of those places will let me schedule an appointment. I even called their help line - all the nice lady did was try the same thing on their site and tell me she agreed that it's weird that these sites show available and won't let you book.


Even my doctor's staff have tried to get one for me - no luck.





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Wow. In Missouri, you are automatically scheduled for your second appointment at the same time you schedule your first. When I found that out, it eliminated the anxiety I had about that.


For the life of me, I can't understand WHY they don't do that here...the system totally knows who I am, and that I've already gotten the first shot.

My second appointment wasn't scheduled in advance, but I did get an email a few days ago saying a slot was being held for me and giving me the chance to reserve it, which I did.


HOWEVER: don't lose hope. All indications are that delaying the second shot actually increases the immune-response from it. So if it slips for a week or two or even three or four, so long as your first one is still in force, that second one will actually provide greater protection than had it been after the intended 4 weeks.


There is a Twitter feed down here that shoots out available appointments in real time. It might be worth seeing if a corresponding feed exists up by you.

Now out! "Mind the Gap," a 24-song album of new material.

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yep...out here in Texas, while you are in the bullpen waiting your 15 minutes to make sure you don't grow tentacles, the people walk the lines of cars and schedule your next appointment for 2nd shot.

They all have a handheld device, plug in the code number that they write on your windshield, confirm it's you, and then schedule.


Even better, as you leave, there's two employees at the exit who wash off your windows.


I was very impressed with the entire procedure. You show up to the site about 10 minutes prior to your scheduled time, in this case a huge high school stadium parking lot, and two line are formed.

As you move up, there are personnel who walk the line and get your information, confirm you, ask a couple health related questions, and write a code number on your window. The line then goes up to a second stop where the line marshaling begins. The nice lady there also confirms you, then sends you up to one of 4 lines.


Each of those lines leads to the main chutes where personnel direct you to one of 12 lines. At this point you can see the drive thru tent. he line keeps moving until you get up to the stop sign erected prior to the tent. Working about 4 cars back at a time, an actual nurse once again confirms you, and runs thru the health related questions, and takes your driver's license, and heads into a big tent attached to your drive thru awning.


2 minutes later I'm in the covered area, and the nurse giving the shot comes out, has me verify name, DOB, etc.... and asks which arm. Shot given, and driver's license and a record card handed back and then you head towards the "waiting lounge" as they called it.


All in all, my appointment was for 1:30. I show up at 1:25. Went thru this entire thing and got my shot at 1:35. I was on my way by 1:50.


The logistics they worked out to get such volume thru this in a timely fashion was outstanding, and each human I had to speak with was very nice.


Because my day job is aerospace logistics, I was paying attention to all this. They had three HUGE truck with generators. hey had what looked like a mobile command site where all the main servers were. Inside the tents attached to the actual shot drive thru, I saw several stations. Each shot location had 3 nurses, and that's how things kept rolling.


Gig Rig:Roland Fantom 08 | Roland Jupiter 80






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CVS did a reasonably good job directing me, right when you walk in. They have it set in a aisle. My first confirmation email from them gave me both appointments at same time and they told you what vaccine you would be getting. I admit I liked knowing which brand; good for my neurosis and it is the idea to make it as least stressful as possible.


The bad part was finding an appointment. As I said earlier, a FB friend was nice enough to secure a time as she had learned the ropes in a community action group for this reason.


I do think people shouldn't procrastinate who can go now assuming the final rollout will include the biggest population.

AvantGrand N2 | ES520 | Gallien-Krueger MK & MP | https://soundcloud.com/pete36251

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Soooo...it turns out that if you got your first shot at the local pharmacy you usually patronize so they know who you are, and you go in there on a Sunday morning and tell them you"re having problems that they can schedule a second appointment for you.







:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Soooo...it turns out that if you got your first shot at the local pharmacy you usually patronize so they know who you are, and you go in there on a Sunday morning and tell them you"re having problems that they can schedule a second appointment for you.






In my case, only found an appointment in a CVS far, far away. Nah, about five miles, and no one knew me, and in any case I only go there never.

