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OT: Stay Safe Out There!

Rusty Mike

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My cousin is in North Myrtle Beach, SC. She said they hadn't bugged out just yet but were going to reassess on Tuesday. When Matthew went through two years ago she said the beach was ok but there was quite a bit of inland flooding. I'll be checking in her and hoping for the best.




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Hunkered down...waiting...waiting...


The predictions for landfall are shifting slowly northwards, so I don't think we're in as much danger as it first appeared. Good for us. Bad for Myrtle Beach, Wilmington, and the Outer Banks. We're ~100 miles inland, so it's not going to be as bad as on the coast, regardless.


I haven't been out to read the rain gauge yet, but this is the first rain we've had in a month. Dry as a bone to soggy in one fell swoop.


Hugo was interesting. Lots of wind and a steady, moderate rain that just never let up.


True story: I worked the night Hugo came in. Second shift supervisor--16:30 'till 00:30. Didn't really want to, but we were deemed "essential personnel" by USC and had no choice. I was pretty miserable on several levels, being in the early stages of my divorce and having a dying uncle. Then comes Hugo. Bad things come in threes, right? So...I and my guys are sitting tight, waiting for the shit to hit the fan and the woman who's in charge of the campus telephone system sashays through on her way home. She says, "If the phone system drops, call me," and waltzes out the door.


This won't hit home until I point out two things: Hugo was in 1989 and there weren't any cell phones in those days.


Hey, dum-dum, if the phones are down, how are we supposed to call you?


Yes, she was known to be lacking in cerebral accomplishment.


As it turned out, the power (and phones) kept going, the roof stayed on the building, and I went home at 00:30 to listen to the rhythm of the falling rain.



I'm not interested in someone's ability to program. I'm interested in their ability to compose and play.

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I'm in Virginia/Shenandoah Valley. It the center mass of chaos as of now. What a horrible year for weather...frigid winter, snow even into April, nearly double our yearly rainfall already, now this.


BUT I know it's bad almost all over, just possibly in a different format.



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Everyone face east and blow! ;)


I'm hoping Florence is at worst a "normal" hurricane and not a big rainmaker as the predictions seem to be saying. It's reminding us of what we were hearing about Harvey a few days before. I sincerely hope it's nothing like that. Ideally, something will change and blow the girl out to sea before she makes any landfall.

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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Well, I'm within the area of impact (near New Bern, NC), and the county, and most surrounding counties, have called for Mandatory Evacuation. Wife, self, and two cats. The local shelter that accepts pets is about 5 miles away - I really don't see any reason that it would be safer than home.

Vehicles are fueled, but the combination of going nowhere traffic, stations all along the way being out of gas, and trying to find somewhere that will accept us and the pets - thinking seriously of staying home. Checked topo maps before buying, we are 15-20 feet above normal water level, inside of home a couple of feet above that.

I REALLY wouldn't want to wind up stuck through the storm inside the truck out of gas somewhere in a bunch of traffic.

Made it through Hazel in 1954 in my grandparents' 100 year old home (I was 13 then).

Don't mind admitting that we are praying.


Howard Grand|Hamm SK1-73|Kurz PC2|PC2X|PC3|PC3X|PC361; QSC K10's

HP DAW|Epi Les Paul & LP 5-str bass|iPad mini2

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."


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Up here in Northern Virginia, I'm a little concerned about the wind and rain we could get. Nearby DC has "state of emergency" declared, but they are closer to the shoreline than we are, so we'll see.

The grocery store was almost out of bottled water for sale, I had to buy Evian which is not my usual choice. You can never have too much overcaution apparently!

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Current projections have Florence hooking south after making landfall...ending up pretty much on my doorstep.


"Bad. Not good." Thus spake Peace, from the movie Wizards (biggest movie in America prior to the arrival of a little space story about a boy named Luke).


Going to pull out my chainsaw and make sure it's sharp.



I'm not interested in someone's ability to program. I'm interested in their ability to compose and play.

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This article was written by our local weather expert and the guy whose site I refer people when they want to know about Houston weather. Thus, he knows hurricanes and predictions.


The Hurricane Florence forecast has gone from bad to worse :eek:

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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Went thru Sandy in NJ then moved here to Bluffton/Hilton head SC. Been here three years and this is the third major storm. We're 34 feet above Sea level and our house is newer. No one in our neighborhood has put up the shutters yet as we are expecting just some heavy wind and tons of rain. Have a friend in Fla. who invited us down if we decide to bail but 95 sucks on a good day and its a mess now so we're sitting tight. Hope this thing turns around and goes back out to sea. Good luck to our more Northern friends.

BTW our other choices for retirement places were New Bern and Wilmington NC.

Can I pick em or what ??

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Current projections have Florence hooking south after making landfall...ending up pretty much on my doorstep.


"Bad. Not good." Thus spake Peace, from the movie Wizards (biggest movie in America prior to the arrival of a little space story about a boy named Luke).


Going to pull out my chainsaw and make sure it's sharp.




Yeah, I'm a bit south of you, and definitely wasn't thrilled to see that they keep updating the projected path more towards my area.


I hope it doesn't go right over you, which is what it's looking like it might do!


And one of my nephews is up at Clemson, which also looks to be more or less in the projected path-- although I guess by that time it's expected to be downgraded to a tropical depression.


EDIT: Yipes! This map shows it more likely to pass over me than you! I'll have to keep checking this weathernerds.org site periodically.



Michael Rideout
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Went thru Sandy in NJ then moved here to Bluffton/Hilton head SC. Been here three years and this is the third major storm. We're 34 feet above Sea level and our house is newer. No one in our neighborhood has put up the shutters yet as we are expecting just some heavy wind and tons of rain. Have a friend in Fla. who invited us down if we decide to bail but 95 sucks on a good day and its a mess now so we're sitting tight. Hope this thing turns around and goes back out to sea. Good luck to our more Northern friends.

