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Everything posted by J.F.N.

  1. It'd be fabulous if the Roland Cloud became available for iOS!
  2. Unless you go 18807... but then you may need an extender to make it a bit higher, like the 20002 or in that direction.
  3. I am totally biased, but I was in your situation 2-3 years ago, and ended up being happy owner of a Kurzweil PC3 76, if I had known better I would have tried to source the PC3K 76, which also can handle user samples, as it opens up for a quite a bit wider palette, not that the non K has a small pallet, contrary, but still. I love my PC3 and the keybed is imho the perfect compromise for playing both synth, electromechanical sounds, and piano. A tad too heavy for organ, but I do that on another machine anyway, and as the PC3 is multitimbral on 16 parts it's easy to just jack in another midi board and then BAM you have two "synths".
  4. Joey was definitely slaying, calmly enjoying the view from the top!
  5. Wasn't the USP here that one could add new Zenology sounds to them, kind of AstroLab style, from Roland Cloud in some way?
  6. Yup, and for sure there's options, this thread has made me start GASing on an MPC...
  7. Got a QY700, amazing machine, non volatile memory too, though back up save on floppy is still a good thing to do. Which reminds me that my floppy has stopped working, looking into getting a USB/SD solution instead.
  8. Envelope sustain to keep the note running even with a short trig, and trigger using any midi pad controller sending note number, but yeah, I'm sure there's other ways of doing it with less deep diving...
  9. If I understand things correctly there's even an auto load option making it load the samples when the machine boots up, how neat!
  10. I will have to correct you here, XV-5080 is indeed a sample player into which you can load up to 128 mb (SIMM) of samples. (Doubt beat me to Google it...)
  11. Was it Roland XV-5080 that could load user samples as well? What about sourcing a used 5080 and any midi drumpad with MIDI DIN ? At least then you get some gear, for not a fortune, that you can have good use of in other contexts later on as well.
  12. Dang!! Joey rolling it out total Jimmy Smith style, an amazing organist in a class two steps up from the rest (RIP). Schaffer delivers the Schaffer style way, as always, love his bag too! Not very familiar with the other two Aces but for sure they sound amazing too!!
  13. And a JoeMeek channel to have a little bit of control over the Sontronics Solo before it enters the crappy sound system in the band's rehearsal room... (not a picture of the actual unit, but it was sold as new with original box, wiring, and documents just like in this picture) Bargain, 85€ + shipping!
  14. Just grabbed the Wavestation iOS app, oh teh memories, and now with a great and user friendly interface!!!
  15. He's a gun for hire well-known in the industry apparently. https://dangelo.audio/
  16. I will run Studio One, as that's the DAW I use, and with their license model I am allowed 5 activations simultaneously, really generous!
  17. I wonder what happened with Yamaha and their EX5, bought the rack about 2 years ago as I remember having enjoyed this machine back in the days with its different interesting synthesises, and it is definitely a machine that is easy to get immersed in. Why don't we see things like this in their current flagships?? Same with Korg, their Prophecy is one of the absolute coolest digital machines ever!
  18. You mean you're not interested in a Korg Wavestate/Modwave/Opsix SE for the same (or higher) price as the Nautilus 61? How odd, mystery that the Korg Marketing Dept. didn't manage to figure that out already..
  19. Legion Go is on my future purchase list, have had the Nintendo Switch for years and find the Legion Go to be a really smart design with a fullblown gaming pc in tablet size and with detachable controllers. And ohhh yes, I definitely will experiment setting it up as a portable multitrack recorder....
  20. Obviously they don't have their target audience in the iOS platform, and their market strategy has a larger scheme that already is a proven working system where they achieve expected ROI according to plan.
  21. The band I've started playing with figured out that I can sing... So I just grabbed one of these, used, for 50€ in as new condition. https://www.sontronics.com/solo
  22. After finally having updated my Opsix to the latest firmware, which has been on my todolist forever but due to the H3LL of making it talk with Windows 11 I've been postponing it, but now I finally did it, sorted out the communication problems and got the update done, and as a little gratification I grabbed a new soundbank for it https://korg.shop/80s-synthwave.html
  23. That was something, they were having a good vision with Origin, though neither technology or the structure of the company was ready for that back then... Wait for Black Friday...
  24. Maybe the two Fantom EX threads should be merged?
  25. Looking at how the eco system seems to work, it pretty much feels like it's designed as an upsell product, first towards all who already own the software (Analog Lab and V Collection), and on the other side, upsell from AstroTurf to V Collection (I assume Analog Lab is included with the Astro...). And then of course, the bundle combo, Black Friday here we go!
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