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Cthulhu Fhtagn

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Everything posted by Cthulhu Fhtagn

  1. Wow. What IS that smell? My first visit to the forum in ... oh ... I have no idea. Years. Some familiar names. Got into a discussion about Pastorius with someone running a CL ad for a bassist and got me to thinking the discussion on this forum about the iconic jazz bassists. Guess I need to lock down an avatar again.
  2. Or a Montreal-based Reggae band?
  3. Rockets Dead Glare Pre-Bobby Brown
  4. Judas Threest Threest Doors Down Threest Dog Night Kingston Threest-o.
  5. So was I. Right up until the end of the first marriage. ... and, do you think that is her real hair color?
  6. I think people would pronounce it "threest," like people mistook "The Oneders" for the "The Oneeders" in "That Thing You Do." Threest.
  7. Ok, is it just me, or is this wrong on some other level. The cute, lithe, little chicky with the impossibly red hear on the Wendy's commercials ... Has she ever been actually seen eating anything???? I mean she puts food up to her mouth, but you NEVER see her take a bite of or chew anything! Did the ad agency call Wendy's with this? "We've found the perfect spokes model for your product. Charming. Perky. Attractive. Only problem - she's vegan." "That's a problem." "Not really. She's would still be willing to do your commercials. She will just refuse to eat anything." "Ok. That works." There. I feel better now.
  8. Do you or your company work for or subcontract to the feds? Same way out here in DOE land. All these new MANDATORY programs for increasing efficiency, monitor worker safety, elimination of error precoursers, conduct of operations, corrective action managment, change management, audit and survellience staff (without drones). Although sequestration isn't the Apocolypse that some people were predicting, we did lose a few jobs. Funny, how every time there's a budget cut, we stand to lose teachers, cops, fire fighters and first responders, and Saturday mail delivery, but never anything from the bloated middle management beauracracy. Yes, my spelling sucks. I'm still on coffee #1.
  9. Led Zepclone (Zepplin tribute band with a singer four semis below optimum Robert Plant range) Black Sloggoth (Doom-Rock backing band for H.P. Lovecraft audio book) Aerosniff (Aerosmith tribute band comprised of layed-off TSA employees)
  10. Cedar. Then when you're done, you can plank a salmon.
  11. The Pole Vaulters (For Chicago, Michigan and Scranton, Pa) The Pole Vaulters (For Polish Dire Straits fans) The Vaulters of Poles Pups for My Urb
  12. Seeing as how he is second trombone with the NY Philharmonic, I think he's already there, professionally.
  13. Pencil-Peckered Fragile Diva Egos
  14. Pro Musician Wanted Built by Fender
  15. I wonder if Marshall provides them, or are they build by someone with a license.
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