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OT: The music playing in your head...


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I've ALWAYS got music playing in my head, I just wish it were complete songs. Like, I was working on Lush Life for a couple days a few weeks ago, and now I keep getting the last phrase of the tune, "Of those whose lives are lone-ly too"....you know, the chromatic walk up part. I get stuff like that all the time, just phrases.....
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It seems like I find myself with music playing in my head much more often than I did pre-Covid. Is it just me or are others experiencing this too?


I call this how lovers of music get through the day. It"s a blessing.

I think you pretty much nailed it! It definitely helps getting through the day during a pandemic!


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From my earliest memories to this moment, I have never NOT had music playing in my head. 24/7/365, no matter what is going on. It's there when I wake, it's there when I go to sleep, and I assume it's playing while I sleep as well. Even in times of enormous stress or emotion, it is a constant. I couldn't stop it, if I wanted to.

I know I'm not alone in this. I also "see" sort of floating piano keys playing the notes I'm hearing. Anyone else have that?

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The Brain Radio almost never goes off. Sometimes, it gets stuck on an unpleasant song, which necessitates corrective action.


Sorry Steve, I don't see floating piano keys playing the notes. Maybe I'm on the wrong medication :)

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I also "see" sort of floating piano keys playing the notes I'm hearing. Anyone else have that?

Not quote "see" or "floating piano keys", but I know every single note I'm hearing as I hear it, and exactly where on the piano they're at. I don't "see" it, but the best I can do to explain it would be that I "feel" it.


Authorized reseller: Casio, Dexibell, Kurzweil, Nord, iLoud, Viscount

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From my earliest memories to this moment, I have never NOT had music playing in my head. 24/7/365, no matter what is going on. It's there when I wake, it's there when I go to sleep, and I assume it's playing while I sleep as well. Even in times of enormous stress or emotion, it is a constant. I couldn't stop it, if I wanted to.

I know I'm not alone

in this. I also "see" sort of floating piano keys playing the notes I'm hearing. Anyone else have that?


Yes. But I believe it"s unique to our breed. There are a lot of human monkeys that don"t experience this at all. Other things bounce around their heads all day. Again, a blessing - I"m sure you agree. For me it can drown out worry, anxiety, fear, anger, jealousy, envy, and a host of other thoughts that ruin our days on this earth.

Yamaha CP88, Casio PX-560

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There has always been music of one sort or another playing inside my skull.


I "see" visual repeats of things I've lived or dreamed as well.


Memory tricks? I don't know. I read a book once called "The Mind of a Mnemonist" about a man in Russia who was dysfunctional because he remembered EVERYTHING.


If he saw something that was red, he would instantly be barraged by memories of every other time in his life that he had seen red and every other detail about each of those moments. He was overwhelmed by his own past.

Glad I am not so afflicted!!!

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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A funny thing. Often when I am thinking on music, I got a lot of nice guitar-solos into my head that I can play as I wish. But I do not play guitar :rawk:


Another phrase that very often shows up in my head for no reason are the basspart from the ending of the guitarsolo in Money by Pink Floyd.

A very simple downstroke scale, but still a part of my musical education, I guess. I do not play bass either :hitt:

/Bjørn - old gearjunkie, still with lot of GAS
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Unfortunately I get locked into this vision almost daily;





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For me it's often the same songs, I'll find myself mentally singing along with them before I even realize it.


By FAR the one that has popped in like that the most is "What's on my Mind" from Kansas. No idea why, I probably wouldn't name it as one of my favorites on that album (???)....Also, there are a few King's X tunes from their early albums that do this, in particular a couple from Gretchen Goes to Nebraska. I was listening to both albums in my college days a LOT, right around the same time probably, so something "stuck" I guess in my brain from that time.

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I started hearing music in my head around maybe 8th grade. Before that I had little interest in music. There might have been a buildup to it though, starting with our family getting cable TV - and MTV along with it - around or before my starting 7th grade.


Sometimes its other songs/compositions. Once in a while, it's music I hadn't heard before. I have two songs that I've been working out that were created that way - both times while I was traveling outside the US.

