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>>'Mardi Gras' spent 35 straight days at #1 on the Mp3.com Latin Jazz charts in November 2000, is currently #4 on the SoundClick.com jazz charts amongst songs by Bill Evans, Lee Ritenour, Greg Karukas and Eric Marienthal, and has been nominated for Best Song of 2000 by four different websites, even with our rhythmic imperfections. As entirely self produced musicians, we strive for the best we can do on the shoestring budget we have to work with. Perhaps next time we'll do better. << You've already done just fine. I've just never known a musician who didn't strive to do better, and the only thing I could find that needed improvment was the timing. And for the record, I am NOT in favor of taking out the "human element" - I don't think the rhythm need be metronomic. But when I hear some instruments coming in ahead of the beat and some behind, I think that makes the song less effective. Maybe if the timing had been really tight, it would have spent 100 straight days at #1 ... or maybe people would have hated it, who knows? Just remember too that because of all these damn computer-based thangs, I've become VERY sensitive to timing. I really do hear interface jitter and such, it's like ear-training - 20 years ago I couldn't hear the difference, now I can. FYI to all people on this board - I don't really have enough time to list all the things that are right about a tune, I figure my time is better spent finding out those things I can criticize...because as said earlier, most musicians I know want to be better.
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>>If drum machines irritate you, try getting some hand drums and percussion and using those! It would be inexpensive yet give some life to your recordings and a sound that "everyone else" isn't doing.<< Always good advice...to that I would add, overdub REAL cymbals instead of using the ones in drum machines. Makes all the difference in the world.
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>>Just want to say I completely disagree with this, if anything needs a bit of fixin on that track the guitar could be tightened up. The drums have a very authentic and dance worthy feel to them, if you change the drums by adding a click or whatever you change the style of music. I wouldn't change a thing, it sounds live, the guitar player rushes a little here and there but is our goal as musicians to completely remove the human element? Am I supposed to be aspiring to play like a machine? I know, who the hell am I? , Just my opinion but listen again and you might agree with me.<< I'm commenting on this post because it brings up points that are well worth considering. I didn't say there was a problem with the drums, but with the players fighting in terms of tempo. In other words, if the drums had sped up and slowed down to match the guitar, there wouldn't have been a problem, because everyone would have been "on the same page" in terms of tempo. The object is NOT to play like machines. The object is to play like a GROUP that's synched to the same "clock." Usually, that clock is a human drummer, who will (thankfully) introduce tempo variations to breathe life in to the song. But if people have trouble following this, then sometimes it helps to set up an objective "standard" to which people can play. A click is NOT the same as a metronome. Most of my sequenced tunes have extensive tempo changes, and when I overdub guitar or acoustic instruments, I follow those changes as faithfully as possible. For me, having a click makes it much easier to follow those changes. I followed your advice, and listened to the track again. Specifically, here's what I'm hearing in terms of tempo: Listen to ONLY the sax and drums; those two are locked into the groove 100% and locked into each other. The bass is mostly locked in with the drums, but in places, falls behind the beat. Meanwhile, the rhythm guitarist tends to rush the beat. REMEMBER, I'M TALKING ABOUT *VERY SMALL* TIMING CHANGES!! The parts that distract me occur when the bass lags and the guitar rushes at the same time. If only one is slightly off, then it doesn't matter as much. But listen to the sax/drums combination and you'll see what I mean. They both swing big-time (probably one of the reasons for the song's popularity), and play anything but metronomically -- but they are locked totally together. That's what I'd like to hear from the whole band. Hey, I'm a perfectionist!! That's my job.
