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New Studiologic Numa X Piano


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3 hours ago, Markmcb said:

Maybe the piano samples for the damper are mixed too high.

I wish there could be a way to turn down those samples.It seems like the damper samples drown out the main samples.

It's just me...if I could dial back the damper volume...it would sound better to my ears.

And thanks elmusiloco...I turned the 'string res' down and it did help...but some of the "body' of the sound was lost.But it is better this way...thanks.


Observations, not specific to the Numa, which I haven't played...


String resonance would be the sympathetic resonances, and it sounds like you've found the volume for that. I've found that they are more likely to be overwhelming when playing in mono. Other than possibly that, there are no "damper samples" to turn down, there's just the sample of the note, though there could be separate samples for pedal-up vs. pedal-down. (It would play one or the other, depending on whather or not the pedal was depressed.) 

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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8 hours ago, AnotherScott said:

there could be separate samples for pedal-up vs. pedal-down. (It would play one or the other, depending on whather or not the pedal was depressed.) 

Do keyboards do that? What if you play a note and then press the sustain pedal down? Does it switch samples midway through the note? 


Cheers, Mike.

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11 minutes ago, stoken6 said:

What if you play a note and then press the sustain pedal down?

The resonances you hear with the damper pedal pressed are triggered mostly by the attack portion of the notes. If you play a note without the pedal and then you press the pedal (while holding the note) you won’t hear loud resonances depending on the timing of your pedaling. Which is why there’s no need to switch to the other type of sample. However if you press the pedal very shortly after or during the attack, some pianos crossfade to the corresponding pedal-down sample. 

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16 hours ago, bjosko said:

I just played a bit on mine, and hear what you is hearing. But as an example on program 1 - if still like original in your. Turn down the string resonance and as a start, turn off the reverb. Way to much String resonance, damper noise and a too long reverb tale. After that it sound more authentic.

As far as i found, there is only one upright in there for now. That’s one sound like something old with dampers that needs to be replaced 😬 

Thanks...didn't think about the reverb

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On page 5 in the manual:


Sound technology
Numa X Piano is based on two different synthesis
• Physical Modeling
• Digital Sampling
Physical modeling is used to create the electric and
hybrid piano sounds.
Physical modeling technology is also used to give
more realism to the acoustic piano sounds by
implementation of:
• String resonance (Damper model)
• Duplex scale resonance (the high harmonics
produced by a sympathetic vibration of strings
without dampers)
These sophisticated algorithms are called Acoustic


So the String resonance is not a sample but some processed effect on top of the samples. Again, it looks like they have all these settings and effects a bit too hot by default.

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Another option, I have been experimenting with to have a richer resonance, is to take advantage of the 4 instrument zones and to have more than one AP sounding at the same time. For instance, your favorite piano in zone 1 at 100% volume for all keys. In zone 2 a different AP at 40 % volume an 8th higher for your right hand keys. In zone 3 another AP at 40 or 50% volume not transposed for your left hand key range. And finally, in zone 4 I have  another AP at 25% volume an 8th + 7 semitones (a fifth) higher to have those additional armonics for all keys.

Of course this is just a general guide and the idea is to add sounds that hopefully enrich the overall sound without being perceived individually. For instance, I dial down the zone 4 until I cannot perceive there is a 5th there. But, of course, depending on the music you play and your own taste you might want to go the other way and make it evident. Which could be great and it is something that this highly configurable keyboard allows!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thumbs-up to Studiologic's online customer service; I submitted this question via their Support page on the main website and received an answer in less than 24 hours -- great response in these days, and reassuring to know that Studiologic actually reads and responds to questions:



"Is it possible to adjust the ramp-up speed of the Leslie effect? It switches from slow to fast *very* quickly, almost unnaturally so. It would be an advantage if we could adjust not just the RPM of the slow and fast speeds, but also the ramp-up and ramp-down time when the stick is used to change speeds. Can these adjustments be made in the current 2.0 firmware?"


Support (Gianni Giudici, Brand Manager):

"Hi Brad, we have a long list of possible additional controls in a future FIRMWARE update, but I am not able to mention a date or promise this function (at least here and now).

In a real Leslie (as both my 122s) we can change just the top HORNS speed between 3 values, but not the ramps that are somehow fixed.

That said, the ramp-speed is much different between the top HORNS and the bottom DRUM.


If you use a mellow ORGAN sound you should hear more the DRUM ramp (much slower) and with richer ORGAN Sounds you can hear more the HORNS (faster ramp).

The difference between HORNS and DRUM ramp/speeds makes a typical deep random phasing when changing speed, that you can also hear from FAST to BREAK (Stick 2 on middle position).


Let me know, thanks so far for sharing your comments and suggestions and best regards !"

Kurzweil PC4-7, Studiologic Numa X 73






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It's true that, on a real Leslie, the ramp times are fixed, but I think they could still differ from one unit to another, especially as components wore over time. So while an adjustable parameter doesn't, itself, mimic the real thing, it allows you to mimic a wider variety of real things. ;-)

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Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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Sorry, OT:  I wish Studiologic would fix the awful "washing machine-on-Methedrine" Leslie sim in the Numa Compact 2x in an update. 


