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Budos Band "keyboard player" trashes rented Vox Continental

Chris Link

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I don't think so in this case. When festival organizers are questioning whether or not they will use the band anymore, and backline providers swearing they won't - that's bad publicity going really bad.


The video itself is hardly flattering, and sure won't win over any fans - presenting a band in disarray (putting it charitably) and coming apart musically as much as the Continental is coming apart physically.


My take is that the Continental's owner recorded the event to document what happened, and posted it to make sure that things would be taken care of afterwards. And when they were, he pulled the video - but it kind of spun out of control in the process.

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I'm a fan of Budos, great band, great music.


And the Vox was damaged, not destroyed, people should learn the difference before spreading this bunk.


They paid for it, problem solved, move on.


I see no reason to spread hate about this, they F'ed up and are dealing with it.



As I said earlier I have no dog in this fight, just commenting on what I see and have heard.


As far as this ONE incident, yes, it has apparently been taken care of.


The larger issue, as I see it, is once this hit social media, many concert promoters came out of the woodwork saying they have had similar bad experiences with the band members trashing things, and behaving in ways even the most historically bad actors have behaved. Many with verifiable stories.


So, in essence, this one incident that went viral was a catalyst for burned or upset concert promoters and venues to realize "they" weren't the only ones who have had to deal with this band's behavior.


Hell, I had a good friend who works for LiveNation call me and ask me if I had heard about this keyboard player. I asked him how he knew about this incident, and he told me it's all over the trade circles right now.


As I also said before, I never heard of these guys until this story broke on social media. I checked them out and actually like a bunch of their stuff.


However, I think their management, or whomever, did a horrible job of telling them how to handle this and get in front of it, evidenced by that really poorly written "non-apology" apology they posted and since took down.


That is what really stirred the hornets nest, so to speak.


Again, these are my observations from simply reading all the things I have seen come across my various media feeds.


Gig Rig:Yamaha CK88 | Roland Jupiter 80






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They're a raucous band, that's part of the show, I doubt Daptone has a big problem with this, maybe they have trouble renting gear from now on, but probably not, money talks.


But the comments regarding this are totally lame, yes it's not cool to trash a rental, but the comments I'm reading are like they're murderers, come on. And besides, it's not like Deller set fire the last remaining Vox in the world, there are tons of them collecting dust all over the place, life goes on.

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Opened for them in Halifax last year. I was excited because I always dug the records and considered myself a "fan." They spent their whole time getting wasted in their trailer and on stage - by the time they came out for their encore, they were completely wrecked. Bassist has a thing about playing his axe phallically, and spent a good chunk of time eliciting feedback from the backlined Ampeg stack. Organist rented a Farfisa, and did the same thing where he set it on the stage and played it that way (thankfully he didn't trash it).


So I can concur that they're a bunch of pompous asses from Brooklyn who are really not that good live (or drunk) but good in the studio. They do not reflect the rest of the Daptone label, though - everyone I've met affiliated with the Dap-Kings or the label have been phenomenal people with a true respect for equipment.

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Nord Electro 5D, Novation Launchkey 61, Logic Pro X, Mainstage 3, lots of plugins, fingers, pencil, paper.

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I would think a little "come to Jesus" meeting has occurred within the band, their management or record label (or some combination of interested parties) and they will, I hope, get their sh*t together.

aka âmisterdregsâ


Nord Electro 5D 73

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Motion Sound KP200S

Schimmel 6-10LE


Westone AM Pro 30 IEMs

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YES! I remember that. It is an original Crestwood. What a douche bag move. I like the old Wilshires and Crestwoods.

"It doesn't have to be difficult to be cool" - Mitch Towne


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So can a auto Mechanic." - Stokes Hunt


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But the comments regarding this are totally lame, yes it's not cool to trash a rental, but the comments I'm reading are like they're murderers, come on. And besides, it's not like Deller set fire the last remaining Vox in the world, there are tons of them collecting dust all over the place, life goes on.


Perhaps it is a context thing here. If a bunch of us were face to face discussing this, no doubt the same comments would be coming out of our mouths (or not, who knows), but would we really wish that punishment on him? Maybe, but most likely not.


Damaging equipment is not in the same realm as damaging human or animal life, I know. Admittedly I imagine all kinds of things I would never act on, but his actions pushed my buttons. I guess I just have a lot of respect for musical equipment regardless of age, who owns it or amount of damage inflicted.




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Indeed they brought attention to themselves. I listened to their music... It sucks.