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From my earliest memories to this moment, I have never NOT had music playing in my head. 24/7/365, no matter what is going on. It's there when I wake, it's there when I go to sleep, and I assume it's playing while I sleep as well. Even in times of enormous stress or emotion, it is a constant. I couldn't stop it, if I wanted to.

I know I'm not alone in this. I also "see" sort of floating piano keys playing the notes I'm hearing. Anyone else have that?


You are not alone in this! But I don't have the floating piano keys. My fingers are always moving the slightest bit, because I'm hearing a tune in my mind and I'm playing it. Apparently even when I sleep. My wife calls it twitching, but I'm playing.


Here for the gear.

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I have never NOT had music playing in my head.[...] I also "see" sort of floating piano keys playing the notes I'm hearing. Anyone else have that?
For me it's tactile. If I'm mentally "hearing" a first inversion triad, my right hand wants to slightly extend my thumb and lower my index and pinky fingers. When my hands get going that way (without any keyboard nearby) I look like a Central Casting psychopath.

-Tom Williams

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I experience music playing in my head this way: It's always available, and if I want to listen I turn it on - in a manner of speaking - and go with it. Yet I can put it back when needing to focus on something else. Lately I've been hearing a lot of Led Zeppelin - especially sections of Kashmir, Stairway to Heaven and Whole Lotta Love. Also some Sousa marches, and pieces similar that I'm apparently making up. And Chuck, oddly enough I've been hearing that piece you play at the beginning of your piano review videos; no kidding.

'Someday, we'll look back on these days and laugh; likely a maniacal laugh from our padded cells, but a laugh nonetheless' - Mr. Boffo.


We need a barfing cat emoticon!








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And Chuck, oddly enough I've been hearing that piece you play at the beginning of your piano review videos; no kidding.

Ah, Thanks!! I've been told its a catchy tune but its the first time I've heard that its playing in someone's head... I'm flattered :)


Authorized reseller: Casio, Dexibell, Kurzweil, Nord, iLoud, Viscount

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For most of my life I heard music playing in my mind most of the time. It"s kept me awake at times when I was trying to sleep. But, in recent years it"s quieted down. It"s no longer most of the time. To be honest, I enjoy some quite times in my head. I feel very peaceful when my mind is quiet. It didn"t start quieting down until I was in my late 50"s.


I usually don"t listen to music after I practice until the music in my mind subsides. I have this feeling that when my mind keeps playing the music from my practice session after I"ve stopped practicing that I shouldn"t interrupt or distract it. It seems like the practice session is continuing even though my body has stopped practicing. Perhaps there"s some sort of reinforcement going on. I don"t know, but I"ll take all the help I can get.

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For most of my life I heard music playing in my mind most of the time. It"s kept me awake at times when I was trying to sleep. But, in recent years it"s quieted down. It"s no longer most of the time. To be honest, I enjoy some quite times in my head. I feel very peaceful when my mind is quiet. It didn"t start quieting down until I was in my late 50"s.

Reading this thread, I was thinking much the same thing. I used to always have music rattling around in my head, it could have been songs often in what seemed to be full fidelity and perfect pitch like the recording was playing but only I could hear it*, or it could be a solo I wanted to play on a tune I was working on. But the thread has made me realize that at some point, it has quieted down a bit. I'm not sure if that's a good thing for me or not.


* I make no claims that I have perfect pitch nor that I'm really remembering every detail of the songs, but it seemed like that and if I did put on the actual recording, I never thought, "whoa, the pitch was way off!"

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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I also have the constant brain radio thing going on. Some music/songs seem stickier than others and prove extremely hard to get free of. My heart sometimes sinks if I hear one of these things or - worse still - get asked to play it... I also find that the music frequently leaks out of my mouth: humming, whistling or singing - which I am sometimes completely unaware of. Longsuffering relations have been known to beg me to 'please change the record" from time to time....
"Turn your fingers into a dust rag and keep them keys clean!" ;) Bluzeyone
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