AvantGrand N2 | ES520 | Gallien-Krueger MK & MP | https://soundcloud.com/pete36251

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Dave: I assume you're looking for availability on the California My Turn site? The mile range button appears to be broken, so try searching on zip codes 10-20 miles from where you live. In addition, check to see if Ventura County also maintains a vaccine search page. San Diego County has one, and friends have reported finding appointments there that weren't listed on the California page, and vice versa. I forget which, but one of the pharmacies updates its calendar at midnight, and another at either 8am or 9am. So try doing your searches right at one of those times.


The good news is there's no downside to delaying the second vaccine a bit and some preliminary evidence that suggests there may be advantages to doing so.


edit: BTW, I got mine done at a County of SD Health and Human Services office, and they schedule both appointments at once. Not sure why any location would handle it different.

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I'm over 55 with a medical condition (mitral valve prolapse) so I met the current eligibility requirements here for vaccination in Nevada. As a result, I received my first shot this past Thursday at a Walgreen's here in Las Vegas. I received the Pfizer vaccine and experienced no ill effects. I was told to come back on April 15th - April 22nd for my second shot.


FWIW... I was told that I'll have to wait until the April 14th to schedule my second shot online. The reasoning behind not scheduling my second shot on the spot or not allowing me to schedule it online before April 14th is not clear.


On April 5th, all adults in Nevada will be eligible to be vaccinated, so I'm glad I started vaccination process before the thundering heard queues up.

Gigs: Nord 5D 73, Kurz PC4-7 & SP4-7, Hammond SK1, Yamaha CK88, MX88, & P121, Numa Compact 2x, Casio CGP700, QSC K12, Yamaha DBR10, JBL515xt(2). Alto TS310(2)



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Strange, I got my first shot at Walgreen's. They scheduled my second shot on the spot, in person, with an exact date and time. I'm a week away. They would not vary the date by even a day. We tried so my sister and I could get our second shots on the same day. No go. I go on a Monday. She goes the following day.

This post edited for speling.

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Strange, I got my first shot at Walgreen's. They scheduled my second shot on the spot, in person, with an exact date and time...

Same here. At Rite Aid in Ohio.

I would like to apologize to anyone I have not yet offended. Please be patient and I will get to you shortly.
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Dave: I assume you're looking for availability on the California My Turn site?

That was where I started, but once I got the first shot I got automatically put into a queue run by a company called konnection.





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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we got the Pfizer Saturday , second is scheduled for the 17th next month . they gave me a choice , right shoulder or left , went with the left , figured i'd need my right arm in better shape

to play Sunday morning . picked the right option , the arm got pretty sore hours later . i'd say i felt it cooking in my system a bit , but i've had flu shots that were way worse .

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In my case, only found an appointment in a CVS far, far away. Nah, about five miles, and no one knew me, and in any case I only go there never.


Should have gone to that bar in Boston for your shot. They would have known you


Gig Rig:Roland Fantom 08 | Roland Jupiter 80






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I am getting my second shot on Friday.


After it the Government will then be able to track me and listen into my deepest thought as well as all I hear.


Probably more bum notes will be played just to pi55 them off.


I think when the government assigns someone to monitor me it must be as a punishment. "Doesn't this guy ever listen to something other than Jazz!!!!" "Oh crap he's walking around his apartment making up rude songs again, please someone get this guy a life." Headphones go flying... "oh dam he drank another 2-liter of root beer and let out a ear-spliting belch AGAIN." Please reassign me to Kenny G.

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How does it feel having all of that 5G flowing through your body?


Couldn't have been easier. The longest part of the process was the 15-minute wait afterward to make sure the 5G implanted correctly.


I'm still waiting for someone to tell me how to activate the damn thing ... ;)


It's my understanding that the first shot is the implant, the second one is the activation, as well as a firmware update.....

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A local health care organization that has 4 hospitals in our county actually approached ME about getting the vaccine, due to my health.


I got the first March 1. At the time they went ahead and scheduled me for my second, which I got today.


I just read yesterday that as of today, Florida has lowered the age requirement to 50.

"In the beginning, Adam had the blues, 'cause he was lonesome.

So God helped him and created woman.


Now everybody's got the blues."


Willie Dixon






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