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Everything posted by kenheeter

  1. Well, after a couple of days of trying with the Bossa hearing aids I have decided to send them back. They offer a lot - rechargeable, good battery life, small and easy to wear and they definitely make speech much easier to hear. My problem is that they amplified high midrange frequencies that made them annoying to wear for any length of time. I could definitely hear the clock ticking and any background noise like traffic was enhanced but when I tried to play the piano with them in I couldn't stand the way the piano sounded, so I had to remove them. There is no adjustment for frequencies possible so I found myself constantly taking them out to make things sound good again. So, I'll send them back and I think I'll buy a set of Airpod Pro 2s and see how that works out. It sounds like there are adjustment options that just might do the trick and I know that first and foremost the sound quality will be good. I'll report back on the next leg of my journey.........
  2. Yes, the Seven is wonderful. The Seventeen is a scaled down version with the same action, same Rhodes models and all of the other samples. It doesn't offer as much real time control over effects and things, quite a few less knobs, but everything is available and can be edited on board. I just save several presets with different effects and switch to them. The Seven also comes with a lid and legs included. I have a soft case for the Seventeen which makes it lighter than the Seven with its lid. My Seventeen stays mostly in my studio and I use it for recording and rehearsals. For gigging I have a YC73, a Numa X 73 and a Mojo61. Spoiled for choice......
  3. I have a Seventeen and it is a wonderful alternative to a Rhodes, which I gigged with for years. The new CFX acoustic piano is also very good. I find the action very good for emulating Rhodes. It also has a pretty vintage look about it. I bought the legs ( which are sold separately ) so it can be played without a keyboard stand. I like it.
  4. I'm plenty busy here in Canada, I've decided to stop playing bars and the late night stuff too. Lots of theater and festival stuff and even a few gigs in a couple of public schools. Those two gigs really bring down the average age of my audiences!!!
  5. My Bossa aids arrived today. Initial impression is very good but I'll need a few days with them to be sure. Rechargeable, simple. Only control is volume and when they are removed from the charging case they automatically turn on so once I figure out the volume settings I shouldn't have to touch them other than to wear them or put them back in the case. I'm listening to music in my studio now and it sounds very good, just more high end than I'm used to. I'll report back in a week or so.
  6. I can't really say which one I would keep. I'll know better after a few gigs with the YC73. The Numa's TP110 is really nice for piano playing and the sounds are very good. It can split with 4 zones including external zones which the YC73 cannot do. They both have excellent USB implementation but I think the Numa is much more powerful as a midi controller. Of course the YC73 has great organ with drawbars, which the Numa doesn't have. So, for the moment I can see situations where one of them will be a better choice than the other and I expect I'll keep both for that reason. When you add up the price of both it's still less than a Nord Stage and I don't care for the TP100 in the Stage 76 and playing piano on the Stage 73 is awful. So for now they're both keepers. I'll report back if that changes.
  7. That's Al playing, not me. Great playing though!!
  8. The YC73 seems to be working out really well as a single keyboard solution. I have a bunch of gigs coming up and that will tell the tale. I like the action for piano playing and find it fine for organ too. We'll see.....
  9. Yamaha YC73. Added to my collection which includes Numa X Piano 73, Crumar Seventeen, Crumar Mojo61 with lower manual, Gemini module, D9x drawbars. My B3/122 lives permanently in my friend's studio.
  10. You can easily map other controls on the YC to control non drawbar settings in B3X. I just printed a few labels for the buttons that I programmed.
  11. If the Bossa hearing aids don't work out, I'll be trying this next.
  12. I haven't received mine yet....
  13. Yes, I had a Gemini and foolishly sold it. I just purchased another one and it pairs beautifully with my Numa X piano.
  14. I notice you're running firmware 2.1.0. There is an update available ( 2.1.1 ) and they mention fixing a bug where sometimes menu items aren't displayed. You might want to try the upgrade and hopefully that will solve this.
  15. I just ordered a pair from Bossa, I'll report back.....
  16. I love the TP110 action, I don't have a Kawai to compare but I have a Korg SV-1 88 in my shop and I much prefer the TP110 to that.
  17. https://www.bestbuy.ca/en-ca/product/satechi-r1-adjustable-tablet-stand-space-grey/15286964?cmp=seo-15286964&cmp=knc-s-71700000055264076&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIq8eyupLK_gIVfSazAB3ajga5EAQYAyABEgJv9fD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds This stand stays wherever I tilt it and with velcro on the bottom it just sits on whatever keyboard rig I'm using. Works for me! It was hard to find one that would let me orient the iPad in portrait,
  18. I suggest a Numa X and an ipad. The Numa is an excellent midi controller with a nice action and supports audio over midi. This way you have some very good hardware sounds to fall back on when the computer fails.
  19. I checked and they won't ship to Canada either. Thanks, Ken
  20. I would love to buy one of these but they won't ship to Canada.
  21. I have used mine for years. I attached a piece of that non-slip stuff between the legs, which folds up with the stand. My pedals stay put!
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