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Sequential resumes Prophet 5, Prophet 10

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I don't know if it's the mixing, sampling issues or soundcloud but the demos on there wouldn't get my blessing. It's weird to talk about a so old synth and think the design's implementation was up to inflation, but I feel good with the "all sounds are P5" in the YT demo and many examples I've listened to fro people playing with one on YT. Maybe it's possible to make the 4 versions sound bad as well, and more interestingly: hat makes the sound right, and what could be a proper addition to the possible sound scapes! I suppose it's quite a thing for "Sequential" to be in business and stay in it, I don't know how to see this addition to the lineage in that respect.



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Looks like street price is around $3500 for the P5, and 4300 for the P10


I'm old enough now that I only need one kidney.......


Seriously, tho: A brand new Prophet 5, with all the knobs and buttons in the "right" place, enhancements yet true to form, and a full warranty?

I know I just went thru a trade in phase with my MODX6 for my new MODX8.


However, I am seriously considering selling some gear, like my new YC61, and some other gear I no longer really use. Real Prophet 5 above my MODX8.


Funny thing, I was 18 when I become lucky enough to have a Prophet 5 in 1980. It was my first foray into knobby synths, and what I learned on as far as how to get sounds I want. When I look at these pics of the new on, everything is where it's supposed to be. The layout is still drilled in my mind from all those years ago. Of course, I can't remember where i just put my car keys....


You of all people should have one.....


When I saw Journey in 1981 Gregg Rolie had a Prophet 5 atop a Yamaha CP70 (or 80) with a B3 nearby. A dream-worthy rig then.


I remember when I was in high school when they came out, my drummer had read about it and suggested I get one. Original list then was $3995....almost $16K in today's dollars. Unobtainium for this high school student....

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I must be one of the only synth geeks who was never really a big fan of the P5. The sound has just never knocked me out - always preferred Moog and Oberheim back in the day. :idk:





I remember walking into Bandstand East in Bellevue, WA back in 1982 and for the first time seeing a room full of 50+ synthesizers... Roland, Crumar, Korg, Sequential, Oberheim, Yamaha, etc. What a thrilling and life changing day.


Definitely dug the P5, P10, and Pro-1 right from the start and was lucky enough to own a P10 for a few years in the mid-late '80s. Equally thrilled when the MemoryMoog came out. Jupiter-8, Korg Trident, The OB's...on and on... I mean, how could you go wrong. What an era :)

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Live demo right now by J3PO




It's interesting to see which filter lights up for each patch. To these ears the Rossum filter consistently sounds better - and in fact it's the filter he uses mostly.


Perhaps the best excuse I can think of to get one: It's got an SSM filter option.

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Two fixes I'd hope were improved on the Rev 4:


Is the Pitchbend wheel is now spring-loaded?


Is the Glide still only monophonic?

Yamaha CP-80/S80/S90es/P125/DGX-670/AN1x/MOTIF XS-Rack/CS6R/Roland D-50/Prophet 5(Rev 3.3.)/OBX8/Prophet 5 (Rev 4)/OB-8/Juno-60/Jupiter-6/Studiologic Numa Organ with Neo Ventilator/Korg Kronos

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I've never been in love with the P'08. The P-6, a little better, but I also haven't really had much time on it at all. I've never played a 5, but those videos sound pretty good... maybe it's just the new announcement enamourment, I dunno. :idk:


Also, I hope I'm not reading to much into this (Hi Grey!), but just the way he says "This is it" has a certain finality to it. Could he be retiring soon? I know he had teased this with talk of releasing something for his birthday, so hopefully that's all he means, but who would begrudge him sailing off into the sunset after making sure these are properly released and widely available? To me, Dave is somewhat an anomaly as one of his generation of synth pioneers who is very much still in business and running on all cylinders, constantly innovating and releasing new products through his own company, holding off both the Yamaha/Roland/Korg giants and upstarts like Nord or Booringer. Unless I'm missing something/someone. I greatly admire the way he does things and would selfishly want a new synth or two to be released every year, but the man's probably got a few bottles of tequila and scotch to work through before it's too late.

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You of all people should have one.....


When I saw Journey in 1981 Gregg Rolie had a Prophet 5 atop a Yamaha CP70 (or 80) with a B3 nearby. A dream-worthy rig then.


I remember when I was in high school when they came out, my drummer had read about it and suggested I get one. Original list then was $3995....almost $16K in today's dollars. Unobtainium for this high school student....


Near the end Gregg had a Prophet 5 atop his CP70

To his left was his Hammond chop, and angled to his right was a MiniMoog


Jon Cain"s first Journey tour rig was an offshoot(Similar setup) of his Babys rig in 1979



Prophet 5 on top of CP70 with his Korg CX3 wedged underneath the CP70 :)


Then the next half of 1981 the infamous 'Whale' red Yamaha with his Prophet 5 on top.

A couple years later he moved to the Jupiter 8.


