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Sweetwater Hiring Keyboard Specialist


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Dammit. That was a joke? Cause I had a sales position all ready to refer you to...if you were serious...


did anyone jump on that roadie/driver/general schlepper gig you mentioned ? ( I thought it was from you).


The free In n Out food was a nice benefit plus lodging in the cab of the F150


Why fit in, when you were born to stand out ?

My Soundcloud with many originals:

[70's Songwriter]

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Just looked at a map.


Am I the only who thinks Jim would be perfect for this? I know he's busy working on a million different projects but I dunno. :idk::snax:


He would be kick arse at this but I don't know if he'd want to uproot the fam to Ft. Wayne.

Kawai C-60 Grand Piano : Hammond A-100 : Hammond SK2 : Yamaha CP4 : Yamaha Montage 7 : Moog Sub 37


My latest album: Funky organ, huge horn section


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Yeah, I left dB and Bobby out of my post since they've already weighed in. Definitely several good candidates here.


What about you E.D.? You've got the chops and are at a stage in life where this could be awesome. Ability to speak French is only an added bonus I'm sure!


That, and I don't want to move, and probably make more doing what I do now.


Entirely speculation but I'm almost sure of it.

Kawai C-60 Grand Piano : Hammond A-100 : Hammond SK2 : Yamaha CP4 : Yamaha Montage 7 : Moog Sub 37


My latest album: Funky organ, huge horn section


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In reality I probably wouldn't have the extreme tech knowledge that this position would require. I know my Romplers well...but not to the very depths of what they are capable of. I know about analog synthesis, but not the point where I can hear any sound and recreate it in moments. I don't have the historical knowledge / geek level appreciation of these oscillators vs those oscillators and this filter vs that. I can think of loads of people on this board that would be better suited.

Kawai C-60 Grand Piano : Hammond A-100 : Hammond SK2 : Yamaha CP4 : Yamaha Montage 7 : Moog Sub 37


My latest album: Funky organ, huge horn section


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Yeah, I left dB and Bobby out of my post since they've already weighed in. Definitely several good candidates here.


What about you E.D.? You've got the chops and are at a stage in life where this could be awesome. Ability to speak French is only an added bonus I'm sure!


Ah man. I'm flattered that you even raised the possibility, but I don't know if I quite have the necessary tech knowledge yet... Nor am I ready to jump ship on the projects I'm invested in right now. On that note, if anyone wants to click on the recordings tab of my website and buy a few tracks, that'd be awesome. :laugh:

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Excerpt from their job posting..


"Since all videos are filmed here at our amazing headquarters, you'll need to relocate to Fort Wayne, Indiana. Sorry, we are not looking for someone to do this from a remote location."


Maybe I'm a bit disconnected from this world, but seems a bit limiting to have this as a requirement? I mean, if they opened this up to remote folks, wouldn't they be potentially significantly increasing the quality and value of reviews? And thereby enhancing the value and reliability of their service?


I would suggest that not only should they open this up to a remote contributor, but consider having multiple remote folks submitting reviews, i.e. an 'all-star lineup' of great reviewers. They can easily edit the videos to add in their company logo, and they could arrange the compensation to fit, maybe piecework or some other suitable comp structure. And they could evaluate the effectiveness of the reviews through a variety of analytics, and make adjustments accordingly.


Call me crazy, but aren't we living in the wonderful age of the internet, where great ideas and visuals are being shared across the globe in a matter of seconds? And isn't the essence and purpose of the role they are looking for perfectly filled by a remote approach? At least, try it out through a pilot program, what could it hurt?

Some music I've recorded and played over the years with a few different bands

Tommy Rude Soundcloud

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Excerpt from their job posting..


"Since all videos are filmed here at our amazing headquarters, you'll need to relocate to Fort Wayne, Indiana. Sorry, we are not looking for someone to do this from a remote location."


Maybe I'm a bit disconnected from this world, but seems a bit limiting to have this as a requirement? I mean, if they opened this up to remote folks, wouldn't they be potentially significantly increasing the quality and value of reviews? And thereby enhancing the value and reliability of their service?


I would suggest that not only should they open this up to a remote contributor, but consider having multiple remote folks submitting reviews, i.e. an 'all-star lineup' of great reviewers. They can easily edit the videos to add in their company logo, and they could arrange the compensation to fit, maybe piecework or some other suitable comp structure. And they could evaluate the effectiveness of the reviews through a variety of analytics, and make adjustments accordingly.


