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Corona Virus thread

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Yes, it's been well-documented that Italy did a very poor job of controlling the spread. The Italian populace was largely defiant in the face of warnings from public health officials. Milan ran a public ad campaign with a slogan that went something like "Milan never stops." There were actual "Coronavirus parties." Oh wait, no, sorry, that's Kentucky. Anyway, the point is, Italy's mistakes give the rest of the world a chance to get it right, or at least get it less wrong.

Gigging: Crumar Mojo 61, Hammond SKPro

Home: Vintage Vibe 64


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People keep saying the US is on the same track as Italy because our numbers are what theirs were 2 weeks ago. We have a population of 350 million compared to Italy at 60 million or so, and Italy geographically is like one of our 50 states. Italy is in trouble because they exceeded the capacity of their healthcare system. We keep talking about flattening the curve. As long as we do what we are doing, we won't have the issues Italy is having. Mind you, flattening the curve doesn't mean we won't all still eventually be exposed, it just means we slow it to a rate the healthcare system can handle, unlike Italy, so that people don't die through lack of care. But people unfortunately will die until there is a vaccine which won't be for at least 12-18 months. It is what it is.

I don"t share your optimism. I agree we"re doing better than Italy, but I don"t feel as secure in saying our health care system will ultimately be capable of handling the peak of the curve. We needed to start much earlier with containment in my opinion. I hope I"m wrong.


And with countless minds working in labs around the globe I also believe there may well be a viable vaccine fast tracked in a shorter timeframe than 12 - 18 months. On this front, I hope I"m right.

I would like to apologize to anyone I have not yet offended. Please be patient and I will get to you shortly.
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We can look around the world and see (so far at least) what has appeared to work, and what hasn't.


I'd say we are much close to Italy than South Korea. How much testing is going on at this point? Heavy testing is touted as key by many experts (though not all).


Arrogant morons were still packing beaches last week here in FLA and may still be for all I know. I haven't really left the house in a week and a half and don't watch the news other than a daily check (because, what exactly would I do differently?)


We did need to start much earlier, and be balls-out about containment. Instead we heard "it's no big deal". The flight bans packed thousands of people into crowded airports for hours (perfect virus environment.) People were taken off the cruise ships by workers without gear. This whole thing has been a complete and total pathetic excuse for leadership on every level. We don't need state governors being told they might get aid if they are nice to the Federal govt in return; we don't need state governors bidding against each other for masks like this is some free-market fun experiment. If anyone thinks hospitals are "ready", talk to someone who works in one. Maybe some are, but I don't many are. This is going to hit like a ton of bricks most likely.

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The absolute worst thing you can do is presume everything will be OK.


Fit and previously healthy Drs and Nurses here in the UK are dying.


Covid19 is c15x more virulent that other seasonal diseases.


The advice we are given is:-


stay indoors,


if venturing out stay at least six feet from anyone,


avoid visitors,


wash hand every two hours, we use good old soap


Plus we use an alcohol wash,


Do not touch face unless hands are clean, then wash hand again.



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I think I might have it right now, honestly. Fever and some, er, oral expulsion on Saturday night. Nothing major since then, but I can't tell if I've been feeling a little low this week or it's just the circumstances. I am quarantining myself.


And yeah, I'm pretty fearful for many people, particularly the most vulnerable. Whether that's elderly folks, homeless, refugee camps, reserves/reservations, people without access to healthcare, without the privilege of taking time off/working from home, those will be the communities which suffer the most. The cynic in me thinks some people might be happy to cut down the number of "undesirables".

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Despite the fact that my country, Greece, is neighbouring Italy, we only have 22 dead people and less than 800 coronavirus cases confirmed until today. The curve is going normaly up but in a slow pace, and scientists (our main guy was a Harvard Medical School chief or something like this..) are optimistic about the spread of the decease.

The thing is that in many small countries like Greece -and Israel, and elswhere...-, when they registered their first casualties, schools closed down and much of the country went quickly to semi-quarantine mode. Two weeks later -now- we're in full quarantine mode, schools, universities and much of the economic life still shut down, and we can only go out to buy supplies or go at work with a detailed permission (printed or e-mailed).

Measures are strict, but this is the only way to bring this thing down until we have a vaccine to face it.

Italy was very slow in their reactions. England was even slower - and now they expect London to be the next Milan.

We are a small economy, so the world won't stop turning if Greece shits down for a longer period of time. Italy, France, England, let alone the US, are big economies and every day off of work, affects the world economy - and this is the reason why politicians take time to take stricter measures...

