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Yamaha MODX

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i don't have anything that can transmit on all channels.


First question: do you need anything that can transmit on all channels? What are you trying to achieve?


The MODX6 has, for example, a piano patch that uses 8 "channels". If you want to play that from an external controller, it will have to transmit on 8 channels. However, there's also a one-channel piano. Perhaps not quite as nuanced, obviously, but the difference may be negligible.


Cheers, Mike.

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i don't have anything that can transmit on all channels.


First question: do you need anything that can transmit on all channels? What are you trying to achieve?


The MODX6 has, for example, a piano patch that uses 8 "channels". If you want to play that from an external controller, it will have to transmit on 8 channels. However, there's also a one-channel piano. Perhaps not quite as nuanced, obviously, but the difference may be negligible.

Are you sure MODX has an 8-Part piano? I thought the biggest was 4 Parts. But I could have missed something.


Anyway, to me at least, the ability to transmit on multiple channels isn't about being able to play multi-part versions of instruments, but about being able to trigger multiple parts for splits and layers. I don't think a second board needs to transmit on "all" channels, but I'd want it to be able to transmit on more than one. A lot of boards include 4-zone MIDI controller functions, and I think that's usually plenty. But if you have a single-zone second board, what I'd probably do with an Event Processor would be to take it's one channel input and echo it to channels 9-16 (since the MODX typically plays 1-8 from its own keys). Then any time I want the MODX to have sounds triggered from my second board, I would create Performances that put the desired second board sounds on Parts 9-16. That seems like it would be an elegant solution, giving you up to 8 MODX parts from the MODX keys (which is the most it can do anyway) and up to 8 more MODX parts from external keys.


The only downside to this that I see is that, as I understand it, as soon as you put ANY sound on Parts 9-16, you lose the MODX's seamless sound switching feature (even if you haven't exceeded a total of four Parts, which would normally permit SSS to work). OTOH, realistically, if you're triggering MODX sounds from two boards simultaneously, there's a good chance you would exceed a total of four parts anyway.


If you want to use two boards for MODX sound and maintain SSS, you could either limit your externally triggered sounds to a single Part (say, Part/Channel 4), leaving you 3 Parts for internal sounds (an approach that no longer requires an Event Processor), or if you want to be able to do splits/layers on either/both boards, do something like reserve Parts 1 and 2 for internal use, and parts 3 and 4 for external use (which would require the Event Processor or some other device if your second board can't transmit on two channels simultaneously).

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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Scott is correct - the ones that have (up to ) 8 parts also have layered sounds...EP's and/or pads strings etc

There is no luck - luck is simply the confluence of circumstance and co-incidence...


Time is the final arbiter for all things

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i played the modx through a 2 manual clonewheel , the grand piano is on

channel one , can't use the morph wheel ,also , i noticed with some of the fm sounds , the stereo was split ( one on channel one , the other on

channel 2 ). a performance with a bass patch had the bass part on channel 3 , so yea , i need one channel ( either 1 or 2 ) to transmit on

all the channels on the modx . this is how i read the modx manual on the

subject . i guess it's a yamaha thing . maybe they'll work a fix in a future update , like what they did with the reface keyboards

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Ive never seen a Forte. ive not seen any Kurtz in any store. What brick n mortars carry them? Ive always wanted to try one out ... curious is the cat ...


MotiDave,..I own a Forte and had to travel to SW music (about 3.5 hours away) to play one. I absolutely love it. It's kinda always been the way that Kurzweil in general are not found in most brick & mortar stores, probably for several reasons but none having to do with their effectiveness. I know that David Weiser sells Fortes (among several other keyboard brands) and often (kindly) asks Forte owners living nearby a potential customer to offer to show/allow the potential customer to play the Forte at their house/location. Maybe David can elaborate further regarding this but I thought I would mention that possibility. You really should try a Forte once. It has become quite an instrument over the past several years with some serious updates/expansions in it's capabilities.