Unfortunately, Studiologic, being a small company, is probably only focused on the current thing, the new Numa pianos.  


Oh well, such is life...  

Gigs: Nord 5D 73, Kurz PC4-7 & SP4-7, Hammond SK1, Yamaha CK88, MX88, & P121, Numa Compact 2x, Casio CGP700, QSC K12, Yamaha DBR10, JBL515xt(2). Alto TS310(2)



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44 minutes ago, HSS said:

Sorry, OT:  I wish Studiologic would fix the awful "washing machine-on-Methedrine" Leslie sim in the Numa Compact 2x in an update. 


I wonder if the limited fx resources in the board are even capable of doing any better. And it's not like any comparably priced Korg, Roland, Yamaha, or Casio has a strong leslie sim either...

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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Heads up: If you're seeking a back up power supply for your Numa X , this one has worked well so far:




Bunch of shows this month and next,  and wanted to make sure I had a back up while on the road- was $10.00.  I couldn't find one available from Studio Logic or Ebay other than for the Numa. compact.  The specs on this matched up.



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Chris Corso


Lots of stuff.

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Hello!  New to the board - I posted about my experiences with the Numa on Reddit and someone linked me to this thread.


I skimmed through the pages of the thread with Ctrl+F and didn't find a definitive answer to this, so deepest apologies if I missed it

But there's no way to change presets or favorites with MIDI, right?  You can change the sound in an individual zone, but not a whole preset.  Or have I missed something?  If so, this seems like...a terrible oversight.  I keep thinking I have to have overlooked something.  

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6 hours ago, Blake Graham said:

there's no way to change presets or favorites with MIDI, right?  You can change the sound in an individual zone, but not a whole preset.  Or have I missed something?  If so, this seems like...a terrible oversight.  I keep thinking I have to have overlooked something.  


That would be unfortunate, though it wouldn't be the first time a company did that. Roland VR09/VR730 compe to mind, you can't use MIDI to select registrations. Off, though, that Numa doesn't seem to have a traditional MIDI Implementation Chart, unless I missed it somewhere...

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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Hey welcome to the forum. I appreciate your Reddit post - I’ve been digging my Numa X 73 for many of the same reasons. 

Re: MIDI, I’m no expert so I wouldn’t offer advice except to suggest you email Studiologic directly. They’ve been shockingly responsive to a few questions I’ve posted. The English grammar in the reply is sometimes tricky to parse, but they’re very generous in letting you know if you can do a given thing with the board and if not, whether it might be addressed in future firmware updates.



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Numa X Piano 73 | Yamaha CP4 | Mojo 61 | Motion Sound KP-612s | Hammond M3

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One other thought that might somewhat primitive: by connecting a USB hub to your computer, you can attach another MIDI controller device that in my experience will control whatever you need it to. So for example, when I connect my USB-C hub to my iPad, connect my NanoKontrol via the hub’s USB-A port, and run VB3 on the iPad, I can work the drawbars via the NanoKontrol sliders, all run through the Numa’s internal audio interface. I don’t see why that (or a similar setup with a different MIDI device like a Mixface) wouldn’t work with Cantabile. But like I mentioned above, I’m fairly basic when it comes to MIDI and may be missing something obvious. 

Numa X Piano 73 | Yamaha CP4 | Mojo 61 | Motion Sound KP-612s | Hammond M3

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3 hours ago, Noah DC said:

One other thought that might somewhat primitive: by connecting a USB hub to your computer, you can attach another MIDI controller device that in my experience will control whatever you need it to. So for example, when I connect my USB-C hub to my iPad, connect my NanoKontrol via the hub’s USB-A port, and run VB3 on the iPad, I can work the drawbars via the NanoKontrol sliders, all run through the Numa’s internal audio interface. I don’t see why that (or a similar setup with a different MIDI device like a Mixface) wouldn’t work with Cantabile. But like I mentioned above, I’m fairly basic when it comes to MIDI and may be missing something obvious. 

Oh absolutely - I have an Akai APC Mini connected to Cantabile, and Cantabile is SUPER flexible in terms of routing MIDI, so I have the knobs and buttons on the APC Mini variously programmed to trigger various functions in Cantabile like muting or unmuting VSTs, display feedback about which song is selected, and MIDI CCs for controlling filters or delay time.  

But I need Cantabile to be able to control the Numa, or else I'm trapped on one Numa patch with one set of FX/settings.  And I've played a couple gigs this way and made it work. 

BUT.  On your advice, I emailed StudioLogic, and they sent me a not-yet-released document that they asked me not to share yet, but I'm going to do some testing using it either today or in the next few days and I'll let you know.  Indeed, I was impressed at the speed and thoroughness of their reply.

