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OT: Gifs of my Colonoscopy [j/k]


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I had my 3rd one last week. Maybe it's an East Coast thing but my prep was the same as Tom Williams' and Outkaster's. And although the prep period is rather miserable I kept telling myself that there were plenty of people with worse conditions who would be happy to trade with me compared to what they're going through on a daily basis. After this, plus getting "the finger" for prostate exam 2 weeks before that I'm thinking getting probed by aliens would complete the trifecta!


That's just it, the unknown could be worse and I know a lot of guys don't have it as easy as me. The food industry doesn't care about people's health so I don't worry about it. Make sure you load up on exercise. That to me is the key. It takes years off your life. Next year is 40 years in the Martial Arts for me either teaching and still practicing as much as I can. It was always my other love but music pretty much came first. Think of a lot of this as preventive maintenance.

"Danny, ci manchi a tutti. La E-Street Band non e' la stessa senza di te. Riposa in pace, fratello"






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I had one thirteen years ago looking for a problem (there wasn't one) and one last summer. I told them going in I wanted to take advantage of the knockout to get some extra rest (hadn't slept well lately) and they all laughed. After the procedure, they had trouble waking me up. I told them. I enjoyed it though I would have taken more.


I am in the 2 for 2 club, also


About the narco/pain killer. I mentioned 1 of the delightful lady nurses, who was a rabid Raiders fan. Naturally, I poked fun at her old silver face paint, where she missed a few spots from Sunday.


I claimed to be very sensitive to pain And required more/more. After all, I was a Niners fan, and we are somewhat soft compared to the Raiders psychotic bad ass fans.


She nodded wisely in agreement. I thought I gamed her.


But no. She threatened to with hold all the narcotic

in my IV.


Good times.

Why fit in, when you were born to stand out ?

My Soundcloud with many originals:

[70's Songwriter]

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From Dr Google:


"The latest answer to the palatability problem is Visicol and OsmoPrep oral sodium phosphate in tablet form. The tablets are taken four at a time, every 15 minutes, with eight ounces of a clear liquid 20 tablets the night before the colonoscopy, and 12 to 20 tablets a few hours before the procedure. Nov 1, 2008"


From another spot on Google: https://lacolon.com/patient-education/discontinued-colonoscopy-preparation-visicol-tablets-and-osmoprep-tablets


Definitely would not be my choice to take "the pills". And I have had 3 colonoscopies (age 61).


Personally, the best part of the procedure for me is being on the other end of the needle, having administered anesthesia for hundreds of colonoscopies in the last 37 years.

Now, count backwards from 100....oh, yeah.


oh yes. On line sites peddling drugs and providing lots of 'helpful ' advice.

With prompt free shipping.


About the anesthesia. It also doubles as a 'truth drug'.


So if any of you guys have fibbed to your wife about your 'extra curricular ' activities

or your sudden late night excursions with the band, get wise.


Under the anesthesia, you will sing like 2 canaries , once your wife takes you down

memory lane and ' fact' checking.


Not accusing anyone of anything. Just trying to be helpful :) Everyone is a clean liver in my book.



Why fit in, when you were born to stand out ?

My Soundcloud with many originals:

[70's Songwriter]

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Those of us with Crohns Disease have to have the colonoscopy every five years.


Fortunately I figured out the triggered foods and modified my diet. That made a big difference. The last scope was so clear and free that my doctor put my next scope out ten years instead of five.

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I've never heard of a pill option, either. I just drink the stuff and get empty. The most recent prep was two rounds of (I think) a pint each. The flavor wasn't any better than I remember from last time, but at least I didn't have to drink a gallon.




My most recent one (two months ago) also had me taking the 2 pint bottles of prep. One the day before, and one the morning of. It was easy. Followed by about 4 glasses of water each time. They continue to improve the stuff, and this was much better than the last time I had one four years ago.

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Make sure you load up on exercise. [...] It takes years off your life.

Did you mean something else? :boing:


Yes sorry Tom I mean to say it adds years but takes off stress and calories. LOL.

"Danny, ci manchi a tutti. La E-Street Band non e' la stessa senza di te. Riposa in pace, fratello"






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Make sure you load up on exercise. [...] It takes years off your life.

Did you mean something else? :boing:


Yes sorry Tom I mean to say it adds years but takes off stress and calories. LOL.




you created the ' double entendre* ' of the year with:


"Make sure you load up on exercise. [...] It takes years off your life. [/quote"


Thoroughly enjoyed that, thank you !


*double entendre refers to a double meaning in which one meaning is usually shocking in its suggestiveness. Pun usually has more to do with silly or humorous double meaning.


Why fit in, when you were born to stand out ?

My Soundcloud with many originals:

[70's Songwriter]

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I had some mildly serious bowel issues a couple of years ago. Felt a bit weird getting one at age 25 but would do it again if it meant keeping healthy. My doctor was a big Greek guy. Big hands. Was good fun.


