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Heads-up: SpaceStation keyboard amp is apparently back

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" Just place your SS3 facing directly into a corner, about 1-2" away, thereby creating a poor man's Klipsch horn..."


Will try that sometime. But did you mean 1-2 INCHES or 1-2 FEET.



Good catch Mike, correction made, thanks!


"Just place your SS3 facing directly into a corner, about 1-2 feet away, thereby creating a poor man's Klipsch horn."


Proving once again, I really shouldn't post before my morning coffee!


tried that - too muffled for my taste... anyone else try?

gig: hammond sk-1 73, neo vent, nord stage 2 76, ancona 34 accordion, cps space station v3

home: steinway m, 1950 hammond c2


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Sorry for the delayed review. Things got a little busy for a few days.


So I used the SS & Behringer sub on a Jazz quartet gig , with Trumpet , electric bass & drums, this past Saturday in Studio City. I should defer to Bob / Jazzmammal, as he was there and probably had a better idea of how things sounded then me. :laugh:


I'll just say from my perspective - I'm very used to my RCF TT08As ,TT22As and JMK Audio JM-110 pre/di. The ss was a totally different sound and I wasn't quite hearing things as clearly as I do with my speakers and pre.


It was compounded by the fact the acoustic bass player the leader/ trumpet player had lined up , bailed the day before. He had exhausted all the upright players in his book, so we went with someone, on electric, we both knew and had played with before.


Again this is a very informal pick up gig where whoever can make it shows up. On the other hand we were all sight reading some originals by Howie Shear, the trumpet player. So it wasn't like we were just calling tunes out of the Real Book. Overall everyone did a stellar job and we were well received by the attentive audience.!


For me, the bass got a bit loud after a few tunes when the energy and intensity level went up. When this started happening, I did lose the clarity of the CP4 in the overall mix -both on comping and solos. The volume was at a level I don't particularly like to play *acoustic jazz* at. It almost felt kinda fusiony to me. And consequently I felt the tone, clarity and crispness on the SS wasn't quite what I was used to with my TT08As.


Basically I felt kinda smothered for the most part. Talking with Bob after the one 90 minute set , he generally concurred. Although he did say that when he moved away from the bass amp , out into the room, the piano was more clear.


I would like to hear it again, in a room with better acoustics--they're really terrible at this place. Also in a less intense ,more laid back setting. I have such a gig this Friday with just guitar & upright, no drums. So if time allows I will swing by Aspen's place on the way up the 14 and give it another shot.


I will say the convenience factor, with less patch cords to deal with, is a huge plus. As well as not trying to figure out the best placement for it (or two speakers actually) - speaker pole , wedge position , chair.


I haven't used an amp in quite a few years now, since I had a Motion Sound KP200. I'd forgotten about all the obvious time saving advantages that go with an amp.


I did like the tone playing both in my studio and warming up before we started. Maybe not quite as much as my fairly high end speaker / preamp setup though. As most know that have followed my frequent posts on the matter - I can be real picky when it comes to trying to get an acceptable sound, for me at least, with a digital piano.


So again, not ruling it out, but would like another listen in a different situation. And thanks again Aspen for letting me take both of those cabinets out. :)


Aspen's the man! Thanks for the insightful report Dave - hope you encounter better room acoustics the next time you try... the other thing I've been playing with to improve my own perception of the "bloom" is to get the space station as far away from myself as possible - even got a fresh pair of twenty foot cables for just that purpose - my bifold baffle also seems to help when there's a bunch of stuff on stage...

gig: hammond sk-1 73, neo vent, nord stage 2 76, ancona 34 accordion, cps space station v3

home: steinway m, 1950 hammond c2


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How does the horizontal/amp stand trick work for the "bloom" and stereo effects? Trying to decide if I should buy such a stand.


I just got mine yesterday, snuck it into the house unnoticed (heee hee), and played around with it this morning.


Very cool! Using it with a Roland VR09, digging the Leslie effects and patches that emphasize stereo effects. Made me late for work, it did!