Anyway yeah :D


Gig Rig:Depends on the day :thu:






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I like the P6. Sounded great when I tried it in person.


Dave Smith had been resisting revisiting old designs and wanted to keep moving into the future, not the past. Maybe this was his nod to his fans who have been bugging up for a P5 reissue, especially after being convinced by his marketing team that the profit would be worth the investment in resources, tooling, etc. "this is it" meaning "here's your damn reissue" now leave me alone while i work on Prophet XY, my super-secret hybrid granuvectular modal analog coffee maker synth

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...To all the customers who complained about four octave keyboards :argue:

...To all the customers who complained about synths lacking a panel of knobs :keys2:

...To all the customers who complained about filter-on-a-chip not as good as SSM2040 or CEM3320 :complain:

...To all the customers who complained about DCOs not as warm as VCOs :guinness:


You should all be happy now, so STFU :noway: and BUY IT! :roll:

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Sequential updated their synth comparison chart. Note there is a desktop version in the chart. I know a lot of you prefer full keyboards, but I'm sure there's somebody here who has limited space and would rather have a module.



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Sequential updated their synth comparison chart. Note there is a desktop version in the chart. I know a lot of you prefer full keyboards, but I'm sure there's somebody here who has limited space and would rather have a module.



Even better, the Prophet-5/10 will respond to PolyAT over MIDI, so the module would be perfect for me. At least they admitted it at the onset, usually they introduce the keyboard version, then deny any possibility of a module until that is introduced about a year later. They did that with the P6 and the OB-6.
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Can i use my original P5 remote (ie: sling-on keyboard or keytar to those whippersnappers) with the new P5 version? Note the remote isnt a midi controler.



I still have it after letting go my P5 (in my avatar) 6 months or more ago to help save the house.

Kept the remote as new owner wasnt chasing a remote.


Hey a new P5 module and an original remote sounds cool i always wanted a module version in the old days anyway. But then again the house is still sucking away my collection of stuff to keep it but id rather have my house hee hee.

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The "vintage" knob to blend through the revisions is the greatest idea, ever.


Yes, that´s good,- but it isn´t the greatest idea at all, leaving this synth w/ just only 5 voices and a single global LFO.

In fact, these limitations were the reason why I sold my Prophet 5s already mid 80s.


I remember, when I sold the 1st one, I kept the other and bought a Oberheim OB-8 in addition,- just only for the poly-portamento, portamento modes and more LFOs offered by "Page 2" features.

It´s a big plus modulating pulse width for both OSCs individually and have the global LFO for vibrato and/or filter modulation.

And ... is it still like in the past, when we had to set the Mod-Wheel for PW-amount and leave it in that position,- or is PW amount now programmablenand cann be stored w/ each patch ?


In the comparison chart, glide isn´t mentioned.

Is it polyphonic now,- linear and/or exponential ?


What about CC-pedal routing ?

OSC sync sweep now possible using a footpedal ?

That was a modification in one of my Prophet 5s in the past and it was so useful.





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Can i use my original P5 remote (ie: sling-on keyboard or keytar to those whippersnappers) with the new P5 version? Note the remote isnt a midi controler.



I still have it after letting go my P5 (in my avatar) 6 months or more ago to help save the house.

Kept the remote as new owner wasnt chasing a remote.


Hey a new P5 module and an original remote sounds cool i always wanted a module version in the old days anyway. But then again the house is still sucking away my collection of stuff to keep it but id rather have my house hee hee.


I have no idea what kind of messages the remote sends or if that can be adapted to MIDI. I wonder if you could reach out to Sequential to see if they have some kind of a kit or ideas for you. I suspect you may be one of VERY FEW people on the planet still hanging on to a remote with a desire to connect with the P5 V4. Heck, Dave might be so flattered that he'd work on something for you? Maybe? :)

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I have no idea what kind of messages the remote sends or if that can be adapted to MIDI.


It was the forerunner of midi apparently but not midi as we know it Jim.


It used a 10 pin plug that was fitted to 3.2 revision but could be retro fitted to older version 3s. I actually dont think it would be too big a task to implement as its related in history to midi. THough i doubt that its actually included on the new version as it was only used for the sequencer module and the remote


Mine also had midi too that looked factory version but cant be positive on that.


Id love a module version with the ability to use the remote. Im a module guy. But prices of new sequential products are a lot higher in Australia that i doubt id be able to get back into P5 ownership as the sale of my p5 and a bunch of other gear literally kept us in our house till now. So im still "trying to save the farm" and although i let it go at a very reasonable price for the buyer the P5 and other gear did pay some bills off.


I did offer the buyer the P5 at half of the current restored price as it did need full service as though working it was not functioning correctly but cosmetically nice. I was originally going to do this as a retirement project but i have far too many projects so i bit the bullet..Fortunately the buyer is able to service his own gear but admitted the remote would only be used if he needed key parts down the track thus i kept it as i did have a decent keytar collection once i couldn't bare it not to be not collected in its own right. I love the remote. A beautiful wooden sling-on. Not flashy but classy.


