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Yo Mike, just curious, why does it say "better than Yanni" after "Trampoline?" That's your strongest track, IMO, but I didn't listen to it before 'cause of that Yanni reference (he's nice, but not one of my favorites). Also, "gothic death mix" doesn't fit "Well I Hadn't Thought." It's not bad, but that quote by me you just posted was based on YOUR mis-representation of your own material. I'll be honest with you. The good news: your voice has a good tone, and you sing on key, which is not nearly as easy as most folks think it is. The bad news: the production quality of your material is so poor that no one is ever going to notice that golden throat of yours. Get a producer, pronto. Happy hunting.

Eric Vincent (ASCAP)


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Listened to "Twinkle" from Sixth Wind. Not usually my kind of music, but several things were done right: The singer was mixed up loud enough so that the vocals really popped through the track. Remember, everyone - vocals are usually the focus of song with vocals! It actually sounded like it had been mastered, although I would have hit the upper midrange just a tad higher (maybe an MP3 deficiency). Despite being kind of hard rock type stuff, there was an almost Yes-like element of syncopation that made it a lot more interesting than the average hard rock song. Amazingly, after listening to it once, I listened to it again. The only thing I'd add would be some cool FM sound effects to add to the chaos factor where appropriate. I would, however, cut down the double-speed voice at the end to just one line. It makes the point quickly, so you don't want to wear out your welcome.
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I would like to add this to Craig's post: your website is a little clumsy. Post on MP3.com, so folks can just click on a link and hear it. I used to be allergic to MP3, but now that I'm getting the hang of it, I'm psyched on the promotional possibilities. I guess I have to credit all the ball-bustaz on this thread for turning me on, those nagging mo-fo's.

Eric Vincent (ASCAP)


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Curve: Okay. First of all, the Yanni thing is an inside joke. Well, not really. He's kind of a joke everywhere. I stand behind it because - indeed - it IS better than Yanni. The "gothic Death Mix" thing that's tagged onto "Well I Hadn't Thought/ xtac remix" just seemed better than saying "here's a remix". And it did seem to fit at the time when I listened to the original vs said remix. And - believe me - I know the production quality of Trampoline is total sh*t. That song and two others i've posted need to be redone from the ground up. They were recorded three years ago on the cheapest four track available at the time. It was a $250 Tascam. Great unit, if you hate music. I am working with a producer now who has taken a sincere interest in what I do. There will be a hell of an improvement in future offerings. AND I thank you for the compliments on my singing. Now that we're all done giving each other wedgies, I think I'll have a listen to the music of others here who have waited patiently to be heard. Thanks again, curve. I look forward to hearing your music as well. peace out http://www.mp3.com/mikepetrick This message has been edited by mdpetrick@yahoo.com on 01-26-2001 at 04:05 AM
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>>Thanks again, curve. I look forward to hearing your music as well.<< From your lips to the Lord's ears, good brutha, I don't know WHAT is goin' on with MP3.com. It's like I'm running for attorney general or something. Dag! I'm in limbo-land here. My gear is all packed up ready to move to the new space, but it ain't movin' 'til Monday, and I got deadlines to meet. MP3.com's got me on hold until the Lord knows when...and I got one of my biggest clients giving me the run-around over $$$ long overdue. My lady's buggin'. It's a trial - the Lord's testing me, like Job. Got to stay focussed...

Eric Vincent (ASCAP)


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yo curva it can take up to 9 days for a new page to come online. even after that the link may not work for a few days. if you are pretty sure the page is up, and i dont see how it could be already, do a search inside mp3.com on the name you gave yourself. it may come up. consider they have MILLIONS of tunes, and their site somehow stays running ALL the time; more than can be said for digi's site or even this one (slow yesterday, took seven min to load with a cable modem) "gothic death mix" and "better than yanni" are things i added. obviously, they worked. hell it got your attention. give it a few more days, your page will come up.
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there are ways of getting past the approval [SEE MY LINKS POSTED ON PAGE 6 of a new mix im working on] at mp3.com. if you go to your admin page and view the song off the status page click on the song name and a page will open with hifi and lofi below the name, copy those links and post them effectively bypassing those nazi's over at mp3.com.