Call me crazy, but aren't we living in the wonderful age of the internet, where great ideas and visuals are being shared across the globe in a matter of seconds? And isn't the essence and purpose of the role they are looking for perfectly filled by a remote approach? At least, try it out through a pilot program, what could it hurt?


I think it's just part of the Sweetwater "culture" to have everyone under one roof.

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I think it's just part of the Sweetwater "culture" to have everyone under one roof.


Yes, because you have to "drink the Kool Aid". I honestly don't like this analogy (because of where it originated). I use it here because this is how it was described to me by someone on this forum (who will remain unnamed) who has a son who is currently employed there.

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lol - I had posted the other day but deleted the "other" question. Which of us isn't cut out for sales no way, no how? I know at my wife's company they keep the engineers as far away from the customers as possible! hahaha

Yamaha CP88, Casio PX-560

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I bought a Neo Ventilator 2 box from them in February purchased online. No problem. But a rep called me to confirm the order and ask if I had any questions. Since I didn't know the number I sent it to voice mail. It was from Lindsey Becker. She also sent me an e-mail.


The Vent2 arrived with no problems and it was perfect. A couple days later I got another call from Lindsey asking if everything was ok. Again I didn't take the call, but also got an e-mail.


I played a gig with the Vent 2 and things were great. I sent an e-mail with pics showing the Vent2 at the gig site to Lindsey saying everything was fine. She responded saying she was happy everything was fine.


If you take this job you'll probably have to send e-mails and phone calls to everyone who makes purchases. I don't know how many that is, but it could be a grind.


Depends on if you get to visit NAMM in January all expenses paid. That would be fun if you're single. Then again, I know a co-worker who went to EMC World in Vegas and said he didn't care for it.


A couple pics I sent to Lindsey of the Vent2 on the job.


Jim, do you still enjoy NAMM or is it "work?"




Hey, it works.

Korg 01W/FD, Hammond XK-2, Neo Ventilator2, JBL Eon, Rhodes 88
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lol - I had posted the other day but deleted the "other" question. Which of us isn't cut out for sales no way, no how? I know at my wife's company they keep the engineers as far away from the customers as possible! hahaha



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I bought a Neo Ventilator 2 box from them in February purchased online. No problem. But a rep called me to confirm the order and ask if I had any questions. Since I didn't know the number I sent it to voice mail. It was from Lindsey Becker. She also sent me an e-mail.


The Vent2 arrived with no problems and it was perfect. A couple days later I got another call from Lindsey asking if everything was ok. Again I didn't take the call, but also got an e-mail.


I played a gig with the Vent 2 and things were great. I sent an e-mail with pics showing the Vent2 at the gig site to Lindsey saying everything was fine. She responded saying she was happy everything was fine.


If you take this job you'll probably have to send e-mails and phone calls to everyone who makes purchases. I don't know how many that is, but it could be a grind.


Depends on if you get to visit NAMM in January all expenses paid. That would be fun if you're single. Then again, I know a co-worker who went to EMC World in Vegas and said he didn't care for it.


A couple pics I sent to Lindsey of the Vent2 on the job.


Jim, do you still enjoy NAMM or is it "work?"







Hey, it works.


Best post yet!! LMAO!


Btw, Skiguy, are you Polish? :D






Here for the gear.

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I'm enough of a gearhead to be able to hang on this one, technically..And I did consider it for a couple of days. Two things gave me pause: 1) Ultimately, we'd have to move - including relocating my mom to a different nursing facility. That would add up to four moves in nine years.. Though we're two hours away, attempting to commute would be a novelty for maybe a week; then it'd be hell. And the gig wouldn't pay enough for me to keep an apartment in FW, along with the house in NW Indiana. 2) I can record audio in a pretty relaxed state; video, at present, not so much. While I could get up to speed on that relatively quickly, there are likely a healthy number of qualified people who are already more natural video jockeys. SW is a popular place to apply for gig.

'Someday, we'll look back on these days and laugh; likely a maniacal laugh from our padded cells, but a laugh nonetheless' - Mr. Boffo.


We need a barfing cat emoticon!








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The think with this type of job is you stand the chance of getting burned out on keyboards. Same thing happened to me when I was a gigolo.

