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yes, the news is following Florida, Texas, Arizona closely.


it was reported often that your republican governor supressed many of the relevant Covid 19 community

spread #'s.


positivety rate of either 11 or 16 percent proves its getting out of control.


Our county rate is 8% which is bad. It was just 4% 3 weeks ago.

Why fit in, when you were born to stand out ?

My Soundcloud with many originals:

[70's Songwriter]

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And the insanity isn't going to stop at the border(s). Disney just re-opened so between Universal, Disney, the airports and just general travel, other states will get to enjoy this too. Bring the family to sunny Florida for the mouse ears and oranges and take home a nice case of covid when you head back to Ohio, or New York or wherever.


Tests are taking many days on average to get back, so what we are seeing now lags behind whatever the actual number is. It is true that the first re-opening wave probably skews younger, but the people catching it now are anyone who they might have spread it too.


I read that Florida in two days has more cases that Japan has since this started. There is a probably going to be a really hard shutdown in a while and it's going to hurt worse than the first one did. Japan hasn't shut down at all. They wear masks and have a sense of society--this country just doesn't have it in us to follow suit, and we are going to pay for it. It makes me extremely angry.


Edit: I feel just a tiny bit better after my curbside pickup run to Petsmart. I go by the front doors of Lowe's on the way, and between the two stores every single person I saw had a mask. It's about freaking time, and maybe it was just "sensible hour" or something, but my previous trips saw maybe 20-30% mask-wearing tops.

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I agree, its sad. US is not acting like a 1st world country with Covid.


I know this is sarcastic, It appears your state chamber of commerce is running the health dep't.


In our county [ 1 million pop.] The largest age group figures with Covid are 20-30, 31- 40


Other age groups much less.


I have same day surgery on July 20. Getting a covid test this Thursday as a precaution.


I live in a 800 home gated sub division. On my block , there are 8 families that have street parties

every week end.


Often 30-40 people in attendance. No masks, no nothing. Party like its 2019.


I avoid the street parties as I refuse to hug and kiss Covid 19.

Why fit in, when you were born to stand out ?

My Soundcloud with many originals:

[70's Songwriter]

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Japan hasn't shut down at all. They wear masks and have a sense of society--this country just doesn't have it in us to follow suit, and we are going to pay for it.



Comparing Japan, S.Korea, and other similarly situated countries to the U.S. leads the inescapable conclusion that both our economic and health care pain have been self-inflicted. We somehow managed to impale ourselves on both ends of the stick. And we're not done yet. When a vaccine does arrive, it's far from certain that enough Americans will take it to put us over the herd immunity hump.

Gigging: Crumar Mojo 61, Hammond SKPro

Home: Vintage Vibe 64


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Our mayor FINALLY broke down and mandated wearing masks starting Wednesday......only no fines of any kind, so it's still mostly a "suggestion". My wife and I just came home from a "Night of the Living Dead" situation at a grocery store, where out of nowhere we were surrounded by an entire damn family unmasked whilst trying to buy cold cuts......unnerving as hell. Our numbers have been super low, but the county I live in is starting to add 50-60 cases a day. Major local events are cancelling left and right, including a Fall Festival which is renowned for being one of the largest street fairs in the country, but bars are still open like nothing's wrong. It's really a strange dichotomy at work.....wish people would take it halfway seriously, amybe if they did we'd have half a chance of getting over this sooner.....
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An update from the new CoVID-19 hotspot of the US? The headlines make it sound like Armageddon. Not exactly ...


Being at ground zero, it's not all that bad -- at least where I live. Yes, cases have dramatically increased over the last four weeks or so. As of right now, less than 1% of the county population has tested positive despite an aggressive testing regimen. The average age of new cases is 21-34. Private parties in homes are now believed to be the major culprit as all the bars have been closed for a while.


The somewhat good news is that local hospitalizations have remained somewhat steady, with very few deaths, the majority of which have originated from senior care facilities. Right now, there is plenty of spare healthcare capacity should it be needed. H1N1 was worse in some ways when it came through back when, as many seniors didn't make it due to lack of protocols at the time.