Kurzweil Forte 7, Mojo 61, Yamaha P-125,

Kronos X61, Nautilus 73

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i played the modx through a 2 manual clonewheel , the grand piano is on

channel one , can't use the morph wheel ,also , i noticed with some of the fm sounds , the stereo was split ( one on channel one , the other on

channel 2 ). a performance with a bass patch had the bass part on channel 3 , so yea , i need one channel ( either 1 or 2 ) to transmit on

all the channels on the modx . this is how i read the modx manual on the

subject . i guess it's a yamaha thing . maybe they'll work a fix in a future update , like what they did with the reface keyboards

I don't fully understand all that, but the MODX has two modes, single and multi. In single mode, it will play all the same (up to 8) Parts that you have assigned to the MODX' own keys, though you can also use the Kybd Ctrl function on the MODX to make the MODX's own keys play any ONE different sound from the (up to) 8 Parts you're triggering from your other board. In Multi mode, you have more independent control over different combinations of sounds to be triggered from the internal vs. external keys, but the external board can only play as many Parts as the number of MIDI channels that board can transmit on simultaneously. You do not need the second board to be able to transmit on ALL channels, unless you're trying to split/layer 16 Parts. If you're only looking to play up to four Parts, for example, then a second board only has to be able to transmit on up to four MIDI channels.

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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Well fellas, after waffling back and forth for a few weeks between a Forte 7 (and the upcoming PC4) versus a MODX7, I went ahead and ordered the Yamaha.


I'll miss no aftertouch and no fully weighted 76/73, but $1500 for all those features was the deciding factor.


This will be my first Yamaha keyboard. I don't really like the format of the Yamahasynth forums, but at least it looks like Bad Mister has offered a lot of technical and other advice.

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I own both a Forte 7 and MODX6, I like both in their own ways. I like the ease of transport of the MODX6, love it sounds and touch screen is quick and easy to edit on. I mostly miss aftertouch, other than that its great.


I wouldn't trade me Forte for anything, is the most flexible midi controller, sounds full and organic and love how little space it takes up on stage. Its got a great feeling keybed to play.


I'm sure anyone would be happy with either... or both.

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Well fellas, after waffling back and forth for a few weeks between a Forte 7 (and the upcoming PC4) versus a MODX7, I went ahead and ordered the Yamaha.


I'll miss no aftertouch and no fully weighted 76/73, but $1500 for all those features was the deciding factor.


This will be my first Yamaha keyboard. I don't really like the format of the Yamahasynth forums, but at least it looks like Bad Mister has offered a lot of technical and other advice.

Not knowing what youre coming from, i expect youll be absolutely delighted with either choice. I had another gig last night with my MODX7, strolled in with the backpack on and a stand in one hand. Just killed it. i love the gigging ease of the board and big sound i get out of that 16 lb toy. Its more than flexible enough for me to do all the things i want to do sound-wise.


Toy - ha, i say. That crowd was screaming in rock n roll ecstasy, dont tell them they were cheering a toy.


Phil is helpful but also very Yamaha. Challenge Yamaha design decisions and he will very vigorously explain why you dont know what youre talking about. But Ask nice how to questions and he fricken knows it all. I dont like their forum design much either.

The baiting I do is purely for entertainment value. Please feel free to ignore it.
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After a decade break away from synths, I dove straight into the deep end with the Alesis Fusion. I dug the depth, having only previously coming from a Juno 106 and DW-8000 gigging in the 90s.


A Kronos 61 is my main gigging board now, along with a Prophet Rev2 and Integra. I'm looking forward to adding Yamaha's rompler history to the arsenal.


And hey, regarding the toy-like appearance -- like you said, the audience doesn't care about that part, it's the songs and delivery that gets them going. It's funny too how sometimes you can't really tell how good a time they're having. Last night we played for a biker club at an outdoor St Jude fund raiser, and over half the audience were about a generation older than the band. Only a few dancers and a few woots after most songs. One of the "younger" ladies actually came up to rave about our 90s covers which she grew up with, and said don't mind them too much, they're having a good time, it's just that they're used to older material, and once you get to the Bon Jovi era they're not into it as much (not that we do any Bon Jovi in this band).


But the end of the night told a different story. The band is only 2 years old, and we play a fairly diverse mix of songs. We got more and more cheers and dancers as the night went on, esp on the raunchier classic rock dancier songs and the heavier keyboard songs (Spirit of Radio, Jump, Subdivisions). There were a lot of compliments, promise of a re-hire next year, and more than $300 in the tip bucket beyond the regular pay of $700... our best gig yet. I think it was a combination of loud keys, good vocal harmonies, and the moonshine being passed around.