Know how you feel, I had the same experience when my Ashley Madison profile went public.

A misguided plumber attempting to entertain | MainStage 3 | Axiom 61 2nd Gen | Pianoteq | B5 | XK3c | EV ZLX 12P

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Excerpt from their job posting..


"Since all videos are filmed here at our amazing headquarters, you'll need to relocate to Fort Wayne, Indiana. Sorry, we are not looking for someone to do this from a remote location."


Maybe I'm a bit disconnected from this world, but seems a bit limiting to have this as a requirement? I mean, if they opened this up to remote folks, wouldn't they be potentially significantly increasing the quality and value of reviews? And thereby enhancing the value and reliability of their service?


I would suggest that not only should they open this up to a remote contributor, but consider having multiple remote folks submitting reviews, i.e. an 'all-star lineup' of great reviewers. They can easily edit the videos to add in their company logo, and they could arrange the compensation to fit, maybe piecework or some other suitable comp structure. And they could evaluate the effectiveness of the reviews through a variety of analytics, and make adjustments accordingly.


Call me crazy, but aren't we living in the wonderful age of the internet, where great ideas and visuals are being shared across the globe in a matter of seconds? And isn't the essence and purpose of the role they are looking for perfectly filled by a remote approach? At least, try it out through a pilot program, what could it hurt?


I think it's just part of the Sweetwater "culture" to have everyone under one roof.


I hear you, and culture actually can be very important, i.e. a culture, or the lack of a culture, or the wrong culture, all can be a key factor in the success or the failure of a business, or a band for that matter.


In this case they stated that the reason for the on-premises location for the role is because they film the videos there. That seems pretty short sighted to me. Perhaps they have a "controlling" culture.


Again, seems to me they are missing an opportunity here. There's a multitude of talented, knowledgeable and articulate professionals just on this site that could add a lot of value, and probably lots more outside of this forum. All that talent and value going to the wayside due to an antiquated controlling approach.


Oh well, what do I know, they seem to have a successful business with loyal customers, I guess they know what they're doing. :idk

Some music I've recorded and played over the years with a few different bands

Tommy Rude Soundcloud

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Sure, but as with any work in any company or institution, the novelty would surely wear off over time. That said, it might be the type of thing I'd consider as an after career, pre-retirement job for about 10 years. I'm guessing commission is a factor in a sales job like this... would need to make the monthly quota if you know what I mean.


Doesn't appear to be a sales job from the description.


I worked at Sweetwater for a year in sales about 10 years ago...ended up leaving because I was just too far away from my kids who were in grade school at the time. It's great company and wonderful people. This looks like a nice, unique opportunity for the right person.

Weasels ripped my flesh. Rzzzzzzz.
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Regarding hiring remote employees - I have had a lot of experience with this at my last tech company.


Lots of legal hassles involving this - if they are in another state, HR has to comply with multiple state regulations, the company has to file paperwork and tax papers in multiple states, etc.


Maintaining a culture with remote employees is always harder. You can only do so much with Skype meetings, and so remote employees have to visit regularly to keep them in the fold.


Culture is important, and maintaining it is even more important. It's the only thing that separates a sweat shop from a vibrant workplace where people can have fun.


Sweetwater is doing a unique thing in this age of dwindling brick and mortar stores with their huge campus facility. They have to be smart how they manage that, and choosing local vs distributed talent is part of that equation.




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Businesses can benefit from bright people who, for whatever reason, need to provide content from a remote location - vs. required, set hours at a home office. I applied recently for a midwest rep position with Yamaha that would have allowed me to work out of a home office. Unfortunately the gig was pulled; they must've needed to allocate resources elsewhere for now. That's better than being turned down though.


From additional info I was able to glean from a contact within the company, this Sweetwater opportunity is largely a tech video jockey position; plus there'd be some live training of staff on new gear, etc.. So a lot of video shoots, and live performances / lectures. So it sounds like it needs to be 'home office-based'. Now if they were in need of a research assistant / technical writer to support the video jocks (and/or provide web content), and if that job could be done remotely (or with minimal home office visits), I'd be all over that.


'Someday, we'll look back on these days and laugh; likely a maniacal laugh from our padded cells, but a laugh nonetheless' - Mr. Boffo.


We need a barfing cat emoticon!








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