After my history kinda wish I could get them regularly just to keep me sure that all's okay!


Good on you for getting it, glad all went well.

Hammond SKX

Mainstage 3

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I had some mildly serious bowel issues a couple of years ago. Felt a bit weird getting one at age 25 but would do it again if it meant keeping healthy. My doctor was a big Greek guy. Big hands. Was good fun.


After my history kinda wish I could get them regularly just to keep me sure that all's okay!


Good on you for getting it, glad all went well.


We inherit 'stuff' from our parents. I had a double hernia at 7 years of age. Nothing I did, the condition ran in the family.


I firmly believe in health maintenance . There are several potential silent killers

that can lurk inside us.


You can feel great and have high blood pressure and

AFib, for example. Those are 2 examples where we need to have regular

checkups and labs to have a long quality healthy life.


Anyway, my 2 cats depend on me 100% and I can't ever let them down :)

Why fit in, when you were born to stand out ?

My Soundcloud with many originals:

[70's Songwriter]

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Well, it turns up that this forum is a lot more useful that just for music. I have a colonoscopy fixed for january, and i was a bit nervous about it. Reading this thread show me that can be done :->


Thanks :->


Nord Wave 2, Nord Electro 6D 61,, Rameau upright,  Hammond Pro44H Melodica.

Too many Arturia, NI and AAS plugins




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Echo the above. This really is a comprehensive forum and I applaud the maturity and humour in the way this and other topics are discussed. It's a privilege to be able to eaves-drop on such a wealth of collective wisdom. Thanks to all ...and I still want to see those Gifs, Greg.
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Well, it turns up that this forum is a lot more useful that just for music. I have a colonoscopy fixed for january, and i was a bit nervous about it. Reading this thread show me that can be done :->


Thanks :->



Folks have strong intentions and its cool to see a variety of experience.


There is typically a 3 day lead-up to the procedure. Changes and actions the patient should do - per your Doctors advice. When a more serious procedure is involved, I believe in following your Doc's advice to the letter. As your Doctor understands you best.


The nurses reminded me/quizzed me a few times if I followed all the steps.

Why fit in, when you were born to stand out ?

My Soundcloud with many originals:

[70's Songwriter]

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Echo the above. This really is a comprehensive forum and I applaud the maturity and humour in the way this and other topics are discussed. It's a privilege to be able to eaves-drop on such a wealth of collective wisdom. Thanks to all ...and I still want to see those Gifs, Greg.


I have those GIFS. I am composing a song tentatively named " Nasty Polyps " . The GIFS and thumbnails will accompany the original on my SoundCloud.


It will go well as a followup to my " Heart of Steel " on SoundCloud.


More exciting personal news- I have a dermatologist appointment in January and that might get the same riveting TMI coverage. ;)

Why fit in, when you were born to stand out ?

My Soundcloud with many originals:

[70's Songwriter]

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For some reason, every time I scan the thread topics my mind interprets this one as "Gifts of my Colonoscopy." Anyway thanks for reminding me that I'm about due. It is important. I've read that the incidence of cancer in a polyp less than 1 cm in diameter is around 1% IIRC, but above 2cm it jumps to about 40%, so it's a good plan to find them early.

Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.

-Mark Twain


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For some reason, every time I scan the thread topics my mind interprets this one as "Gifts of my Colonoscopy." Anyway thanks for reminding me that I'm about due. It is important. I've read that the incidence of cancer in a polyp less than 1 cm in diameter is around 1% IIRC, but above 2cm it jumps to about 40%, so it's a good plan to find them early.


Get 'er done, brother. Make an appointment.


You will need someone[friend/family] to chauffeur you back and forth.


The bad 'C" can spread quickly down under.


I am glad the procedure is done.

Why fit in, when you were born to stand out ?

My Soundcloud with many originals:

[70's Songwriter]

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I've been thinking about it--I think my juice was called "SurePrep" this time, or something close to it. Much less volume-wise to drink than the gallon jugs I used to have to do.


Honestly, I don't see what all the fuss is about. So you have to poop for an evening...big deal. That's what they invented books for, ya know? Read. Get urge. Take book to the bathroom and read. Finish. Read some more until next urge. So what? The alternative is much, much worse.


Having had five of these things (1 Sigmoid, 4 full), I assure you they are survivable. Stage IV cancer is not.



I'm not interested in someone's ability to program. I'm interested in their ability to compose and play.

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Honestly, I don't see what all the fuss is about. So you have to poop for an evening...big deal.



You have to fast the day before. As in all day. Not eating any solid or any fiber for a full day is annoying. Chicken broth is boring. So is tea. I missed my strong coffee.


My procedure was at 7:45 am. I had to wake up at 2:45 am and continue chugging down my margarita mix/ajax concoction. Every hour.