Already happy I bought it, can't wait to gig with it!


Doing some reggae/ska/dub stuff. Can't wait to see my bandmates freak when I hit that first dub hit with stereo echo and reverb.


"Whoa dude, what was that".


I'll just say


"what was what?"



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congrats roy - mine is being held hostage at the Carlsbad CA Fedex hub. it arrived there at 8:30am, ... I want that!


Mescal - I didn't see a sub in Nord-ville ... uh-oh :)

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Then also, this area under 100Hz is the bass players world...he carries the bottom for the band...and competing bottom makes for a mushy sounding band. The bass player is the star in the band for that region!


Well, this is unfortunately much too simple since decades.

Herbie Hancock´s "Chameleon" is one of these tunes where the keyboardist plays the main bass line and the bassist plays fills in higher ranges and in Michael Jackson´s live bands, the bassist used to play a MIDI controller triggering a bass synth, preferably Minimoog, to cover what´s on the records and then we have all the tunes where the Moog Taurus was in use being replaced by a Moog Taurus III and/or MOOG Minitaur today.

In fact, I know TONS of records using synths for the bass.

Keyboardists cover the entire sonic range and dynamics of existing instruments which is way beyond the "standard" piano/organ stuff.


I too think a sub isn´t the holy grail, but w/ a 8" woofer only, a carefully selected and well balanced sub for THAT system is a great help in regards of low end as well as a protection for that woofer(s) inside the top speaker.

Not to forget to mention how much power LF content eats from your 100W amps for front- and side woofers.

With the sub and HPF in front of the SSv3´s inputs, your 100w amps are for what they should be,- the 8" woofer and side speaker and above 100Hz,- isn´t it ?





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For me,

If you have a duo(or one man band) like I do and everything is running through it,including drums,,bass,keys,Vocals & guitars...Ya need a sub. in my honest opinion. Very small gigs maybe can get away with but, I prefer a sub

To cover everything.

I'm using this as a full portable pa basically.

So, for a single instrument like keys,that's a different story

Which I am not sure about that app.






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if I wanted to get away with something, i'd just play my KC again. alas, i swore a solemn vow to bestow this musical marvel to a new lucky owner. I shall keep this pledge upon the morrow, when my SSv3 is delivered along side a sub accoutriment.


A C - you restored my faith ... you're like a hero

The baiting I do is purely for entertainment value. Please feel free to ignore it.
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For me,

If you have a duo(or one man band) like I do and everything is running through it,including drums,,bass,keys,Vocals & guitars...Ya need a sub. in my honest opinion. Very small gigs maybe can get away with but, I prefer a sub

To cover everything.

I'm using this as a full portable pa basically.

So, for a single instrument like keys,that's a different story

Which I am not sure about that app.


Tom, in your application I totally agree with you. A sub is essential in a full band reinforcement situation, whether that's one man or ten.

Hammond A100 w/ 2x Leslie 122, Leslie 145 w/ combo pedal, Casio P5S, SS3, Groove Tubes SFX G5 cab + CPS/QSC RM4500 KB amp, 1955 Steinway 48" studio upright.
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I have this flight case as well as the Nord soft case. Very well made and quite light. I use the SS3 and B-sub for this and my other KB's(5) exclusively now.


I now enjoy star status as I am the only entertainer to use this marvelous innovation in my part of South Florida. Of coarse, this won't last forever with the raves I have been getting.


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For me,

If you have a duo(or one man band) like I do and everything is running through it,including drums,,bass,keys,Vocals & guitars...Ya need a sub. in my honest opinion. Very small gigs maybe can get away with but, I prefer a sub

To cover everything.

I'm using this as a full portable pa basically.

So, for a single instrument like keys,that's a different story

Which I am not sure about that app.


Tom, in your application I totally agree with you. A sub is essential in a full band reinforcement situation, whether that's one man or ten.


Thanks for clarity on this Aspen. Sometimes I think

there's confusion as to the application that I'm talking

about vs the use for mostly keyboard only.