'55 and '59 B3's; Leslies 147, 122, 21H; MODX 7+; NUMA Piano X 88; Motif XS7; Mellotrons M300 and M400’s; Wurlitzer 206; Gibson G101; Vox Continental; Mojo 61; Launchkey 88 Mk III; Korg Module; B3X; Model D6; Moog Model D

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At least the drunk jerk could have given the owner credit... Like this class act:



'55 and '59 B3's; Leslies 147, 122, 21H; MODX 7+; NUMA Piano X 88; Motif XS7; Mellotrons M300 and M400’s; Wurlitzer 206; Gibson G101; Vox Continental; Mojo 61; Launchkey 88 Mk III; Korg Module; B3X; Model D6; Moog Model D

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Facebook, August 22 at 7:19pm ·


Two days ago I posted a video of one of my all time favorite bands The Budos Band playing my vintage 1967 Vox Continental organ at Summer Meltdown Festival in a manner that didn't sit well with a lot of music fans. I am deleting the video today as a sign that everything is alright on both sides and that there isn't any hostility or bitterness between myself and the Budos Band or Mike Deller. The Vox Continental is in the tech shop and is going to be repaired, nothing is permanetely damaged and we're waiting on parts to get it back to playing condition again. A couple of facts that people should know about these 50 year old transistor based organs is that they are they are seriously old and they don't like the heat, cold, to be moved or beaten on, basically they don't like to be played. Ray Manzarek of The Doors switch over to a Gibson G101 from a Vox Continental because they had so many technical issues with them on the road. Also when Mike was pulling the White flat keys off of the organ he was not breaking each key one by one. They are floating keys and can be pulled off without force. I've known Mike for a few years and he is a real kind soul with a deep passion for specifically vintage combo organs. He was explaining to me on the phone that he buys and fixes lots of combo organs for a hobby, a lot like me. I feel that this will be the last we hear of this type of treatment of backline gear and I truly feel we all learned from this situation. I have nothing but love for The Budos Band and I hope the feeling is mutual. I want to thank my friends and the music community as well as their friends for the overwhelming support and interest about the well being of me and my Vox organ. I never thought there would be such a widespread interest in this video and the concern of the community was much appreciated from fellow musicians to instrument technicians offering to help me anyway they could. Once again I want to assure everyone that the Vox Continental has been taken care of and were all going to move on from this moment.



Justin Smith



Budos- Thank you Justin Smith for this post. We are happy to hear that repairs are in process. Sorry again for any damages caused, and trust us when we say a lesson has been learned. We just want to get back to doing what we love, and hope to see you out there.



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What history? you mean the BS being spewed in this thread about people that "know" somebody in the industry, come on, I've seen nothing about a history of trashing vintage gear.


I'll watch Ryan Lochte, I think the guy was robbed at gunpoint and got the shaft, the "police" down there are totally corrupt.

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I like The Budos Band's music, but they have a long reputation as a very hard-partying band. I've seen it in person, five years ago, so this is not a one-time thing.


At a certain point, festival organizers and backline providers deserve to know what they're getting into by booking an act or providing backline. Certain performers are known to be very difficult to deal with, in many different ways, so someone doing booking has to do a cost/benefit calculation. What's the draw of a particular band balanced against the fact that they may cause you a lot of headaches? Is it worth what you're getting paid to rent your vintage equipment to them vs. the trouble you're going to be put to if they break it?


In this case, in addition to trashing the organ, it was reported that they were too wasted to perform and that they trashed the green room.


As far as I know, the organ is being fixed, but I haven't heard for certain that they have paid for the repairs. There's a big difference between promising to take care of something and following through. I did a repair job once for the owner of a musical instrument that was supposed to be paid for by they guy who'd broken it. When the repair was done, the guy never paid, so the owner got stuck with the bill. It's only all paid for when the payment has been received. With a band leaving town, I would have asked for a substantial deposit on the repair.


I hope the Budos learn something from this experience and focus more in the future on putting on a good show as opposed to getting wasted and damaging other musicians' gear.

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What history? you mean the BS being spewed in this thread about people that "know" somebody in the industry, come on, I've seen nothing about a history of trashing vintage gear.


I'll watch Ryan Lochte, I think the guy was robbed at gunpoint and got the shaft, the "police" down there are totally corrupt.



Amazing this place turned into facebook while I wasn't looking!!! If we trade Budos Band for (insert vile political candidate here), the responses wouldn't even need to be adjusted. KUDOS! :D

Hitting "Play" does NOT constitute live performance. -Me.
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One thing this thread succeeded in doing is getting me to listen to some of their music on utoob. I'm a sax player so I tend to like bands that feature horns. But the horn lines and arrangements in this music are pretty simplistic and not very interesting after a few listens. After a while it all sounds the same. There's more to music than pentatonic scales. I see rave comments on the utoob videos, as if this was the most exciting music their fans have heard and it makes them ready to go out and kick butt and take on the world. I don't get it.
These are only my opinions, not supported by any actual knowledge, experience, or expertise.
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What history? you mean the BS being spewed in this thread about people that "know" somebody in the industry, come on, I've seen nothing about a history of trashing vintage gear.


