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Everything posted by J.F.N.

  1. Kurzweil showing up with the production ready versions of their new series, presenting features, price, and releasdate?
  2. Apparently, according to strict rules it could be interpreted as a case for penalty, but it seems the circumstances have been questioned as it is more of an unfortunate accidental thing than anything else, whatever, England would probably have won anyway, they performed really great yesterday! (I rooted for the Netherlands, but slightly disappointed about their passive stance in this match...).
  3. No way to tell about the longevity, but those Nuemann cans are great, I don't own them but have used them at several occasions. The only thing annoying to me was that the cable is on the "wrong" side, never got used to that!
  4. If you have a couple of millions and a good financial advisor setting your investments right, you'll be good for the rest of your life doing whatever you want every day. If you inherit 200-300 big ones from your rockstar parent, you'll have a jetset life for the rest of you days, and you can provide the same thing to your kids lives as well. Not even touching the base capital restructuring the assets in a way that just makes the capital work hard for you. Both my non rockstar parents are long gone and still my bank account is echoing close to empty! 🤣🤣🤣
  5. No matter what, England played really good yesterday, definitely their best work by far in this cup. The Dutch felt tired, it started out well but soon enough they looked like they were waiting for something...
  6. Korg Module Rhodes modules: Electric Piano Essentials 70s Earthy EP SCARBEE Classic EP-88M
  7. NAMM 2025 ? (Or Summer NAMM now in a cpl of days?)
  8. Let's hope for the sake of the event and the world of pro football that this is just news media stiring click bait up! I rooted for the Netherlands but tbh they got some real competition there in the second half imho. Well done England!!
  9. Thrilling, 1-1 in half time, lucky brits getting a penalty opportunity!!!
  10. Yeah remember that too, still be interesting to see what they end up with, there's different grades of TP/40, L M etc.
  11. Will be interesting to see which keybed they pop into the 88, if they'll go with the same as the K2700 or whatnot...
  12. Ended up grabbing the 70s Earthy Rhodes, definitely more to my liking.. Anyone uses the complete Electric Piano Essential? Seems it can't be demoed in it's entirety, would be interesting to know more about the variations in it. EDIT: Ended up buying all three Rhodes Modules... 😃
  13. Is this a hint that the firmware for the sound engine is in Release Candidate state?
  14. After being heavily promoted by @Reezekeys and sounding like a good addition for an iOS rig, I grabbed a MidiFlow license, absolutely great and very useful app, no regrets!
  15. It's completely dry in the 73-76 dept. today indeed, the only one is the SL73 and that is a hammer action (and a rather tough one too), really odd that this segment has completely died out, used to be "The" mother keyboard tier. However, the Numa compact SE was a good idea, that key action should work just fine for round about anything except heavy piano playing, the price is correct, and the weight 7kg is okay too.
  16. Sweet of La Roja to permit the frenchies to do one goal so at least they didn't have to go home with zero scores in-game in the whole cup...
  17. Eeeeeviiiiiiva España !!!! Most likely The Netherlands unless the British has put together some miracle constellation for tomorrow!
  18. Hmm I barely have any idea if I would have use of this, in case of, I guess I will have to skip the processing and go directly to AUM... 🙃
  19. Yeah, I just wanted to see how it works with the virtual channels, can be useful too at some point, really cool stuff this!!
  20. I like it! So Midiflow is your Midi Router/Processor, and this makes AUM "just" the host/mixer, a powerful combo with great flexibility, kinda ingenious - Great thanks for sharing! Just did a simple set up here, input from my midi interface (Volt2 as I use for the iPad Sound/Midi, gives me analog input for other stuff I want too when I travel), then a processing unit, and then I create a virtual output, which then is used as input in AUM, clever! Found a bug though in the velocity remapping tool, using the "shape" curve, the one with the "dots" you can pull your own curve in, the furthest to the right, fiddle with it, and then press "reset curve", and the curve window goes blank... only way to get the curve tool back is to back out to the processing main "menu" and reset everything... But this is definitely a very powerful solution!!
  21. Thanks for the clarification, I will definitely have a look during the afternoon!
  22. As mentioned early on: "Budget is as little as possible!"
  23. I just found out that there are bunch of different versions of Midiflow, tell me more about which version(s) you use? Definitely sounds interesting, curious to put my hands down in the jar, have a bunch of nice synths (and AudioLayer) on my Air M1...
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