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[quote]Originally posted by Bruce Lash: [b] I've got another couple of tunes I'd like to share here. They are from a record I did called [b]Prozak for Lovers[/b]. The idea of the record was to do bossa nova versions of songs like [url=http://hitme.net/prozak/aqualung.mp3]Aqualung[/url] and [url=http://hitme.net/prozak/reaper.mp3](Don't Fear) the Reaper[/url] and "level" them out a bit. Let me know what you think.[/B][/quote] Aqualung Bossa nova! Fantastic! The only Jethro Tull in my surviving collection is Thick as a Brick, which has been on endless repeat for the last couple of days. Passion Play and Divinities have priority above Aqualung on the Tull/Anderson shopping list, so I guess I'll Bossa-lung 'til I get down the list! I appreciate that you've kept the humorous aspect really dead-pan so we can enjoy the music, lyrics and performance, not just a parody. [img]http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img] -CB
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I was a big fan of Passion Play when it first came out. I listened to nothing else for two or three months. Playing identical piano and organ parts just blew my mind back then. I still find it appealing today. And of course, "The Hare Who Lost His Spectacles"... As far as Prozak for Lovers goes, I think the funny part is the idea of doing these songs in this manner. After that, I saw no other alternative than to do the songs the best I could. The execution was no joke. As a result, there were many people who didn't know whether I was being serious or not. That's right where I want them... Thank you for your kind words, CB.
Prozak for Lovers II -- even more trouble than the first.
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[quote]Originally posted by Bruce Lash: [b] Macle: Thank you for checking it out. The drums were a sample preset that a friend of mine made. He recorded a lot of band in a lot of different studios and would roll a DAT after each session and go out into the studio and hit some drums. I played the samples on a keyboard, playing along to a rhythm gtr playback. Nothing is looped. Nothing is quantized. I would get a take that felt good and then go in and fix the clams to my satisfaction. That snare is one that usually works pretty well. I guess it gave itself away in this instance. I listened to "Joke". Very smooth production. Good details. Good singing. You are obviously comfortable with the Beatle comparisons. I've done a fair number of Beatley recordings myself and, at this stage anyway, I want to get as far away from it as I can (taking the lessons I've learned from listening to their records with me, of course). It's hard enough to find your own voice, you know what I mean? Anyway, "Joke" is a top notch effort. Kudos! I've got another couple of tunes I'd like to share here. They are from a record I did called [b]Prozak for Lovers[/b]. The idea of the record was to do bossa nova versions of songs like [url=http://hitme.net/prozak/aqualung.mp3]Aqualung[/url] and [url=http://hitme.net/prozak/reaper.mp3](Don't Fear) the Reaper[/url] and "level" them out a bit. Let me know what you think.[/B][/quote] Hey Bruce, thanks for the good review on "Joke"! (Who are these Beetels you speak of?) Aqualung is great. Roll over Joao Gilberto, and tell Astrud the news. (I like Plasticman!!) macle
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Chip, thanks for checking 'em out. ----------------------------------------------- >>>Would that be a Yamaha 4-track? Alesis HR-16 drum machine, right? Ah, the memories... Actually it was a Fostex(piece of crud) and I think an HR-24 (it's the black one that came out in around 1990, not the big grey one... ------------------------------------------------- >>>DiMeola influenced? I have a few DiMeola cd's, but I've never really considered him an influence.. (kinda like : I golf, but don't consider Tiger an influence--he's way too good--). But I do consider it a complement. ---------------------------------------------------- >>>I don't care for is the the constant drum machine closed high hat sound Can't argue with that. When we did these songs, we were going from one to the next pretty quickly. Later on I did regret much of the ride -hi hat stuff, but it was my first attempt at programming, so I just call them my "Comedy Drums". --------------------------------- >>>That's not a bass through a Rockman on the "Clean 2" setting? No, but it does have that "transistor like" edge doesn't it. That was a $179 Honer bass run through a digitech GSP-21(the original) with too much chorus on it. ----------------------------------- >>>Rush _Signals_ era hat and ride influence.. BUSTED.... ---------------------------------------- >>>Lifeson influence on the clean guitar parts? GUILTY AS CHARGED...( I was hoping no one would notice that I'm a fraud, but I guess it's pretty obvious )..Just kidding.....Well, maybe not... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>nice ideas. Sequenced soloing in a Gilbert-ish vibe [img]http://cwm.ragesofsanity.com/s/net6/jump1.gif[/img] >>>>Carnival cruise lines vibe... [img]http://cwm.ragesofsanity.com/s/net3/eek.gif[/img] >>>>"No. 7" That's not a bass through a Rockman on the "Clean 2" setting? Nice stuff, cool shredding. I think the constrast of the sections is more dramatic in this tune than the others... [img]http://cwm.ragesofsanity.com/s/net6/jump2.gif[/img] >>>>I now associate that "sound" with a couple of t.v. commercials [img]http://cwm.ragesofsanity.com/s/cwm2/cwm14.gif[/img] >>>>Nice imaginative ideas and non-banal arrangements. [img]http://cwm.ragesofsanity.com/s/net2/burnout.gif[/img] Seriously Chip, thanks alot. I appreciate it.. KHAN http://www.mp3.com/SurBigger This message has been edited by KHAN on 03-02-2001 at 08:34 PM