Be grateful for what you've got - a Nord, a laptop and two hands
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My sister was on an extended stay in Kenya when the virus started appearing outside China. Last week she flew from Kenya to England where she'll be hunkering down with her daughter. She said Kenya has been taking this much more seriously than England, checking people's temperatures everywhere, etc. She noted a dramatic contrast with the UK where as of last week things were still much more lax. Kenya knows its health care system can't handle a pandemic so their only effective strategy is through prevention. I think what we've seen up to now is the overconfidence of first world countries that think they can withstand the storm of a widespread infection.

Gigging: Crumar Mojo 61, Hammond SKPro

Home: Vintage Vibe 64


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Here is my local paper:





USA is not "doing better than Italy". We are just wading further into the deep end.




I tried to get our area to close early but was considered alarmist. Our local hospital staff is gone. Infected or quarntined. Since we are the early birds health workers are being brought in now. Many unsafe practices continue.


Even usually good sources cannot keep up with rapids changes, but this is recent and outstanding:

BBC science hour

Over half of positives were contagious without symptoms at some point.

Best Youtube source of the very latest.

RT-3/U-121/Leslie 21H and 760/Saltarelle Nuage/MOXF6/MIDIhub, 

SL-880/Nektar T4/Numa Cx2/Deepmind12/Virus TI 61/SL61 mk2

Stylophone R8/Behringer RD-8/Proteus 1/MP-7/Zynthian 4

MPC1k/JV1010/Unitor 8/Model D & 2600/WX-5&7/VL70m/DMP-18 Pedals

Natal drums/congas etc & misc bowed/plucked/blown instruments. 

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Look at the John Hopkins Coronavirus Map. See the big empty spot on the globe, east of Europe and north of China? hmmm... biowarfare? just sayin'.


note: this is what happens when some folks shut in... they start concocting theories

Some music I've recorded and played over the years with a few different bands

Tommy Rude Soundcloud

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Look at the John Hopkins Coronavirus Map. See the big empty spot on the globe, east of Europe and north of China? hmmm... biowarfare? just sayin'.


note: this is what happens when some folks shut in... they start concocting theories


If you believe the map, I have a bridge to sell you.



Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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Look at the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Map. See the big empty spot on the globe, east of Europe and north of China? hmmm... biowarfare? just sayin'.


note: this is what happens when some folks shut in... they start concocting theories


If you believe the map, I have a bridge to sell you.


Bridges, like everything else, are on sale these days yes? Maybe a good time to buy a bridge?

Some music I've recorded and played over the years with a few different bands

Tommy Rude Soundcloud

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Only NewsWeek has covered it some other foreign news has but per the article a drug now a series of them that Cuba created back in 1981 to deal with a deadly virus is showing potential. It is one of the Interferon drugs. The is a world problem and we need the world to work together to deal with it. Forget all the politics and BS and work together to find a solution. Because the virus will resurrect itself if not dealt with universally the first time.
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By the way, sincere apologies to anyone offended by my weak attempts at humor. This is obvious incredibly serious and many of us (including me) know friends or family that are being hit by this scourge. Just want this to be over, but it looks like the worst is yet to come.

Some music I've recorded and played over the years with a few different bands

Tommy Rude Soundcloud

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I am a senior manager at a family (not my family) owned manufacturer. We have about 140 employees. We have over 100 customers, but 10 of them are about 80% of our business. We have 50 or so suppliers. Every single letter that we have received from customers and suppliers claims that their business is "essential" and we must stay open to keep them supplied. It is BS. When asked, these customers (all of them much bigger than us) do not disclose their plans for when an employee is diagnosed with COVID-19. They all claim to have excellent training and cleaning, etc.


If the government was serious about containing this virus, they would shut down most manufacturing, save food processing, pharmaceuticals, and medical devices.


This will be painful, but it will save lives.


My two cents.

Yamaha Motif XF6, Yamaha AN200, Logic Pro X,  Arturia Microbrute, Behringer Model D, Yamaha UX-3 Acoustic Piano, assorted homemade synth modules

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I'm trying to understand a few things.


I saw people walking alone near the ocean wearing a mask and asked myself why? Do they think the virus is airborne in such an open area?


Everyone is ordered to wash hands, I understand, but that is done because of risk that you will touch a surface, then touch your face. So, just to be clear, the virus will not enter your body from the pores in your hands?

AvantGrand N2 | ES520 | Gallien-Krueger MK & MP | https://soundcloud.com/pete36251

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Yeah that seems a misuse of a mask especially as they are in short supply...not very fun to wear either.


That seems correct, you want to avoid touching your face if your hands may have touched something. I've been using hospital gloves as an extra precaution in the rare event that I need to touch something others have touched. Take off the gloves (carefully) then wash my hands well. The couple times I've been out in the last couple weeks, I'll use hand sanitizer that I bring with me after I take off the gloves.


