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Everything posted by George88

  1. Yamaha YC61, updated right away. Pretty nice so far. Leslie reminds me of the Vent. Decent bread and butter sounds, built like a tank.
  2. I was friends with the FOH engineer of that tour. I got to walk backstage while the band was readying to go on, Ringo included. I nearly vomited from disbelief as we hurried through the group of them to our seats.
  3. Played there several times: on the Opry, couple of Award Shows and on tour with a few artists. Played a Country Legend’s funeral there in the 90s. It’s a terribly wonderful venue and I feel mighty bad for anyone who has to listen under the balcony. I met Dr. John on that stage and got to listen to Robert Plant tell stories backstage. I saw the Chick Corea and Bella Fleck duo concert and got to meet Chick after the show. What a life!
  4. Steve, I"m running DP 11 on Big Sur without issue.
  5. I second. I"ve enjoyed two of these, one hydronic and one manual; and one of them since 1996â¦my longest-lasting piece of hardware.
  6. Grey, I wish you and your family light and peace as you move through this. Thank you for sharing your story with us. I hope you will continue to give yourself permission to move through your stages of grief as you do the rest of your family. We are here for you.
  7. I"m a long-time Motu DP user, got a new Mac and decided to try Luna until MOTU releases OS11 compatibility. I"m enjoying the free (well, with purchase) DAW from UA and wonder if any other users are here. I"ve only started digging around this afternoon and find it quite enjoyable. Anyone else in a similar situation?
  8. Just ordered Cedar"s Blues after reading about Curtis Fuller"s death. Bob Berg is great on it. And Cedar, killing!
  9. I appreciate the feedback. I don"t anticipate a track count terribly high and tend to freeze tracks as I work. Thank you for the input.
  10. My laptop is showing it"s age and I"m considering a 3.2ghz 6-core, 8th generation i7 with 32g of RAM. I use Digital Performer and an Apollo. I"ve been out of the market for some time and would live some feedback on adequacy of this machine vs another MacBook Pro for all. All virtual recording, two tracks at a time. Thank you!
  11. I can"t believe no one beat me to it. He spoke to everyone!
  12. I did the same. Really enjoy his playing and have wanted to hear him in this setting for quite some time.
  13. Peter Sellers, 'The Party' Michael Clayton Tropic Thunder Royal Tennenbaums No Country for Old Men Arrested Development Cheers (Season 1) UK and US Office (UK is genius) Hot Fuzz Knives Out PARASITE Lady Bird Manchester by the Sea Magnolia Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
  14. I loved this movie. Very trippy with wonderful music. My 3 y/o loved it too.
  15. Very true. I scream 'Kenny Loggins' when I step on my son"s Legos.
  16. Warren is a bad ass. The solo is in good hands.
  17. 16251, I commented the same to my wife as we watched. Her voice is incredible and did make me incredibly nostalgic for a simpler time, even if only 5 +/- years ago.
  18. The low end on BJ tunes sounds acoustic, perhaps with some processing. Don"t Stop Believin" sounds incredibly proceed and I thought that was a real piano. I"m curious to know what those were. '85 was a tough year.
  19. Same here, Josh. I thought you might pick up on this post. I think Sting"s comments are pretty thoughtful.
  20. Produced by NY pianist, Noah Haidu. Sorry for the lengthy link. https://madmimi.com/p/d366511?pact=36161-160258419-9587003448-fee13f01549411bf00dac9d62deca6169bac9045
  21. Blinded by the Light, Manfred Mann version Sweet Dreams, Eurythmics Electric Avenue, Eddie Grant Jet and Band on the Run, Macca & Wings
  22. Ugh. Brilliant musician. He left us an incredible body of work.
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