So Many Drummers. So Little Time...
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Hi Khan, cool stuff. Great guitar playing. (I like that one bit in there where the bass sounds like that one that goes "his mind is not for rent, by any god or government...". Right?) Picture 5 giant deranged smilies in your head!! macle
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Thanks Macle, I know how you feel getting all those Beatle references. I always get the Rush ones. All in all I think we did pretty good in the influences dept., don't ya think? [img]http://cwm.ragesofsanity.com/s/net5/wacky.gif[/img] KHAN..."Always hopeful, yet discontent"... This message has been edited by KHAN on 03-03-2001 at 01:26 AM
So Many Drummers. So Little Time...
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Another time after time response...several days later, it's still going through my head, so I guess that means something!! What sticks in my mind are the vocals and the overall drive of the song. As to the drums, okay, I see what you mean about trying to do a Keith Moon ... but I don't think you're going to pull that off 100% with samples, which is maybe why I have a problem with it. Of course, the part I hear in my head sounds great . Too bad you can't hear it too! One other point I want to make. When I make comments on this board, they're in the spirit of what an A&R person would say to try to make something into more of a "hit," and I try to be as objective as possible. Of course, your object may not be to have a hit, which is cool too. My main goal is to anticipate what your rejection notice from a major label would say, so you can do a pre-emptive strike if you're so inclined.
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Craig, I'm glad to hear that "Time After Time" is sticking in your head. I only have access to sampled drums, and so I must make due with what I have. I would agree that a live drum part, played with the correct spirit, would improve the track immeasurably. Indeed, I would be eager to hear how it sounds in your head. [quote]One other point I want to make. When I make comments on this board, they're in the spirit of what an A&R person would say to try to make something into more of a "hit," and I try to be as objective as possible. Of course, your object may not be to have a hit, which is cool too. My main goal is to anticipate what your rejection notice from a major label would say, so you can do a pre-emptive strike if you're so inclined. [/quote] And this service that you provide here is invaluable to us all. We trust you not to pull any punches. Thanks again for your words, Craig. Macle: [quote]Hey Bruce, thanks for the good review on "Joke"! (Who are these Beetels you speak of?) Aqualung is great. Roll over Joao Gilberto, and tell Astrud the news. (I like Plasticman!!)[/quote] Beetels? You're right, I've never heard of 'em. [i]Plastic Man[/i]. Guilty as charged.
Prozak for Lovers II -- even more trouble than the first.
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[quote]Originally posted by Anderton: [b]As to the drums, okay, I see what you mean about trying to do a Keith Moon ... but I don't think you're going to pull that off 100% with samples, which is maybe why I have a problem with it.[/b][/quote] Oh, the irony! I try to say something nice about a sampled drum part and CRAIG has a problem with it! [img]http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img] --Lee This message has been edited by Lee Flier on 03-03-2001 at 05:09 PM
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>>Oh, the irony! I try to say something nice about a sampled drum part and CRAIG has a problem with it! << Well, I like all drum sounds, acoustic, electronic, sampled, looped, you name it. They just work better with different types of music. I can't imagine Keith Moon being played from a drum machine, nor can I imagine Kraftwerk using Keith Moon!
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KRAFTWERK W/MOONIE ON DRUMS!!! LMMFAO!!! Oh, dear, I will NEVER get that image out of my head. In all seriousness, I'm w/ Craig on that one. Percussion instruments are limitless. Steel drums originated with trashed oil drums. Every percussion instrument is a found sound. These days, those found sounds are electronic in nature as well, and digital, too. Sampled percussion is facsinating, because the sound is captured, and performs, across history. A 1-bar sample of a Mongo Santamaria conga break from a 1949 recording that is used in a current track represents 3 events in the space-time continuum: the tape recording of Mongo playing his congas in 1949; the sampling of that break in the modern era, and the incorporation of that sample into a track at a later date. It's like the Zen Buddhist concept of time - it's an illusion. But ultimately, electronic percussion, sampled percussion, they only add to the existing palette.

