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Are we in danger of a split?


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The only reason I use FB is for the Casio PX-5 Group, we have 1800-ish members. The posts are 95% about the keyboard, anyone having problems, and solutions.


I love the PX-5 group - great product, great peeps. But 95%?


What about the myriad posts with cute and clever photo-shopped images of the PX-5S superimposed onto The Death Star, Snow Globes, Kittens, Ninjas, Ninja Turtles, Transformers, Castles, Dragons, jet fighters, sunflowers, shamrocks, rainbows, Xmas ornaments, etc?

Surely those account for more than 5%.

(Some but not all items on my list are made up.)


I kid only because I love. :)

Casio kills it with social media and online community.





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Kc and FB are apples and oranges. I like FB for a lot of reasons, but KC is KC and it's truly a unique and wonderful place on the internet.

Kawai C-60 Grand Piano : Hammond A-100 : Hammond SK2 : Yamaha CP4 : Yamaha Montage 7 : Moog Sub 37


My latest album: Funky organ, huge horn section


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Kenny, I feel your pain. I try to "own" my postings, including the stupid ones.
Anything you post on the open internet on a forum is there forever. And I think even though I'm 16 (currently), I try to keep a certain level of professionality on any site I post - grammar, respect, common courtesy, common sense. It's obvious for me (and most, I assume), but when you're speaking behind an avatar, it's easy to just say whatever quickly comes into your mind without actually thinking it thorugh - and there's no consequences for an anonymous avatar.
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Kenny, I feel your pain. I try to "own" my postings, including the stupid ones.
Anything you post on the open internet on a forum is there forever. And I think even though I'm 16 (currently), I try to keep a certain level of professionality on any site I post - grammar, respect, common courtesy, common sense. It's obvious for me (and most, I assume), but when you're speaking behind an avatar, it's easy to just say whatever quickly comes into your mind without actually thinking it thorugh - and there's no consequences for an anonymous avatar.


I'm 44 (currently) and just let it fly. Get off my lawn! But admittedly, "forever" is a lot shorter for me than it is for you. I may be dead by the time you're my age - so who really cares if I piss someone off in the grand scheme of things? If the CIA wants to break down my door because they discovered on Facebook that I have 3 cats when the city only allows 2, so be it. I'll hum Sunday Bloody Sunday from the prison camp for cat hoarders.



Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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Oh how I wish that facebook and twitter would dry up and blow away.




Well if you have a band and want a free tool Facebook is very good believe it or not. We have increased a fanbase with it and announced shows and everything else. You use it don't let social media use you.

"Danny, ci manchi a tutti. La E-Street Band non e' la stessa senza di te. Riposa in pace, fratello"






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The only times I check the Facebook are when these forums are down or when a post repeatedly comes up on my news feed. It's cool to check now and then, but a lot of the time I'm left thinking "...What the hell am I reading?"


This forum on the other hand has something that's piques my interest on an almost daily basis, along with one of the finest online communities I've been a part of. I can't see the Facebook drawing anyone away any time soon.

Hammond SKX

Mainstage 3

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Kc and FB are apples and oranges. I like FB for a lot of reasons, but KC is KC and it's truly a unique and wonderful place on the internet.


FB is good for comedy. Here is a gem from a neighborhood/local FB group I am in.

There is lots of griping about slow ( spelled Comcast) Internet. A neighbor said hers only works when there is no wind outside.





Why fit in, when you were born to stand out ?

My Soundcloud with many originals:

[70's Songwriter]

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Actually your neighbor may not be crazy. Our internet used to get terrible when it rained (which is not often in San Diego). It turned out there was a weird cabling issue out on the pole which was causing signal to noise ratio problems with the RF signal when wet, which ultimately lead to packet loss.
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I was not on FB until recently, so I would be a third that would like to be able to check it on the occasions when KC has problems. I think this interface is better for most purposes.

My FB activities are primarily related to my business, family, and local church folk (same with Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Google+).

Howard Grand|Hamm SK1-73|Kurz PC2|PC2X|PC3|PC3X|PC361; QSC K10's

HP DAW|Epi Les Paul & LP 5-str bass|iPad mini2

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."


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I don't do Facebook. I know I'm not alone, but maybe a minority.


Me either ( no surprise ) but could you share some of your reasons? I had heard that FB is among the top most aggressive in using your info to their benefit. I am not interested in helping rich guys get richer on my dime. Might you expand on that?

Another point is, I considered driving part time with one of these new replacements for trad taxi services. The company seemed to insist that I be a part of FB!

I say keep it pure, stick with apples to apples

and stay here on Keyboard Corner.

You don't have ideas, ideas have you

We see the world, not as it is, but as we are. "One mans food is another mans poison". I defend your right to speak hate. Tolerance to a point, not agreement

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I have never used MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.


When it comes to social media, I'm still using the equivalent of a flip phone. :D


However, since I discovered KC several years ago, it has been my guilty pleasure with some semblance of social media.


Virtually hanging out with you all and having met a few in person has been a blast. :thu:


I may have to start a Facebook page at some point in the future for business purposes but I'm avoiding it like the plague. :laugh::cool:



"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return."--E. Ahbez "Nature Boy"

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I don't do Facebook. I know I'm not alone, but maybe a minority.

Me either ( no surprise ) but could you share some of your reasons?


sorry, I cannot. If I do I will get expelled from the Witness Protection Program.


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I have never used MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.


When it comes to social media, I'm still using the equivalent of a flip phone. :D


However, since I discovered KC several years ago, it has been my guilty pleasure with some semblance of social media.


Virtually hanging out with you all and having met a few in person has been a blast. :thu:


I may have to start a Facebook page at some point in the future for business purposes but I'm avoiding it like the plague. :laugh::cool:


Unfortunately they are many compulsive folks on FB, Twitter.


73% of distracted driving related accidents are due to people on Twitter , FB, email . All things that can wait for later, not while driving.

Why fit in, when you were born to stand out ?

My Soundcloud with many originals:

[70's Songwriter]

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Occasionally someone posts something on the FB KC page that grabs my attention, like the video of why joysticks rule over wheels.... That one was pretty funny ( and true IMO. -:) But I don't go looking for stuff on that page.... I'm way too busy posting cute pictures of my cat.

Nord Stage 3 Compact

Nord Stage 2 EX Compact

Korg Kronos 2 73

Mag C2 organ

UHL X3-1 organ

GSI DMC-122 

Radial KL8

Motion Sound Kp500S

Macbook Pro 
Falcon, UVI, Kontakt, Logic, PT

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Kenny, I feel your pain. I try to "own" my postings, including the stupid ones.
Anything you post on the open internet on a forum is there forever. And I think even though I'm 16 (currently), I try to keep a certain level of professionality on any site I post - grammar, respect, common courtesy, common sense. It's obvious for me (and most, I assume), but when you're speaking behind an avatar, it's easy to just say whatever quickly comes into your mind without actually thinking it thorugh - and there's no consequences for an anonymous avatar.


Reading yours and Majuscule's posts make me feel like the old guy around here, that's wild because I was 28 years old when I started posting here, 15 years ago! :) Time is a funny thing.

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