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Cool Craig, I mostly agree with your critique now, I didn't agree with the way you said it at first. When I read your first critique I rushed to the defense of the Drummer and Bassist because I can feel their groove and like it. I don't think the song was recorded totally live, I don't know really, I only know what I hear. The guitar track is out of pocket, maybe he had a bad headphone mix, the reason doesn't matter but adding a click won't help in this regard. I am totally against click tracks for Jazz music, it goes against the grain in my opinion. I don't think ONOFFON spent years becomming the good players they are just to rely on a click to groove. [i]Von, MP3c charts are not always legit so using them to prove your bands worth comes across really lame. I think your song sounds good enough, I've already said earlier in this thread that I love all your stuff but you did ask for advice so Craig is totally right to give his opinion.[/i] Craig, Nothing wrong with being a perfectionist when you're working, I hope you allow for a different approach as well though [img]http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif[/img]. Don't worry I'm not so sensitive when it comes to my music, feel free to really tell it like it is when/if you get around to it. "Feelin Good" [url=http://www.jamfree.com]www.jamfree.com[/url] This message has been edited by truth@jamfree.com on 02-01-2001 at 01:32 AM
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[url=http://www.csonline.net/wfturner/Sarahs]http://www.csonline.net/wfturner/Sarahs Heart.html[/url] The first thing I've got finished this new year. We lost my mother-inlaw over the holidays and "Sarah's Heart" has been my way of dealing with it I guess. ------------------ William F. Turner Guitarist, Composer, Songwriter This message has been edited by wfturner@csonline.net on 02-01-2001 at 09:51 AM
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Oops... the board didn't like the url? http://www.csonline.net/wfturner/Sarahs%20Heart.html ------------------ William F. Turner Guitarist, Composer, Songwriter
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[quote]Originally posted by alphajerk: [b]for some heavy 70's stoner rock[/b][/quote] Hey Alpha, I know you wanted some feedback on this before you do your final mix. So thought I'd do it here in case anyone else has any comments. First of all, overall, great job! Everything is definitely present, and sounds like you really captured the band as they are. Things to keep in mind for the final mix: 1) The guitars sound great - so great, in fact, that they kinda obscure everything else. [img]http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img] Maybe you just need to turn them down in relation to the drums, bass and vocals, they are definitely way up there in the mix especially on smaller speakers. 2) The kick and snare drum could use some more top end punch, while the crash cymbals could use LESS top end. I know some of that top end harshness is an artifact of the MP3 conversion, but, honest to God, I've heard and made lots of MP3's that don't have that kind of top end. It doesn't sound bad until he starts riding on a crash cymbal - an exciting drum part, but it sounds as though there's some digital clipping going on or hopefully just needs to have some top end rolled off. 3) Was the vocal on the last verse cut on a different day or with a different setup than the rest of the tune? For some reason just that one section doesn't sit as well in the mix as the rest of the vocal. You might be going for a drier sound there just for some constrast, which is a cool idea, but maybe not ENOUGH of a contrast. Maybe you could still use a delay and no reverb, or else compress the crap out of it and really overdo the "in your face intimate" thing so it's more obvious. Well those were the main things I heard that could use a little tinkering. Otherwise, definitely on the right track! Be sure and let us know when you've got the final mix up, and send me a CD. [img]http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img] --Lee
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thanks lee. i cant remember what i did on that mix but the clicking is actually a sync problem i didnt feel like dealing with at the time as i was running an analog mix out of all my DA convertors. im not sure about the vocal thing you mentioned either, it was all done in two takes, one main and an overdub line all the way through. also its a lot of additive EQ rather than subtractive [makes ALL the difference] which will be changed. definately some things i will concentrate on when i go to remix. my drum sounds have been so damn weak lately, gotta get that corrected quick. ill bring a cd with me of that un-mp3'd along with another song thats more refined [although now its been changed from that mix too] on saturday.