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The MODX7 will also be my first 76 keys board. Really looking forward to more key real estate.


I'm downloading the manual now for homework until the board arrives Tuesday. Any useful gigging tips meanwhile would be appreciated. For instance, can keyboard response (velocity) be tailored per part, or is it just one global setting? The Kronos (and Fusion) has an overall velocity or aftertouch response, but can be further tailored per program using modulation parameters at the OSC level. Thx

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The MODX7 will also be my first 76 keys board. Really looking forward to more key real estate.


I'm downloading the manual now for homework until the board arrives Tuesday. Any useful gigging tips meanwhile would be appreciated. For instance, can keyboard response (velocity) be tailored per part, or is it just one global setting? The Kronos (and Fusion) has an overall velocity or aftertouch response, but can be further tailored per program using modulation parameters at the OSC level. Thx

You can make a global preference setting of neutral, soft or hard response curve as a general utility setting but yes of course you can sculpt each and every part to specific velocity response. Presets are already designed with different velocity characteristics based on what they are trying to do. you can do quick adjustments at the complete part level with offset level and slope parameters in the common edit screen. But You can customize down to the amplitude and pitch envelope responses of each element within each part if you so choose to dive that deep.


There is no AT on the MODX. Only on Montage.

The baiting I do is purely for entertainment value. Please feel free to ignore it.
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Thx, MotiDave. I did know there is no AT on the MODX series, was one of the major factors almost making go for the Forte 7 instead. I'll be using the Rev2 and Kronos controlling the MODX for AT.


One more quick question for anyone who has played outdoors with a MODX, or any of Yamahas boards in general. Do they hold up well in the heat? Reason I'm asking is because my first generation Kronos locked up playing in direct sunlight. I vowed never to bring my Kronos to gigs like that again, but if the MODX can handle it, I'll have to program it to be the main controller for outdoor events.

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Thx, MotiDave. I did know there is no AT on the MODX series, was one of the major factors almost making go for the Forte 7 instead. I'll be using the Rev2 and Kronos controlling the MODX for AT.


One more quick question for anyone who has played outdoors with a MODX, or any of Yamahas boards in general. Do they hold up well in the heat? Reason I'm asking is because my first generation Kronos locked up playing in direct sunlight. I vowed never to bring my Kronos to gigs like that again, but if the MODX can handle it, I'll have to program it to be the main controller for outdoor events.


I don't know about the MODX which is plastic, but my Motif XF8 which is aluminum has been to several 2-3hr long outdoor gigs in summer with sunshine, with no issues whatsoever. Gets a little warm but that's just from the heat itself from the sun shining right on it.

Yamaha: Motif XF8, MODX7, YS200, CVP-305, CLP-130, YPG-235, PSR-295, PSS-470 | Roland: Fantom 7, JV-1000

Kurzweil: PC3-76, PC4 (88) | Hammond: SK Pro 73 | Korg: Triton LE 76, N1R, X5DR | Emu: Proteus/1 | Casio: CT-370 | Novation: Launchkey 37 MK3 | Technics: WSA1R

Former: Emu Proformance Plus & Mo'Phatt, Korg Krome 61, Roland Fantom XR & JV-1010, Yamaha MX61, Behringer CAT

Assorted electric & acoustic guitars and electric basses | Roland TD-17 KVX | Alesis SamplePad Pro | Assorted organs, accordions, other instruments

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Thx, MotiDave. I did know there is no AT on the MODX series, was one of the major factors almost making go for the Forte 7 instead. I'll be using the Rev2 and Kronos controlling the MODX for AT.


One more quick question for anyone who has played outdoors with a MODX, or any of Yamahas boards in general. Do they hold up well in the heat? Reason I'm asking is because my first generation Kronos locked up playing in direct sunlight. I vowed never to bring my Kronos to gigs like that again, but if the MODX can handle it, I'll have to program it to be the main controller for outdoor events.

Ive played outdoors only a couple times but havent yet played in heat - i got mine in November. I hate outdoor day summer gigs, i really do. Put the band in the shade, damnit! I never had a glitch with my Motif XF7 in the hot sun, but probably less than a half dozen over the years. Usually a day gig is a festival, with a good big covered stage. Dont recall ever playing a hot day gig with my MOXF6.


