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California floods - how are the CA forum members doing?

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The morning news was full of worrisome reports and videos of massive flooding in California, looks like 10" or more of rain in a day and impacting much of the state.


We have a bunch of forum people in California and wanted to check in to see how you're doing. Sending positive mojo and hope everyone is ok and avoided catastrophes. 💙

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Definitely hoping the best for our Cali contingent who may be impacted by this natural disaster event. 


Just a few years ago, California seemed on pace to become more arid than Arizona due to a lack of rainfall.  Here comes a 10" bucket of water. 


Stay safe out there fam. 😎

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"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return."--E. Ahbez "Nature Boy"

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Near our family ranch we got about 8 inches in 24 hours, but all seems pretty good. There were some road repairs that were still needed from last years rain, and those are now worse, but in the canyons of SoCal we're faring pretty well. 

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Lancaster is the northernmost tip of L.A. county and over the mountain from the coast so we've had days of rain, but no damage I've heard of just some streets flooding that's it.  I had a doctor's appointment in downtown L.A. friday and coming home the drive in the desert to Lancaster hard to see because black rain cloud coming in so darker than usual on the freeway, but I was lucky it didn't rain until I was a couple miles from home. 

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Appreciate the lookout. San Diego is a series of canyons and mesas, and fortunately I am on a mesa. As of now I'm fine. I can walk to the end of my street and look down into Mission Valley which is the course of the San Diego river, and predictably there's tons of flooding down there.


15 minutes ago we also got the first 'tornado warning' I have ever seen here. The window for it has already passed and it wasn't in my direct path anyway. But times they are a changin.

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Kawai C-60 Grand Piano : Hammond A-100 : Hammond SK2 : Yamaha CP4 : Yamaha Montage 7 : Moog Sub 37


My latest album: Funky organ, huge horn section


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For those not familiar with the greater LA area, Glendale and next door Pasadena have many many awesome older homes. 

If you're looking for Craftsman or Hollywood Spanish or other types of home built from the early 1900's to, say, the 1930's, Glendale and Pasadena is where you want to look...


If I recall correctly, forum member Eric is a big architecture geek and has done some of the tours of well known older homes in the area?

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Having lived through two hurricanes, one of which trashed the garage via Big Tree Smash, I cringe in sympathy with tales of hard weather. All of our consumption and pooting are making the Earth itch. The thermodynamics are making it clear that she's trying to scratch us off like fleas. One standard of chemistry is that if you want to change anything, heat it up or cool it down. Ladies n' gentlemen, welcome to Heat. I hate to agree with Thanos, but if half of us were suddenly gone, everyone left could take a deep breath. Pollution dropped noticeably during COVID, if you recall. I hope none of Us takes a weather hit, but despite popular opinion, I'm realistic. 🙄


I'm also happy to have had hardware synths that used less juice than a 12-watt bulb, so let's have three cheers for my GX-80, whose draw is probably in the microvolt range. Synths are green... aside from everything but my arse being made from polluting plastics & metals whose mining & processing are.... um.... oh, as you were. Forget I said anything. Cue "Toccata & Fugue in F-U Minor." 🤨   

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"It ain't over 'til the fat despot sings."
     ~ "X-Men '97"

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4 hours ago, Dave Ferris said:




I've been to Dave's beautiful pad several times and I always admire it. This is definitely the best part though. (the converted detached garage with the Steinway D in it)

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Kawai C-60 Grand Piano : Hammond A-100 : Hammond SK2 : Yamaha CP4 : Yamaha Montage 7 : Moog Sub 37


My latest album: Funky organ, huge horn section


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I'm in NorCal, just south of San Francisco and right on the ocean. My street floods when there's lots of rain, so it did Sunday. Floodwaters have receded now. But my musician brother and his lady singer live up in a canyon behind Santa Barbara, right on a creek that is rushing and overflowing right now. They are doing ok. In past, mud and debris flow almost took their house out, and mud filled their outbuilding. They both have covid now too. Some days, everything happens at once. My son and his family in Van Nuys are doing ok. My daughter and her family in Berkeley are ok too, but have trees coming down. I had power out last night, lots of people have power out for a day or more. My cable tv and internet are out right now, so I'm using my cell phone hotspot to reach the outside world. 

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These are only my opinions, not supported by any actual knowledge, experience, or expertise.
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South Bay (of LA) denizen here. We had moderate to heavy (for us) steady rain for three days, but no calamities. Saw some blue sky this morning. Woo Hoo!

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Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.

-Mark Twain


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16 hours ago, zxcvbnm098 said:

For those not familiar with the greater LA area, Glendale and next door Pasadena have many many awesome older homes. 

If you're looking for Craftsman or Hollywood Spanish or other types of home built from the early 1900's to, say, the 1930's, Glendale and Pasadena is where you want to look...


If I recall correctly, forum member Eric is a big architecture geek and has done some of the tours of well known older homes in the area?