"if god is truly just, i tremble for the fate of my country" -thomas jefferson

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YO YO WHASSUP EVERYBODY I'M BAAAAAACK!!! Bill Turner - pleez keep recording that luvely Americana, we need it, and our grandkids will need it, too. Our prayers for your moms-in-law, and for you & yours folks. Coasta - I used to use the Alesis SR16 so I recognized it on I Can't Breathe. I lost mine, now it's time for you to lose yours. Get an Akai MPC2000, or a Korg Electribe•S, and get TRULY evil. Otherwise, that's a phat recording. Alpha: I dunno, man. With all that swagger and sh*ttalk, I expected more from you. Yeah, the guitars are crunchy, but the drummer can't keep a beat and the singer can't sing. Palookaville. Sorry bro, but it's for your own growth.

Eric Vincent (ASCAP)


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curve, back at you bro since i was less than bored by your submission. not that im bothered by your comments since i didnt play anything on it nor is it the final product. i'd love to post some of my other stuff but unfortunately i legally cant. fortunately i have some other projects on deck that i can.



"if god is truly just, i tremble for the fate of my country" -thomas jefferson

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Posted by alphajerkoff: >>i'd love to post some of my other stuff but unfortunately i legally cant.<< Posted previously by alphajerkoff: >> i call a bunch of bullshit about not posting any songs curve unless you are SIGNED to a label and your only reprieve would be telling us what label your under. first of all, if it ever makes it in stores it can eaily be ripped and put on the net to begin with. secondly, copyright law is the same on the net as in real life... hence the lawsuits. i would get a new lawyer cause hes a fucking moron. << THAT CHOMPING SOUND I'M HEARING IS THE SOUND OF YOU EATING YOUR WORDS, PUNK!!! My condolences, hick, go beat yourself over the head with one of those hubcaps hanging off the side of your trailer. All in good fun, aj. I'm a hick, too, although of a thoroughly urban breed. When you gonna get outta the stix and come to where it's at, brutha??!!! This message has been edited by Curve Dominant on 02-09-2001 at 01:21 AM

Eric Vincent (ASCAP)


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i dont have permission to post it since i dont have copyright. in your case you did, dont take your self esteem issues out on me. the only thing i've eaten is yo momma [img]http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]



"if god is truly just, i tremble for the fate of my country" -thomas jefferson

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>>i dont have permission to post it since i dont have copyright.<< If your punk-ass had publisher-membership with ASCAP or BMI, you wouldn't have to sweat that sh*t. >>the only thing i've eaten is yo momma << Better you than me, you phreak. Some of us have lives. Ciao, Barrett.

Eric Vincent (ASCAP)


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ITS ABOUT TIME THIS BOARD GETS SOME REEEEEEEEEEEAL hiphop.... would LOVE some feedback http://www.angelfire.com/hiphop/ddeez lil .wav loops that you can loop in protools cool edit cakewalk etc etc not my best stuff or most recent... still bumpin though... peace 1
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YO YO WHASSUP TA THA LOCCATAZ... Those are some tight, crunchy loops. I listened to the first three or four, and each time I started rhyming in my head, y'all. Keep that up, homes. I also like the Honey of the Week on Mr. Blunt's page - sweeeeeet!!! Some grrrls can SPORT that one-piece bathing suit, man, and she's definitely one of them. Warmed up this cold Illadelph night, ah mus say! This message has been edited by Curve Dominant on 02-10-2001 at 12:57 AM

Eric Vincent (ASCAP)


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Welcome, Arseny. "Nepal Dance" is my favorite, but every track I sampled left me jealous of your talent. Vast spaciousness of open-ended arrangement. You do not need critiqueing - you need clients paying you big $$$. Do I detect a fellow Sylvian/Sakamoto fan? And another thing: how did you get mp3.com to post that over-sized photo of you? I, too, would like one of those. Would you like to critique my music? http://www.mp3.com/TransluxTheater

Eric Vincent (ASCAP)


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Well, Curve Dominant... Thanks, I wish it was so... [img]http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif[/img] Actually I'm more a fan of Japan/Mick Karn, but it's close... [img]http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/cool.gif[/img] Talking about Your music - (it's obviously differs from mine) - I loved "you_never_know" most of all... I'm still a pop guy most of the time. You'd like one of MY over-sized photos [img]http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img] [img]http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img] [img]http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]? Well, seriously speakin', to put it there, U need to make it 270 pixels wide and that's it... Once again, thanks for listening... ------------------ Kind Regards, Arseny [url=http://www.mp3.com/arseny]www.mp3.com/arseny[/url]
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About 3 and a half years ago this drummer handed me some great drum tracks that he had done and said...... [b] "See if you can write a song to these drums"![/b] Some of you have heard this tune before as I've had it up on my site a couple of times but only for a couple of days.... For those of you who haven't heard it, and you like Rock, you might want to check it out..... Thanks For Listening Tom [img]http://www.jps.net/tomara/Totems2*.jpg[/img] [url=http://artists.mp3s.com/artist_song/1307/1307467.html][b] Ritual 4:05[/b][/url] This message has been edited by Tom Aragon on 02-16-2001 at 05:52 PM
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Y'know, I've been wanting to participate in this thread for a while, but I felt that it wasn't fair of me to do so unless some of my stuff was available for inspection and/or dissection as well. I've kinda been avoiding the MP3 thing, but I seem to be over that now: http://www.MP3.com/DavidBryce This is such a fun thread that I believe I'm actually going to start a similar one in my forum as well with more of a synth orientation, I think... dB This message has been edited by Dave Bryce on 02-24-2001 at 10:22 AM



:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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