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Heads-up: SpaceStation keyboard amp is apparently back


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I built this to throw my sound around a few years ago :)


15716873314_64c15bf07a_b.jpgMusical instrument gear (Kurzweil PC1X and speakers) 053 by brettymike, on Flickr


You could attach a couple of drones to it and have it fly around.


And drop it on the club owner's head...


Death would be instantaneous , he wouldn't know or feel a thing as he is squashed like a tomatoe , would be all over rover :D



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OK, call me a fanboy, whatever ...


I'm seriously considering buying a second SSv3. Why? It works so well in smaller gigs. I play in two geographically remote locations (long story ) which has forced me to acquire separate rigs, but the one I have works so well, I'm considering making it the default for both of my rigs.


Just so you know I'm totally nuts, I have 2x Nord Piano 2, and 2x Nord Electro 4Ds. I like having equipment I know works for the gig.


Keep in mind, it would be replacing (or augmenting?) a pair of outrageous Fulcrum Acoustic FA12acs. I wouldn't sell them, but I'm now starting to think a SSv3 might work better for the small venues I'm playing.


Just sayin' -- this amp grows on you.

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Like this:

12inch woofer instead of the 8inch,

double the power (200+200+80+80 watts)

3 or 4 stereo inputs


this idea Markus notes above is very attractive to me as well.


But, as a business strategy professor, there's a whole lot of "ifs" in that sentence. Managing growth and scaling in a small business is not for the weak of heart. I'm really encouraged in the short term by Aspen's challenges (demand outstripping supply), but we're all old enough to know it's the long term that matters.


Well said Prof Tim, and many thanks for the kind words...I am doing my best for a one man company (now THAT is a small company!).


My challenge is to produce enough to meet demand, and so I am pleased to announce that later ths week when the new February shipment hits my retail partner Sweetwater and they ship out all the backorders. ...there will be "stock on the shelves"...for the very first time sisnce we started delivering back in September!


I also like Markus's idea, I actually made a two piece (top and cab) like that yeras ago (still have a few around). with a cab that had three 12" speakers, the Front being a 12" coax...so basically a bigger SS ....Ted Nugent bough one...but not many others did!


But as a Strategic Marketing Professor I doubt you'd advise to talk about a new product when/if it was in development and long before it may see light, as it could hurt sales of existing models.


But at the least I can say the thought of a Spacestation "XL" has crossed my mind. But now my only focus must remain on making more SS v.3 \

Hammond A100 w/ 2x Leslie 122, Leslie 145 w/ combo pedal, Casio P5S, SS3, Groove Tubes SFX G5 cab + CPS/QSC RM4500 KB amp, 1955 Steinway 48" studio upright.
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At first it looked like a SSv3 was already sitting in it.

Great idea as long as it fits fairly well.

Suppose I could stuff a few Air Travel neck pillows in it just to be sure, they collapse really well, so well I bought 6 of them.




Magnus C350 + FMR RNP + Realistic Unisphere Mic
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That SKB cover almost fits too good; I can get my SS3 into it sideways, so I can use the speaker opening to grip it to get it out. Very snug.

I find it easier to unload by opening the side and dumping it out. You can't pick it up from the top.

Wish it was about 1/4" wider.



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I posted this many pages ago- what I got for a case. I put the foam the SS3 came with in the box on the bottom, put the SS3 in, then slide a couple pieces of the foam around the sides. Room for the power cable and audio cables if you want. No wheels, but I use a hand cart for long load ins. Otherwise, I unpack it in my van and carry it into the venue and leave the tote in the van. $20 and really lightweight.



Live: Korg Kronos 2 88, Nord Electro 5d Nord Lead A1

Toys: Roland FA08, Novation Ultranova, Moog LP, Roland SP-404SX, Roland JX10,Emu MK6



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For whatever it's worth, my customer experience so far has been pretty great.


Ordered the SS from Sweetwater on 2/17 @ 4:17am (don't ask).


Got an email today (2/19) confirming that they've received my unit and are shipping it today to my home. Gotta love that kind of supply chain response.