Most everyone is voluntarily wearing a mask when they go out, with very few exceptions. No handshakes, lots of hand sanitizer. I play pickleball most every morning, and never get closer than 10 feet to anyone, albeit without a mask.


Why am I sharing all of this? We're still booking outdoor gigs, and it's not too concerning. So far, the gigs have all been great -- we play outdoors in warm, humid sunshine, performers are safely distanced from the audience and each other, we put on our masks during the break, etc. Most everyone is highly aware other than a few clueless types wandering around (usually intoxicated), and everyone politely shuns them.


I do have a few musical friends who are absolutely paralyzed with fear, and refuse to rehearse or perform until this thing is "over". That's their choice, of course.


Unfortunately, it's not going to be "over" anytime soon ...

Want to make your band better?  Check out "A Guide To Starting (Or Improving!) Your Own Local Band"


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I read that Florida in two days has more cases that Japan has since this started. There is a probably going to be a really hard shutdown in a while and it's going to hurt worse than the first one did. Japan hasn't shut down at all. They wear masks and have a sense of society--this country just doesn't have it in us to follow suit, and we are going to pay for it. It makes me extremely angry.



I agree, it's sad to see. We've just had an outbreak in one of our states, and even with that the US in ten minutes is getting as many new cases as we are daily. We of course are a tenth the population of the US but same size geographically, so it's not a direct comparison, but if the US was tracking similar to us, the figure would be something like 150 mins to our daily rate (assuming testing rate is similar) rather than 10 minutes :(

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yes, your bubble is Indian River, population 159,000


we have similar small counties in CA, where they missed the initial virus

spread in Feb/March/April-- thus their complacent NIMBY attitude towards Covid 19

and state health warnings


But the virus has spread all over CA rural areas and these counties now their have serious wake up call.


I suppose you can find some solace in death stats. But I don't find any comfort in that.


And you can ignore what is taking place in other comparable counties and areas


Paralyzed by fear ? Maybe they are the wise ones and can accurately assess what is taking place.


And since your county and town is connected to other regions with high positivity rate [ 11%]

its not medically wise to relax any proven preventative steps.


Especially when folks are congregating and having a good time.


Especially when we see defenseless children and babies suffer and die from Covid 19.


Indian River County: 1,185 cases


20 deaths

Men: 561, Women: 603

91 hospitalizations

27 new reported cases since Saturday

Why fit in, when you were born to stand out ?

My Soundcloud with many originals:

[70's Songwriter]

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Paralyzed by fear? I guess that's one way to look at it. Another would be that it's prudent to get indoors when lightning is striking nearby, and avoid swimming at night with raw steaks strapped to your side.


I'm not all that worried about me or mine getting killed by this, though I have a couple people close to me at risk. I am concerned about the various side effects and potential long-term medical issues that aren't going to show under "deaths". I think it's very plausible that non-nursing home people are going to have a lower death rate than say what we saw in NYC. There have been things learned as this goes along, I've been on a science forum where a couple docs are sharing what they have been doing.


The hospitals are starting to fill up, we'll see if they keep from getting swamped because the true test is going to be in a couple/three weeks (assuming the rate and cases don't keep rising).


I think it's absolutely pathetic that people are waiting hours in lines for tests and can't get results back in a couple weeks. I'd expect better from . One might almost think it's purposeful from the nation that mobilized so rapidly in response to WWII...

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Most people who post on this board seem to be retirement age (or close), white collar, and if not "paralyzed by fear", at least very risk-averse. Who probably never risk anything worse than eye strain from staring at a computer screen too long. And they think everyone else should be just like them. But not everyone thinks that the ideal is a very very long, very very safe life, with the grand prize filling up your Depends at a nursing home during the last years of your superannuated existence.


Is the only reason to talk about gigs is to lecture on why no one should be doing them? Then lobby the mods to put up a sticky RE that subject and shut this thread down until there is a vaccine available to ensure our immortality.


