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Folks, I finally got my catch-all mp3 music page up and am starting to populate it, which is tough when they take two weeks to approve a song.


Anyway, if you have a minute, check out the tune called "Mess." My friend Doctor Steve wrote it and sung lead, I did the rest. It's just a trifling little rocker, but I'd love to hear any and all reactions to it. It's here:



Check out the Sweet Clementines CD at bandcamp
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Coyote, nice job on the Rainbow tune. Not my favored genre, but it's an excellent exercise. It reminds me of how former XTC guitarist/keyboardist Dave Gregory used to sholarly recreations of '60s songs on his four track. His Starwberry Fields is unbleivable. Anyway, great job. Your singing ain't bad at all.



Check out the Sweet Clementines CD at bandcamp
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  • 2 weeks later...

Recorded this last night...the words are taken from a poem by Daisy called "Situation". Drums and Rhodes were recorded live a while ago, vocal and all other instruments last night.


Any advice on the mix would be appreciated.


"Situation" (9mb)


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Just found this link. Here's a couple of tunes I'd love some feedback on if anyone is willing.


I've seen the thoughtful and helpful reviews that many of you have given to other posters here on the forum, and I would really appreciate it if you could give a listen to at least some part of these three songs and let me know what you think and how specifically they could be improved. Thanks to anyone who offers feedback, and I'd be happy to return the favor!

Here they are:


1. I Know Some Things - Chill Out/Lounge Tune



2. Anthymyst - Trying to be an anthym, but more of a retro thing instead I guess



3. Chromatica - An attempt at Melodic Trance






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  • 2 weeks later...

hi erverybody,



already posted a track as a new thread.

but then i was pointed to this thread by some senior members.

seems to be pthe place for track discussion.

so let's reanimate ist.


finally i (rabbit in your headlights) got some new track done.

i would suppose it's some sort of trip hop.

scenario is some nigthly car drive through some big city.

http://www.sektion6.de/riyh -> drifting


you need speakers with some could base response,

as there is some very deep sine base working for the groove.


i would be really interested in your opinion.

any opinion is appreciated.

how can i improve it?

what do you like (i hope there is something) and what don't you like.






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Martin, I like the background tracks a lot. What synthesizers did you use? How was the track recorded?


The "rap" sounded a little out of time to me. Maybe that's what you wanted, but I'm used to hearing raps over a strong beat. This is beautiful music; I found the vocal to be distracting. I would have enjoyed the music by itself more. Perhaps you can write a new background for the words and do an instrumental mix of this song.


Very beautiful sounds, beautifully recorded.

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hi dansouth,


didn't we meet before?8-)=


thanx for the positive feedback.

that's what keeps me going.


i used only two of my synthesizers and one sampler.

the strings and one fx are from my quasimidi polymorph. a german va.


the steal gitarre comes out of my esi400. it was on one of the cds delivered with it, but it was pretty much changed by eq.


the rest is done with my virus a. again some va from germany.

but i thik these machines are welknown abroad.

pretty lovely machine.


beats were totally done by pc.


that's it.


for recording i used some dynamic akg microphone for the vocals, my small mackie and a sblive as audio/midi device.


no pro stuff, totally homerecording but the result is ok in my ears. sequencing, eq and effects are almost toally done by means of software (cubase).


referring to the vocals, i think this track definitely needs these words, because of what i'm saying. i have to admit that there is some room for improvement referring to how i say it and how it was recorded. but this song without the text wouldn't xpress the feelings, emotions, mood i want to xpress. most of the feedback i'm getting is saying that they do not really like the vocals. so i think i'll do a second version in which i'll try to record, "rap" in a different way. maybe some sort of whispering version.

the fact that the raps aren't that tight is intended. total feeling should be relaxed and layed back. more speking to myself than the audience.


again, thanx for the feedback.




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i just started listen to the links on this site, ive only gotten through the first 3 pages.. there is a lot of very very talented people here...

DAVEBRYCE: beutiful absorbing atmosphere, full and rich, good rytym in woogman, B.T.W. pink floyd rules...


