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HX3 MIDI expander module


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Nice videos KBPChristian, thanks for the links.


Triton Extreme 76, Kawai ES3, GEM-RPX, HX3/Drawbar control, MSI Z97

MPower/4790K, Lynx Aurora 8/MADI/AES16e, OP-X PRO, Ptec, Komplete.

Ashley MX-206. future MOTU M64 RME Digiface Dante for Mon./net

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I did listen to Abel Boquera demo. He is a very good player.


I do like to hear demos with the leslie sim off so I can really hear the CV. Most jazz players do not use the slow chorale...such as Larry Goldings, Joey De Francesco, Tony Monaco etc.


When I hear the demos of European players playing HX3, they always use the chorale.


My original HX3 does pretty well overall. I do like the tone...great and versatile for practicing.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Nice vid.

Another reason why I need to upgrade ASAP.

My only problem is I"m using it all the time now and can"t be without it.

What is the turn around time on an upgrade from the older Plexi?

I might just take some time for a vacation to Disneyeorld with the family and ship it then.


Thanks for any ETA from Vegas.

Magnus C350 + FMR RNP + Realistic Unisphere Mic
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KBP Christian


Not seeing the Lutz K. Link. Am I missing something?


Also... KBP Christian.... do you have anything to do with helping people with the update to convert HX3 to 3.5 ???


I am back to using my HX3... this time I am using it with a Roland Cube 100 bass amp. In mono.


The HX3 sounds pretty good through this particular Roland Amp. The Roland has a master volume feature ( called "gain" ) that, when using in conjunction with the main volume knob produces very nice overdrive.


The Roland Cube also has as flanger effect feature that when turned almost all the way down sounds as good as most leslie sim chorale function. The reason I like this is that it works well in mono,.


I have a " beef" with most leslie sims in that they tend to have an effect on the percussion that sounds in most cases artificial.


I would love to have a leslie sim that does not affect the percussion. Of course I have never tried it, but I believe that it might work the same way as chorus vibrato works... the drawbars have the animation ( CV) but the percussion does not.


Perhaps a crazy idea, and perhaps I am being to picky but that is the one thing about sims I do not like.


So I will see about this Lutz K. Video. I am curious if 3.5 has nailed the CV issue.





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Abel Boquera has reviewed the current HX3.5 version (5.33), Adam Scone was his guest:


Great video and very helpful, thanks!


What really impressed me (and evidently Adam Scone too and the listeners too) was the squabbling at 12:45. The reverb played a big part in that. It sounds just like something on a Joey D record.


Loving my HX3, very glad of my purchase over a year ago. The "girth" and CV just hits me right. I haven't even updated since I usually use it with a Vent, but even when I don't it sounds so good I often forget to switch on the fast Leslie.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Tuesday, 8/18/2020


Hello, Keyboard Corneristas !


While I have kept busy with many things during this Apocalypse, I have continued to enjoy the HX3 as a home hobbyist and Sound Tweaker. With the evolution of the operating system up to HX3.5618; addition of HX3.5 control via WiFi AND Smartphones; many new CC presets for various controllers and MIDI drawbars; recently-upgraded 14-stage Vibrato; CaM-ROTOR upgrade; and addition of presets for the M-Audio Code 61 ( Yay - I have that ! ) which make it the ultimate thrifty MIDI controller for the HX3, I have continued the quest to improve and extend the sounds of the HX3 where no other MusicGeek has gone before.


I now present 21 presets, #s 23-43 embedded in a 400KB DAT file.


NOTES: The file is available on KeyboardPartner's user's forum in a new "HX3.5 Presets" entry:




You need the following: a) The HX3.5 module HARDWARE upgrade AND the b) companion purchase of the "extended organ license"; c) Any firmware update after 5.33, but I am using 5.618 - the newer updates allowed NAMING of the PRESETS (of which there is room for 99 with the upgrade); d) You have to become comfortable using the HX3.5 EDITOR and the HX3.5 PANEL Programs and the PRESET MOVER page - all of which AFTER learning to use the HX3.5 UPDATER. The updater is now VERY EASY to use, running the updates PRETTY MUCH AUTOMATICALLY - except near the beginning of the update you have to terminate the DFU Dreamer Update by pressing ABORT - no big deal.


The Editor is required because any firmware update resets your personal Hardware settings - which make my new presets NOT sound right.


