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Let's hear it!!! Post your music here!

Dave Bryce

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You Like Funk? You got Funk! Here is a song done completely on my Yamaha Tyros with no external sound sources added at all, be it midi or CD or whatever. All sounds are from the Tyros and recorded directly into my PC recording software.


It is my own composition and I entitled it Funk Town.


Get ready and get in the grooooovve! http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de//happy/xyxthumbs.gif


Funk Town


PS: Sorry, but there is no mp3.PRO version. I usually provide an .mp3PRO version along with the standard .mp3 for those on a dial-up connection. I'm hoping Thomson Multimedia comes out with an improved version of their .mp3PRO encoder. Some things it encodes well and other sounds in the Mix it has a struggle with sometimes. This song is one of those sometimes unfortunately. I sent an email off to another mp3PRO software encoder outfit whose software I use hoping to resolve my issues encoding to .mp3PRO with their software but in the mean time I'm kinda stuck as to encoding and providing quality .mp3PRO files to the group. The .mp3 that I am providing is a little over 6MB in size and encoded at a high VBR rate.


I guess a little background is in order as to my Music experience and keyboard playing. I realize there are many on this Forum who are probably Monster keyboard players and have been playing keys since a youngster. Well not me. http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de//happy/wink.gif I started out on Guitar early in life and just transistioned over to Keys less than 4 years ago. I've owned a few Keyboards during that time with my latest being the Yamaha Tyros. I am in a Band and I play mostly Organ, Elec. Piano, Acoustic Piano, Strings, Brass, Guitar, Synth sounds or anything else they want me to play for that matter. http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de//happy/wink2.gif I also sing backup Vocals.


I will post all additional songs in this thread from now on. I suppose dB is probably getting ticked off at me posting songs on the Main KC page. http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de//happy/astrosmiley.gif Sorry Dave. http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de//AZZANGEL.gif It won't happen again on my own stuff. If I am able to provide demo files from the net on a Keyboard, etc. that a thread is discussing I suppose posting on the Main KC page is okay?? Like I did with the Hammond XK-3 demos? Anyway to all those who listen to Funk Town, thank you. I realize also that input or feedback is not appropriate on this thread so I won't expect any.

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I got a copy of Soundtrack on Father's Day and have been playing with it for a few hours now.


Here's my first effort, a tune called "Fonki". It uses all standard loops that came with Soundtrack. I'm going to play with making my own loops and mixing live keyboard in with other stuff later. This stuff is FUN!


"Fonki" by Jardini (aka Dave The Rave) It's 5.72MB in MP3 160Kbps format.


Comments welcome :)




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I was under the assumption that this thread was here basically to post our music and or links to web sites with music not for evaluating one another's songs. Having said that, I did listen to your song Dave. I thought it was very cool! :thu:


Can't wait to hear some of your own beats and live stuff played from your Keyboard.

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Originally posted by Dave the Rave:



Not a single person listening/prepared to comment on my piece? :confused:



You guys are a kind of impatient or what? ;)

When I posted my stuff here I waited for a couple of weeks until the first feedback came...


Well, anyway, Fonki... This is a fun piece but... It is like... without soul, you know what I mean? It's assembled and I'm afraid it sounds like that, nothing more, really. Leave that stuff for kids. Play some soul into your creation, don't play "LEGO", you are a musician after all.

You can call me a bastard now, I think I deserve that.


I am back.
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Mike (Keynote) Thanks for listening. Glad you liked it. It keeps my foot tapping and I find myself wanting to hear it over, so it can't be that bad! I always thought this thread was for getting constructive critique from your peers before you make a fool of yourself "in public". I guess it's what you make of it....


Vlad (Gulliver), thanks for the feedback - yes, it does sound assembled doesn't it (that's a great word to describe it). I am experimenting right now. I created the whole thing in less than 3 hours (from s/w install to tune out!). There's something to be said for loops y'know. I plan to add some vocals and a "real" solo synth hook to it before I call it done. I shall play some more with loops and may incorporate them into some of my pieces in the future too, but I agree with ya, it's kinda souless like it is - to the point where I only claim that I arranged the piece, not composed it.


"Fonki" has received some nice f/b on the cubase.net forum too - Check it out


I will take some time this weekend to listen to some others music and comment on it (can't complain unless I offer some feedback myself, can I?).


Cheers for now,


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, here goes nothing. I've been composing the processional for my upcoming wedding and wanted to write something orchestral in nature, rather than my typical electronic, noisy weirdness. I figured my fiancee might appreciate that a little more than chopped up shortwave radio and distortion... :eek:


The problem is, I have no orchestration experience, no theory background, oh, and I've gotten rid of all my synths that have any kind of acoustic sounds in them. What to do?


Enter the Garritan Personal Orchestra ! This puppy saved my ass, and doesn't sound half-bad. Now I just had to figure out how to write this stuff.


So, with three weeks to spare, I've finished the writing and am working on polishing up the mix. Here's where it's at currently (be gentle...):


Bleen\'s Wedding Processional

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Very good; the sound quality is excellent!

I liked the most the second part, the one that starts at 01:26. The first part is interesting, but to me doesn't seem fit for a wedding.

Also, to give the second part a more solemn pace, I would slow the tempo down a bit.

Overall, a great job; once again, my congratulations!