JONATHANHUGHES:awesome music, good recording, nice ambiance/clear sound

XFACTOR111@HOME.COM: nice mix, good beat on olympia, nice pull

ARSENIUS@HOTMAIL.COM: i love the ambiance journey of a thousand miles

good rythym of 2001, andromeda is capturing

DDEEZ: good beats, i LOVE your music, powerful with rythym

MUSICMAN: nice feel, good music (paticulary clay men)


FXSOUND@GTE.NET: i love music like this, ambiant noise, dark spiritual, like nin

same goes for


ISTYLE: the beginning of kammaibear sounds THICKLY of pink floyd, then turns into a good beat

DANSOUTH: i really like your music, but i knew i was going to anyways

GUSTRAX: the wake up remix is rad

JIA@HIB.NO: i like steg


i really look forward to listening to the rest and to the previous again, theres alot of talent here.

but for now i better start paying attention in class :D

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Hey Dave,


Just started going through everybody's songs on this thread to give them a listen. Yours were first so here are my thoughts.


Overall, I liked them. Evil Genius is a lot of fun. You should post a list of the 20 different synths you used! :)


Woogman is a fun tune. Love the female vocals.


Smoker's Blues reminded me of a Randy Newman tune. Very fun and nice.


Tapdancer didn't really grab me, but without killer guitars, it's hard to call it classic rock. The lead guitar was nice, but I would have liked to hear more guitars throughout the song, especially some crunchy rhythm.


Balthazar started too slowly for me. I liked the opera singer sounding lead though, I just think it would be better if it got started quicker than the 1:35 lead in :) Once it got started, tough it was nice. It had kind of a world/Egyptian feel to it.


Ciao Cacao I loved. It reminded me of 70's prog rock, which I really enjoy. It was nice to hear the Andromeda screaming those lead lines. Too much fun! I'd call it progressive rock or progressive electronica instead of funk, but that's just me.


Veldt was a nice exploration of world music.


Susan's March wasn't really my style.


Away We Go sounds like a Tom Petty song. Very nice. The hi-hat's got a bit distracting for me after a short while. Maybe I would have liked it better with the hi-hat mixed farther back in the mix or slowed down a bit. It did move into the back more after the song progressed a bit. Again, just a thought.


Syzygy - can the use of synths ever really be gratuitous!?!? Nice piece. I loved the lead lines.


They were fun to listen to. Thanks,



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Okay, here are some more thoughts for what it's worth:


Arsenius – nice tune. Good space. I tend to crowd my songs too much, so I'm trying to work on adding more space.

MIDI Mike – Wow, nice crooner tunes. With the comeback of these through people like Diana Krall, Freddie Cole, etc. you should do very well. Great voice by the way.

Ddeez – Nice beatz. Do you have a version with the vocals over it?

John Palumbo – Sandstone was pretty, but just too slow for me. I liked the melody, chords and hooks in Someone's Watching. Nice tune. All Fall Down – I was expecting more of a Nirvana type vocal with this one. Your voice is so nice and melodic, it doesn't really go with this type of song for my ears. I liked it, but I'd like it more with a rougher vocalist leading it. Sail Away – nice tune with nice harmonies. I like your voice a lot. Some of the rhymes seemed a little forced, but I liked it over all. Clay Men – same comments as for All Fall Down. I liked the tune, but would like a rougher vocalist with it.

GusTrax – Standing In The Rain – wow, nice tune. I liked the music, synth choices (Reaktor sounded great!) and the vocals. It reminded me of something that could have been a mega hit in the "80s. Nice retro feel. They should sign you now! J Wake Up – I didn't really like the saw synth sound in this one. Danceable for sure though. Llevame – nice arrangement. Esa Noche – very well done. I liked the sounds a lot. The vocals were too far in the back and had too much reverb though. I think it would sound a lot better if you could fix that.

Bfunk – Shade – Nice funky tune. It really reminded me of someone I've heard before, but I can't place it. Sounds great!

Michael Oster – The Creature was an interesting tune. Reminded me of something kind of Frank Zappaesque. Clone – this one just took too long to get started for me, unless it was just supposed to be an ambient tune, I listened for 2 minutes but then gave up L

Dan South – I really liked your Fugue in Am. Done on a Prophet 5? Very nice! J As a matter of fact, I liked all the Baroque tunes. I'm not a big ambient fan, but I agree the Night Drive Through Vegas would be good to play on that drive. Nice mood music! J

Rain Dance was probably my favorite of all. I could see myself hearing that on a listening station in Tower Records and buying it.

Guest Room Warrior – Look To The Future – Nice jams. A little slow getting started for my taste, but I know that's the style of that type of music.

IrossMusic – Waaasuuup was very nice. It sounded a little thin production wise. It definitely sounded better once I turned it way up. Overall, I really liked it, but I would have liked a different lead sound.