I'm glad you like the band, but that doesn't mean that they're a bunch of angels who can do no wrong. From this thread, including people who have OPENED FOR THEM or met them, it seems like they have bigger problems than just being raucous. When your fans pay good money to see you and you can barely get through a show because you're so drunk, or you're just an asshole for no reason, that's a problem. I don't care if you're Budos Band or Herbie Hancock. If they want to keep good relationships with people in the industry, they need to start acting like grown ups and professionals.

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The band has been touring the US for many years, all over, that doesn't happen if a band is as bad as this thread implies, it doesn't continue beyond one tour.


There's nobody in this thread that knows them, or opened for them, or knows anyone in the "industry" that worked with them, maybe I've missed it but I don't see anything.


I'd like to hear one, just one other example of Budos trashing rented or borrowed vintage gear, where?


If more come forward and tell the same story I'll join the mob, because it's not cool to do this I agree, but until then this thread kind of sounds like a bunch of women bitching on The View.

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Opened for them in Halifax last year. I was excited because I always dug the records and considered myself a "fan." They spent their whole time getting wasted in their trailer and on stage - by the time they came out for their encore, they were completely wrecked. Bassist has a thing about playing his axe phallically, and spent a good chunk of time eliciting feedback from the backlined Ampeg stack. Organist rented a Farfisa, and did the same thing where he set it on the stage and played it that way (thankfully he didn't trash it).


So I can concur that they're a bunch of pompous asses from Brooklyn who are really not that good live (or drunk) but good in the studio. They do not reflect the rest of the Daptone label, though - everyone I've met affiliated with the Dap-Kings or the label have been phenomenal people with a true respect for equipment.


Near the top of page four of this thread, right below a post of yours.

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The band has been touring the US for many years, all over, that doesn't happen if a band is as bad as this thread implies, it doesn't continue beyond one tour.


I give you that. I'd also give you that maybe because they Had toured for many years that they were given a "well that was weird, but normally..." passes. Kinda like drunks and addicts. Nobody starts as a full blown crackhead, but you can see the trajectory. I have no horse in this race, never heard of these guys before, and I hope all does get taken care of by the appropriate parties, and that life goes on much as before. For all. in all the lands in all the worlds.

Hitting "Play" does NOT constitute live performance. -Me.
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Big J...


Someone who opened for them did post in this thread.


Also, if you read closely what I have posted: I did say I liked their music. I also DID NOT say there are more examples of them trashing gear.


What I said was this ONE incident brought to light other venues that didn't like their behavior towards the venue and other artists on the same bill.


Because I like their music, I would hope they would start to concentrate on that, and not the recent shows where even the most recent reviews mention how their stage shows have become more about drinking than playing.


There is nothing wrong with having the party/intense and energetic shows. I just don't want to see drunken half-assed shows if I pay to see them.


Lastly, I don't know why you call the venue promotoer/talent buyer at this ONE show; a person who opened for them at another show; and a couple of us who have talked with other industry friends liars when we relate our stories?


I have no feeling one way or the other about them other then to reiterate what I have consistently said: I like their music, dislike their reported behavior from those who have verifiably dealt with them lately.


From what I can gather reading about the Budos over the years, is that while they have always given a 110% "energetic" show, even their most die-hard fans have mentioned how the extreme stuff has gotten worse the last couple years.


It's not all about trashing one piece of back-lined gear.


As Tony mentioned...perhaps the disparate venues have chalked it up to a "one-off" night, but the "one-offs" seem to have gathered steam of late, and this ONE incident with the VOX, brought it to light once it hit social media.


Gig Rig:Yamaha CK88 | Roland Jupiter 80






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Ok so trashing the VOX is forgiven and I would have given anything to have one back in the day. Used to drool over the VOX catalog I had as a kid. Wound up with a Farfisa but to me the VOX a friend had always sounded better.

But the " Thong" ? ! Sorry I think their music sucks and their a bunch of a**holes.

Too much good music, musicians, and bands to make room for that garbage.

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I'd like to hear one, just one other example of Budos trashing rented or borrowed vintage gear, where?


If more come forward and tell the same story I'll join the mob, because it's not cool to do this I agree, but until then this thread kind of sounds like a bunch of women bitching on The View.


Well we don't KNOW these are backlined but I would think chances are pretty good as he's standing on a B-3 in one shot and hefting a clone the nest. He clearly has a habit of treating gear like garbage. http://i1082.photobucket.com/albums/j365/Phinnin/maxresdefault.jpghttp://i1082.photobucket.com/albums/j365/Phinnin/budo%202.jpghttp://i1082.photobucket.com/albums/j365/Phinnin/budo%203.jpghttp://i1082.photobucket.com/albums/j365/Phinnin/budo%204.jpg


And, as an aside, he doesn't appear to be standing on the bench of that B-3 (from my perception). You may disagree.

Korg Kronos 2 61, Kronos 1 61, Dave Smith Mopho x4, 1954 Hammond C2, Wurlitzer 200A, Yamaha Motif 6, Casio CDP-100, Alesis Vortex Wireless, too much PA gear!
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