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Have any R.Dangerfield one liners ?

Dan O

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I tell ya, I tell ya...


My wife likes to talk to me during sex. The other day she called me from the motel...


The other day my wife met me at the door in a really skimpy negligee. I said: "Get in here: It's freezing out...


I asked a cab driver to take me someplace where the action is. He drove me to my house...


I just don't understand it: We moved from NYC to Florida, and I still have the same mailman...


God, I LOVE Rodney!

Setup: Korg Kronos 61, Roland XV-88, Korg Triton-Rack, Motif-Rack, Korg N1r, Alesis QSR, Roland M-GS64 Yamaha KX-88, KX76, Roland Super-JX, E-Mu Longboard 61, Kawai K1II, Kawai K4.
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I was in this hotel you see, I found this matchbook. It read: "If you have a drinking problem call this number". So I called the number, it was the liquor store across the street.


 "Let It Be!"

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I tell ya', I get noooooo respect. My parent's used to tell me to look both ways before you cross the street.......UP AND DOWN.

Joe Pine (60's talk show host who sported a wooden leg) to Frank Zappa -- "So, with your long hair, I guess that makes you a woman." Frank Zappa's response -- "So, with your wooden leg, I guess that makes you a table."




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I tell ya, when I was born, I was so ugly, my mother used to diaper my head, put a hat on my rear end, and tell everyone I had the mumps.


I went to my dentist and said "Doc, my teeth are yellow". He told me to wear a brown tie...

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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My psychiatrist told me I was going crazy. I told him, "If you don't mind, I'd like a second opinion". He said, "Alright, you're ugly too!" Then he told me to lie down on the couch face down.


But I was an ugly kid, too. I kept getting offers to be a poster boy for birth control.


For a while I worked in a pet store. People kept asking how big I'd get.


I got lost in a department store once. I asked the security guy, "Do you think we'll ever find my parents?" He said, "I dunno kid, there's so many places they could hide."


No respect at all... :freak:


Peace all,




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I get to my hotel room. I call the manager and say "Hey, I got a leak in the sink". He says "Go ahead".


Here's the link to Esquire Magazine's "What I've Learned" with Rodney.



This one is from George Carlin:

People tell me all the time, "Bye, have a good one". I tell them "I already have a good one. What I need is a bigger one."

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Originally posted by SoundWrangler:

I tell ya, the other day I come home, and there's some guy in bed with my wife. I asked him, "Hey, who told ya you could sleep with my wife?" He said, "Everybody!"

I come home, and my best friend is in bed with my wife. I tell him "Stan, I HAVE to...but you?!?"
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How about Scott Adams?


Dogbert: From now on, I will dismiss the idiots who disagree with me by waving my paw and saying, "Bah".


Dilbert: You know, Dogbert, just because someone disagrees with you doesn't make them an idiot.


Dogbert: Bah.



Make my funk the P-funk.

I wants to get funked up.


My Funk/Jam originals project: http://www.thefunkery.com/


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The bartender said, "What'll ya have?" I said, "Surprise me." He pulled out a picture of my wife, naked.


I told my son, "You're young. You ain't got it upstairs." He said, "You're old. You ain't got it DOWNSTAIRS."


My wife...she's such a bad cook, the roaches HANG themselves.


I'll tell ya, my daughter, she's no bargain, either. She's been picked up so many times she has HANDLES.


I had a blind date once. A woman comes up to me and says, "Are you Rodney?" I said, "Yeah." She said, "I'm not Jennifer."

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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Originally posted by Nowak:

"Somebody Step on a duck?"


"Hey lady, you must've been somethin before electricity"


2 chestnuts from Caddyshack



A few more Caddyshack pearls...


"Last time I saw a mouth like that, it had a hook in it."


"Come on, Wang, it's a parking lot!"


"That's why some animals eat their young."

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  • 5 weeks later...

please forgive me as I am paraphrasing from memory:


BTS, In the hot tub with 2 beautiful collegians:


RD: So what's your major?

Blonde #1: ...like poetry!

RD: perhaps you could help me straighten out my Longfellow





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  • 1 year later...

My daughter's like Federal Express. Every time she goes out she "absolutely, positively has to be there overnight."


With my wife, I don't get no respect. One night I fell asleep with a cigarette in my hand. She lit it.


It's a sad day in Rodney fan land.



The Black Knight always triumphs!


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True story - I worked with a trio back in the early 1970's and the manager of the singer got us booked into Dangerfield's for a week. While Dangerfield was doing his act on stage the waiters would be mouthing his act along with him. He pretty much did the same exact act night after night.

No guitarists were harmed during the making of this message.


In general, harmonic complexity is inversely proportional to the ratio between chording and non-chording instruments.


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Originally posted by Dave Horne:

True story - I worked with a trio back in the early 1970's and the manager of the singer got us booked into Dangerfield's for a week. While Dangerfield was doing his act on stage the waiters would be mouthing his act along with him. He pretty much did the same exact act night after night.

Man, he really didn't get no respect, did he!


Reminds me of the guy in high school jazz band with the composed trumpet solo- we were all improvising and a bit snobbish about it. Then one day the lead trumpet played his solo in perfect unison with him...


Meanwhile I'm laughing 'til I'm crying over some of these one liners and also those up at Craigs place on the thread "losing Rodney". Man it does me good! :)



"There is nothing I regret so much as my good behavior. What demon possessed me that I behaved so well?" -Henry David Thoreau

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And with style. I always wondered how dogbert could type, without any fingers... :freak:


Originally posted by Dave Pierce:

How about Scott Adams?


Dogbert: From now on, I will dismiss the idiots who disagree with me by waving my paw and saying, "Bah".


Dilbert: You know, Dogbert, just because someone disagrees with you doesn't make them an idiot.


Dogbert: Bah.



"You have seen as to do, dude, isn't it?" -Korg PA80 manual
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