Plan to test it with my normal funk rig - Kronos and Nord Wave. I'm going to try to cut down on the cabling, mixer, etc. by running the Wave into the audio ins on the Kronos, then simple L/R from Kronos into the SS. My Kronos audio ins always seem to introduce hiss and noise into the equation, so I'm hoping I can find the gain staging sweet spot with the Wave.


Anyways, I realize I'm really fortunate to only have a two-day turnaround, given what many of you on this long thread have reported.

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I ordered on December 11th, my Sweetwater Rep, Nick Church, estimated the 3rd week of February; he called this morning, it will be here tomorrow - he was right on the money!

Kawai KG-2D / Yamaha CP33 S90ES MX49 CP4 P515 / Hammond SK1 / Nord S4 88, S3 88, S3Compact, S3 76

QSC K8.2s K10.2s KS212s / SoundcraftUi24 / SSv3 / GK MB112s MB115 MB210s Neo410

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You must be important. I ordered mine in early January, was told as recently as a week or two ago that I should expect it in late February and have not yet received confirmation of any shipping.


Or maybe I'm just unimportant.


After typing that post, I did in fact get notification that my unit has been shipped. Probably a reflection of the awesome power of this forum.

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Well gonna do a CASINO gig this weekend!! Ugggg I hate the DB restrictions at these venues, but I am excited to use my spacestation on its own and not go in to the FOH at all. The sound man will be perplexed trying to figure out how to get less keys in the house and realize Im not even plugged in. this should be fun messing with his mind!!

Nord Stage 2 88

Korg M50



Behringer Eurolive B-1200D PRO

Iowa Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductee




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I say this as someone who really likes his SS3: I don't think it's a great FOH rig. My experiment with this on Tuesday was mixed. It might be best to have a line ready to send to soundman just in case. YMMV etc., but that's my take on this otherwise stellar box.

Now out! "Mind the Gap," a 24-song album of new material.

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Just for the record.....


I started this "Head's-up: SpaceStation keyboard amp is apparently back" thread on June 7th, 2014. It now has 54 pages of posts (at least on my screen).


As I already owned a 2nd-gen SFX unit (GrooveTubes SpaceStation Mark II), I had no interest then in buying the new CPS v.3. But wanting the biggest, fattest stereo sound I could get, I ordered an expensive stereo keyboard amp (no need to mention the make) last August. I received that in early January.


I used that new amp for all of 6 gigs. It was very disappointing, not approaching the stereo effect I had become used to with the Mark II. I especially missed the Mark II's ability to "cut" through the wall of sound from my band with great brilliance and fidelity.


I went back to using my Mark II with the subwoofer link-up. I returned the new stereo amp, and, based mainly on all the positive reports from this thread---and my confidence in what Aspen had done at GrooveTubes and is doing at CPS---I ordered the new v.3. It arrives next week.


Live and learn!

KB: Hammond SK1

Bass KB: Yamaha MX49

KB Amps: CPS SS3, linked to TurboSound IP300

Bass KB amp: Fender Rumble 500 combo






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B>Van from SW called me early today and said the SSv3 was shipped out, see it down here Saturday. Won't be back from giggin' till Monday but what a sweet surprise.

I can leave my K12s at the rehearsal hall since they have been turned into side fills.

Thanks Aspen for getting them here before the big shut down that is going on now until who knows when......

I still have admiration for my brothers of the Longshoresmen, just glad our shipments slipped through...



Magnus C350 + FMR RNP + Realistic Unisphere Mic
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Had my 1st negative experience with the SS3 last night. Blues jam I do pretty regularly, but I had to set up in a different place. Usually the SS3 is against a wall. Last night, it was pretty much in the open, 10' from the nearest wall. Had it about 5-6' behind me. The problem was, there was a really loud guitar amp in about the same area. It's also one of those situations where nothing is mic'd up, but I run a DI. The sound guys tell me to "keep it soft on stage so we can put you in the PA". Which is fine- except that the guitars blast it out, so I spent most of the night struggling to hear myself. Finally I said screw it and turned up, at which point, the guitar players asked me to turn down lol! The lack of directionality on the SS3 hurt me last night because I couldn't get my volume over the guitar amp without blowing out the rest of the guys on stage. When there was no guitar player using that amp, it was fine, but being right in the blare zone of that amp, it wasn't a fun night.


