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Thanks guys. I'm glad you liked it :)


I was mostly thinking f#-7b5, B7alt, e-7b5, A7alt for the section Dave F. referred to. Although sometimes I was just hearing tension and dissonance during those measures. Dave, I'll try the progression you mentioned. I really should spend some time with the Miles Smiles recording and transcribe some of what Herbie plays. Yes, the way the drums and bass played with time signatures and feels definitely inspired me. I got the sense that we all love the way Herbie, Ron, and Tony did this type of interplay, especially when they played with Miles.


The recording was done with my iPhone and a Shure MV88 clip on mic. This thing's great! I record all my gigs to self-access. It's a stereo mic that uses the mid-side recording technique and turns the iPhone into an excellent recorder. I'm surprised it recorded so well because it was placed off to the side of the stage on a table and definitely not in the specified dispersion field of the TT08A. I think we're hearing the TT08A reflected sound in the room and the side firing speaker of the SS V3. Had it been in front of the band I'm sure it would have sounded better.

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Firstly (and a bit tardy in saying this), what a privilege to be able to post up some music here! More than a bit scary too with all the stellar musicians that comprise this great community!


So this is a rock group I joined up with around 1990. This song has a Zeppelin vibe. I didn't record the key tracks, but needed to recreate them live, and sometimes alter and improvise as needed. The main chorus hook was recorded by a string quartet. We didn't take the quartet on the road :laugh: so I started by playing the lines on an Oberheim.


But I couldn't get the pitch bend to faithfully reproduce the vibe and there were a some independent portamentos happening simultaneously which were a bit of a trick to do live, so I ended up sampling bits and pieces with a Roland S-550 sampler. That did the trick, but a few times that damn sampler crapped out on me and hence needed to resort back to the manual method on the fly. I also sampled & played some of the backwards vocals... Overall it was a lot of fun.


Totally realize this stuff is not everyone's cup of tea, thanks for your indulgence and welcome any/all comments.


When You Love Someone


Some music I've recorded and played over the years with a few different bands

Tommy Rude Soundcloud

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This 2 minute instrumental is named YOLO ( you only live once). Its a message song about the immediacy of life. The chord progression goes back some decades and I decided to noodle around with it and my Muse took over :)


100% Kronos.

Why fit in, when you were born to stand out ?

My Soundcloud with many originals:

[70's Songwriter]

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Here's a cut from my record which came out today. This is a Tower of Power tribute called 'Climbing The Tower'. I wrote and arranged all the tunes which was a total blast and learning experience. (disclaimer I DID post this in shameless plugs a couple days ago)



Kawai C-60 Grand Piano : Hammond A-100 : Hammond SK2 : Yamaha CP4 : Yamaha Montage 7 : Moog Sub 37


My latest album: Funky organ, huge horn section


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.... A 3DN tribute is great if you can get the 3 singers. It was a lot of work, the vocalists have their own rehearsal at 04:30pm, then the band shows up at 06:00pm and we practice the tunes for 3 hours.


I noted your comment that the vocalists put in extra rehearsal time - they really capture the vocal sound of 3DN very well. Our band does a lot of 3 part harmonies, but I don't think we could hack 3DN songs.

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Why don't I know how to embed videos here? I do it everywhere else...
It looks like this
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Or you can just go to the Full Reply screen and use the media tag button. :thu:

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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Here's a cut from my record which came out today. This is a Tower of Power tribute called 'Climbing The Tower'. I wrote and arranged all the tunes which was a total blast and learning experience. (disclaimer I DID post this in shameless plugs a couple days ago)



Sounds great man! Smokin horn section, a lot of work to put all that together, congrats.

Some music I've recorded and played over the years with a few different bands

Tommy Rude Soundcloud

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Great job Bobby. Having 3 trumpet players is amazing, especially when they hit those high notes and don't miss. That's kinda the problem with the horn band I'm in now. The one trumpet player we have misses the high notes. The crowd doesn't notice but we think it adds up. And what's funny is I went back and looked at videos from 4 years ago and he never missed back then. So stay on top of the trumpet players to hit those high notes.


Here's a live video from the 3DN Tribute. You don't see much of me on the far left, but I'm playing a Kronos 88 and a Hammond XK5 with a Leslie 3300.



We recently went to DC Studios in West Palm Beach and shot a live video (4 cameras) of 6 songs. We'll see how it turns out.


