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OT - Running


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Yeah, the 10,000 was crazy. Awesome to see Galen Rupp get that silver. The 1500 was equally as exciting with American Leo Manzano also getting the silver in an amazing sprint finish.


As for me, I've been running 5 days a week now for a month, so that's amazing. I take my son to his cross country practice and then go for a run myself and then wait for them to finish (I don't run with them...I ran on a trail that they don't run on...wouldn't be such a meddling parent).


My 7th grade son is really responding well to daily training, something he's never done. He has a 5k PR of 21:31 from May when he wasn't really training for running, and this Saturday he's running in a 5k that the high school team puts on before the season starts (his sister is a sophomore and runs on the high school team, and family members are allowed to run in this 5,000 meter run on Saturday; unfortunately, my daughter won't be able to run as she's in a boot with tendonitis). He says his goal is 19:something, but that may be a bit too much to hope for. We will see on Saturday.

Steve (Stevie Ray)

"Do the chickens have large talons?"

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Didn't dig through the whole thread but has anyone mentioned Newton running shoes? They have a drop off at the end of the toe to basically force you to run with a mid foot strike instead of a toe or heel strike. It's supposed to be a more natural way to run and will supposedly keep you more injury free. Plus, they look really funky and cool!
http://www.tjjazzpiano.com (transcriptions, lessons, blog)
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Didn't dig through the whole thread but has anyone mentioned Newton running shoes? They have a drop off at the end of the toe to basically force you to run with a mid foot strike instead of a toe or heel strike. It's supposed to be a more natural way to run and will supposedly keep you more injury free. Plus, they look really funky and cool!


I know ONE person who really loves those shoes, and I know many more who are VERY skeptical about them. I'm not a huge proponent of trying to drastically change your gait unless you are constantly getting injured. If injuries are a problem, then orthotics are a possibility along with some strengthening of the weaker muscles, but consciously and drastically changing your natural gait seems problematic to me. For some people those shoes would force a drastic change...for others, not so much. Guess you could try them out and see if you like them.

Steve (Stevie Ray)

"Do the chickens have large talons?"

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Good olympic recap Dave. I am Canadian, and we had a very up and down olympics emotionally. The Women's Soccer 'bad reffing call' in the semi finals (Canada vs. US) is still being talked about daily around water coolers here. The team went on to win Bronze in spectacular fashion though scoring the winner in the 92nd minute of regulation time, or something like that... On the last day, our men's 4x100 relay got disqualified after winning bronze (for stepping on the lane line).. OUCH.


The marathon was awesome exciting, the hot humid weather seemed to really spread the field out... Canada sent three people to the marathon this year, and they did very well (20th,22th,27th), and I have run in races with 2 of them, as they are localish... All three said that the humidity was brutal. Canada is seeming to finally have a Marathon presence, which is pretty new. We haven't competed in the marathon at the Olympics in a long time, and the Canadian Marathon Record was set in 1975 (2:10.09). It's about time that record gets busted open.




I'm just saying', everyone that confuses correlation with causation eventually ends up dead.
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  • 1 month later...

I did the Army run 1/2 Marathon in Ottawa two weeks ago. Here is my story:


My 1/2marathon PB is about 1:40, but I haven't been focusing on the super long or the super fast runs as of late. So I decided to setup for a slower pace. I though 1:50 would work, and went and found the 1:50 pace bunny (A pace bunny is a person tasked with running the distance at a specific time. Follow your bunny for your desired time). At this specific race, there were two bunnies for 1 hour 50 mins. One that runs continuous, and one that alternates between running and walking (run for 10min, walk for 1min). Being a steadyish runner, I went continuous. At the start of the race (9000 people) it took us almost 2 mins to even cross the start line. We all get micro chips, so that two mins is counted in our chip time. What it means is that now we are targeting 1:52 by our watch.


The first 7 km were good, but by of 7 km in my knee started to bother me. Then I got a cramp. Kind of cry-baby-itis runner 'excuse things' as to why the pace was too hard. I hung in there, and by about 10km, my knee was ok, and the pace felt comfortable again. By about 12 or 13 km in, the two 1:50 pace bunnies were leap frogging each other. The steady guy would catch up with the other guy while he was walking, and then when the walk was done he would rocket ahead...


At about 14k in I had plenty of juice, so I hitched my wagon to the other pace bunny as he shot ahead for his 10 minutes of running. Then I kept running when he stopped to walk.


I finished in 1:48 (chip time), and I had a great negative split by about 2 minutes. All of those two minutes came in the last 7 KM.


I have never finished a race more comfortable, and don't recall if I have ever had a negative split in a 21.1KM run.


I have my last of this year in a couple of weeks, and I think I will target a little faster, but still comfortable. maybe 1:45.