Enjoy your gigs, cphollis! :)

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Most people who post on this board seem to be retirement age (or close), white collar, and if not "paralyzed by fear", at least very risk-averse. Who probably never risk anything worse than eye strain from staring at a computer screen too long. And they think everyone else should be just like them. But not everyone thinks that the ideal is a very very long, very very safe life, with the grand prize filling up your Depends at a nursing home during the last years of your superannuated existence.



This forum does seem to trend 50+, but other than that your portrait of the average forumite doesn't ring true at all. I took more risks just between the ages of 40-45 than some people do their whole lives.


The interactive "how when I do this does it affect that guy over there" dynamics of a disease pandemic don't fit neatly into our preconceived ideas of risk. It doesn't seem fair that because people don't want to wear a mask in Trader Joe's, therefore I can't play clubs. There's no poetic sense to it all. It's not like they got some big thrill to compensate on a cosmic level for the thrills I lost. I can't play clubs, but at least they can shop without a mask. Try writing a song about that.


But that's just my perspective. Everyone's got their own story of frustration about how the distant actions of people they have never met and will never meet are messing up their lives. I want to get back to taking unreasonable, stupid risks, but the only way to get there is by everyone doing a lot of really boring, geeky, pollyana-ish stuff like shopping with a cotton mask.

Gigging: Crumar Mojo 61, Hammond SKPro

Home: Vintage Vibe 64


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But not everyone thinks that the ideal is a very very long, very very safe life, with the grand prize filling up your Depends at a nursing home during the last years of your superannuated existence.
Yes, but those people don't have the right to make that determination for the people around them.


I'm in central New York State, where we've kept the numbers relatively low for the US; I'm starting to gradually have outdoor get-togethers and even a few outdoor gigs on the radar. I'm being very choosy about them, but I'm happy to see the scientists honing in on the transmission factors, particularly that outdoor transmission is very difficult and that most transmission is airborne/respiratory particles rather than touching surfaces. After a few months of going very few places and seeing very few people, it's made me comfortable sitting around the fire in a friend's backyard, even with him pouring me a glass of Lagavulin (god, that was good). But if we have to go into a store, or navigate through a public place near people, we keep our distance and we put the mask on.


As far as the mentioned demographics, I'm younger than the average here. 30, married, no kids, IT job at a university. And yeah, I'm not the most high-risk person. But my wife has respiratory concerns, as does one of my bandmates' wives, and they have two little kids. Lots of my friends have little kids. My preference would be to keep playing music with these people for the long haul, and create art well into our old age, and see their kids grow up in a world full of opportunity, community, and plenty. We had a cancer loss in our little music circle just last year; life is tough when there's not a global pandemic to contend with. So yeah, the "caution be damned" attitude doesn't sit well with me when there are simple steps we can all take to keep one another safer.

Samuel B. Lupowitz

Musician. Songwriter. Food Enthusiast. Bad Pun Aficionado.

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"Paralyzed by fear" is an accurate characterization of some of my music friends, unfortunately. For them, it's not just about taking reasonable precautions, it's gone much further. The media-driven pandemic porn has badly frightened them, and no amount of reassurance with observed facts or logic are going to be of help. You can see the fear in their eyes. It's sad, really.


Being a child of the early 60's, this reminds me of the abject fear some people had of imminent nuclear destruction by the USSR. Bomb shelters were built, we kids practiced duck-and-cover drills, anti-radiation kits were popular, and more. One could argue whether or not the fear was justified, or just a byproduct of the times. Either way, it was seriously dysfunctional.

Want to make your band better?  Check out "A Guide To Starting (Or Improving!) Your Own Local Band"


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The observed facts that concern me are those from NYC, Spain and Italy that apparently can't happen again. Another set is the continued shunting aside of our scientific leaders by politicians.


I don't watch a lot of "pandemic porn" whatever the f that is. I do try to get on forums where medical people that are involved with helping patients with covid post, and the things they are writing are sobering. I've seen little in the media that matches what they are saying from the front lines.