Here's a picture of me behind the new beast.


Korg 01W/FD, Hammond XK-2, Neo Ventilator2, JBL Eon, Rhodes 88
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Forgot to say Thanks to Harmonizer. Yeah, the vocalists would show up at 04:30 and rehearse the vocal parts. The leader of the band would give them parts, sit behind the new beast (XK5), and give them each a part to sing while playing notes. He had all this mapped out in his head. While we rehearsed, he would ask for notes for me to play that each person was supposed to sing. So yes, if your vocal leader is asking for keyboard notes while you rehearse then you know he's got it.


Made a video of Chest Fever, goes half way through the song, ends just after my solo.


Here's a 140 picture slide show that goes for 7 minutes. The audio is from 2 rehearsals with pictures over the top of the video. So how did this happen? Shot video of two rehearsals with my camcorder with the Rode NT4 mic. We didn't have many pictures at the time. I made a video where each picture was 20 seconds, too long. Then we got more pictures after the first gig and the DC demo shoot. Then put all the pictures over the top of the best songs at 3 seconds each. We have pictures from a photo shoot, our first gig, and a photo shoot at DC Rehearsal Studious in WPB Florida where we recorded a live demo. Waiting for the final product to come back. There's more pictures of me and one picture of the rig looking at the keys at the 03:15 mark. We were not faking it at the demo shoot. Some bands record the songs in advance then play along to a video. Not us, we were playing live going into their computer.



Korg 01W/FD, Hammond XK-2, Neo Ventilator2, JBL Eon, Rhodes 88
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  • 2 weeks later...

This is the promo video from DC Rehearsal Studios in WPB Florida.




I miffed the walk down on "One" but they left it in there. We're actually playing the instruments live, this is not pre-recorded.


Hard to say how much the "cheeze" factor is with this video. I've watched others this studio has done and they always seem cheezy because most people record the song first, then fake it for the video. We recorded each song once or twice. A few songs we stopped in the middle because of a major mistake (crash). Otherwise we were playing live. The Leslie has the mics inside with XLR connections on the back, that's why you don't see that one miced, but the guitar Leslie is miced. You'll hear it in the last song "One Man Band."


Korg 01W/FD, Hammond XK-2, Neo Ventilator2, JBL Eon, Rhodes 88
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Here's a video of my PF tribute "Echoes" doing Dogs at our show Friday. Recorded by my cousin on his digital camera and 1 mic. The mix isn't perfect because he's getting a lot of stage sound from the side he's on, but it's not bad. Warning- it's 17 minutes long, but there are some cool keyboard parts in it!



Live: Korg Kronos 2 88, Nord Electro 5d Nord Lead A1

Toys: Roland FA08, Novation Ultranova, Moog LP, Roland SP-404SX, Roland JX10,Emu MK6



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  • 2 weeks later...

I like this song, recorded with a D-50, digital tine piano-type sound with some sawtooth type of pad layered on the chorus. Rhythm only, no leads (for good reason, I suck at leads). So I like it, BUT...listening to this, in retrospect, I'm never really in the pocket, it sounds stiff throughout. For the life of me, not sure why this wasn't addressed at the time we recorded, most likely this was the best I could do.


Shot Heard Around The World



Some music I've recorded and played over the years with a few different bands

Tommy Rude Soundcloud

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  • 1 month later...


My new band uploaded yesterday our first EP.




Type "Zero" at Buy Now to download for free.


A Lyric video for "The Storm"




We like to know your opinions.


Thanks !!!

Kurzweil K2661 + full options,iMac 27",Mac book white,Apogee Element 24 + Duet,Genelec 8030A,Strymon Lex + Flint,Hohner Pianet T,Radial Key-Largo,Kawai K5000W,Moog Minitaur,Yamaha Reface YC + CP, iPad 9th Gen, Arturia Beatstep + V Collection 9



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  • 3 weeks later...

From a recent jazz organ trio gig. They call it The Airtrain Jazz Festival. We played at the Jamaica Train Station where people were coming to Queens from JFK Airport via the Airtrain. The idea of the festival is to celebrate Queen's rich history of jazz by welcoming people from the airport with live jazz. I'd say thousands of people heard us play but most heard less than a full song as they were just passing by. It was an interesting experience and lot of fun!


Gear: Mojo, Vent 2, SS V3, Markbass CMD 121P







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