Jorn – Nice new age feel to all your tunes. I liked the Song for Christmas

Nursers – Radio Babble – Nice, but the music seemed a bit far back in the mix. I'd like it better if the music could be brought more to the front of the mix if that makes any sense.

RobsMusic – Nice Christian tunes. Very nice.

Sagov – I really enjoyed Post Modern Piano





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Roland (Rollerator) - You've really got that EuroPop sound down - not exactly what I expected from San Diego. ;) Your mixes are all fat and warm. I'm curious to know how much of this was produced on the Karma.


I Know Some Things - Interesting use of sampled speech.


Anthymyst - I like your used of arpeggiators.


Chromatica - Well-suited for film. This would sound good behind an action or chase sequence.


Interpolation - Excellent sequencer effects. Reminds me of a happy version of Tangerine Dream. I really, REALLY like the sounds on this one (Karma?). Interesting panning effects.

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Ey evryone... im kinda new here, actually my first time..

im in a band ( i play the keyboards) and we just got a break for an album recording... the thing is, im kinda aloof on what kind of sound my bandmates want to produce.. we play r&b/pop/rap on our gigs but they wanna produce something "different" in our album.. i wanna contribute but the thing is, i dunno what melody to start on when i compose.. Actually, i only started playing the keyboards when i was in college. Before that, it was all classical piano for me... that's also one thing why im havin' a hard time adjusting... (tho' ive been with them for quite a while and ive kinda gotten the hang of it unlike before).. im basically asking help in composing/arranging... anyone? :)

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Ungas - there are people here who can help you, but please start a New Topic for this discussion, okay? The thread that you posted to is for posting musical examples. Post your message as a new topic, and we'll be glad to try to help you.


Good luck, and welcome!

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dan south,


what can i say - your stuff is amazing. great work with the classical stuff. actually, all round! i had a little giggle when i heard the keyboard guitar in Night Drive. sounds good though - great guitar line.

i'm hoping to post a song or two of mine soon, see what everyone thinks.


and dan - where's the photo of you???......


pray for peace,


"Consider how much coffee you're drinking - it's probably not enough."
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Originally posted by dansouth@yahoo.com:

Mike (coren5555) - your home page link seems to be down. Is there another link I can try?


well dan ill level with you :) i could give you the address, but everything on there my band did in grade 10 :o


not to mention it dosent have keyboards (real one's anyway ;) )

you can check it out if you want but that was like 4 years ago, and were in the studio right now so ill actually have new product soon.


or web page

its intresting music; but me and the guitarist are both in recording school right now so i think the new product will be a little better :)

ill put it up sometime in jan.

i won't be doing key's until next summer, probobly


thanks for the intrest :)

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Originally posted by jimbyjoe:

and dan - where's the photo of you???......


I was the model for the statue (yeah, right!). ;)


If you can find the photos of the SSS dinner, you can see me there. A link is posted in one of the threads on SSS and also in one of the threads here on The Keyboard Corner. :)


Thanks for the very generous compliments. Glad you liked the pseudo-guitar. I would have played it on the six-string, except I suck. ;)

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Hey Dan, thanks for listening!


LOL, yeah, I'm a big fan of the Europop. :) I'll work on some surf music though so I can have more of a San Diego sound for you :) None of the songs you mentioned were produced on the Karma. My all Karma songs are:


Almost Pink

Homeward Feeling

Z Drum and Bass Improv

Roland's Lead Improv Demo

Pink Like Me

Tube Jam

Roland's Clav Improv Demo


and I did them all the first night I had the KARMA. I did an all-nighter I was having so much fun!


The sounds on Interpolation as I recall were a MemoryMoog and some Ilio/Spectrasonics sample CD's played through an E4 Platinum sampler.


Thanks again for the kind words. :)



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Mike, your first link doesn't work, but the second one took me to the Cafe Insomnia page on MP3. Interesting variety of material. As a wild guess, I'd venture that you guys have listened to some Tool somewhere along the way.


I especially liked the guitar sounds - very nicely recorded. The bass peaks distort a bit in Blinded; perhaps that was intentional.


Good overall concept, and you guys should follow your vision. I would suggest maybe trimming the intros and moving the vocals up a little sooner. It's better to jam at the end than at the beginning, usually.


I'm looking forward to hearing the new stuff that you're producing.


[ 12-07-2001: Message edited by: dansouth@yahoo.com ]

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Originally posted by R:

Hey Dan, thanks for listening!