I hate outdoor day gigs without cover. Did i mention that? I also hated I cant read the screen outdoors on XF or MOXF, even if its not hot. MODX is easier to arrange to be readable outside in daylight. I would always cover with white cloth or towel when not playing to minimize heat absorption.

The baiting I do is purely for entertainment value. Please feel free to ignore it.
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One more quick question for anyone who has played outdoors with a MODX, or any of Yamahas boards in general. Do they hold up well in the heat?


I don't know about the MODX which is plastic, but my Motif XF8 which is aluminum has been to several 2-3hr long outdoor gigs in summer with sunshine, with no issues whatsoever. Gets a little warm but that's just from the heat itself from the sun shining right on it.


I gigged many HOT outdoor shows in Texas with my MOX6 then MOXF6, which are both plastic.


I never had an issue.


One thing I did was keep shade over them till downbeat. I also have a heavy duty fan that is faced directly at my boards for the outdoor festival gigs.




Gig Rig:Depends on the day :thu:






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One more quick question for anyone who has played outdoors with a MODX, or any of Yamahas boards in general. Do they hold up well in the heat?


I don't know about the MODX which is plastic, but my Motif XF8 which is aluminum has been to several 2-3hr long outdoor gigs in summer with sunshine, with no issues whatsoever. Gets a little warm but that's just from the heat itself from the sun shining right on it.


I gigged many HOT outdoor shows in Texas with my MOX6 then MOXF6, which are both plastic.


I never had an issue.


One thing I did was keep shade over them till downbeat. I also have a heavy duty fan that is faced directly at my boards for the outdoor festival gigs.


. Yup-keep it covered with something light color (white is best) or better yet shade it if you are so inclined except when actually playing. That goes for any board. I only bring a small Vornado fan, but its gotta point at me or ill melt!
The baiting I do is purely for entertainment value. Please feel free to ignore it.
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Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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I am aesthetically OCD, so having the bottom tier board be less wide than the top-tier board would bug me to no end.

Maybe it just requires a change of mindset...




Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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I am aesthetically OCD, so having the bottom tier board be less wide than the top-tier board would bug me to no end.

Maybe it just requires a change of mindset...



Or just step back to how Yamaha used to do small keybeds, same width less depth.


Look closer at AnotherScotts pix - the Hammond Solovox WAS same width. I had an ancient one, given to me by an equally ancient club dater, in the late 60s. I mounted it on my 67 Rhodes suitcase and had what amounted to my first synth. It was awesome.

You can see a glimpse of it in this shot...




Yamaha P515 & CK88, Pianoteq, Mainstage, iOS, assorted other stuff.

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I've got a solovox in my attic somewhere, but I no longer have the amp it plugged into. :-(

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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  • 3 months later...

Resurrecting this old thread because I want easier access to 38 pages of opines now that I have one. Also, could not stop myself...got the Organimation expansion. Nice to have a bunch more presets and sample waves to work with, but still struggling to replace the VR09.


Apparently KSounds released this pack before the OS update that added a modestly improved Rotary2 in the effects section. Spent most of the evening goofing around with that stuff.


This would be a whole lot more fun if it weren't for the show dates quickly approaching that I'm trying to get this board ready for. What is done so far sounds really good and is a breeze to navigate. Super anxious for rehearsal tomorrow. :keys2:

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Welp, pulled the trigger.


I think a last thing that caused me to jump was hearing that (hopefully, maybe) I could easily fold an ipad into my rig using this thing. I've shied away from this before since 1) didn't have another phyisical keyboard to use and 2) didn't want to mess with an interface and other bits. If it's truly easy to just plug an ipad in and go, that is a big plus for future-proofing my rig. I got the Modx7 so there's a handy place to put the ipad too!


Just listened to this ipad synth today...man what you can get for 10 bucks (of course, have to have an ipad!)



Mainly though I need an all-rounder to supplement my Electro and do what my ailing pc3 is now doing. I think this will do the trick nicely.


Edit: removed the embedded video above, it was huge...and wasn't the modx in any case. (nice sounding ios synth though!)

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