We are in this position, facing what it probably going to be a crippling extended lockdown, because people wouldn't even bother with "reasonable precautions". Not enough of them at any rate. There are covid parties still being held for instance, wonderful. People just want to "get it over with", no thought to those they might pass it to. I wouldn't care if people choose to Darwin themselves normally, but my life and livelihood is tied to them (unlike if they chose to hide out in a bunker.)

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I don't know anyone " paralyzed by fear "


That sounds like some kind of mocking talking point.


I do know numerous folks practicing ' an abundance of caution '.


Thats a fair characterization. I guess that is what your musicians are doing


And Dr Fauci is the source of the phrase 'practice an abundance of caution '.


The daily positivity rate for Indian River County is 6.5 percent.


It jumped from 4.2%


Not 1% as you stated.

Why fit in, when you were born to stand out ?

My Soundcloud with many originals:

[70's Songwriter]

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"Paralyzed by fear" is an accurate characterization of some of my music friends, unfortunately. For them, it's not just about taking reasonable precautions, it's gone much further. The media-driven pandemic porn has badly frightened them, and no amount of reassurance with observed facts or logic are going to be of help. You can see the fear in their eyes. It's sad, really.


Being a child of the early 60's, this reminds me of the abject fear some people had of imminent nuclear destruction by the USSR. Bomb shelters were built, we kids practiced duck-and-cover drills, anti-radiation kits were popular, and more. One could argue whether or not the fear was justified, or just a byproduct of the times. Either way, it was seriously dysfunctional.

A dude who wasn't paralysed by fear "A 30-year-old patient died after attending a 'Covid party', believing the virus to be a hoax, a Texas medical official has said." Rock on bro.

A misguided plumber attempting to entertain | MainStage 3 | Axiom 61 2nd Gen | Pianoteq | B5 | XK3c | EV ZLX 12P

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"Paralyzed by fear" is an accurate characterization of some of my music friends, unfortunately. For them, it's not just about taking reasonable precautions, it's gone much further. The media-driven pandemic porn has badly frightened them, and no amount of reassurance with observed facts or logic are going to be of help. You can see the fear in their eyes. It's sad, really.


Being a child of the early 60's, this reminds me of the abject fear some people had of imminent nuclear destruction by the USSR. Bomb shelters were built, we kids practiced duck-and-cover drills, anti-radiation kits were popular, and more. One could argue whether or not the fear was justified, or just a byproduct of the times. Either way, it was seriously dysfunctional.


Outdoor gigs are reasonable. I've done them and will keep doing them. But I don't have a pre-existing condition or spend time with people who do. Judging people for being "paralyzed by fear" seems unfair and insensitive unless you know their whole situation. And speaking for myself, I would not insult the intelligence of my friends (not even my "musician friends"!) by suggesting that they've just seen too many pictures of people being loaded into ambulances. The people I hang out with are all capable of thinking this through.


Lack of abundant outdoor gigs is a problem for folks on this forum, but it doesn't even make the list of society's biggest problems. High on that list now is whether schools start up in the fall. For my wife and I it's a massive issue around which our whole life pivots. Apparently many teachers don't want to spend 5 days a week performing an extremely difficult and underpaid job in enclosed rooms with people who are notoriously bad at mask-wearing and social-distancing and are doing who-knows-what outside of school. Volunteering in my kid's classrooms I've seen teachers repeatedly tell kids to cough into their elbow only to have them projectile cough 5 seconds later. I should have taken videos -- now that would be some hot pandemic porn!


Totally lost me with the nuclear bomb drill analogy. I get that it all seems quaint now given no bombs were dropped. But what does that have to do with a public health crisis that is actually occurring?

Gigging: Crumar Mojo 61, Hammond SKPro

Home: Vintage Vibe 64


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After the autopsy report findings they finally got around to weeks after it hit the USA due to being overwhelmed. The damage this virus can do is crazy.

I'll exercise outdoors without a mask and keep clear of people. But if going indoors like shopping, a mask.


