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How long would you wait?

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The band I was playing with late last year broke up because the guitar player moved to Nashville in January to try his hand at being a full-time player. Then the tornado, and then the virus, so no gigs, running out of money, and he's returning to town soon or he already has. I guess he can go back to work whatever he was doing when he lived here before and pay the rent. :idk:


I got a group text from them last night started by the bass player, "How long should we give it to jam again?" The guitar player replied, "I'm in when you're all ready ! Maybe wait couple more weeks !"


I didn't reply. Yes, I would love to play with these guys again, I had a great time for the most part* and the music is right in my wheelhouse. But at this point, I hate the chance of going near anybody and I can't see doing this at all in the foreseeable future and I don't know when I'd be comfortable doing so. My current plan is to honestly tell them that. I would say, "I really want to play with you guys, I want to stay with the band, but if you go on without me, I would totally understand. If, when I'm ready, you still don't have a keyboard player and you want me, I'm in. Keep me posted."


I'm just curious, what would you do?



* The guitar player insists on playing so fucking loud that I switched from my custom plugs to full foam. We're in the living room of the bass player's house and the drummer has to mic his kick and snare so they can be heard. I measured the band at well over 100 dB. They also play from 2 to 7 or 8 pm every Saturday. While I love playing, that puts a serious cramp on those days. That being said, they are one of the best group of guys I've played with, no drama, no hassles if I need to skip a jam, etc. They do seem to understand that once they play out, they wouldn't be that loud. I'm also hoping they don't try to have rehearsals on gig weekends but that hasn't been discussed yet.

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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'I am currently following CDC guidelines on social distancing to prevent the spread of disease. I really want to play with you guys, I want to stay with the band, and if you go on without me, I would totally understand. If, when I'm ready, you still don't have a keyboard player and you want me, I'm in. Keep me posted."


I would say that.



You may welcome a loud guitar player when this is over....

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Whoever suggested or even thought of the meet is an irresponsible idiot.


Follow the guidelines then add a safety factor into your isolation routine is surely the way to go.


If someone becomes ill, who is it that then will look after them?


Do they really want to potentially pass on a known killer virus to the very people who are already putting their lives at risk caring for those who are ill?



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The social distancing and In Shelter orders is our only sure defense against Covid 19. spread.


A jam isn't worth playing with fire. We don't even know if the masks will work. Its easy to touch ones face.

Someone in the room coughs, sneezes after a few hours, and the virus is air borne.


Your answer is good. Think we have to do our part and sacrifice. It could easily continue thru summer.

Why fit in, when you were born to stand out ?

My Soundcloud with many originals:

[70's Songwriter]

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From a place where the curve maybe flattening and new daily cases daily are falling, but early days, our Chief Medical Officer is telling us 6 months. And that will be a gradual relaxation with an emphasis on jobs. Pubs, clubs and large gatherings may have to wait for a vaccine to be available before reopening. Right now, and for the foreseeable future, you would each be fined $1,100 if the police found out a band was rehearsing in someone's home.

A misguided plumber attempting to entertain | MainStage 3 | Axiom 61 2nd Gen | Pianoteq | B5 | XK3c | EV ZLX 12P

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Up here in Canada, everything is cancelled/closed until June 30. Even at that, I highly doubt July 1 will be a sudden epic party (although it's Canada Day, so it might be...)


The guitar player suggesting "a couple of weeks" is foolhardy & optimistic at best and completely reckless at worst. I'm looking at stats every day and staying the eff home.

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Nord Electro 5D, Novation Launchkey 61, Logic Pro X, Mainstage 3, lots of plugins, fingers, pencil, paper.

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Nashville waited a long time before shutting down. Your guitar player sounds like the type who's been cavalier about this, going about his business in contact with lots of people. And doing it in an area that's likely to soon emerge as a hotspot. He could be asymptomatic. People fitting that profile should be given a wide berth. I'd give it at least a month.

Gigging: Crumar Mojo 61, Hammond SKPro

Home: Vintage Vibe 64


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From what I have read , do not know if it's true or not , 80 degree weather will kill the virus , so for right now I am hoping for global warming .


Unfortunately for you, the inactivity caused by the virus has slowed emissions that cause global warming. It's a double bind!

Gigging: Crumar Mojo 61, Hammond SKPro

Home: Vintage Vibe 64


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No, too early. Not worth the risk. Death is final and this pandemic is not even close to over.

Knowing that they'll miss you when you are truly gone isn't helpful.




Does the guitarist aim his amp at his head? His amp should be very close to him and aimed directly at his ears.

I am an electric lead guitar player, I am DONE with bands where somebody plays too loud. That isn't worth it either. I've learned to play and sing with earplugs in, have done enough damage already.


Yes, I know - "He can't get his tone from the amp until it's turned up a bit." Heard it a million times, used to do it myself.

Correct answer - "You don't have a tone, the amp does. So get an amp that sounds good when it isn't stupid loud."


They exist, I have 3 or 4 different ones that I use. Most likely, he will set his feet and not consider it. Buh-bye!

As a friend often says "This is not an optional program." Best of luck figuring it all out!!! Cheers, Kuru

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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From what I have read , do not know if it's true or not , 80 degree weather will kill the virus , so for right now I am hoping for global warming .


thats a myth- the 80 degree weather thing.