LOL, yeah, I'm a big fan of the Europop. :) I'll work on some surf music though so I can have more of a San Diego sound for you :) None of the songs you mentioned were produced on the Karma. My all Karma songs are:


Almost Pink

Homeward Feeling

Z Drum and Bass Improv

Roland's Lead Improv Demo

Pink Like Me

Tube Jam

Roland's Clav Improv Demo


and I did them all the first night I had the KARMA. I did an all-nighter I was having so much fun!


The sounds on Interpolation as I recall were a MemoryMoog and some Ilio/Spectrasonics sample CD's played through an E4 Platinum sampler.




Very interesting! I like the overall sound of the stuff at the top of your page better than the stuff at the bottom. Was the stuff at the top professionally mastered? Was it recorded diffently?


Interpolation is absolutely the bomb! I keep listening to it again and again. Do you own a Memorymoog? I didn't see it in your gear list.

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I'm doing some catch up work here on this thread. I'm going to take it one track at a time over the next few days and post some comments. Dave, I just heard a couple of more recent additions to your mp3 site, and the one that's sparked me to write is "Away We Go." It's a very pretty tune, and your piano arrangement is lovely also. I think you made an, erm, interesting decision with the rhythm part. Honestly, I don't think like it, but I didn't notice that until it cuts out in the last verse. Then I just suddenly felt that the melody had the breathing room it needed all along.


But I think I hear what you were after with the drum part. In a way, it reminds me of Genesis' "Man on the Corner," if that's the title of it, though the Away we Go drum pattern is straighter and more incessant.


My tastes would take this song an earthier route, really base it around that piano and maybe dust it with some acoustic guitar and some subtle hand percussion. I'd probably 86 the guitar solo too and just bring the piano playing flowering forth a bit more for that break--perhaps that's too obvious a treatment. I just think Jaime has such an "earthy" voice to begin with.


I love the Mellotron!!!! (generally and in this particular instance)


Lovely tune. The melody tugs on my heartstrings. For all I care, the lyrics could be "Insert the pointed end of the longer rod into the socket 3 and turn counterclockwise, as shown in fig. 4a...". A good melody is its own reward.



Check out the Sweet Clementines CD at bandcamp
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I'm doing some catch up work here on this thread. I'm going to take it one track at a time over the next few days and post some comments. Dave, I just heard a couple of more recent additions to your mp3 site, and the one that's sparked me to write is "Away We Go." It's a very pretty tune, and your piano arrangement is lovely also. I think you made an, erm, interesting decision with the rhythm part. Honestly, I don't think like it, but I didn't notice that until it cuts out in the last verse. Then I just suddenly felt that the melody had the breathing room it needed all along.


But I think I hear what you were after with the drum part. In a way, it reminds me of Genesis' "Man on the Corner," if that's the title of it, though the Away we Go drum pattern is straighter and more incessant.


My tastes would take this song an earthier route, really base it around that piano and maybe dust it with some acoustic guitar and some subtle hand percussion. I'd probably 86 the guitar solo too and just bring the piano playing flowering forth a bit more for that break--perhaps that's too obvious a treatment. I just think Jaime has such an "earthy" voice to begin with.


I love the Mellotron!!!! (generally and in this particular instance)


Lovely tune. The melody tugs on my heartstrings. For all I care, the lyrics could be "Insert the pointed end of the longer rod into the socket 3 and turn counterclockwise, as shown in fig. 4a...". A good melody is its own reward.



Check out the Sweet Clementines CD at bandcamp
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Originally posted by dansouth@yahoo.com:




Very interesting! I like the overall sound of the stuff at the top of your page better than the stuff at the bottom. Was the stuff at the top professionally mastered? Was it recorded diffently?


Interpolation is absolutely the bomb! I keep listening to it again and again. Do you own a Memorymoog? I didn't see it in your gear list.


Thanks again Dan!! The stuff at the top was done using Sonic Foundry's software for editing/mastering, whereas the stuff at the bottom was mastered on a Roland VS-1880. For some reason I couldn't get the results I wanted with the VS, so I started using the SF software and it really works a lot better for me.


Yes, I have two MemoryMoogs with the Lintronics LAMM upgrades and they are my favorite synths. Maybe I should post my whole gear list there. I didn't at first because it's kind of long and I didn't want to come across wrong, but I'll put it up there now so you can check it out.


Thanks again, and keep putting up the great tunes on your site as well! :)



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