I have one trio gig booked in September that was already postponed. I don't have a problem if I were asked to play outdoors. But don't know the conditions of this trio gig. I may cancel if it's indoors. Even if we're 6 ft away from each other.

I do see wedding event planners in my area planning soon to start up indoor ceremonies with their protective measures in place. But how good will that actually be? People do sneeze and cough. Indoor events, very risky.

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Redoing my response because I may have missed the point on some things, sorry.. the pushback to cphollis' post may not have been so much that he was playing out but rather to his rationale (which I happen to be sympathetic to) for why things weren't so bad in his area. Explaining that rationale made it fair game for criticism, free exchange of ideas and all that, so the others' critique of that had nothing to do with getting in someone else's business- my apologies.


I do have some musician friends who pass on gigs because they are "paralyzed by fear"- of their wives, that is. In some cases their wives will not let them play anything but outside gigs, in other cases wives will not let their hubbies play any gigs at all. I fully understand that things are different when you're married, I just happen to be fortunate that in my case no one gives a sh*t so I don't have to run it by anyone else. :)

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Speaking of bookings rolling in, one of my bands has announced three shows in 2021 over the past week. They"re all selling very well - there"s no doubt the appetite among punters will be there post-COVID.


I just hope there IS a post-COVID. Parts of Australia are now enduring something of a second wave, and the numbers worldwide are sobering.

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Redoing my response because I may have missed the point on some things, sorry.. the pushback to cphollis' post may not have been so much that he was playing out but rather to his rationale (which I happen to be sympathetic to) for why things weren't so bad in his area. Explaining that rationale made it fair game for criticism, free exchange of ideas and all that, so the others' critique of that had nothing to do with getting in someone else's business- my apologies.


I do have some musician friends who pass on gigs because they are "paralyzed by fear"- of their wives, that is. In some cases their wives will not let them play anything but outside gigs, in other cases wives will not let their hubbies play any gigs at all. I fully understand that things are different when you're married, I just happen to be fortunate that in my case no one gives a sh*t so I don't have to run it by anyone else. :)


Agreed, but I think many are tired of the "I choose not to live in fear" schtick. There's a line between fear and caution I guess, and the problem is that this country can't agree on whether this is a real danger or not.


If we were talking about rock climbers (who die pretty regularly) nobody would care, that's their choice to go up--but in this case we are all roped together so it's not a simple question of freedom or leaving people alone to do what they want to do.


His county is not far from some serious trouble spots though--we are not talking some place in Newfoundland or the hinterlands of Wyoming. South Florida and Central Florida are nearby and they are heading for a rough time potentially. Nobody knows how bad (or good) it will be, but we've seen what happens in other places when hospitals get overwhelmed. If it gets bad in Orlando, you can be pretty sure the Space Coast and surrounding counties aren't going to be magically ok. By the time you can see it, it's way too late to do much to head it off.

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As I'm perceiving it, the angst in this thread has little or nothing to do with cphollis. He started this thread to talk about his carefully curated outdoor gigs. I don't think anyone has a problem with any of that. He just happens to have started the thread which is now where people are releasing all their Covid-related anxieties. Not his fault, not his problem.


I've no doubt that some people are paralyzed by fear and are playing it more safely than they need to. But so what. They're not the problem.


If everyone engaged in only the reasonably risky behavior, then we'd all be better off, and we'd all be having a lot more fun. Sadly, it only takes a small percentage of people taking unreasonable risks to raise the risk level for everyone. I don't see this changing anytime soon.


The longer this goes on, the easier the analysis becomes. Look at the countries that are dealing with this well, look at the ones that aren't, compare and contrast. We're already at a point where the average 10-year old can figure out how to beat this and how to lose.

Gigging: Crumar Mojo 61, Hammond SKPro

Home: Vintage Vibe 64


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  • 2 weeks later...

