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Everything posted by J.F.N.

  1. Quoting myself.. haha! I am a big fan of Chef´s Table and other cooking shows, love these food & travel lifestyle series, I'm sure I could find some decent product series of kitchenware based on some of the chefs in the shows I watch!
  2. I second the Line 6 M series, had an M9 that unfortunately gave up on me (motherboard problem, and bought used), then bought a brand new M5 instead together with the Expression pedal for it, and it's definitely a commonly used unit here. I have a Pod HD Pro rack unit as well, with the FBV Express MkII for it too, this takes everything one step further with the amps and speaker models on top of all the FX and pedal models.
  3. Softube trying to peddle me their Mastering suite "FLOW" by referring to Mastering Engineers working with world famous names, I wonder, if i grab some kitchenware, same brand and models as some really great Michelin Chef, using this logic I would then cook amazing food, right!
  4. I like the "Dynamic" variation in the Earthy Rhodes, very useful according to my taste. The Scarbee has some interesting variations too but I don't think anything like that Dynamic one.
  5. The modules are on sale atm, up to 50%, just grabbed a bunch...
  6. Non slip adhesive mat at the bottom of the pedal? Just added some on the feet of my newly (used) purchased Kawai sustain pedal.
  7. If you are in need of redundancy it'd make more sense to clone your setup on a second iPad as a spare.
  8. Now we're just waiting for the iOS version...
  9. I found a buddy to Rachmaninoff, namely Vivaldi, it's looking good for being finger gymnastics too, will save him as well and look into when my fingers are more used to their new organization...
  10. Spent some time with this yesterday afternoon and a bit more here now this morning, and I say a huge Great Thanks, all the input makes full sense! Good thing I started this thread and you guys chimed in right away, this changes things completely for my morning routine, beautiful! Rachmaninoff will have to wait, I will be fully busy for a while now grasping the finger settings physically, but as soon as it starts to work well I will get back to him!
  11. I full second you there, it sounds like the dist is apart from the organ sound, they're not "glued together"...
  12. Great thanks both of you, I have copied your input into my notes and will go through this tonight, highly appreciated!!!
  13. And as a follow up then, what would your preferred finger setting for the diatonics on the RH be then?
  14. This is great input, I think for a while now I need some time consuming torture to get my fingers going, I don't mind actually, it's kind of meditative when I do it and I already feel when I improvise and have fun on the boards that things are floating a lot better already, so 3-2-1-4 and 2-1-4-3, I shall definitely give this a go tomorrow morning, thanks a lot!! I will look at the Rachmaninoff's Arpeggios tonight and see if this is something to include in my morning routine too, cheers! And I do agree it is a good thing wasting time on these things, I can't see how else I would be able to improve my technique and flow. I am, and always been, a very "emotional" player, I can make that Hammond sing and there's not a dry eye in the room, but playing fast and steady over scales in solos and passages has always been tough, I guess just because, I didn't waste my time on these things.. Super, love this input, again thanks!!
  15. As some of you may have read, I am back behind the boards after 20+ years absence more or less (marriage yada yada, now divorced, hoooorray!), doing my catch-up, and some. Started to put together a morning routine 20-30 minute practice program, which among things includes finger gymnastics using the diatonic 7th chords in arpeggios with both hands. Every week all exercises in one key, next week new key, to go through them all and then back around again. Now I don't have any formal education in music, piano, keyboards to talk about and this is the first time in life that I actually start to bother about these things for real. Now in the second week of this, I am stumbling upon some minor obstacles, nevertheless important ones, and if anyone of you fellow board-members happen to be aces in the field of finger logistics, I'd really love to pick your brains on this. Take as an example, in the key of D, let's see if I get this right, on all the chords my left hand naturally starts with the pinky, skips the ring finger, and then go on with the rest of the chord, apart from on the F#m7 and C#dim7 where the natural feeling is to start with the ring finger, and then go on from there. So far so good, and I play all the diatonics 7ths in that key up an octave with both hands, and then back reversed. As I am not really used to notice these things and care for them it becomes a bit of a struggle, and I understand that this is great and that I need to practice this, but I haven't really been able to find any good exercise for keeping the right fingers in the right places. Maybe (probably) my search is fruitless due to lack of experience and not knowing what to look for, SO, this is where I am reaching out to y'all hoping someone is a monster on this and knows exactly what medicine I need here to become the next Jordan Rudess (joke :D) Metronome, check, starting slow (about 50), playing 8th notes, and not until it feels fluid I step up 3-5ish bpm.
  16. It's a mystery to me that the KingKORG isn't more sought after, have had one for many years now and it ain't going anywhere. I see it as my bread and butter analogue modeling synth, it does that job really well.
  17. I'll see what I can find, would prefer 1TB indeed, even if all recording data and sample data will end up on some type of external raid systems, it's definitely a good idea to have enough space on the system drive.
  18. Amazon, USB floppy for $10-$15 ish, always good to have when owning old junk. I have both that and a USB CD/DVD-RW, and they're both purchased for sorting situations like this out, and after that used for other things within the same realm that has been popping up too.
  19. This is why the market for Library Production Music has totally exploded the last 5-10 years. Both Universal and SONY has created new big organisations for this, and BMG has been on a shopping spree the last 5 years buying up a bunch of independent library production music publishers and distributors. What used to be an open market with a lot of independent actors, is today controlled by the big ones. Luckily there are still some big independent actors out there running their growing business, like West One and APM (working as a distribution channel for a lot of smaller publishers) making it possible for new composers to get into the business, which with the big ones is completely impossible, it's become a huge walled area with closed ports! I guess the major labels have understood where they need to dig today...
  20. They seem to go from $150 and upwards so if it's in good condition it could be an okay deal.
  21. Someone definitely is torn: "Longtime studio engineer Gary Myerberg said: "There is no money in the recording music business. That's basically like a flyer for your show. I don't think there's much hope for the recording industry in L.A. ... If you want to go to the studio and spend $2,000 a day, just take that and buy a laptop and a sample library or tell AI what song you want to make, and it'll make it.”" The industry has indeed changed and is in constant motion. About a decade and some ago, those who were in line with reality started reforming their business offering well equipped production suites, and high tech mix rooms, and possibly a booth or small room for overdubs etc. shared between the production suites.
  22. Your post made me look at their site too, there's a big brother to the one you grabbed, VERY pornographic!! (Imagine in a larger midi network....) Can't find any place to order these in Europe though...
  23. That's cool, though then I can use MidiFire instead, it's made for that, and have extremely powerful midi processing abilities too. I did this in my previous setup. Though it's not what I want here, the importance for me now is direct intuitive control, "I want to access that/those machines with this board right now"... Check out MidiFire if you don't know it, veeeery powerful. The only caveat is that's you can't rename your MIDI items in your objects listing, your patches yes, you can call them what you want, but not the items, which kind of gets messy when you have 3 interfaces with 16 ports each....
  24. https://musictech.com/news/industry/moog-music-moving-asheville/
  25. Just curious if there was another app doing the same thing as AUM, as you see in my posts here I'm more than satisfied with what I can do with the AUM MIDI routing...
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