I do not completely understand why, but the default environment after a firmware upgrade RESETS how your HX3.5 and PRESETS function. On every preset, I have adjusted Vibrato, Perc, Drawbar Settings, Reverb settings, Phaser and CaM-Rotor Settings (you can load a DIFFERENT CaM-ROTOR SPEED with EACH PRESET) and many, many other parameters, but NONE OF THESE individualized Preset settings are recognized UNLESS you go on the Editor App, find Parameter # 1498 (under SYSTEM INITS or BOARD INITS); tick off all boxes, which changes the Parameter value from 7 or 127 up to the new value of 255; then press the "STORE TO GROUP" button, which saves this behavior to the actual HX3 unit even after shutting off the editor and the HX3 Midi expander. The #1498 value of 255 allows STORING / RECOGNITION and FUNCTION of all programmed-in parameters available when you dial in each new preset.



All the files you need for UPDATE EDITOR and PANEL are downloaded from the KeyboardPartner site,

and the latest firmware update, which has all the goodies for the latest update, are here:



My new presets are in a .DAT file on the Forum Website:




The downloaded preset .DAT file needs to be stored within your newly-downloaded HX3 files for the firmware update:


This main folder - wherever you download it - is called




This file is from 6 August, with update HX3.5618; firmware; FPGA re-programming (slightly older).


The above is the name of the main or parent UNZIPPED folder, and 2 folder clicks deep inside are the EDITOR, PANEL, & UPDATER Programs . . . .

. . . . and the USER file folder.


Within the USER folder, 2 levels deep within the UN-ZIPPED folder (nothing works until you have EXTRACTED the DOWNLOADED file) you will save the New preset from the Forums site ( http://forum.keyboardpartner.de/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=1091 ). DOWNLOAD the "Bradley Kaufman Presets 2020.08.15 .DAT" from the Forum site, then go to your Windows DOWNLOADS Folder. Copy or Move the file into the USER file inside the already-created and UNZIPPED HX35_Update_5618 folder. Then load up that same .DAT file into the PRESET MOVER within the PANEL app when you are ready to load the new presets into your HX3.


BEFORE LOADING THE NEW PRESET FILE: When the PANEL program is on, and you push "CONNECT" to connect to your HX3 unit, under the PRESETS Tab, check off all the boxes. Now you are ready to load up the "Bradley Kaufman 2020.08.15 Presets .DAT" file. [That's me, MIDI Rack-Man]:


Go to the PRESET LOADER tab in the PANEL program, and click "LOAD PRESET" button near the bottom. Navigate to (you might already be inside) the USER folder 2 levels deep and select the new Bradley . . .DAT file, which loads onto the right column in the PRESET MOVER. The file name on the top of the page (in Red letters) should be the name of the newly-loaded "Bradley . . .DAT" Preset File. ERASE ALL THE PRESETS in the LEFT column, Then go to the RIGHT column, select all of the 99 NEW PRESETS, and drag them into the now-empty LEFT column, then press "APPLY TO HX3". You will see a red thermometer bar ("busy") while the sounds transfer into the HX3.


At this point, you might want to check (U have to "disconnect" the PANEL program, click on the EDITOR program, click the "CONNECT" button which again restores the live HX3 settings) that the parameter # 1498 - BOARD / SYSTEM init value - is still "255", because transfer of the Preset file might actually reset the parameter # 1498 value back to 7 or 127 and make the sounds dull and boring.





If you like getting the most out of your HX3.5, you bet. And IT'S FREE !


My soundset of 21 presets adds entirely new instruments to the HX3.5's repertoire. The other presets sound EXACTLY THE SAME as before. Bass-note response on my new B3 organ presets is much more robust (a combination of Foldback and EQ adjustments). The "electromagnetic" or "transistor" organs and most of the remaining presets are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT from what is included (presets 1-15) with the HX3.5 upgrade. I have done fun things with the ADSR capability; with the PHASER - coupled to and UNcoupled from the CaM-ROTOR effect. All kinds of different drawbar settings are included. There is a preset called "PERC-CORDION" using a different ADSR setting which simulates the small delay of air passing through the reeds of an accordion. This subtle delay imitates the characteristic attack of an accordion sound.


Why have I gone to all this trouble ? Because I enjoy it; it has magnified my satisfaction using the HX3 and its upgrades; and I would like the HX3 to succeed. Also, I am hoping others will send their unique sounds into the forum to share with me and other users.




MIDI Rack-Man

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What is the keybed in the M-Audio Code-61 ? ?