Listen to qualified health authorities. And proven science.

Why fit in, when you were born to stand out ?

My Soundcloud with many originals:

[70's Songwriter]

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Hell if I know what I would do if I felt good. But I"m at home with a sore throat, fever and a cough. So I"m not getting out. This might actually be something bad now.

"It doesn't have to be difficult to be cool" - Mitch Towne


"A great musician can bring tears to your eyes!!!

So can a auto Mechanic." - Stokes Hunt


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But at this point, I hate the chance of going near anybody and I can't see doing this at all in the foreseeable future and I don't know when I'd be comfortable doing so.


My mantra for bands has always been "if it's not comfortable, don't" and in this case that would be x100. Use CDC and local guidelines for cover if needed.


There are only seven confirmed cases in my local community, but I know one - an otherwise healthy man in his late 30s who is currently in ICU fighting for his life. There's a certain randomness to this virus that's really scary.


An added thought: When these guys say they won't play as loud on a gig, don't believe it. They'll be louder.

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If I had to guess, I think something similar is likely for me. The rest of the band wasn't nearly as worried about this from the start as I have been--though the singer is from Queens and may know some people affected at this point...it is really bad there.


I don't see myself gigging for several months, if at all over the next year, which probably means I"m out of the band.


The reality is though that I live in a house with four other people, two of which are the most at-risk. We'd all have to stay distanced to avoid the virus, otherwise one of us will bring it home. Hopefully treatments and eventually a vaccine can come along.

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Sorry to anyone who thinks that 80 degrees is going to kill the virus off. My cousin is working in Africa, he says it"s currently 95 where he is, and they"ve recently had nearly a dozen cases local to him. I know the Donald said that the heat would kill it off, but he"s wrong.



(Not meaning to get political, hope this remark is OK. If not, mods please remove)

Occasionally, do something nice for a total stranger. They'll wonder what the hell is going on!
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First, a Get Well soon to CEB!!!

We've had a cold running around up here and it gets a bit scary.

I had it, but it went away.


Next - anybody wants to see if this is serious or not can keep tabs on this page. Not political, a simple tabulation of total confirmed US cases and total deaths, updated daily. https://www.covidus.com/coronavirus/usa/

The graphs are all still headed upwards, as long as they do that socializing of the sort mentioned in the OP is OUT.

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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From what I have read , do not know if it's true or not , 80 degree weather will kill the virus , so for right now I am hoping for global warming .


Temperature readings for the 31 days of March in south Louisiana equaled or exceeded 80 F a total of 18 days, the highest being 89. Eight of those days reached 85 or higher.


Wishing everyone all the best.

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Something else to consider. While the current numbers are scary, the actual situation on the ground is unknown for a variety of reasons.



It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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Heck, I don't want to socialize, even right away when restrictions are lifted; and that rules out jumping back into gigs quickly. A lot of fests and big events around here have been cancelled from now through mid-July. I've already lost several of those. There are a couple in early to mid June that haven't cancelled yet, but I'm not in favor of playing those; depending on the circumstances I may just not play. Unfortunately I live in a region that has a large fringe of folks in 'denial'... Some people are chomping at the bit to get 'back to normal' quickly, but I feel that even with limited restrictions we'll likely have a bad second wave of this. I'd be much more comfortable considering doing the gigs I have booked in very late July through late August. Even then I might wear a black bandanna. :duck:


It's sucks to be stuck inside 5 - 6 days out of the week, and masked, etc. the rest of the time. and losing $$ is bad. But I'd rather have to renegotiate a couple debts than become dust prematurely...


Take care, CEB; get plenty of rest, and keep an eye on those symptoms! Hopefully it's just a wicked rhinovirus like the one I just got past. No indication of Covid 19 symptoms, but it was a rough one. Zinc supplements and sunshine are the least I'm doing now. So far so good.

'Someday, we'll look back on these days and laugh; likely a maniacal laugh from our padded cells, but a laugh nonetheless' - Mr. Boffo.


We need a barfing cat emoticon!








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Joe, you're in Houston. Texas governor has issued stay at home order until April 30. Tell them you'll consider after April 30. If the governor extends the order (which he should), then extend your consideration. The order "requires all Texans to stay at home except to provide essential services or do essential things like going to the grocery store," Abbott said. The order is now in place until April 30. https://www.texastribune.org/2020/04/03/texas-under-stay-home-order-its-rules-match-those-other-states/


If it was me, I'd just say hell no, not until I'm reasonably sure this thing has passed.

These are only my opinions, not supported by any actual knowledge, experience, or expertise.
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I know the Donald said that the heat would kill it off, but he"s wrong.
Hopefully, since you didn't specify which Donald, you're safe from politics. :idk:


Anyway, the actual quote by some Donald or another -- from early March, when none of us knew where this was going -- was

The virus that we"re talking about having to do, a lot of people think that goes away in April, with the heat, as the heat comes in, typically that will go away in April[.]


You're right about heat not slowing the spread, but please don't conflate a month-ago expression of hope with present tense "wrong."

-Tom Williams

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PC4-7, PX-5S, AX-Edge, PC361


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