I'm just saying', everyone that confuses correlation with causation eventually ends up dead.
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Man, shame about the injuries Dave, but it sounds like you're keeping fit, which is great - I've contemplated riding before.


So many runners here! I do a bit of running, too - aiming to do 14km (9 miles?) in under 65 minutes. I've been averaging 4:30 minute per kilometres - so I'm looking at being able to maintain those speeds for longer - and I've been running routes that have a few hills on them.


I really like Asics, and I think if you feel injuries in your toes, it's probably a good shoe, since some have a lifted section at the front that actually makes your toes spread out, rather than keep them bunched together. Before, I ran in Nikes, and I found they were quite narrow and I'd get very sore toes from it. I definitely suggest Asics, but the pair I own have a LOT of padding, it feels like you're running on air cushions.


Things I've found helped:

Conditioning exercises for knees.

Basically sit upright on a bench (or a seat - you can do this exercise in the office), one leg down and then lift your other leg up so it's parallel to the ground, you'll feel a tightness around the sides and bottom of your knee. Hold for 90 seconds and repeat. I've found that it strengthens the muscles around the knee so when you twist your ankle or pound the pavement you get a bit more resistance.


Shin splints though. Ouch. I love running so much, but why does it hurt me so?

Nord Electro 3 -73 || Korg CX-3




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  • 1 month later...

I'm going resurrect this thread to brag a bit about my running kids.


My son ran in his first CC season ever as a 7th grader, and he ended up being the best 7th grade distance runner in our very large school district and the 3rd best overall runner in our middle schools (two 8th graders were better than him). They run 2 miles in middle school which is a little short for him, so I let him run a 5k right after the season, and he finished 2nd overall in 19:51. Not bad for a 12-year-old kid who still looks like he's 10. He's already saying he wants to run in the 16s as a freshman in high school...that's a doable goal for him I think depending on what puberty does for him.


My daughter is in 10th grade and lettered in cross country as a freshman but started the season with severe tendonitis and had to wear a boot and missed half the season. She came back strong and progressed from a 28:24 5k in her first meet (not very well trained) all the way down to her new PR of 22:06, earning her second letter in the process. Her goal for next season is to be injury free and get into the 20s.


All for now.


Hope your running is going well.

Steve (Stevie Ray)

"Do the chickens have large talons?"

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Hey Stepay,


Good for them! You obviously set a good example for them.


My modest goal of 600 miles for the year is in sight. I have ~ 70 miles to go. I was sitting pretty until the storm, and that cost me 14 days. :mad::)




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I'm proud to report that I completed my very first half marathon on November 10th with a time of 1:43. When I started training, I hoped to beat 2:00 and I was pleasantly surprised.


Very nice. I know a couple of guys who have been running for 20+ years and train for a specific half marathon every spring who have never run that fast. Time to try now to get in the 1:30s! Congrats.

Steve (Stevie Ray)

"Do the chickens have large talons?"

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Hey Stepay,


Good for them! You obviously set a good example for them.


My modest goal of 600 miles for the year is in sight. I have ~ 70 miles to go. I was sitting pretty until the storm, and that cost me 14 days. :mad::)





Thanks! I've tried my best to stay out of it so that they would come to running (if they ever did) on their own, so they did soccer and both did gymnastics (my son DID take to gymnastics though and has progressed now to just trampoline and diving, but my daughter did not like gymnastics). Both of them now love running. It has been awesome for me to see.


Get those 70 miles in! :)


Steve (Stevie Ray)

"Do the chickens have large talons?"

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Great thread! I'm a walker, I do 3 or 4 x 4km walks each week plus a 15 km bike ride on the weekend. It's not enough for me to lose the last 10kg I need to, but my fitness has improved significantly which is a good start I suppose.
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Re: Ed Whitlock.


I didn't realize that people outside of Canada knew who he was. Amazing talent. He's awesome and and huge inspiration. Very well known around here, I would LOVE to be able to be doing those speeds now, let alone at his age.

I'm just saying', everyone that confuses correlation with causation eventually ends up dead.
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Good report on your turkey trot. :) Running, I think at all levels, can be humbling.


Regarding the age "barrier", I like to tell people that at my first half in 2010, with the starting field arranged from faster to slower runners, there was a man in his 70's in the group in front of me. (I'm 48).


Much of the battle is mental. That's why injury is such a bummer. You've overcome probably the biggest hurtle by actually becoming a runner, and then you have to stop.


My feeling is if you can run, you should, or at least try. Kara Goucher ( :love: ) says "Running is the best gift you can give yourself", and I agree.


Nursers, keep going man!




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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...


Sorry to hear about your toe woes, I hope it turns out okay.