That is a very good question. After reviewing the many keybed-related threads on several keyboard forums, NOBODY has answered this question. As a Code-61 owner, I would make a few remarks:


For the first 6 months, the M-Audio Code-61 had occasional MIDI crashes which made me grateful I am not a live performer. After continued use for 6 months, especially with heavy use of the AFTERTOUCH, the problem has disappeared. Maybe I broke in the aftertouch, who knows. The aftertouch is probably too sensitive, but there might be software adjustments, which I have not bothered to play with. In contrast, the Studiologic Numa Compact 2X has perfect aftertouch, but for me, a former accordionist who likes light resistance, the action is perfect (for me) for piano but too heavy for the fast riffs I like for organ or synth.


While I have never owned a waterfall keybed, so have no basis for comparison, the touch on the Code-61 is Fabulous, fairly light, very fast and with a rapid rebound. I wish it had a high trigger. The description "buttery" on the reviews is spot-on.


I have yet to apply the HX3 presets and purchase the label set for the Code-61 from KeyboardPartner.




MIDI Rack-Man

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  • 4 weeks later...

Don't miss this small but important HX3.5 straggler thread featuring comments by HARDWARE and LX-88 - about the PHASER function.




I am also adding a cross-reference to THIS thread at the referenced thread.


Best wishes to all of us for a Happy, Sweet, Healthy and successful New Year - lots to pray for !


MIDI Rack-Man

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  • 3 months later...
Hi folks,


Becuase of the new HX3.5 CaM Rotor update I did a small

Leslie Sim âshoot out' at the german keyboard forum (musiker board) just before Christmas.....

In no particular order: (HX3.5/XK5/B3X/Vent)


HX3.5 FW5.301 InternalSim

HX3.5 FW5.524 "CaM Rotor"

HX3.5 FW5.524 Ventilator 1

Ik Multimedia B3X

XK5 B3-TonewheelSet with internal Sim

XK5 C3-TonewheelSet MG-Set Internal Sim

XK5 C3-TonewheelSet MG-Set Ventilator 1


Here are the soundcloud files:


Have a listen!


I will post the solution later.....

(or you find it here:



Updated now to the new release 5.528 and added another file:


The solution posted at that link only includes the first 7, not the 8th.


The XK5 samples include "C3-MG-Set" -- what does MG refer to?

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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HX3 organ for less than $1000


I dislike the Code 61 and label-set because it´s not a good replacement for any much more authentic MIDI drawbar controller unit.

And in germany, the Code 61 isn´t available in most (if not all) shops anymore.


I regret KBP discontinued the HX3 drawbar controller unit for the HX3 expander module.

It offered the essentially needed controls for "Hammond- like" performance and I don´t see any need for such controller offering access to all the parameters existing.

A carefully selected parameter set is still enough:


drawbars (possibly 2 sets of), the "classic" C/V and percussion sections, C/V selectable for upper/lower manual, add. continuous variable percussion volume, rotary slow/fast & stop, delay/reverb amount, preamp- and (rotary-) power amp overdrive w/ master volume.

It would be also nice to see a (mono) FX insert I/O w/ gain control on the expander module, possibly replacing the (at least for me obsolete) swell pedal- and ft.sw. inputs.

The HX3 expander is a piece of MIDI gear receiving MIDI CCs from any masterkeyboard controller w/ pedals and ft.switches connected and I doubt many users need the "swell" and "ft-switch" connectors at all.


WiFi, Smartphone, tablet-PC, apps and s##t is useful at home and in the studio, but crap for live usage.

And more or less "generic" MIDI controllers / controller keyboards are too.

That´s toys which have nothing to do w/ the haptics organ players want/need,- period.


With the HX3 engine, we get a VERY satisfying sound.

It truly has muscles,- but the right controller unit is (now) missing for HX3.5.


Well, there´s UHL and MAG,- but why buying a Neo Vent w/ these organs when HX3.5 now is good enough (or even better) w/ the CAM rotor and all the other features under the hood ?


I can´t understand why a manufacturer is so meticulous w/ sound details and then leaves all the other important things for the others.

It will never be perfect that way,- beginning w/ the keybed and ending w/ the ideal positioned controls/haptics.

On the UHL and even it´s a great keyboard instrument, the latter are totally wrong positioned because of the "early" KBP circuit board designs for C/V, perc., (some other controls) and presets they use.

The MAG is better in that department,- but they also use the Vent you have to pay for.



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-- what does MG refer to?


His name





Ah! So his own custom settings.


And I did see further on what the 8th was.


Nice demo.

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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Well, there´s UHL and MAG,- but why buying a Neo Vent w/ these organs when HX3.5 now is good enough (or even better) w/ the CAM rotor and all the other features under the hood ?