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So, I have spent the evening messing with the document that StudioLogic sent me and I feel comfortable reporting a few things, though I may have an abundance of caution about how much I share as I'm very appreciate of them for sending it to me and do not wish to betray that.  


1) you CAN in fact change presets via Midi.  

2) You can do quite a few things via Midi.  It's...it's potentially everything I could possibly want.

3) The Midi still...seems a little buggy. 

4) I really really hope they have some native English speaking UX people look over their docs, both prepublished and currently public.  


Something something firmware???....something something stability??  I can say that nothing about an upcoming update is mentioned explicitly in any correspondence or documents I received from StudioLogic.  


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ken, it’s no contest between them. Seven just has more depth, more natural sound. Numa x has the faster tp110 action which works better for piano and clav. But Seven is King for Rhodes/Wurly feel and sound. Numa is serviceable though and sounds good in a mix. 

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5 hours ago, Littidy said:

Ken, it’s no contest between them. Seven just has more depth, more natural sound. Numa x has the faster tp110 action which works better for piano and clav. But Seven is King for Rhodes/Wurly feel and sound. Numa is serviceable though and sounds good in a mix. 

I'm curious if you actually compared the two keyboards side by side,  or are using the Numa X soundbites? I've found with my Numa that a little tweaking with the EPs and where necessary, the keyboard settings, you can do a lot. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you to all the Numa X users for comments…. I miss the old “Keyboard Mag” shootouts where they compare various pianos or synths. Nothing beats playing keyboards yourself (if you have local stores/access)  but the comments from players on this forum are super helpful!


I would love a comparison of playing Numa X 73  ($1350)  Vs.  Dexibell VIVO S3 73.($1799)  Vs.  Yamaha CP73 ($2100)

The Casio PX 5 is 88 keys ($1000).  I’ve played Privia pianos that had pretty great feeling keys, but not this one.


I guess the Viscount Legend 70s compact or Crumar 17 are in the next tier with the Yamaha YC73 or Korg SV.

Kawai MP11 is top tier.  Nords are pricey… and I prefer electro for organs/EP but not AP

(I still wish Kawai made a light 73 key stage)

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Nord Electro, Kawai MP, Roland JX-305, Korg T1 & 707

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8 hours ago, Tripp323 said:

Nothing beats playing keyboards yourself (if you have local stores/access)  

It sucks most stores have limited availability of the stuff most of us here would be interested in.   Fortunately we have great stores like Sweetwater, and I'm also a fan of ZZounds/American Musical.   They have  liberal  30 day return policies., and great selection.   ZZounds/American Musical also have flex pay.  Sweetwater is starting to implement something similar.  That's if you're in a location that has decent parcel service.


Much like  it's better trying clothes on at home, I think it's really hard to try keyboards in the any of the usual places like GC.   Those are the absolute worst environments to evaluate anything anymore.   That's if they even have things like the Numa in stock, as it's usually workstation or synth heavy. 


 I finally decided if it's a major purchase,  it's worth the return shipping fee, or even a re-stock fee over the aggravation of trying to find a local store.     I bought the Numa partly based on the good reviews here, and what I could gather from the web demos.   I was fully prepared to return it if I didn't like it, or sell it privately. 


One idea:  The bigger names,  like Yamaha, Nord and Roland are possibly rentable  if you  contact your local backline company and see what they have.    2-3 days rental won't be much if you pick it up yourself.    Not every backline company has the most latest though.    Guitar Center does rent, but each store has different stock.   


I just got done with a bunch of shows using  Nord and Numa and had a chance to AB  Nord Pianos against the Numa, and I'm totally sold on the Numa.   



Chris Corso


Lots of stuff.

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That's interesting.  I have the Numa X 73 paired with a Stage 3 Compact 73.  I love the action of the Numa but I find myself preferring to play the Nord pianos from it than it's internal pianos.  I'm still tweaking things but the latest setup is Numa X lower and Stage 3 upper. I put the Nord in dual keyboard mode and play pianos and synths from the Numa and mostly organ from the Nord. I just wish the Nord had more   adjustments for the organ. The extra heavy C3 drives me crazy!!!

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I bought a Numa X 73. It seems ok. I was expecting deeper modulation parameters but it is a budget instrument. The problem is that when I connect it with usb has Jitter noises and has a buzz all the time. So if you want to connect a laptop through usb for midi or audio you hear a buzz and jitter clicks all the time. That is a HUGE thing. In general the USB interface is very noisy and problematic. And I wonder all of these tests (even soundonsound) never connect it with usb, or they are all inconvenient??

Does anyone has the same problem?

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I have had great luck with the USB interface with an iPad. You likely have a hardware issue. What iPad/laptop are you connecting to? Perhaps you have a bad USB port. Or If using a PC type laptop, perhaps a corrupted driver?


While the Numa X may not have as many editable parameters as you like, it does have a reasonable and effective set -  unless you are heavy into programming. I think the internal sounds are excellent. I have a Nord Grand also and rarely play it anymore. The pianos on the Numa X seem at least as good, if not better.

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