And no liquids and no anything 2 hours before after the above makes one feel dehydrated.


And if you take any other Rx , you have to pull back on them and coordinate well before the day of the procedure.


Then again, I follow the rules and details when it comes to health maintenance.

Why fit in, when you were born to stand out ?

My Soundcloud with many originals:

[70's Songwriter]

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Honestly, I don't see what all the fuss is about. So you have to poop for an evening...big deal.



You have to fast the day before. As in all day. Not eating any solid or any fiber for a full day is annoying. Chicken broth is boring. So is tea. I missed my strong coffee.


My procedure was at 7:45 am. I had to wake up at 2:45 am and continue chugging down my margarita mix/ajax concoction. Every hour.


And no liquids and no anything 2 hours before after the above makes one feel dehydrated.


And if you take any other Rx , you have to pull back on them and coordinate well before the day of the procedure.


Then again, I follow the rules and details when it comes to health maintenance.


Fasting doesn't bother me. I've had to do it a number of times. To my way of thinking, if people can go without food (or on low rations) in, say, North Korea, for extended periods of time then I can manage a paltry 24 hours or whatever it was. Like I say, I've done this a number of times and just don't see that it's near as horrible as some people say. For that matter, I had to fast before my physical back in February for some sort of blood test. No biggie.



I'm not interested in someone's ability to program. I'm interested in their ability to compose and play.

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I've been thinking about it--I think my juice was called "SurePrep" this time, or something close to it. Much less volume-wise to drink than the gallon jugs I used to have to do.


Honestly, I don't see what all the fuss is about. So you have to poop for an evening...big deal. That's what they invented books for, ya know? Read. Get urge. Take book to the bathroom and read. Finish. Read some more until next urge. So what? The alternative is much, much worse.


Having had five of these things (1 Sigmoid, 4 full), I assure you they are survivable. Stage IV cancer is not.




The stuff I used was called "CLENPIQ". It's the two small containers like SUPREP mentioned above. If you're getting the procedure, ask for them if they don't automatically give them to you. Much improved over the older, high liquid volume stuff.

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Kaiser got my results in


my procedure was a success. they found 2 mini mes

and introduced them to Dexter.


I am set for 5 years.

Why fit in, when you were born to stand out ?

My Soundcloud with many originals:

[70's Songwriter]

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Next week, I will be one year closer to the big 5-0. This is one reason I find that particular milestone to be depressing. :D


Needless to say, I still have at least 400 days of colonoscopy virginity left. :laugh::cool:



"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return."--E. Ahbez "Nature Boy"

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Next week, I will be one year closer to the big 5-0. This is one reason I find that particular milestone to be depressing. :D


Needless to say, I still have at least 400 days of virginity left. :laugh::cool:


your best days are ahead !


Sorry about your virginity..maybe sell it on eBay ? ;)

Why fit in, when you were born to stand out ?

My Soundcloud with many originals:

[70's Songwriter]

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Kaiser got my results in


my procedure was a success. they found 2 mini mes

and introduced them to Dexter.


I am set for 5 years.


Congratulations!! At this time I can extend to you the compliment I received following my hemorrhoidectomy some 30 years ago..."Now you're the perfect a-hole!"


(Understand, of course, I am kidding and mean no offense, but this reminds me so much of that experience. Following that surgery, I could not care less what they called me, even if it wasn't in fun.)



"Yes, on occasion I do talk to myself, sometimes I need an expert's opinion."


Alesis DG8, ARP(Korg)Odyssey Mk.1, Roland JU-06 & Keystation61. Stratocaster if I get tired of sitting.



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Kaiser got my results in


my procedure was a success. they found 2 mini mes

and introduced them to Dexter.


I am set for 5 years.


Congratulations!! At this time I can extend to you the compliment I received following my hemorrhoidectomy some 30 years ago..."Now you're the perfect a-hole!"


(Understand, of course, I am kidding and mean no offense, but this reminds me so much of that experience. Following that surgery, I could not care less what they called me, even if it wasn't in fun.)


And a handsome a-hole it is/I am. LOL


This is whats great about our forum. We can discuss personal sh&^ and sling around humor.


I like dark humor :)

Why fit in, when you were born to stand out ?

My Soundcloud with many originals:

[70's Songwriter]

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I am so glad you took it that way. Thought I would have to make a public apology on CNN. (jk)

Agreed 100% on the dark humor and it doesn't get much darker than in the O.R.


In all seriousness, glad all turn out well and hope it always will. (I'm on the every 5 year schedule, too.)



"Yes, on occasion I do talk to myself, sometimes I need an expert's opinion."


Alesis DG8, ARP(Korg)Odyssey Mk.1, Roland JU-06 & Keystation61. Stratocaster if I get tired of sitting.



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