Now,I would not hesitate to just grap one of my

SS's with a small book sized mixer and use it

for say a church wedding or acoutic gig. Not

To mention with just my Kemper amp for guitar

Only use. And I don' t want to use the phrase"

Get by with " as that's not the case at all.

The SS is fully capible as a PA solution.

If you treat her right she'll pay you back

Two fold. It 's been along time since this

Old guy has been excited about gear.

The Spacestation has brought me back

To that excitement. Kinda like getting

One of those Columbia house record deliveries

When I was a teen. I couldn't wait to get.

I would read all the linner notes,who produced it




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I just ordered an SS3. I only hesitated because I am in a southern rock tribute band that plays outdoor festivals and has extremely loud stage volumes. However, I just signed up for a mellow martini lounge act and figured the SS3 would shine.


I still dislike rehearsing with my EV powered speakers for most of my electric and acoustic piano patches, even after lots and lots of tweaking.

Artis7, S90ES, X50, SSV3
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Venue size matters. :-) Tried my new SS3 at home w/o sub. Sounded great. However, in the 1400 seat auditorium using only one SS3 I really needed the sub to support the volume I needed to enable the SS3 to not be burdened with below 100Hz material. Last night I played LHB with a bass patch blended with a sub bass patch and it was fabulous. There is no way the SS3 alone could have done that in a venue that large. This is NOT a ding on the SS3. Was not designed for this. Kicked bass with Xk3 and it sounded better than any Leslie I have used (from a full bass perspective). So, Aspen did us all a GREAT favor by giving us a CHOICE with the mono out signal. Aspen, two thumbs up! By the way, I have had to turn DOWN my SS3 to 12:00... this is just amazing considering the size of the venue. Last week, my first time using the SS3, I was clocked at 105 db by an unhappy sound guy. Oops.


Hammond XK3, Yamaha PSR-s610, Leslie 3300, Neo Ventilator, Motion Sound Pro-145(fixed!), Yamaha Clubs & Subs, Hammond T-220

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Finally decided to take the plunge!

I actually went through every page....read everything before deciding.

This forum has been fantastic.

I would never normally buy something without actually hearing it....Not a very good idea! However the breadth of opinion...and for the most part the sensible comments re how it performs in real life situations has helped....no...convinced me to get one. Everyone's taste differs...(thank God!) but having listened to some comments made by people and having checked their websites for the quality of their playing and composition....I think I can relie on their "ears"!

Now there's the wait! Here's hoping!





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Anyone have any experience using the SS3 as a mini PA for a keyboard/vocal OMB ? I use a Yamaha psr 950 and TC Helicon vocal harmonizer. I play pretty small venues like house parties, pool parties, dances at senior centers, and restaurants. I get good results with two Bose compacts, but it would be nice to have an "all in one unit" Any thoughts?
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Anyone have any experience using the SS3 as a mini PA for a keyboard/vocal OMB ? I use a Yamaha psr 950 and TC Helicon vocal harmonizer. I play pretty small venues like house parties, pool parties, dances at senior centers, and restaurants. I get good results with two Bose compacts, but it would be nice to have an "all in one unit" Any thoughts?


It is my full pa now. I have a duo "two man band" so to speak.

Normally I use one Ev 12" powered sub and a SS

With a Mackie Dl1608 mixer. If I need more I stack

The two SS's with one or two Ev subs.

So yes this cann be a great pa solution.

Still new to me so it's stillin the early stages

(whatever stages I can fill!)sorry couldn't resist.




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To me this is the next application for Aspen to conquer. He has us keyboard players already. The first time I heard the SS was at the Amp Show in LA and he had keys, bass, two guitars and two vocals going through one SS. What was really funny was he had it sitting on a small sub but forgot to plug it in yet the bass guitarist was still heard, just not with a lot of strong bottom. Later when he caught it the sub really changed it but seriously it did not sound bad without it and the overall volume in a lounge sized room with about 25 people was plenty loud. I used to work a lot of lounges where that would have been the max volume.