"if god is truly just, i tremble for the fate of my country" -thomas jefferson

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<> I liked your new mix. Kid loved it. My only problem was a little to harsh on the high end of the drum kit for my old ears... but that's my old ears. ------------------ William F. Turner Guitarist, Composer, Songwriter
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Hey stevepow! I listened to one of the Merle's tunes and it sounds a BIT bottom heavy to me, but it didn't offend me that way. Will you do me a favor and listen to this: http://lflier.home.mindspring.com/Lee_40_Seconds.mp3 It's just 40 seconds of a snippet, and I wonder if it will do the same thing to your Genelec sub as Alpha's stuff did. I don't like the bass much in general, I needed to change the strings on my bass and I cut it direct through a JoeMeek (as opposed to the usual amp) and overcompressed the hell out of it to make up for the flat sounding strings - but it still doesn't entirely offend me, at least through any of the speakers I have around here. This is obviously not a final version of anything, just an idea I had at 4 in the morning, but I'm interested to hear what it sounds like on your system. Thanks, Lee This message has been edited by Lee Flier on 01-26-2001 at 01:02 PM
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Yo yo whassup everybody? This is my last post for about a week while I get this move finished - the truck's coming around early Monday morning & I gots ta be ready. My page came up on MP3.com, but I demo'd the links before I posted them here, and I'm glad I did. The lo-fi version is utter garbage, garbled as hell, sounds no relation to the original recording at all. And I can't seem to get MP3.com to take it off, although I haven't called them on the phone yet to see if they'll do that. The MP3 download is slightly better, at least it's in stereo. But the imaging is off, so it sounds like the guitar is panned all the way to the right. The bass is 50% gone, and since this was an urban/rock fusion, bass is essential, so if it gets lost the remaining elements don't relate. I had even tweaked the 63K a few db's in SoundJam, and still it gets lost on the MP3? Then there is that harsh, nasty-assed sh*t that shows up out of the cymbles - Lee had pointed that out on Bruce Lash's chumpy, and now I hear what she's sayin'. All that time spent, so folks can hear a shitty version of a recording I spent mucho $$$ and many months, slaving over songs I had spent years developing, struggling to find musicians who could cut it & teaching them the songs, shlepping through the club circuit getting it seasoned...this MP3 thang is a big disappointment. No wonder Dr. Dre & Hetfield & those cats hated Napster so much. I wouldn't want anyone listening to my stuff like that. It's like cooking up a big 8-course gourmet meal, and dumping it all in the garbage. So coaster, since you're so curious, post the PO box for Blaclite, or email me at curvdominant@earthlink.net (see, I ain't so mysterious anymore, just remember to leave out the "e") and I'll just mail ya the whole damn CD, and some reviews, etc. Then you and Mike can review it for everybody. Sound fair? Craig can vouch for me. Gotta go - the next time I post it'll be from my new digs. Ciao amicos, chi centiammo presto... OK, so I posted once more. It's late, and I've had a few, and I'm sick of packing. I'll be fine - I'm 90% there, and I still got two more daze 'til the truck comes around. I got all the major stuff ready, and now I'm down to all the little stuff. Maybe I'll just buy a box of garbage bags and just start shovelling all the little stuff into bags. I CANNOT WAIT to get this over with. This message has been edited by Curve Dominant on 01-27-2001 at 02:45 AM

Eric Vincent (ASCAP)