Next time I'll go back to my usual spot on the other side of the stage, where there are no guitar amps and I have a wall to reflect some sound off of.

Live: Korg Kronos 2 88, Nord Electro 5d Nord Lead A1

Toys: Roland FA08, Novation Ultranova, Moog LP, Roland SP-404SX, Roland JX10,Emu MK6



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Didn't I read that if you send a mono signal to the SS3, only the front speakers would be activated? (Seems to make sense too)


So, if you're using a SS3 as a monitor only, if the situation dictates, and if above is true, might it not be wise to just send a mono signal into it, to turn it into a regular amp? ??

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Had my 1st negative experience with the SS3 last night. Blues jam I do pretty regularly, but I had to set up in a different place. Usually the SS3 is against a wall. Last night, it was pretty much in the open, 10' from the nearest wall. Had it about 5-6' behind me. The problem was, there was a really loud guitar amp in about the same area. It's also one of those situations where nothing is mic'd up, but I run a DI. The sound guys tell me to "keep it soft on stage so we can put you in the PA". Which is fine- except that the guitars blast it out, so I spent most of the night struggling to hear myself. Finally I said screw it and turned up, at which point, the guitar players asked me to turn down lol! The lack of directionality on the SS3 hurt me last night because I couldn't get my volume over the guitar amp without blowing out the rest of the guys on stage.


I feel your pain, been there myself...not much we can do for egotistical guitar players hoggin' all the SPL. Also, guitar is a narrow piercing mid range sound, so all his watts go into 500hz to 2,00HX and that can really cut (and offend).


On the other hand, KB is full range so your power is spread out from 50Hz to 20,000Hz, and also you usually are not reproducing Square Waves (distortion). So you usually need 3-4x the power just to stay even with a guitar player. The SS is a "loud for it's size" little Big amp, and has the 300 degree dispersion helping it fill a room...but last night it was obviously outgunned.


Frankly spoken, he should bring a smaller amp if he wants to crank up, or get some attenuation. The too loud guitar also is in every open mic which makes vocals harder to produce for the sound man. IMHO, the sound man should have addressed his "keep it soft" advice to the guitarists, not you.


But there are a few tricks I could suggest to help even the "playing field"....take notes all, this could be you next time!


All that considered, and responding first to Gman's excellent suggestion to "send a mono signal", you already HAVE that ability built into the SS; just lower the Width and crank up the Level. The Front system IS Mono, and lowering the Width will give you more MONO, and more frontal projection.


Of course you will lose "some" stereo effect, sadly, but in that case last night I think more volume was the goal, and also more direct projection so you could monitor your playing.


Second, I noticed you said that the Guitar player asked YOU to turn down when you finally turned up to match his level. I am pretty sure he was offended by the Side speaker....probably he was off set sideways and so in line with it. So in that case, I'd suggest another approach; borrow a couple of guitar cases and set them up as a "V" horn behind the SS...make a corner...thereby blocking the Side speaker energy from offending your band mates and projecting everything forward toward YOU...that works just as good as a wall or corner. That way you can keep the stereo effect..and even enhance them.


At a NAMM show in past, I had the same "offending side speaker" issues with exhibitors on either side of me. So, I fashioned a simple hinged "V" corner out of two panels of plexiglass (but 1/2" Plywood would be better in a club..and stronger for travel).


These hinged "corner panels" only need to measure 1' high (if you are on the floor, maybe higher if on a sub), and perhaps 3' long. Then just attach some hinges, fold it flat, and bring it along to the gig in your trunk (they lay flat and take up almost no room). It's cheap insurance in case you are stuck "out in the open" again. You may actually find yourself using them all the time. I REALLY like the what they do; kinda makes a poor man's Klipsch Horn out of the SS!


Just my 2 cents, and worth exactly what you paid for it.