Reading about airborne transmission, and the virus itself as far as heat, humidity and how it survives with its outer coating....interesting stuff. One cough can spray up to 3000 droplets into the air, each of which could contain the virus (although they aren't sure just how "dense" this virus is in such a case). In still air the thing can float around for hours apparently. I personally would avoid indoor public places just in case if at all possible for that reason even if a lot of people aren't around. The right mask would definitely help in that case if worn correctly, if there is in fact a chance that droplets with virus can hang around.


Disclaimer: just been reading, in no way a medical expert if that's not blatantly obvious lol!


Edit: Starting to get closer to home. My boss' dad has tested positive, he lives on the west coast of FLA. Most likely this is very widespread by now, we just don't know it yet. Barely any testing going on relative to what other countries have been doing (other than NYC, and lo they have found tons of cases.)

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This analysis made me sit up. It is in-depth and a heavy read but the conclusions are optimistic








Can someone explain something to me;


I posted this link in a new thread previously cause I thought the content was important and especially relevant to the US and the UK because of their attempts to use mitigation in reaction to the pandemic.

The thread was pulled. But I dont know why.I used the term " dumb arsed politicians" (should have said dumb-arsed leaders) but the content of the link is no more' political' than anything on this thread.


So why dont moderators generally give the poster a reason when they act in a summary way?

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Just had the first virus death where I live and it shows how important social distancing is, it was a 17 YO boy that had been in good health. He a week ago he went to hang out with some friends. In a manner of days he start feeling bad, start having a fever and breathing problems. Finally bad enough goes to the ER and dies hours later. CDC people waited to confirm it was the virus. So even a young health kid became a victim by ignoring social distancing.


Keep you distance people.

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Low risk people not caring about their behavior is selfish and puts the rest of us at risk.


I"m high risk. 65, two open heart surgeries, and asthma. I"m absolutely not taking any unnecessary risks, and get upset when I hear about those who don"t care.

I would like to apologize to anyone I have not yet offended. Please be patient and I will get to you shortly.
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So what do we do...

the debate today is

A) follow the scientists advice and practice social distancing for 8 weeks or more to protect our older citizens and those with pre-existing conditions. Though some younger people for unknown reasons react in a bad way to this invader as well.

B) send the over 50s back to work to keep the economy moving. apparently they would gladly risk their health and lives to hold up the economy for future generations.

C) send everyone back to work, let the virus take its course and sacrifice whoever falls in its wake for the economy. whoever lives through it has immunity. but of course they say it"s already mutating.


We"ll have a vaccine at some point. They say to expect a second, possibly third wave and seasonally like the flu.


Clearly this is a battle like many alive right now have not seen.

Yamaha CP88, Casio PX-560

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Especially considering that the feeling from non-politicians is that B and C overwhelm the hospital systems so completely that we may not "only" kill a bunch more people, but take the economy down even more than option A.
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Like I said before, the devastation of mass unemployment in the USA may well be far greater than that caused by Covid-19.

It"s a catch-22, and I"m glad I don"t have to make decisions of that magnitude.


It would appear that 81% of those infected experience mild illness, 14% severe illness, and 5% critical.



If 78% of Americans indeed live paycheck to paycheck, I think it stands to reason that mass unemployment will have a greater impact on more people (3.3 million newly unemployed and counting).


It"s different for countries like The Netherlands, where they have a social system that can deal with that, but even there the local social security admins can barely keep up with the spike in demand.


local: Korg Nautilus 73 | Yamaha MODX8

away: GigPerformer

home: Kawai RX-2 | Korg D1 | Roland Fantom X7


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Our state (MN) is going to be under a Shelter in Place order for two weeks from tomorrow, and all non-essential businesses etc closed until May 1st. Schools are supposed to be 100% online (oh, the mess that is going to be with Frontier running our internet in most of the state - can't even load an email 80% of the time). According to our governor, it's too late to "flatten the curve" now so this is Plan B, buying time for more respirators and ventilators to be made (3M and Medtronic are both heavily based here).

Yamaha: Motif XF8, MODX7, YS200, CVP-305, CLP-130, YPG-235, PSR-295, PSS-470 | Roland: Fantom 7, JV-1000

Kurzweil: PC3-76, PC4 (88) | Hammond: SK Pro 73 | Korg: Triton LE 76, N1R, X5DR | Emu: Proteus/1 | Casio: CT-370 | Novation: Launchkey 37 MK3 | Technics: WSA1R

Former: Emu Proformance Plus & Mo'Phatt, Korg Krome 61, Roland Fantom XR & JV-1010, Yamaha MX61, Behringer CAT

Assorted electric & acoustic guitars and electric basses | Roland TD-17 KVX | Alesis SamplePad Pro | Assorted organs, accordions, other instruments

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