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Kramer: Really? I know people who own a very old Kirby, I don't know anyone who owns a late model version either. My wife is the proud owner of a TriStar Compact... I happen to use it most frequently.


Ohhhh... ok. I didn't know they made mobile models as well. The only Kirbys (Kirbies?) I'd heard of were these THINGS that you built into the actual house.


The machinery would apparently sit in the basement (or similar) and rather than drag the vac from room to room, you'd simply plug the hose into a wall (think "powerpoints that suck") and start cleaning.


Kramer: You're thinking of a "Central Vac". Kirby may have made those also, but most are a Sears item from days gone by. THose things rules as long as you're not trying to vacuum your car without a really long hose. Our family Kirby is about a quarter century old, weighs about as much as an SVT-810, and sucks with the best of them. Am happy to report that after a proper drying out our Kirby works well (needs a new bag...) and might actually last another quarter century.


The odd chore I was doing was not related to chinking; I use silicone acrylate caulk for that these days. Long winded, but: I had installed (with MUCH help) a couple of steel I-beams which allowed me to remove a couple of support posts that just got in the way. One end of the new I-beam rests on the top of an interior corner log wall that is a common wall to the bathroom. The law of unintended consequences caused the extra weight to compress the log wall a bit more than anticipated which made the bathroom door stick, so I hammered in cedar shake wedges to lift that corner up just a little bit. Worked like a charm. Trimming the cedar shims created a mess, and the log walls were a bit of a mess anyway from the hords of cobwebs that are part and parcel of owning a log home. I'm telling you, home ownership is for the birds. Live with your parents as long as you possibly can. Be like Fonzi and find an apartment above some old bird's garage.



Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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Sorry to continue to be a downer but.

My dog is lossing his mind and becoming mean and biting people. I Think I will have to put him down :(


I got a G&L tribute off ebay and it arrived today NOT as described. The truss rod nut is stripped (I emailed and asked specifically if he or anyone had ever touched it and he said no). And there is some wierd bluish green tarnish type stuff on the frets.


I worked 16 hours today, 2 things fell on my head, freezing cold water got dumped in my shoe when someone dropped a crisping tub.


Good to be here at home... In general I am still feeling good.








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I saw a full frontal shot of Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) today to promote "Equus", one of my favorite plays. Two things quickly came to mind:


1) He's definitely not Jewish.


2) He definitely does not drive an exotic sports car.

"For instance" is not proof.


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What's this!? Is Radcliffe playing Alan Strang?


I saw the movie version of Equus in one of my college theatre classes and have been haunted by it ever since.


"....he stands in the dark for an hour, sucking the sweat off his god's hairy cheek."

My whole trick is to keep the tune well out in front. If I play Tchaikovsky, I play his melodies and skip his spiritual struggle. ~Liberace
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You've never heard of Apple Butter?????



Ok, I think the NZ in your profile is New Zealand so let me introduce you to a good ol' Southern USA tradition...


In areas of the American South, the production of apple butter is a family event, due to the large amount of labor necessary to produce apple butter in large quantities.... family members would take turns stirring. The men and boys would care for the fire while the women and girls would stir.


Wow, how cool. Thanks for that. Ya learn something every day! :thu::)

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Morning Peeps!!!


Decent gig last night.


Third gig with the Hohner B Bass which I got as the RBX was giving my left thumb tendonitis probs due to the width. B bass is much slimmer & suits me fine. 5th gig with the new(ish) Ashdown MAG 400. Medium sized venue last night - running with Gain about 9 o'clock and Output at about 9 o'clock. More than adequate :)



"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the World will know Peace": Jimi Hendrix


The Geoff - blame Caevan!!!

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A while back, before the snow, I noticed a discrded hamburger on the sidewalk. With fries, in the open paper clamshell box, on the side of the sidewalk furthest from the street. Where I live it's not uncommon to come across trash and garbage lying around, and it's not that bad a neighborhood. It's just Brooklyn.


Anyway, There's this part of a burger and some fries, laying against a chain-link fence, and I notice it's got quite a few ants and bugs on it. "Cool, nature's doing it's thing", I think.

Over the next couple of days, I notice that the burger slowly vanishes; first the meat, then the bun and veggies. But the fries don't appear to change at all. Even after 4 days, long after the burger detritus had been scavenged, the fries remained the same.

The next day, the burger box was gone.


And another thing:


You know, people say they like cheese, or they love cheese, or even don't care for cheese at all (wtf?), but which kind?

There's so many kinds of cheese.

It's like saying you do or don't like strings.


I'm Audi 5000.








I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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Third gig with the Hohner B Bass



I have 2! Although at this point one has been "retired" due to playability issues.

How do you like that Hohner?



"Paranoid? Probably. But just because you're paranoid doesn't mean there isn't an invisible demon about to eat your face."

Harry Dresden, Storm Front

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Wow, how cool. Thanks for that. Ya learn something every day! :thu::)


Yeah, I've been to MANY Apple Butter stir offs over the years. The best ones seem to happen when someone passes around a quart of that good ol' White Lightning in a jar... :)



"Paranoid? Probably. But just because you're paranoid doesn't mean there isn't an invisible demon about to eat your face."

Harry Dresden, Storm Front

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Playing an Italian Working Man's Club gig tonight.... If I don't post again... look for me with the fishes! Doing a punk version of the Godfather Theme is in good taste, right?



Don't have a job you don't enjoy. If you're happy in what you're doing, you'll like yourself, you'll have inner peace. ~ Johnny Carson
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I notice that the burger slowly vanishes; first the meat, then the bun and veggies. But the fries don't appear to change at all. Even after 4 days, long after the burger detritus had been scavenged, the fries remained the same.