Im happy it and my other gear went to the bloke who got it. We have become good friends and he is a worthy next custodian.

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A while back someone posted a YouTube video comparing all the Prophet models through the years. I'm sure it was old news to some, but for this bass & guitar-playing newcomer to keys it was an invaluable guide to the Sequential sound. Back when I was a kid, they would release a new Cadillac every year and everyone would go "oooooh, aaaaah" because the tail fins were longer. I looked at them and thought it made the car look stupid, but kept my opinion to myself. No one cares what a kid thinks. Well, along comes the Prophet and every new model that came out elicited its share of "oooooh, aaaaah" responses, but to my ear, they just kept sounding worse and worse. The YouTube video was wonderful for me in part because it allowed me to identify the point at which my tastes and everyone else's diverged: the Prophet 5. That was the last model that I liked the sound of. Thereafter they became thinner and tizzier and to my ears, they just no longer worked and eventually became actively offensive.


No worries. The 6, et. al., sold just fine without me and will continue to have their devotees, I'm sure.


Will I buy the reissue? Sadly, no. I can't justify that sort of money. I bought a used Gibson EDS-1275 (the double neck 6/12 of Jimmy Page fame) a few years ago and swore that that was the most money I would ever spend on a single instrument in my life--and that's an instrument I can play half decently. When it comes to keyboards, I freely admit that "I am only an egg," as Valentine Michael Smith would have it. It would take a lottery win for me to reconsider my monetary limit. That said, in a couple of years the used price may be something I would consider.



I'm not interested in someone's ability to program. I'm interested in their ability to compose and play.

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In the comparison chart, glide isn´t mentioned.


I don't see glide mentioned for any synth in that chart, not even the ones with over 20 sources and over 50 destinations in the mod matrix.


Manual might have something.




Manual mentions MIDI CCs and NRPNs but refers the user back to the support page, which does not yet appear to have a MIDI Implementation Chart document.

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Sequential updated their synth comparison chart. Note there is a desktop version in the chart. I know a lot of you prefer full keyboards, but I'm sure there's somebody here who has limited space and would rather have a module.




The only module I see is the P12. :idk:

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The "vintage" knob to blend through the revisions is the greatest idea, ever.

My vote for coolest idea ever goes to the Curtis/SSM switch. Brilliant. Also amazing that they're even available.

Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.

-Mark Twain


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leaving this synth w/ just only 5 voices and a single global LFO.

In fact, these limitations were the reason why I sold my Prophet 5s already mid 80s.

It will be available in 5 and 10 voice versions, addressing one of those two.


I know I just went thru a trade in phase with my MODX6 for my new MODX8.

I hadn't seen that. I guess that was because your PX5S died? Makes sense since, as you said, your PX5S was only being used to control your MODX6 anyway, and you still even had the YC61 action available to control those MODX sounds you preferred to play from a non-hammer action. Trade-off is that the MODX8 is a bit heavier to tote around (though total weight compared to PX5S+MODX6 goes down), and you can't get the 88's keys as close to what's above it, and it's probably a step-down in action quality.


However, I am seriously considering selling some gear, like my new YC61, and some other gear I no longer really use. Real Prophet 5 above my MODX8.

Wow, and you seemed so enamored of that YC61! And you'd have no drawbar organ in the rig. You must REALLY be lusting after this! I guess if cost weren't a factor, MODX8+YC61+Prophet 5 would be perfect, at least if the stacked depths wre ergonomically manageable.

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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Sequential updated their synth comparison chart. Note there is a desktop version in the chart. I know a lot of you prefer full keyboards, but I'm sure there's somebody here who has limited space and would rather have a module.




The only module I see is the P12. :idk:


Check out the row labeled "Desktop version available?". Under the Prophet 5 column there is a Yes.

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Sequential updated their synth comparison chart. Note there is a desktop version in the chart. I know a lot of you prefer full keyboards, but I'm sure there's somebody here who has limited space and would rather have a module.



Even better, the Prophet-5/10 will respond to PolyAT over MIDI, so the module would be perfect for me. At least they admitted it at the onset, usually they introduce the keyboard version, then deny any possibility of a module until that is introduced about a year later. They did that with the P6 and the OB-6.


Great news! I see that a Sequential person (cbmd) mentioned it on GearSlutz but I only learned that after someone else pointed it out. So I'll just search GS for his posts from time to time for updates.


Note and aftertouch message on a per channel basis should work well with the Osmose that I have on preorder:


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I know I just went thru a trade in phase with my MODX6 for my new MODX8.

I hadn't seen that. I guess that was because your PX5S died? Makes sense since, as you said, your PX5S was only being used to control your MODX6 anyway,




Yeah, I have only subtly alluded to this move in the other threads. I am getting ready to type up a summary so those "old gear/new rig" and "PX5S died" threads have a conclusion :)


Gig Rig:Depends on the day :thu:






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