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OT: 3D movies (rant inside)

Dave Bryce

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I don't like 3D movies.


I don't like having to wear glasses that darken the colors of the film.


Gratuitous (frequently overdone) 3D visual effects do not impress me. I find them typically distracting, and think they usually detract from the movie.


I cannot STAND having to pay $3 more per person for the privilege of seeing the film in 3D. it'd be one thing if I had an even choice...I might be a bit more inclined to give it chance. But paying more and having to wear glasses? :mad:


Reason behind the rant - I just had no choice but to see Tron in 3D. That's all they were showing. No 2D. Boooooo.....


I'm done. I'm voting with my dollar. If I can't see the 2D version of a movie in the theater, I'll wait for DVD.


I really hope this dopey trend dies, and quickly.


Anyone else less than enamored with this new fad?




P.S. Whoever green lighted the 3D Yogi Bear shot be publicly shot. :cop:





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


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I can't watch 3D movies. I don't have stereo vision. (Insert mono vs stereo joke here.) To watch a movie in 3D, I have to work very hard to focus my eyes to work together which gives me a headache and isn't worth the effort. I never bothered to watch "Avatar" until it was on HBO in 2D. At that point it couldn't possibly live up to a year's worth of hype and certainly didn't.


It's a trend that is likely to continue and go further with 3D television content, mostly sports. 3D TVs not requiring glasses will be here within 2 years making obsolete the new crop of 3D TVs with glasses. I wouldn't be shocked if 3D NFL games were regularly available by 2013 as a subscription like "Sunday Ticket".

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CHeesy fad. The only movie I've seen that justified 3D was....wait for it....JACKASS 3D. I only saw it because it premiered at the Museum of Contemporary Art. And guess what: it made total use of the 3D capabilities, and while completely juvenile, it gave me 90 minutes of some badly needed laughter.


Other than that....take the stoopid glasses and leave the out of focus to the tripping.

Hitting "Play" does NOT constitute live performance. -Me.
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At the moment all the focus is on 3D because it's a way for the film industry to combat piracy etc. They can get people in the cinemas by offering something different. That might change as 3D TV becomes the norm. 3D will become the norm though, so you might as well get used to it: fad? (wait till the porn industry gets in on the act).


Once all the novelty dies down, films will concentrate more on storyline etc.

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fad? (wait till the porn industry gets in on the act).


The thing is, most home media is "pioneered" by the porn industry; those are the folks that bought/buy laserdiscs, beta, VHS, CD-Rom, DVD, BlueRay first. Please do not make me envision 3D porn, especially the ... :facepalm:...money shot.


Besides, NO ONE is going to sit at home with those stoopid ass glasses on.

Hitting "Play" does NOT constitute live performance. -Me.
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I saw one 3D movie - "Legend of the Guardian", and that's enough. While it was visually very good, it was hard to focus. I left with a headache from the eye strain.


I saw an article listing the top 10 electronic fails of 2010. On the list. 3D TV.


Americans have enough problem losing the remote, let alone having to find those stupid glasses just to watch TV. No Thanks.


The movie theater my wife and I frequent always have a 2D alternative.



"In the beginning, Adam had the blues, 'cause he was lonesome.

So God helped him and created woman.


Now everybody's got the blues."


Willie Dixon






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Saw Alice In Wonderland and it was way too dark. I don't care for 3D either. Avatar was visually stunning but the 3D didn't add THAT much to it. Plot and character-wise it was a hack. If I wanted to watch a movie with that story I'd go back to Dances With Wolves. I think the main reason the movie became the #1 grosser of all time (unadjusted) was due to the higher pricing for 3D tickets.


Thank goodness Christopher Nolan isn't shooting The Dark Knight Rises in 3D. Just more IMAX.

"The devil take the poets who dare to sing the pleasures of an artist's life." - Gottschalk




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I've seen several movies in 3D, and in many respects I agree with Dave (especially on the extra ticket pricing, which just seems like gouging to me). That said, I do think that some of the animated stuff I've seen with my kids works really well in 3D (for example, Toy Story 3, How To Train Your Dragon, Up, etc.).


I also have to disagree with Bosendorphin about Avatar: I think the 3D aspects of Avatar added a TON to the movie and is one of the main reasons that it was so successful. When I saw Avatar in 3D on a huge screen, it was visually stunning in a way that was different from anything that I'd ever seen before. In fact, it was really about the only thing that impressed me about the movie since, as B-dorph points out, the plot itself was very derivative of other -- better -- movies. Visually, however, it felt like I was experiencing the same thing that people must've felt going from black-and-white televisions to color. I've since seen parts of that movie in 2D on HBO, and the visual experience is FAR less special.


For the most part, I'm perfectly content with 2D movies, and I'm quite confident that I'll never own a 3D tv in my house. I think the occasional 3D film release has its place, though.



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(wait till the porn industry gets in on the act).


That reminds me of an old WKRP episode where the gang is at a 3D porn movie theatre...and they all duck at the same time!! :laugh::sick:

I love that scene. :thu:


I havent seen one years. I saw "Andy Warhol's Frankenstein" in 3-D. Definitely one of the worst films ever made.

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I hope they're just a fad. Frankly, it's gotten to where I don't even want to see films in IMAX anymore (even 2D). I'm not sure what changed, or if it is a problem with the films I've seen there lately, but I've ended up feeling nauseous from them. Then, when the DVD came out of the same film, watched at home on TV and loved it!


I'm afraid 3D will have similar nauseating affects on me.

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Please do not make me envision 3D porn, especially the ... :facepalm:...money shot.
Yeah, that's going to necessitate a remake of Behind the Green Door, and *nobody* wants to see that money shot in 3D....
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I heard the anti-piracy angle being discussed on a news show. The point they were making was that if there are no 2D copies in the theaters, then there won't be any pirated 2D copies in homes until the film is officially released for home viewing. As noted above, few people will want to wear the glasses at home, so the idea is that at least piracy will be successfully combatted until the home release stage of the product cycle.


As a result of this mindset, a lot of movies are being turned into 3D movies that weren't shot as 3D, which leaves them generally looking more artificial than movies conceived and shot in 3D. But if this works and piracy is successfully restrained, then more movies will be shot in 3D and it won't be a fad.


Personally, I'd rather have a choice and I'd generally choose 2D; but I'd rather not see the movie industry eroded by piracy either. If this approach fails on the piracy front, however, we'll probably see a return to 2D soon enough.





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I'm afraid 3D will have similar nauseating affects on me.



I was surprised, I saw Hurt Locker and Avatar (3D and Imax) about the same time. No prob with Avatar and thoroughly enjoyed it, but I had my eyes closed for over half of HL, fighting off seasickness.


3D doesn't get me, but the shaky-cam will do it in seconds :(

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3D comes and goes now and then. It will never stick until they have the technology to produce a holographic image with no glasses required.



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...It will never stick until they have the technology to produce a holographic image with no glasses required.


How do you go on having to wear those 3-D glasses if you already wear regular glasses?



'nuf said.



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