I did a hilly 5 miler at my favorite Psych hospital (see previous posts for spooky picture) last Tuesday. I was feeling a little funny like a sickness coming on but I went anyway - terrible run and I've been sick with a nasty cold ever since!


I saw my old training partner on Sunday at a family function and he must've gained 40 pounds! His back ended his running days and now he needs a hip replacement. I'm counting my blessings.






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Completed my first run of the season--3.5 miles in just under 45 min. Surprisingly, I don't really feel fatigued at all. I do bike quite a bit--to work and back, 5 miles each way, and I'm working 4 to 5 times a week, so maybe that biking is helping my cardio endurance as well. If it's a nice day out tomorrow, I might go out again for another 3 miles.


Yamaha MODX7, DX7, PSR-530, MX61/Korg TR-Rack, 01/W Pro X, Trinity Pro X, Karma/Ensoniq ESQ-1

Behringer DeepMind12, Model D, Odyssey, 2600/Arturia Keylab MKII 61



Studio One/V Collection 9/Korg Collection 4/Cherry Audio/UVI SonicPass/EW Composer Cloud/Omnisphere, Stylus RMX, Trilian/IK Total Studio 3.5 MAX/Roland Cloud

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Good for you man.


This winter running was tough for me. I did some treadmill, but not enough. I got back at it, and am making steady progress. My last 5k (3.1miles) outdoor run was 23 mins, and I am starting to stay out longer on my long runs too.

I'm just saying', everyone that confuses correlation with causation eventually ends up dead.
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Dave: did your Halix Rigidus condition come from too much mileage you think. I with you on the bike idea. A good cross training sport to keep the cardio going. I mix up running and biking also.


Phred: Good time on your 5k. I am focusing on 5ks, not really trying marathons at this point. This time of year there are multiple 5ks each weekend to choose from.


Also, thoughts and prayers out to the folks in Boston.

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thanks e-keys. This time last year I was doing 5k almost 2 minutes faster (21:21) so I have some work to do. It was a long tough winter....
I'm just saying', everyone that confuses correlation with causation eventually ends up dead.
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Another 3 miler today, in just under 40 min. Really warm today, almost 80 degrees F.


Yamaha MODX7, DX7, PSR-530, MX61/Korg TR-Rack, 01/W Pro X, Trinity Pro X, Karma/Ensoniq ESQ-1

Behringer DeepMind12, Model D, Odyssey, 2600/Arturia Keylab MKII 61



Studio One/V Collection 9/Korg Collection 4/Cherry Audio/UVI SonicPass/EW Composer Cloud/Omnisphere, Stylus RMX, Trilian/IK Total Studio 3.5 MAX/Roland Cloud

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Right now, I do a 2 mile brisk walk every day. But, I plan to start running it and hopefully get up to 5 miles per day.


I'm not training for any sporting events. I just don't want to be a card carrying member of the 40-something year old belly club. :laugh::cool:



"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return."--E. Ahbez "Nature Boy"

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  • 2 weeks later...
3 miles planned for today, turned into a 4-miler, with at least 4 or 5 good-sized hills, and perfect 70-degree weather. Today's run couldn't have gone any better!


Yamaha MODX7, DX7, PSR-530, MX61/Korg TR-Rack, 01/W Pro X, Trinity Pro X, Karma/Ensoniq ESQ-1

Behringer DeepMind12, Model D, Odyssey, 2600/Arturia Keylab MKII 61



Studio One/V Collection 9/Korg Collection 4/Cherry Audio/UVI SonicPass/EW Composer Cloud/Omnisphere, Stylus RMX, Trilian/IK Total Studio 3.5 MAX/Roland Cloud

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I did a 21K (about 13miles) training run on saturday, and it went very well. It got hot, so I was very happy when the wind picked up.
I'm just saying', everyone that confuses correlation with causation eventually ends up dead.
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Today, my 4-miler was cut short by about a mile or so. A car ran me off the road, which caused me to trip, fall, and acquire a couple of nice scrapes to my right knee. Nothing some H2O2 and a couple bandages wouldn't fix, and I walked the rest of the way home. I swear, the next car that tries that is getting a rock to their back window. That's how pissed off I was. It sucks too, because it would've been a great run!


Yamaha MODX7, DX7, PSR-530, MX61/Korg TR-Rack, 01/W Pro X, Trinity Pro X, Karma/Ensoniq ESQ-1

Behringer DeepMind12, Model D, Odyssey, 2600/Arturia Keylab MKII 61



Studio One/V Collection 9/Korg Collection 4/Cherry Audio/UVI SonicPass/EW Composer Cloud/Omnisphere, Stylus RMX, Trilian/IK Total Studio 3.5 MAX/Roland Cloud

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