Hammond A100 w/ 2x Leslie 122, Leslie 145 w/ combo pedal, Casio P5S, SS3, Groove Tubes SFX G5 cab + CPS/QSC RM4500 KB amp, 1955 Steinway 48" studio upright.
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I say this as someone who really likes his SS3: I don't think it's a great FOH rig. My experiment with this on Tuesday was mixed. It might be best to have a line ready to send to soundman just in case. YMMV etc., but that's my take on this otherwise stellar box.


...if you have a soundman or a FOH system you can plug it into. One thing I do with a conventional two speaker system with no FOH support is point one directly at the audience and the other I use behind me as a monitor. That monitor supplies controlled stage sound so that it does not "offend" the other members of the band, and the one aimed at the audience is their sound source. Of course this is in a mono set up.



'55 and '59 B3's; Leslies 147, 122, 21H; MODX 7+; NUMA Piano X 88; Motif XS7; Mellotrons M300 and M400’s; Wurlitzer 206; Gibson G101; Vox Continental; Mojo 61; Launchkey 88 Mk III; Korg Module; B3X; Model D6; Moog Model D

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Can anyone tell me what the advantages/disadvantages of ordering the amp from Sweetwater vs. directly from Aspen's company? I live about 30 minutes from the address on Aspen's website. Perhaps it would be possible to pick it up directly from his warehouse vs. having it shipped?


Thanks for the advice,



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Can anyone tell me what the advantages/disadvantages of ordering the amp from Sweetwater vs. directly from Aspen's company? I live about 30 minutes from the address on Aspen's website. Perhaps it would be possible to pick it up directly from his warehouse vs. having it shipped?


Thanks for the advice,




I'll chime in here; 1) as you and I are living in California, I must charge you about 9% tax when you buy from me, while SW ships for free and does not charge you tax, 2) buying from SW offers many perks, like liberal return policies, free financing for 24 months, and then there is that candy they stuff in the box 3) they buy the vast majority of my production...so they are far more likely to be able to supply you on a timely basis. In fact, this is by design and agreement..and frankly spoken, without them I would never had been able to relaunch the Spacestation.


So while I do have some stock, a small share, this is mostly for export sales (I need to convert to 230v for example), for promotional sales to my local industry bros and also so I can have some on hand to support any warranty issues ASAP (which has happened, but VERY rarely).


Then there are some cases where Sweetwater sells out, and then I may have some reserve stock to meet an immediate demand...some of you have benefited by that already.


But by my own design, and as you all have noticed in my videos, I strongly suggest buying from Sweetwater. They are my exclusive (only) USA dealer for all APD products, of which the SS v.3 is the first and currently the highest profile (so far).


FYI, at NAMM show I have made similar agreements with Ikebe for Japan, Thomann Musikhaus for Europe, and also possibly found similar dealer partners in Australia and Russia.


Why? Simple; I NEED a strong dealer who everyone trusts and that can offer all the perks my customers need. I do not have a "sales force", or an "office staff", or "service department", or an "advertising staff", or a bank or stockholders (thank God!)


I am a one man company these days, and my GT days are behind me when I had 30+ employees, 1,000s of dealers and distributors in 32 countries, and trade shows somewhere every other month. But that life almost killed me (literally). So after I got healed and a new lease on life (literally) I decided the only way I could get back in the game was if I had one manufacturing partner (Eminence) and one dealer partner (Sweetwater).


This allows me to do what I love and what I do best; spend my time developing new CPS and other APD products. It also allows me the time to be here on this forum, which is a BLAST! I have never felt so close to my users as I do today, and I can't tell you how much that means to me.


So, I am enjoying my time in the studio/lab, and with you here on this forum. Because of Sweetwater, I have the TIME to do this, as I never had before.


Perhaps the best reason to buy from Sweetwater is because they support me, and their support allow me to support you in so many ways.


And then again, there is the 9% tax savings!

Hammond A100 w/ 2x Leslie 122, Leslie 145 w/ combo pedal, Casio P5S, SS3, Groove Tubes SFX G5 cab + CPS/QSC RM4500 KB amp, 1955 Steinway 48" studio upright.
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