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Curve: Join the club.....MP3 Files pretty much take the music which was originally a nice 3 layer cake and squashes it like a pancake [img]http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/frown.gif[/img] Tis the nature of the beast. Good luck on your move Tom
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[quote]Originally posted by mdpetrick@yahoo.com: [b] Any other takers? [/b][/quote] "Well I hadn't" - starts out like... hmm. New Floyd passed through a filter of Trey Anastasio singing after listening to They Might Be Giants while under the influence of Queen. I like the ostinato delay pattern. The contrary vocal harmony thing into the polyphonic chord was interesting... Strange vibe, very Phish like - the aspect of Phish I like. Hmm.. Ian Anderson/Tull sort of break.... Hmm. Now it's angry sounding. The arrangement shows you've been writing stuff for awhile I would guess. Huh. It just stopped - MP3.com glitch... "Crawl" - pseudo Barett intro. Sounds like if the Byrds had been a bit morbid. Crazy old synth modulating... Hmm.. Now it's sort of like a Beach Boys/California sound, kind of like Jane's Addiction on "Classic Girl". Hmm.. Another turn, interesting. I like how adventurous you are with structures. Hmm. "No, that's not you" - at that point it starts sounding like Bob Mould without the rest of Du.... I would want to hear this part with some bombastic big drums... The "alien invasion" synth stuff is truly peculiar combined with the vibe you've set up... Diminished ending. I'm kind of giggling out of not knowing what I've heard; I don't know if I like it or not, but it was entertaining.... The vocal sound was very nice I have to add. "Nothing Wrong" - Trashy drum sound, but you know that I'm sure. In this context it sort of works, although I'd want the guitar more "pro" sounding to balance things. This sounds like Every Athens Band In 1987 to me, not really my thing at all, so I'm going to stop here... However, the arrangement again shows maturity in structure. "They Might Be Giants" sort of vocal approach... "Xylem" - I'm going to leave that alone.. Creative with the backwards stuff, but... "Trampoline" - great tom pattern, with the polyrhythm against the bass line.. Unexpected vibe change... sounds like Ministry with Wal_mart technology. I like the vocal melody, sort of like Skinyard... Tempo is speeding up in the second verse. Vague touch of a sort of Dave Grohl vibe in the vocal; I'd like to hear more "gruff" glottal noises in the vocal. Hey, I like the downward progression in the "instrumental section", almost sounds like Pink Floyd thing, but different... The little tinkly toy piano sound is a nice thing against the heavy vibe... The trashy drum sound can be made to work if the kick is more up front, but in spots it sounded over-eq'ed in the bass on the toms.... I pretty much detest trashy-miced sounding guitar though: a trashy guitar sound miced can be cool, but if everything sounds washed out it's just annoying (IMO - to me, but I got burned out on the whole thing back in the late 80's when the "alternative music" thing started booming in my area). Not really my thing, but if this had better production it would probably appeal to a certain college circle in the south east. That is, if you dressed appropriately and maintained the proper haughty and dismissive 'tude. Kind of like the Fleshtones with a psychedelic bent, or maybe some really early Mark Arm/Mudhoney stuff. This should have been on 120 Minutes.... I'd like to hear more contrast in the vocal parts from section to section, but outside of that "it is what it is".... I'd combine the parts or concept of the drony harmony vocal Phishy tunes with the sort of grungy vibe of "Trampoline". Strangely enough, particularly for me, I'd tone down the structures a bit and (am I saying this?) repeat some of the hookier bits for more familiarity, which is why I think "Trampoline" works the best out of what's on your page. I'm left wondering "why is their apparently the artistic split of the "tight" arrangement of the drony vocal tunes, with the loose grungy stuff? I smell "band democracy" in action (which personally I think messes things up and dilutes the muse). Mix the drony vocal stuff with the drums in a laid back Floyd way, and put that back to back in songs with the aggro-grungy stuff; that would be a "concept" that would have an identity.... Just a suggestion, not a put down mind you, just what I'd want to hear. [b]http://www.mp3.com/chipmcdonald [/b]

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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Yo, Tom, I've been f*cking with SoundJam for the past 15 minutes or so, and I've come to the same conclusion. OK, I'm going to stop being such a f*cking wuss. Just y'all do me the flavor of not reviewing this thing based on that lo-fi shit if you can help it, and take the 5 minutes for the stereo MP3 to download if ya don't have a broadband connection. This was done in '95, and I'm on to new places now, but at least ya get ta hear SOMETHING from the Curve. AND CRANK UP THE BASS, 'CAUSE MP3 NEEDS BASS, AND THIS SONG NEEDS BASS. PLEEEEEZ!!!!! And crank up the volume to the max, this sh*t is meant to be played loud. And if ya got some ganj, smoke some of that before ya crank this, cause it's on a psychedelic tip. But if ya don't smoke the ganj, have a glass of wine, or something. http://www.mp3.com/TransluxTheater You'll see a lot of credits - Eric Vincent is me. Damn, there goes my anonymity. This message has been edited by Curve Dominant on 01-27-2001 at 04:16 AM

