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Everything posted by RudyS

  1. Ennio Morricone died from a fall. So sad. We lost one of the greatest.
  2. I also have the micromonsta. A nice box. Sounds awesome and easy to program. Love it.
  3. Really nice. I like all his videos. Beautiful!
  4. I have one too. It"s as simple as Jr. deluxe says. I really like the thing:)
  5. I can't help you, but am still curious about your setup. As I understand you use some synth/piano for right hand comping and the bass unit is only reading the lowest note, so it won't be triggered by the right hand. But you still get the same note from the synth/piano sound you are playing right, effectively doubling your bass sound? Is that what you do?
  6. Wow, Mark! What happened? I wish you a speedy recovery.
  7. 10 points to Markboard!! Happy birthday here too Carlo!
  8. The W2 is not very suitable as controller. You can only send from the general midi channel. There is an option to have every part send on their own channel, but this setting is temporarily and not stored. So every time you change a patch you have to set this in the global menu. Actually, this is one of the things holding me off at the moment.
  9. I think Dan had a story a few years back where he told his Kronos basically drowned and worked the next night? Or am I making this stuff up?
  10. Sorry to hear this! Good luck with the new opportunity and hopefully it turns out even better than your old job!
  11. I use a samson stereo DI live. Never let me down, and sounds good enough for live! Also sometimes used higher end ones (radial etc) but I honestly don"t think I can tell the difference in a live band mix.
  12. 1) I think so. Just better quality components. 2) in you DAW you can probably make a stereo track from channels 1 and 2. The focusrite controle software also let"s you do that. I think the software is compatible with the 'bigger' interfaces of focusrite. I"m not sure which.
  13. Thank you guys. I know I don't need anyone's permission. Maybe some insights I haven't thought off.
  14. I'm thinking to buy a Nord wave 2. My rig would end up being the Nord Wave 2, with the A1 and my trusted micormonsta. Somehow I feel reluctant towards this, as the Nord wave 2 is very much like the A1. But I do think I could do everything I want with this rig. What do you say?
  15. Both. However, happy to hear your thoughts given my requirements I am by no means an expert on this field, so I will wait until the experts chime in. But if I read your requirements you actually want an audio interface with 6 to 8 channels. Normally those interfaces have some mixing software to let you route channels any way you want.
  16. I'm confused. Do you want a mixer or an audio interface?
  17. Did someone already get this? Tim? I"m still doubting about this one, would like to hear some opinions.
  18. Sorry to hear that MC. Wish you a all the best in finding a new job!
  19. that's though Dan! Hope you will find something new fast!
  20. Finally an update of the ESX24. The new sampler looks cool!
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