I think there is an important message here about healthy eating.

I wonder if the fries were cooked in the new "healty oil" or the old stuff. The ants new what was good for them. ;)

Could you tell the origin of the food. Was is a major chain or a small "Boutique" burger shop? These are things we need to

know. :thu:


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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Playing an Italian Working Man's Club gig tonight.... If I don't post again... look for me with the fishes! Doing a punk version of the Godfather Theme is in good taste, right?


Rhode Island? I have no idea.

Now I know some joints in Queens and Jersey where that would be a seriously bad idea. :grin:




No. Seriously.

Push the button Frank.
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Brocko, listen to kenfxj in this respect. I live in the middle of Soprano Country, and it would be a definite no-no.


JonathanD, really sorry about the pooch. How can they manage to capture our hearts as strong as they do? Good luck.


On a brighter note, a great crowd at the gig last night. Tried out a Boss CE-20 Chorus Pedal on the bass - took it back to Sam Ash this morning. Nice looking, lots of variables, probably great for guitar (oh, that word!), but not happening for the bass. Oh well, back to my DanElectro chorus.


Pulled the trigger on the Gretsch Americana guitar when I took the Boss pedal back. All in all, I saved a few bucks, and that's always cool.


My feet hurt from dancing around on stage all night. I'm getting too old for this stuff.


...or not.


Enjoy your weekend, folks! Stay cool.

Play. Just play.
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Third gig with the Hohner B Bass



I have 2! Although at this point one has been "retired" due to playability issues.

How do you like that Hohner?


I got the Hohner becuase the Yamaha RBX375 was causing me tendonitis problems in my left thumb due to the width of the fretboard and the fact that i have small(ish) hands.


The narrower 5-string neck of the 'B' suits me perfectly, but I must admit I preferred the tone from the Yamaha's humbuckers as opposed to the 'B's Jazz EMGs.


I had to take considerable bow out of the neck on delivery, but it's fine now. There's a bit of soldering to be done on the pot of the neck pup as it's noisy and doesn't shut off completely - I think there's a ground connection missing.


It's going thru' an Ashdown MAG 400, 1x12 & 1x15 plus a compressor, so I can *make* it sound to my liking, but the Yamaha achieved this without help.


In the long term, I may find a twin-rails humbucking 5-string pup, do the routing & fit it in the middle/neck position. That's all I would need.


It used to be black, but it's been stripped back to the wood, waxed & polished.


I like it now & when I've done all the bits & pieces to it, I'll love it.


I also have a Hohner Professional JJ Bass 4, with a MIJ Jazz neck (1976) with black-coated strings. Plays & sounds just great.



"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the World will know Peace": Jimi Hendrix


The Geoff - blame Caevan!!!

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YAY, what a wonderful night so far.


I just got my keystation88 yesterday in the mail. After work today (1:30pm) I sat down with it plugged it in and came up with 2 song structures using some old blues and rock organ plug-ins from Logic Pro. Then I was able to take all my years of finger tapping on school desks and play a funk drum set and set the background for the 2 main parts of the arrangements. Vocals and BASS. I am so excited. WOW I just realized I played for a solid 7 hours with no phone/meal interruptions.


My wife called and broke my trance(my stomach helped with that) and said she is going to bring me home a marinated peppercorn filet, mashed potatoes, pecan pie, and steamed veggies from her "high f-A-lutin" restaurant. I did come out to see my other dog Benny (Not the one who is loosing it but the 7 month old puppy) had chewed my wifes mp3player to tiny pieces, some of which I will see on tomorrow mornings walk. It not the dogs fault, I should have checked to room before I left him to play in it, and she shouldnt leave out things on the floor because we know he will chew loose stuff.


The tribute bass. SOUNDS AMAZING, however because the truss rod is stripped it is a touch crazy to play and frets past the 12th. Luckly I have found someone who can help, and for free. I love the many options of this bass.










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The IWC was NOT as Italian as I thought it would have been.

Gig went great. We're canning our 'garage band' rhythm g****rist.

How can the same part get screwed up EVERY time?!?

The GF theme slowly went from the Punk RAWK into a jazz tempo that worked allot better and actually had some compliments. (I think it was the cheap alcohol prices talking)

Realized using a GT-6B you need to got through the ENTIRE presets and balance the levels for best results! D'oH!

Don't have a job you don't enjoy. If you're happy in what you're doing, you'll like yourself, you'll have inner peace. ~ Johnny Carson
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There is already a bass part to it... you jsut play the root note exactly as the guitar player plays the power chords. So really, he is a glorified octiver.



Playing guitar is not difficult !


But a good bass line for this may be tough.









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Hey, anybody else knocked out my that great singer on American Idol. I'm not usually one for reality shows - they drive me from the TV, but there are some neat singers this year. And then there are top bassists, Randy Jackson and Ricky Minor.


Lakisha Jones sang wonderfully on this tune. Check it out. You can 'ff' through the first minute or so of TV intro.





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My wife and I are big fans of American Idol for many reasons. This year there are 3-4 excellant female singers, I don't think any of the male singers will be around much longer. Lakisha Jones wiped them all out on the last show. As Simon said, she is in a different league, the other 23 contestants might as well pack up to go home. Unforunately, talent seldom wins as it becomes a popularity show towards the end. But, the runner-ups usually get the big recording contracts. Ricky Minor does a wonderful job with the house band.


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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