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Everything posted by J.F.N.

  1. This guy is fantastic too, total no BS attitude, truly humble, and an excellent engineer/producer. "While other "experts" online are trying to teach you useless rules and place limitations on your work - advice like "only boost 3db on an EQ" or "avoid using compression," I'm here to reveal the techniques that pro engineers actually use on real world records. " https://www.youtube.com/@hardcoremusicstudio/videos
  2. You probably could set up a side hustle business! 🤪
  3. I take that back, the pianos, or should I just add "presets" to what I said before instead... Connected my PC3 to the Key 37 to get proper action and then I sat down and fiddled with the plugin until I had it figured out... It's decent, not Wow, but definitely useful. 🙃
  4. Dang!! This will require a review!! 🙃
  5. Oh wow, someone is going to have a very nive vacation!!
  6. Way too much entitlement and ego and the recurring judgement and bashing of the generations younger than himself is clearly an attitude of "I'm right, everybody who's not with me is wrong", too toxic for my appreciation.
  7. And the main take home on music today is for the investors and other shareholders of tech companies im Silicon Valley... Lovely development!
  8. We all have different taste, too much focus on Beato for my preferences. If you enjoy music more than sensations mirroring sunshine on the host, check Nahre Sol and Pianote, great channels around keyboard/piano, both educating and interesting topics.
  9. Exactly my point... Famous for being "famous"...
  10. 🥱 Pwned! Just forget about the music, all you need is to be a social media clown! "What’s his advice for someone who wants to be a successful musician today? “The ability to promote yourself on social media is pretty crucial,” he says. “You need to have a social media presence and be good at making videos with short form content to promote your brand and yourself as an artist.”" https://edition.cnn.com/2024/02/25/us/rick-beato-youtube-everything-music-cec/index.html
  11. Tori Amos on E finds a drum machine in the studio.
  12. The only ones I can think of that have enough space, eventually, would be the Crumar and Viscount electric pianos, or an old Roland RD 250/300 or something in that line. And second tier would have to be a board that's not too deep where the rubber feet fit within the estate.
  13. Totally!! When I found this clip, the full version on YouTube (my keyboard buddy back in the days had the VHS and we've watched it bunch of times then), I got seriously inspired by the way he's using different types of sequencers for different purposes and then dumps the sequences in-between them, and I ended up hooking up all gadgets I have to fiddle around with them in the same fashion.. (check my signature...) I didn't remember that part, and for sure didn't have the abundance of gadgets back then either... Beware of the MC series sequencers, they suffer from a timing bug when synced up via midi in loop mode, making them useless for anything else than strictly linear stuff if they're to be in sync with something else... I had an MC80, and it seems all MC series are infected 300, 500, 50, 80, and the MkII version of them too, obviously the same code base, so I ended up selling mine after finding out the hard way. Did a ridiculously great deal in total though, when I bought mine, used, it had the expansion card with sounds in it, terrible sounding so I ripped it out and sold it on Reverb, dude in Florida (I'm in Europe) bought it for close to 3 times what I paid for the sequencer, and then when I sold the sequencer, Reverb too, it was almost unreal what I got for it, Epic!
  14. "Linear Arithmetic synthesis, or LA synthesis, is a term that was invented by the Roland Corporation when they released their ground-breaking D-50 synthesizer in 1987. It was the first keyboard to combine a synthesizer with sampled waveforms that could be modified. Linear arithmetic makes one think of simple math, such as addition, and indeed, the primary way that LA synthesis created sounds was by adding sampled waveforms to digitally-generated waveforms."
  15. Here's interesting "inside information" about the sound generated when a partial is in "S" (Synthesis) mode (from a post on the GS forum): "It is Roland’s “dirty secret” that the square/pulse is generated in exactly the same way as Casiios CZ Phase Distortion Synths. You start with a cosine, as you increase the phase distortion, the shape tends towards a square. The Saw is generated by multiplying (aka ring mod) that square with another cosine, which flips the second half of the cosine the other way up (pos/neg), so what you get is the first half of a cosine repeated, which is approximately a Saw at double the frequency of the cosine. The resonance is done with windowed synced sines, again just like the Casio CZs. Phase Distortion and Windowed Synced Sines were patented by Casio, so Roland were being bloody cheeky using them. Also, Phase Distortion is a Non-Linear function, meaning it produces frequencies that did not exist in the source waveform. But Roland claims whatever the D50 was doing was a Linear function. Hence Linear Arithmetic Synthesis. It’s nonsense, it’s all a smokescreen so that they were not sued by Casio and Yamaha (Yamaha had won a case that stated any synthesis that used changing the phase readout of a Sine or Cosine was covered by the FM patent they had with Stanford University)."
  16. Yes, I am very familiar with this machine, what I mean is "oscillator" as in the sound generator, as opposed to the sample, of the partial when in Synthesis mode. Good luck with your controller project, ambitious!!
  17. Yes, you could say the D50 makes kind of a vector synth with the joystick indeed. Another thing I always liked was the synth parts, ie. the "oscillators", making the D50 extremely flexible with the combo of PCM attack samples and the oscillators, reminding of the concept in the legendary instruction video with Steve Porcaro (where he's high as a kite) of how to do exactly the same thing, before D50, with an EMU sampler and an Oberheim Expander. Which hindsight made the D50 a really inexpensive synth even when it was first introduced, in comparison.. hehehe!
  18. "a controller that has a flat surface on top for another 46 or 61 key controller with no faders or buttons in the way" Rules out everything available on the market new today, including the SL series with it's control center in the middle of the top space!
  19. I just learnt there's a 13" Air M2 too... 🔥🔥🔥
  20. As you need the larger screen, iPad Pro Gen 5 and later gives you the M processor which is a power house (I have the Air M1.. rocket...).
  21. Great tune, just popped up here in the speakers at my lunch café, excellent production!
  22. Never had the economy for the programmer back then, but after a while the muscle memory gets the hang of things...
  23. According to a sample of 1100 US adults 48% of her fans are male.
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