BTW our other choices for retirement places were New Bern and Wilmington NC.

Can I pick em or what ??

I was in Hilton Head in 2011 IIRC right about this time of year, when Hurricane Ophelia had the good grace to stay stalled about 200 miles off the coast and the weather was glorious. As a bonus, the threat of the storm kept a lot of the tourists away, so we had the golf courses to ourselves. Hopefully you will have the same experience this time. It just occurred to me, that since HH is basically wall to wall golf courses, you must have pretty good luck with clubhouse gigs.

Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.

-Mark Twain


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At this time the wind forecasts don't look as bad as I had first feared, but the rainfall predictions are getting serious. I'm seeing predicted accumulations of 10+ inches in my area.


In October 2015, Hurricane Joaquin stood off the coast, never making landfall, but combined with another weather system to pump serious moisture into South Carolina. Here at the house we had over 17" of rain in less than 48 hours. It was the kind of rain where cars slow to a crawl on the highway, blinkers on, then sneak up under an overpass for shelter, only it never stopped. My rain gauge only reads up to 6" so I had to run out in the middle of the night to take a read, then dump it so it wouldn't overflow during the night.


Florence is starting to look like that. Some of the coastal rainfall predictions are exceeding 20". Looks like it's going to get messy.



I'm not interested in someone's ability to program. I'm interested in their ability to compose and play.

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We've had some rain, but nothing torrential. Today was actually sunny for a while. But we're well inland-- the projections don't put the storm in our area until late Saturday or early Sunday.


The latest map shows it going near us but not over us-- except that's with a straight line between the projected locations for 8 PM Saturday and 8 PM Sunday. If you draw a curve through the locations for 8 PM Saturday, 8 PM Sunday, and 8 PM Monday, it goes pretty much right overhead. :P


I'm hoping that will change as they keep updating the projected path between now and Saturday, but better to plan for the worst.

Michael Rideout
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Current forecasts show the eye of the storm in my back yard in about 30 hours or so. The last radar image I looked at showed that the eye has closed up. Rats. I was hoping to look up and see stars, bounded by a circular wall of clouds.


In the meantime, we're getting rain squalls and the wind's been increasing since dawn. My primary fear is falling trees. Flooding won't be an issue for me given the slope of my yard, but erosion could be a problem. Given a choice, I'll take erosion over falling trees any day (or night) of the week.



I'm not interested in someone's ability to program. I'm interested in their ability to compose and play.

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New Bern, NC is in the news Internationally (BBC, Tokyo, etc.) due to the flooding from Hurricane Florence. We personally didn't sustain a lot of damage (tree branches, including one that took down one of my two HF Ham Radio Dipole Antennas, minor flooding (3 inches or so) on one side of the far back yard, and about 25' of fence laying on the ground in the far back of the property. Much vegetation & pine cones on the ground, we will probably pay our regular lawn company to cleanup the yard.

Interestingly, I moved our two older cars (which only have liability insurance instead of comprehensive) to the local Mall, because we were shown in the possible flood area on the published maps, and the mall was not. Well, found out that there was some flooding in the mall parking lot. A couple of inches of water in the rear right seat floor area of the 96 BMW, the 2002 GMC pickup was a bit higher off the ground. Zero flooding of our yard, except for a small area near the back extending to a low area on a neighbor's property. When I bought, I did consult topo maps of the area. Front is between 15 and 20 feet, back between 10 and 15.

Unfortunately, some areas were not so fortunate. Swift Water Rescue teams from all over the US are in NC now. There were over 400 families rescued in the New Bern area alone. Many primary roads are flooded and impassible. Largely because the storm (which hit as Cat 2, then quickly dropped to Cat 1) dribbled along at between 2 and 6 mph. Some areas of the old downtown New Bern got over nine feet of flooding. I knew this could happen, because Hazel in 1954 produced water that got into the second story of the Holiday Inn, which was right next to the Neuse River (over a mile wide at this point).

We lost power Wednesday night, do have an 8kw generator, used it to minimize refrigerator and freezer losses (on 3 or 4 hours, off 6 to 8 hours). Power returned about 1245 today (Sunday). After transferring the load and gradually powering up stuff, we have TV, phone, and Internet service. Even the cell phones didn't work until late yesterday.

We do feel greatly blessed, not the least by the sheer number of people who have come from all over the United States to help in this time of need.

Haven't posted before because of no way to do so - not even cellular access for several days.

Would be interested in hearing from BluesKeys, ITGITC?, and others from NC & SC.

The storm is STILL causing extensive damage, although now it is the western part of NC and SC. New Bern has (had?) a quite large Marina near the Neuse River and on the Trent River. Some of those craft wound up in middle of streets, others sunk, others sitting on the railroad bridge, others just unknown location.

The storm just moving so slowly meant that the places where the strong rain bands stayed almost in the same exact spots for many hours, some areas have reported over 30 inches (NOT fake news) in the last few days.

I grew up in Eastern NC, went through Hazel, Ione, and others in the 50's and 60's - this was even worse. I remember (was teenage at the time) when we could only go from Alliance to Bayboro (2 miles) in one direction, and a mile or so beyond Grantsboro (3 miles) in the other - for several WEEKS because of flooded roads.

There is still some possibility of further damage due to flooded rivers that now have tons of water coming in from further in the state.


Howard Grand|Hamm SK1-73|Kurz PC2|PC2X|PC3|PC3X|PC361; QSC K10's

HP DAW|Epi Les Paul & LP 5-str bass|iPad mini2

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."


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