Based on the demo, I'd still prefer HX3 with Vent to HX3 with their newest rotary effect. Also, a lot of what the Vent provides is a tube-ish overdrive, ahich is not part of this demo, so I don't know how well HX3 compares to Vent in that respect.

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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Well, there´s UHL and MAG,- but why buying a Neo Vent w/ these organs when HX3.5 now is good enough (or even better) w/ the CAM rotor and all the other features under the hood ?

Based on the demo, I'd still prefer HX3 with Vent to HX3 with their newest rotary effect. Also, a lot of what the Vent provides is a tube-ish overdrive, ahich is not part of this demo, so I don't know how well HX3 compares to Vent in that respect.



I didn´t reply on what´s "part of this demo".


You can get "tube-ish" overdrive from HX3 still.

IMO, HX3 does that better than any other clone.

Mojo, Legend, Numa ... all (more or less) good for jazz,- but HX3 nails for rock even w/o the Vent.


HX 3.5 makes a difference from former hardware revisions mkIII and mkIV.

These were also good (possibly except leslie perfection),- but the increased DSP power of HX3.5 made more possible.


I´d buy HX 3.5 expander in a heartbeat when I had the right drawbar-controller for !

KBP had one, but discontinued before I pulled the trigger.


Viscount Legend has the right haptics for a good price.

I´d whish I could get that haptics w/ a HX3 engine inside and w/o Vent.


I always dislike "additional" (3rd party) gear WHEN avoidable.

MORE means also more failures and malfunction source.



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I´d buy HX 3.5 expander in a heartbeat when I had the right drawbar-controller for !

KBP had one, but discontinued before I pulled the trigger.


You know you can buy the HX3 drawbar expander ?: https://shop.keyboardpartner.de/epages/13705466.sf/en_GB/?ObjectPath=/Shops/13705466/Products/hx3-dbe


fwiw I prefer the Leslie and overdrive in the HX3 over the Vent II. I may yet pick up a MAG organ, but atm I have the HX3 hooked up to my YC61 and am pretty happy with that.

Gig keys: Hammond SKpro, Korg Vox Continental, Crumar Mojo 61, Crumar Mojo Pedals


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that's me !








-- what does MG refer to?


His name





Ah! So his own custom settings.


And I did see further on what the 8th was.


Nice demo.

-- what does MG refer to?


His name





Ah! So his own custom settings.


And I did see further on what the 8th was.


Nice demo.

Studio: Hammond XK5-XLK5,  Roland Fantom 8, Prophet 5, Roland SE02, Neo Vent, HX3-Expander, Yamaha Montage M7

Live: Yamaha CP88, Hammond SKX Pro, Hammond XB2-HX3,  Roland Fantom 07, Roland SA1000, Neo Vent

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I was looking for that package in a one drawbar set. He made a unit with one set of drawbars but missed adding the HX3 engine. So the options were a drawbar package with one set of drawbars without the engine or two sets of drawbars with the engine, but no option that was one set of drawbars with the engine like the Mojo Desktop or Viscount EXP. Also maybe because I'm used to the sound but I still prefer the Vent over the CAM rotor but if I had the unit I'd probably forego the Vent. I was using the Gemini module w/o the Vent, i.e. the Gemini's leslie was good enough. I bought a BURN but so far have only tried it with the Voce, not with the Gemini's organ.

57 Hammond B3; 69 Hammond L100P; 68 Leslie 122; Kurzweil Forte7 & PC3; M-Audio Code 61; Voce V5+; Neo Vent; EV ELX112P; GSI Gemini & Burn

Delaware Dave



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Yep, but I don´t like much.

I prefer the engine-module being located in the rack, together w/ the other modules, MIDI processor/patchbay and rackmount mixer.

Only MIDI form keyboard controller running into the drawbar controller´s "merge" input and the drawbar controller´s stuff running into the rack.

I normally use a snake/multicore for such purposes, simplifying setup.

I liked the small "1 set of drawbars" controller KBP offered already.


fwiw I prefer the Leslie and overdrive in the HX3 over the Vent II.


I´d be satisfied w/ int. HX3 leslie sim too.


I may yet pick up a MAG organ, but atm I have the HX3 hooked up to my YC61 and am pretty happy with that.


Well, I prefer buying stuff available in germany.

I have very bad experiences w/ international shipping now (see the DHL warning thread).

So MAG is no option for me until Thomann, Musicstore or a similar dealer will offer here.


KBP is in germany, that´s good.



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