Great memory! I have taken sidebar excursions during NAMM trips to seek out architecture - namely the Pasadena area. My very first NAMM nearly 20 years ago was highlighted by visiting The Gamble House, a very important build by Greene & Greene (also made popular as Doc Brown's house in Back to the Future). I learned of a "Behind the Curtain" tour that lasts hours and they take you into all the closets and mechanical room etc. that I was able to schedule some years later. I just wandered those streets in Pasadena loving all the houses. 


Then there was the time I went to visit The Rose Bowl when there was nothing going on there. I was wandering around the parking lot taking pictures and a lady came up on a golf cart asking me questions like "sir, what is your business here?" and I was afraid I was going to be in trouble for trespassing or something. I nicely told her I was visiting from the East Coast and always wanted to see The Rose Bowl. She then invited me onto her golf cart and took me on a thorough tour of the entire facility, including the locker rooms and the field, etc. Her name was Arnetta. I will never forget her. Here are some pictures from that visit in 2009, including The Gamble House and my time at The Rose Bowl with Arnetta giving me a very impromptu tour.


I am so happy to hear that our beloved California forum members appear to have escaped the impacts of flooding. Let's hope this was an isolated occurrence.



Gamble House.jpeg


Rose Bowl.jpeg

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55 minutes ago, eric said:


Great memory! I have taken sidebar excursions during NAMM trips to seek out architecture - namely the Pasadena area. My very first NAMM nearly 20 years ago was highlighted by visiting The Gamble House, a very important build by Greene & Greene (also made popular as Doc Brown's house in Back to the Future). I learned of a "Behind the Curtain" tour that lasts hours and they take you into all the closets and mechanical room etc. that I was able to schedule some years later. I just wandered those streets in Pasadena loving all the houses. 


Then there was the time I went to visit The Rose Bowl when there was nothing going on there. I was wandering around the parking lot taking pictures and a lady came up on a golf cart asking me questions like "sir, what is your business here?" and I was afraid I was going to be in trouble for trespassing or something. I nicely told her I was visiting from the East Coast and always wanted to see The Rose Bowl. She then invited me onto her golf cart and took me on a thorough tour of the entire facility, including the locker rooms and the field, etc. Her name was Arnetta. I will never forget her. Here are some pictures from that visit in 2009, including The Gamble House and my time at The Rose Bowl with Arnetta giving me a very impromptu tour.



hey that’s awesome on the Rose Bowl lady!  


If you happen to be there again, try adding these locations to your architecture tour;

Beverly Hills / Bel Air - - just for the overall awesomeness

Hancock Park - - where the rich lived before Beverly Hills

San Marino - - similar to Pasadena


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Some music I've recorded and played over the years with a few different bands

Tommy Rude Soundcloud

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My Daughter lives in Hollywood, just off the walk of fame where some of the raining was the really heavy. Other than cleaning off the sidewalks of homeless and poop, she really had not issues other than they cancelled all her classes for a day so she was stuck in her room.

You want me to start this song too slow or too fast?


Forte7, Nord Stage 3, XK3c, OB-6, Arturia Collection, Mainstage, MotionSound KBR3D. A bunch of MusicMan Guitars, Line6 stuff

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8 hours ago, Dave Ferris said:

Great to see the sun again! It's only been two days but it felt like two weeks ! Yep, ultimate weather wimps and proud of it ! :laugh:

But more rain supposed to come in this afternoon. Good to get out and get our miles in.


Photo facing Southwest overlooking the Montrose Park Baseball field with the Verdugo  Mountains in the distance.

Always nice after it rains in L.A.  Can actually see the mountains!  For a bit of perspective, I grew up in Sylmar, about 15-20 miles up the road from Dave (not a good place by the way).  As a kid, the smog was so thick it hurt to breathe.  We’d have smog alerts in elementary school, you couldn’t go outside to play.  You couldn’t see the tops of buildings, they were shrouded in a thick putrid brown-purple-green-yellow haze.  Very glad for the emissions controls that were put into place - I think back in the 70s?

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Some music I've recorded and played over the years with a few different bands

Tommy Rude Soundcloud

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Los Angeles (Hollywood area) here. Did just fine. It just rained and rained and rained and rained (normal rainstorms have breaks in them; whereas this was pretty much constant moderate-to-heavy precipitation from Sunday afternoon to Tuesday night). Electricity and cable internet has continued uninterrupted (though we had a very brief - like 20 seconds - power outage on Sunday evening).

I'm especially glad I renovated my music studio room over the past 2 years (just finished this past Summer) which also involved caulking/sealing window frames and under the wall baseboards (there were water leaks in the past). I pretty much did all the work plus painting and drywall patching, and the only professional help I got was hiring someone to install the new carpet. Glad to report there's nary a leak (It already had a test trial during last August's Tropical Storm Hilary - rain during Winter is normal here in Mediterranean Climate Southern California, but during July/August/September it's pretty much unheard of). 

Most of the damage you see in the news are people who live near mountains/canyons which are vulnerable to rock/mudslides as the mostly-sandstone soil gets inundated with water, and people who live in flood-prone areas where the terrain is lower and water historically collects. I'm fortunate to live in neither, where the gutter and storm drain system works as advertised. 

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