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Lou Gehrig Charles

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Everything posted by Lou Gehrig Charles

  1. I use one very similar to that one except it is by Knox. I found the second tier to be much too tall so I used a Sawzall to trim the legs down to about 1/3 their original height. I don't want to be totally hidden by the upper keyboard! Just a little bit.
  2. I learned Steppin' Out several years ago, just as I was coming back to the piano as an adult. I need to re-visit it now that I have a few (barely a few) more skills! I've always liked that song.
  3. "Hmmmm, that doesn't really work there. Did you try this, Or this? Or...... This?? Ha ha ha ha!" For the record, I'd never heard the Alicia Keyes song either. Or seen Men In Black.
  4. Indeed! Kudos to Tim for thinking outside of the box. Suddenly drone photography is everywhere these past few years but Tim is the first and only one I have seen who has tried it at night. I might have to give it a try!
  5. Small world, I was just browsing their page yesterday. Must be because I am on the NPAN email notifications list. Oh, hey, Tim is a speaker this year! 👍
  6. If I was a concertgoer back in the day, if Pete Townshend or Ritchie Blackmore launched into a ten-minute guitar-destruction at the end of the show, I'd be mad! They could have played a few more songs instead.
  7. But seriously, we're currently learning "Alabama Getaway" by the Grateful Dead and I'm surprised by some of the comments I am reading on the live versions on Youtube. It seems some fans didn't care for the "plinky dinky" keyboard sounds from the late Brent Mydland. Well, it is what it is, and I'd think their fans would accept it as it is. But I was surprised to hear an interview with (I think) Mickey Hart who said keyboards (well, piano in particular) didn't belong in their music. I guess everyone has an opinion.
  8. I think I have some of those folks in my band picking songs....
  9. We just played in November, and fortunately for the civilized would no one has put us up on Youtube. But I have seen videos our singer's father took..... I realized I need to raise my stand up a little with some spacers (it's at max height already). The upper keyboard is fine, but for my lower one I am too hunched over!
  10. "My first 10,000 photos weren't anything special. The next 10,000 weren't much better". -someone's signature line on some other photography forum.
  11. I use a setting called Pop Piano on my Casios, because it seems brighter and the "regular" grand piano sounds tend to get overwhelmed by drums and guitar.
  12. I want pants like Geoff Downes wears in this video:
  13. The GC by me had one in the keyboard room, but oddly they didn't have it on their website. I think it was the proverbial white elephant.
  14. It's good to be popular! You guys have found the right mix of locale and presenters I think. Must be the word is out! I've been so simultaneously busy and lazy at the same time I have barely even looked at my pics from last time, let alone post any anywhere. So I have to take a pass this time.
  15. I saw the thread title and assumed it was about a town in Indiana. Not so the case. We have an Anna here in Illinois about five hours south of me. Far, far southern IL.
  16. We were briefly "Crapulent" for a time. But officially we're "Friday Practice Band". It's a name sure to pack the house.
  17. I would sit if it were up to me..... But it was expected of me that I needed to stand. So I stood for all two times I have played live in front of other people. And it was at those times I realized I need a spacer of an inch or two to bring my lower board up to the correct height! That'll be for next time.
  18. Cool! "Perfect Strangers" is on my short list of songs I am trying to get my band to learn. We'll get to it eventually, once we learn all the grungey songs the 30-somethings want to do first! Thanks for posting!
  19. "Now the seats are all empty Let the roadies take the stage"
  20. With AI doing the vocals (or the dance moves?) or... whatever would be Rob's part? 🤪
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