Check out his video page here:




Lots of these vids are using the SS as a PA. They sound best if you either play them through a good sound system (not just little crap computer speakers) and turn it up or use decent headphones.



Hammond SK1, Mojo 61, Kurzweil PC3, Korg Pa3x, Roland FA06, Band in a Box, Real Band, Studio One, too much stuff...
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Finally decided to take the plunge!

I actually went through every page....read everything before deciding.




Now that is dedication!!

SpaceStation V3,


KronosX-73,MS Pro145,Ventilator,OB DB1,Lester K

Toys: RIP died in the flood of 8/16 1930 Hammond AV, 1970s Leslie 145, 1974 Rhodes Stage


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Finally decided to take the plunge!

I actually went through every page....read everything before deciding.


you set an excellent example for others. :thu:

This forum has been fantastic.


Welcome. Glad you could join us.

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To me this is the next application for Aspen to conquer. He has us keyboard players already. The first time I heard the SS was at the Amp Show in LA and he had keys, bass, two guitars and two vocals going through one SS. What was really funny was he had it sitting on a small sub but forgot to plug it in yet the bass guitarist was still heard, just not with a lot of strong bottom. Later when he caught it the sub really changed it but seriously it did not sound bad without it and the overall volume in a lounge sized room with about 25 people was plenty loud. I used to work a lot of lounges where that would have been the max volume.


Check out his video page here:




Lots of these vids are using the SS as a PA. They sound best if you either play them through a good sound system (not just little crap computer speakers) and turn it up or use decent headphones.



i was about to tell you his system sounds like a crappy laptop :).


mine is on the truck for delivery today.

The baiting I do is purely for entertainment value. Please feel free to ignore it.
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i was about to tell you his system sounds like a crappy laptop :).




mine is on the truck for delivery today.


Enjoy. Based on your description of your gigs and venues, I'll be curious to hear how the amp works out for you.

Now out! "Mind the Gap," a 24-song album of new material.

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I'll be reporting first impressions on Sunday. I'll try to get some spies in the crowd to scope it from an attendee view but I suspect they will be overwhelmed by FOH. see if as they get closer to me they can discern anything.
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Just plain great? Hhmm?

Not fabulous great? Maybe....Can I get a "hell ya" great!!!!.???

Geez....A good Elvis impersonator is just plain great but Elvis

Was ggggrrrrreeattt! Oh, and Tony the Tiger also.


Seriously though,good point about turning up your presence.

This can make a big difference if you feel it might lack a little



Also,it's perfect if your playing rock for old folks that want you to "turn it down Sunny!" :Python:

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Hm, this thing is gonna take some gettin' used to. I just bought an SS V3 from a local guitarist who decided it just wasn't for him. Spent some time with it yesterday in my practice room, running a Yamaha S90ES and Roland Fantom X7 thru it. I was feeling pretty positive about how it all sounded.

I have two gigs this weekend, so I wanted to try it out with my gig rig, an S70XS and Hammond XK3 with Vent. (I also have a second X7 I use live.) I set everything up in my garage, which is about 2/3 floor below my living room. I went thru all the setups I use regularly on the S70XS, then tried the organ. I was a little disappointed, to be honest. Some things sounded spectacular, others... Not so much. I just wasn't hearing what I had hoped to hear, especially based on the time I spent with it yesterday.

I packed everything up and came inside. My wife was sitting in the living room reading. I said, "I don't know if I'm going to keep that thing. It just didn't wow me."

She said, "Really? It wowed me! At one point, I thought you had come inside and were playing the grand piano! I thought everything sounded great!"

Guess I need to give this a little more time!

Live: Yamaha S70XS (#1); Roland Jupiter-80; Mackie 1202VLZ4: IEMs or Traynor K4

Home: Hammond SK Pro 73; Moog Minimoog Voyager Electric Blue; Yamaha S70XS (#2); Wurlitzer 200A

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