Eric Vincent (ASCAP)


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Yes, the difference between lo-fi and hi-fi can be extrordinary. It's not just phasing problems that make the lo-fi sound like crap, but sparkly highs and any kind of stereo trickery. Wide highs seem to be especially prone. Also- see Craig Anderton's article in December Keyboard. The stuff he's talking about really comes home to roost in mp3 lo-fi format. By some strange coincidence, Curve Dominant has listed one of the same artistic influences we have, Wassily Kandinsky. To hear something which is more or less the polar opposite of CDs tune, check out "Brittle Glass" at http://www.mp3.com/Kosmolith It is an utterly naked tune, two melodic lines, (well there is a brief solo on tuned wineglasses). So far we have had emails only of hatred or love, which is as it should be, but not technically educational. A DJ in Slovenija has made a trance remix of the tune, a ballsy endeavor, considering the 5/4 time signature. Coming from an entirely different perspective than most posting here, I feel fully qualified only to speak about the work of Digitalia, which evokes wonderful synesthesia experiences and is ideal for installations and multimedia productions, his field of endeavor I believe. There seems to be a large underground "installation culture", it is very international in nature. This message has been edited by dadabobro@yahoo.com on 01-27-2001 at 05:59 AM
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Dammit, Chip! I back you up & you kick me square in the scratch post!! Just kidding. I hear every weak area you've pointed out & THEN some. I have to point out that Xylem, Trampoline and Nothing Wrong were all recorded on the affore mentioned sh*t-ass four track. No eq on that unit whatsoever. If you knew what I had to do to get them to sound even that good, you would cringe with horror. Crawl & Well I Hadn't Thought turned out so much better because of coaster. He produced those. Also, there's no band democracy going on. No band at all in fact. It's all me. I guess that's my reasoning for the "adventurous structures". I did NOT want to sound like some folky weenie, sitting on his bed using the same three chords for every song. I wanted it to sound like a band. To be diverse from song to song and also, diverse within each song. (Me, myself & I have gone 'round quite a lot - concerning this). btw, the tinky toy piano is a $2 yard sale Casio Crap-o-matic. I thank you for all your suggestions. I'm honored that you took the time to give it all a listen. I'll have to check out your stuff soon. Peace out (war in)
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<> Despite MP3 encoding shredding which we all suffer, track came across as very well produced. Great "classic rockish" guitar playing.... would love to listen to more in perhaps a not so safe tried and proved vein. Like the chops I hear though. As you might say, "you a playah" [img]http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif[/img] ------------------ William F. Turner Guitarist, Composer, Songwriter
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<> Generally here or any where else I wander I tend to ignore links to artists that even offer me a hint that they might be gearing for the new digital age gendres, ie.. experimental, trance, industrial, new age, ambient, the gothic... blah, blah,blah, you know the hipsters,groovesters, the loopsters. In my mind, though I don't have the time or inclination, it could probably be documented that 999 of 1000 ( and yes that includes the financial successful on the future dictator of the record industry MP3.COM) of so called electronic composers are producing dribble. It's seems this digital and electronic revolution with all its wonders is a wonderful format for the uprising of what I can only classify as a generation of lazy and uninspiring musicians and composers. With that being said you do try to do something different with it. You try to sing to it which had no positive affect upon your efforts at all. I got my 1 year old grandson sitting on my knee triggering a drum loop and pecking away on a spacey pad. Is he a composer? To him if he was a bit older and to all the ones who keep posting their links and asking why no one listened I'd say: Grab some books on theory and an instrument with out all the hitech crutches and learn some chops, then we'll talk. Don't take this personal... it's my generic response to a whole lot of cats out there. Have a great day
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[quote]Originally posted by wfturner@csonline.net: [b] Generally here or any where else I wander I tend to ignore links to artists that even offer me a hint that they might be gearing for the new digital age gendres, ie.. experimental, trance, industrial, new age, ambient, the gothic... blah, blah,blah, you know the hipsters,groovesters, the loopsters. [/b][/quote] For WF- If you are looking for something devoid of the above mentioned "gendres"...I have been trying to get someone to critique the tonal range of my guitars. My "creativity" resides alongside every musician who plays one, to create their own music. I need to know if it is a useful tool for them. The guitar was sent through a tube mic pre, then direct to disc. Limiting, eq(very minimal)and the reverbs were done post recording via software. The tonal variety on the samples was derived from the available sounds in the passive mixing system the guitar uses. As someone stated earlier...persistance is a virtue.... [img]http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif[/img] http://www.electrocoustic.com/mp3.html There are five short samples on the website. Dave
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by mdpetrick@yahoo.com: [b]Dammit, Chip! I back you up & you kick me square in the scratch post!![/b] No, I'm sorry - I know it was done with a 4 track, I just figured the things I pointed out were relatively obvious so it wouldn't offend (it's not a put down....).. [b]Just kidding. I hear every weak area you've pointed out & THEN some. I have to [/b] (Wiping brow...) [b]structures". I did NOT want to sound like some folky weenie, sitting on his bed using the same three chords for every song. I [/b] You've accomplished that. But why not combine those two elements conceptually? [b]http://www.mp3.com/chipmcdonald [/b]