Yesterday night I had my first concert since 1st of march. Outdoors, plenty of distancing shown from everyone, all in all a relaxed atmosphere. Felt good to be back on stage (though I have been on fancier ones :D ) playing music. Can't wait for the next outdoor gig on August 30th :freak: I'm in Germany, btw.

The upcoming winter season looks grim, though. I've had a club tour planned with a band in October and November, and every last one of the gigs got cancelled because promoters are unsure if people will be willing to go see indoor shows, or because they'll simply make zero money when club capacities are reduced drastically by distancing regulations. I've got one streaming gig, that's it for the rest of the year so far. Guess it's time to get back to working on the mandatory lockdown studio album and make millions in royalties from Spotify...


It's not a clone, it's a Suzuki.
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I also just played my first gig since March. My wife and I are rounding out the 'quarantine lineup' of a local touring band (not touring right now) that I played keys for from 2015-16. They organized a limited, ticketed show in the giant backyard of the married singer and guitarist. It was a blast, and very emotional. Also great to finally have a band rehearsal in the home studio (albeit with all the doors and windows open for ventilation, but folks got tested the week prior so we felt safe about it).


It"s very funny how much more perplexing load-in/load-out and setup/teardown are when you haven"t been doing it regularly. 'Oh right, I need a cable for that. Did I bring enough cables? Usually they"re all in my bag. Did I put them in my bag? Man I"m glad I live ten minutes from the venue.'



Samuel B. Lupowitz

Musician. Songwriter. Food Enthusiast. Bad Pun Aficionado.

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Ooh that's some cool lighting!
Yeah, after their tickets started selling the band decided to hire the local production company to do sound and lights so we weren"t running our own sound. One of the silver linings of Covid times is that since nobody can travel, you get the a-listers when you make the call, and they are thrilled to be working to put on a show for anybody. In addition to the pretty lights, it was a beautiful thing hearing the guitarist balanced perfectly with my keys in my IEMs so we could go all Keith-and-Ronnie during the jammier sections.

Samuel B. Lupowitz

Musician. Songwriter. Food Enthusiast. Bad Pun Aficionado.

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How are you guys that are back to gigging handling the Inside gig/Outside gig connundrum? I had to quit one gig because even though they were booking some outside dates that I might have felt comfortable playing, they were also booking some inside gigs I didn't want to get near to, and I didn't feel it was fair to them to cherry pick the gigs I would play.....
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I'm taking outdoor gigs with enough space for the band to be at least six feet from each other. I'm passing on outdoor gigs where the band doesn't have enough space and also passing on indoor gigs. Gigs are scarce in these parts. For me, it's two in July and two in August. Played last night and had a blast!
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How are you guys that are back to gigging handling the Inside gig/Outside gig connundrum? I had to quit one gig because even though they were booking some outside dates that I might have felt comfortable playing, they were also booking some inside gigs I didn't want to get near to, and I didn't feel it was fair to them to cherry pick the gigs I would play.....
Outdoor only (or indoor livestreams without a physical audience), and even then it depends on the commitment of the venue/event organizers to maintaining the guidelines set by the health department. None of my regular projects are ready to gig right now -- still too many folks who want to abstain from crowds due to high-risk partners, which is totally understandable -- so everything I've agreed to is for guest appearances and side projects at this point.

Samuel B. Lupowitz

Musician. Songwriter. Food Enthusiast. Bad Pun Aficionado.

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A little over two weeks ago on my DJ gig a friend came up to me. We hadn't seen each other in awhile and talked a few minutes - with some distance but probably not 6 feet apart the whole time because we know each other.


A few days later she started getting sick and was tested for Covid. It was positive. I quit the gig and put myself in soft quarantine. Now that it's been 16 days I'm starting to get out again.


We were both masked up (protection layer #1 and super important) but I think what gave me extra protection was I run a fan behind me. It was blowing strong enough where her air and my air couldn't reach each other.


Even though this was a DJ gig, I'm relaying the story because we all share the same risks and concerns when gigging. Please do whatever it takes to keep yourself safe. We do not have a lot of Covid around here, and I was not expecting anything like this to happen.


But it did.

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