Eric Vincent (ASCAP)


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[quote]Originally posted by Anderton: [b] Well, I like all drum sounds, acoustic, electronic, sampled, looped, you name it. They just work better with different types of music. I can't imagine Keith Moon being played from a drum machine, nor can I imagine Kraftwerk using Keith Moon![/b][/quote] ROFL!! I know, I just thought it was a funny turnabout, that's all! --Lee
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[quote]Originally posted by Anderton: [b]nor can I imagine Kraftwerk using Keith Moon![/b][/quote] Sounds like a Gary Larson cartoon - I can picture a Larson-esque drawing of Moon, all a blur behind a kit with Florian and the guys decked out in their Uber Uniforms, just staring at him. The cartoon title would be: "Bad Jam Session Ideas" [b]http://www.mp3.com/chipmcdonald[/b]

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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>>its really just one point in time. the moment they first played it. So you loop that "moment" into a groove, which is an event in time, and jam to it, in it's own event-time. So now there are three parallel "moments" played out across the space-time continuum: the 1949 moment, the moment of capturing it and creating it's loop, and the one that you are in when you improvise to it. Yeah, alpha, now that ya mention it, that is a wicked concept. The "One Second Future."

Eric Vincent (ASCAP)


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Kahn: Those pieces are wonderful, a great medium for your style of playing and of course great performances on the guitar. Can't wait to hear the reworks. ------------------ William F. Turner Guitarist, Composer
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Kraftwerk and Moon...HAHAHAHAHA... There was another thread on one of these boards with unlikely combos...pretty hilarious stuff if you ask me. That moment in time concept is definitely cool, really, scary in a way. And it won't be long before we're seeing stuff like "John Wayne in his first brand new western since his death"...is that good or bad? I mean, it sounds inherently shady. But since it's all an illusion anyway...maybe "The Matrix" isn't so far fetched...at least the bit about living in a virtual world.
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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William, thank you very much. [img]http://cwm.ragesofsanity.com/s/net7/beerchug.gif[/img] KHAN [img]http://cwm.ragesofsanity.com/s/net4/orb.gif[/img] http://www.mp3.com/SurBigger
So Many Drummers. So Little Time...
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Wow - No comments whatsoever on my stuff, huh? Is it just that no one wants to tell a forum moderator that his music sucks, or are the tunes just that boring? C'mon - I can take it! Seriously - even if the music isn't your style, I'd really appreciate some notes on the production... http://www.MP3.com/Davidbryce TIA, dB This message has been edited by Dave Bryce on 03-05-2001 at 06:18 AM



:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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I'd love some feedback on some stuff. I've got 3 songs up, one of them I already posted on the Ed Cherney board (Joke), so some of you may have already checked that one out, but there's a couple of others, and some feedback on those would be great, as well. (These aren't really finished, btw) http://angelfire.lycos.com/rock2/3songs Thanks, Macle
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[quote]Originally posted by lbjmusic: [b]I'm new here and I'm catching up on stuff, but I'll take a shot at your music later today.[/b][/quote] Thanks, Robert! I listened to five of yours - what amazingly diverse stuff! I really like your production...very easy to hear the '60s influences, but still some very nice contemporary rock and funk touches - especially in the bass and drums. I especially like your vocal arrangements and guitar hooks. Hard to tell if your drums are mixed way back, or if my computer speakers are just not doing 'em justice...a few quick notes: Rock Star - great attitude! Lots of fun...definitely Arena Rock material. Beautiful Day - Quite a few old-style influences. Rendered very tastefully - like that little Beatlesesque string line that just shows up for a second at the top. Made me keep listening, wondering what was coming next. Laryngitis - funny name for an instrumental. Nice juicy bass, great horn arrangements. Loved the big reveb snare in the B section, and the little cough thing is a totally great touch! My Oasis - very different from the other tunes that I heard - I would not have guessed that this came from the same artist as the others. Very open and accessible - nice space. B4 U Go - okay, I defintely expected a Prince-type tune from the title - instead, I got REM! This tune shows off your voice quite nicely. I'll listen to them again when I'm someplace with decent speakers... dB This message has been edited by Dave Bryce on 03-05-2001 at 10:07 AM



:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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[quote]Well, I like all drum sounds, acoustic, electronic, sampled, looped, you name it. They just work better with different types of music. [i]I can't imagine Keith Moon being played from a drum machine, nor can I imagine Kraftwerk using Keith Moon![/i][/quote] Why can't this be imagined?
Prozak for Lovers II -- even more trouble than the first.
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[quote]Originally posted by Bruce Lash: [b] Why can't this be imagined?[/b][/quote] I can imagine it (as I did above), but not imagine it *successfully* without non-accurate modification. MOONY: "Allright blokes, let's hear it!" (counts off, starts doing his thing ala "Won't Get Fooled Again") RALF: "Wait, wait..! Too many notes!" MOONY: "Wa do you mean, TOO many notes???!" FLORIAN: "We do not require such busy playing!" "MOONY: "I'll give ya busy playing!!!!" (drum solo starts) RALF (to FLORIAN): "Perhaps we should have given that fellow, what was his name...?" FLORIAN: "Neil Peart" RALF: "Yes, he seemed a bit more... intellectual, perhaps he would be a better choice?" FLORIAN: "Yes, I concur". It could have happened, you never know... [b]http://www.mp3.com/chipmcdonald[/b]

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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"MOONY: "Allright blokes, let's hear it!" (counts off, starts doing his thing ala "Won't Get Fooled Again") RALF: "Wait, wait..! Too many notes!" MOONY: "Wa do you mean, TOO many notes???!" FLORIAN: "We do not require such busy playing!" "MOONY: "I'll give ya busy playing!!!!"....The Moonster ducks beneath his kit...makes a few adjustments to his pyrotechnic arsenal....blinding flash, deafening explosion, and building collapses......... ...."Now....THAT'S wahat I call busy!!!"
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[b]David/dB[/b] [b]Evil Genius[/b], Overall - very good clean sound! All the instruments are easily distinguishable right down to the minute percussion 'pings and pongs'. Tough to do with everything going on in the song. Nifty synth solo a la Harold Faltermyer - well played and executed. Would've sounded nice with a tasteful guitar solo too. Nice air to breathe at 3:30 to finish the song. This piece would not be out of place if used in a soundtrack environment. [b]Away We Go[/b] Tom Petty immediately comes to mind when listening to this. Nice moving melody. Smart to bring lower the electronic drums at 1:30 and bring in the in 'real' percussion - that's exactly what I was waiting for. Overall, it's easy on the ears and a pretty good listen. [b]Ciao Cacao[/b] Now this was an interesting piece. Sorta like Edgar Winter meets Kool & the Gang (circa 70's) for a funk jam! After listening to this, I wanted to strip out those drums and use 'em for loops. Stellar keys and the brass is a 'Kool' touch. [b]Smoker's Blues (Two Packs a Day)[/b] This song...er...smokes. Supertramp influence...am I right...am I wrong? No wait! It's Randy Newman, but without the reverb. Funny song that would quickly be banned by the Tobacco industry. Clever lyrics and a groovy feel. Made me wanna jam! For those reading: this song is ironically recorded by dB, mixed by dB and [b]Randy Neiman[/b]. Good work David! All the best. Robert ------------------
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