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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Fine clips , well recorded on what seems to be a fine sounding instrument which I take you've developed. The different genres you have clips of tell me that you if you're doing the playing are an acomplished player. All in all a great sales pitch if I was in the market for a guitar. Keeping to the topic of exchanging ideas, how many players are going to sound better souly because of the wonderful work you've put into developing this instrument you want to market. That probably belongs in another thread. To keep it all tied together here... <> A fine instrument such as yours would definately lead to success with the above mentioned suggestion ------------------ William F. Turner Guitarist, Composer, Songwriter
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WF- Thanks for the listen...your comments give me confidence. For me, there isn't much in life that surpasses a good guitarist playing one of my guitars, and me being there to listen. My best hope is that my instruments can help musicians express themselves more easily, with less hassles, and just maybe, actually be inspired to a degree through the instrument itself. If you're ever in Branson, be sure to stop by our B&B..I'll feed you breakfast....and hold off on the sales pitch. Dave
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by wfturner@csonline.net: It is difficult to take your "response" very personally, as you obviously did not listen to our music. I am not very familiar with the genres you mentioned, but if someone did document 1,000 pieces belonging to those genres (it wouldn't be you- by your own admission you dismiss them out of hand), they would probably find just as much talent, hard work and soul as anywhere else. Artists use the tools at hand. As far as "triggering a drum loop" and all that, I have never used a sample CD in my life and synthesize all sounds from scratch, except for the occaisional guitar and piano. The drum loops and breaks on "Cruel Miracles" and "Dark Age Swank" are me playing an acoustic guitar as a percussion instrument- saw Sabicus doing it in concert and modernized the concept. Everything else is played in, nothing ripped from CDs. Not to disrespect sampling artists- I respect all labor and passion, regardless how foreign it is to me. Since all us hipsters are making such simple tunes, and you are talking about theory books, why don't you take a minute and notate the vocal and organ lines (composed the old fashioned way- heard in the heart, written down with pen on paper and played in by hand) from something simple like "Cruel Miracles"? An easy excercise, might remind you of some concepts like counterpoint and listening. As far as your comment about "try to sing", I won't translate into English what Bernarda, the other half of the Kosmolith duo, has to say because I'm trying to cut down on that kind of language. Then again, she is a soloist in the Vienna Volksoper, and I am her coach, what do we know? There are some people on this forum more than qualified to help us out with eqing, balance, recording techiniques, getting the most out of a home studio- we would love to hear from them. And as to having a nice day- well, it's evening, lovely and unseasonally warm, but thanks and you too. http://www.mp3.com/Kosmolith
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