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Everything posted by J.F.N.

  1. I was just surprised, had no idea Disney already had a chunk of their IP rights!
  2. InMusic Brands will definitely not sit on their bums and watch their investment go down the drain, so yeah, I think we can be pretty sure they have a plan for how to get this brand profitable yet without watering it down too thin in the end.
  3. He's a lovely character and a great player! Coming in the EX version... 🤣
  4. That guy is nuts, but it's a lovely story!!
  5. And of course Matt's making it sing!! Lovely!! (Now I want one too!!)
  6. Not overly convinced by what I hear from that preset part of the video, feels like "subtractive synthesis 101" more or less... It looks FAT though!
  7. Can be had for peanuts today.. Pro Version https://apps.apple.com/us/app/peter-vogel-cmi-pro/id427747876 Peanut Version https://apps.apple.com/us/app/peter-vogel-cmi/id420212505
  8. At $3499, it's definitely an interesting machine! Review in Wired, dang! https://www.wired.com/review/moog-muse-review/
  9. I had no idea about this though: "Disney initially licensed the catalog in 1990 for $10 million, Disney acquired the band's North American recorded-music rights for an unknown price sometime in the 2000s and would retain them. But any remaining royalties that the musicians still own would now go to Sony." So for Sony it's a pretty limited deal I would claim.
  10. These guys already have a hefty net worth, and for sure some great investment partners to keep it like that. With this deal their next generations families will never need to worry about their financial situation unless they do something really stupid..
  11. It sounds pretty odd that they would give up the stage piano market completely, they were on a roll with the MP 7/11 SE, I know a bunch of musicians with either one of these models, SE or not, who are very satisfied with them and definitely in the market for a new version if there will be one released at some point!
  12. The good old janitor reset as we called it when I was working with IT.. (pull the power cable, wait 5 seconds, put it back in again..)
  13. Luckily he got his punishment in the end, tricky bastard, leaving France for Spain when the French decided to forbid doping, says everything about him...
  14. @AnotherScott Oh, I like that MidiMacros app, need to check that (just bought it).. The Midi Designer Pro definitely looks competent too.
  15. Or MidiPad for iPhone/iPad, very easy to set up. https://midipadapp.com/ Personally I am having wet dreams about this one, however, since I am not doing any live to talk about (yet) it's way out of budget. http://www.musictechnologiesgroup.com/midipatch.htm - Manual mode lets you send Program Change as well as optional Bank Select MSB and LSB. - Preset mode sends program-change-per-MIDI-channel as well as Bank Select on all 16 channels simultaneously -- per preset. Send 180 bytes of MIDI data of your choice ...controller data, system exclusive, RPN, NRPN or anything! ... per Preset. (v3.00+) Holds 200 Presets. (v3.00+) - Chain mode let you build a song list or Preset list for even faster performance live. Holds 99 chains of up to 18 Presets each. (v3.00+) - Speed Dial hot-key combinations all access to your 9 favourite Presets. (v3.00+)
  16. Mini TRS with adapter cables included.
  17. The number of times I've experienced strange audio channel discrepancies when connecting a board, just to in the end find out that L/R/Phones can sometimes be really close to eachother, and just reaching back with the hand not looking isn't always the solution. Damn those manufacturers who are not printing the connectors description at the top of the back of the board!! 🤪
  18. She's done a lot of great stuff in French, I listen to her every now and then, but never in English...
  19. It looks very tasty, just hope it doesn't has too many major changes in how to navigate etc. as I just spent a lot of time programming my brain and body on the current interface.. 🤪
  20. That would make sense considering the scale of the event, yet I doubt Celine would have performed if she wasn't 100% she'd make it. Not knowing her but from everything I have seen about her, she's a total top notch professional in everything she's undertaking.
  21. I spent 7 1/2 years of my life in the city of light, I love Celine singing in French (her french interpretation is imho so much more connected with her than when she sings in English), and Piaf is very close to my heart, not a dry eye here after this...
  22. I used to own an MKB-1000, the RD-1000 without sounds, amazing big machine which came with a really nice sturdy (tank sturdy!) stand with chromed steel legs. The hammer action was pretty nice, though it needed some TLC on some keys and it took a lot of space, so it had to go in the end. But it's kind of a pity they don't do them like that anymore!
  23. Very nice take on chopping, even if the legs are darn ugly!!
  24. Yup saw the intro video, perfect timing, bought my Key 37 about 2 months ago!
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