Korg PA3X Pro 76 and Kronos 61, Roland G-70, Integra 7 and BK7-m, Casio PX-5S, Fender Stratocaster with Fralin pickups, Fender Stratocaster with Kinman pickups, 1965 Gibson SG Standard
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Originally posted by bleen:

Enter the Garritan Personal Orchestra ! This puppy saved my ass, and doesn't sound half-bad. Now I just had to figure out how to write this stuff.


So, with three weeks to spare, I've finished the writing and am working on polishing up the mix. Here's where it's at currently (be gentle...):


Bleen\'s Wedding Processional

Nice piece, and you did a very nice job on the orchestration. It's fun to hear people stretching out into new (or rather old in this case) styles and tonal pallettes.


Gary (Garritan) certainly came up with a winner here, and it has a great price point... And he lives not too far north of you (Orcas).

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Here in DC one of the major radio stations (WPGC) used to feature local artists for a half hour on Sunday evenings from 9:30pm to 10:00pm. The show was called "DC Homejams". Our song "Weaker But Wise" was featured on the show once some time ago but the message seems even more relevant today so I thought I'd post it. The demo project was a collaboration of the following local artists-


Jerry Wilder / vocals, rhythm track sequence

Skip Fennell / keyboard horn arrangement

Llyod Moore / guitar

Lincoln Ross / lyrics, producer


Would appreciate any comment, criticism or advice.






Lincoln (the elder)

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Originally posted by lrossmusic:

The show was called "DC Homejams".

That's a cool tune, Lincoln. The vocalist is particularly strong. Unfortunately, the recording is marred by the distortion and compression of the radio broadcast. I'd love to hear a better quality version as it's an excellent song. :thu:
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Originally posted by bleen:

Well, here goes nothing. I've been composing the processional for my upcoming wedding and wanted to write something orchestral in nature, rather than my typical electronic, noisy weirdness. I figured my fiancee might appreciate that a little more than chopped up shortwave radio and distortion... :eek:


The problem is, I have no orchestration experience, no theory background, oh, and I've gotten rid of all my synths that have any kind of acoustic sounds in them. What to do?


Enter the Garritan Personal Orchestra ! This puppy saved my ass, and doesn't sound half-bad. Now I just had to figure out how to write this stuff.


So, with three weeks to spare, I've finished the writing and am working on polishing up the mix. Here's where it's at currently (be gentle...):


Bleen\'s Wedding Processional

Hey, nice orchestral ditty Bleen!

But where are cymbals, timpani...?

I am back.
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Originally posted by Pim:

Why not?

Check my version of Fade to Grey (originally by Visage)

Very nice, Pim! I love that early-80's "New Romantic" synth stuff. Is that you singing? It's a very credible Midge Ure-like vocal performance.


What synths/drum machines are you using on this?

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Originally posted by bleen:

Is that you singing? It's a very credible Midge Ure-like vocal performance.

Thanks. Yes, it's me.


Originally posted by bleen:

What synths/drum machines are you using on this?

The drums in the intro and break are made with the Roland System 100 and sampled into the Akai MPC60.

The other drums are samples from a Linn, DMX and Drumulator.

Synths used: Minimoog, Andromeda, Prophet VS.

:keys: My Music:thx: I always wondered what happened after the fade out?
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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Robert Smedberg:

Here a two songs I'd like to have your opinion on.--> Page with songs


You can find info about the studio and gear at my Homepage


Thanks to Phait. :thu:

Hi Robert,


I listened to "Don't Close Your Eyes"


I like the song a lot...nice vocal. Personally I don't like the sounds you use much, more a matter of taste than anything but considering the tools you have they aren't too bad.


One other thing I could criticize is that I think the arrangement builds too soon...the track doesn't sound much bigger/intense at 3:00 than it does at 1:45. This is mostly because you don't have the energy of different musicians playing...the energy of sequenced synths stays the same throughout...a solution might be to make the first half of the song much more sparse...start big but at the first verse break it down to nothing but one instrument and a bit of percussion........or something like that. Just maybe experiment with making the arrangement more interesting.


I'm being hypercritical though...overall I really like the song, thanks for sharing it.

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Originally posted by Stephen LeBlanc:

Hi Robert,


I listened to "Don't Close Your Eyes"


I like the song a lot...nice vocal. Personally I don't like the sounds you use much, more a matter of taste than anything but considering the tools you have they aren't too bad.


One other thing I could criticize is that I think the arrangement builds too soon...the track doesn't sound much bigger/intense at 3:00 than it does at 1:45. This is mostly because you don't have the energy of different musicians playing...the energy of sequenced synths stays the same throughout...a solution might be to make the first half of the song much more sparse...start big but at the first verse break it down to nothing but one instrument and a bit of percussion........or something like that. Just maybe experiment with making the arrangement more interesting.


I'm being hypercritical though...overall I really like the song, thanks for sharing it.

Thanks for listening Stephen!


The "building up" is something that I try to do and maybe I should do it even more.

The things we did was to add a acoustic guitar to the second verse, added electric guitar to the chorus and added background vocal to the second chorus.


The song is in the top50 on the pop/rock chart now!

See here. Look at number 50! :wave:

Strobe Sweden

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Originally posted by dudem:



the 90s are over.. get over it....move on..

end of feedback

dang, that was kinda rude :) ...for real though, try to think of at least one positive thing to say, eh?


Yoozer, I enjoyed your clips...didn't sound 90s to me...sounded more 80s if anything...regardless, that don't matter, make the music YOU like, screw everyone else. Your piece is a bit too short for any production/writing advice from me so I'll just say I enjoyed your ideas.


The "building up" is something that I try to do and maybe I should do it even more.

The things we did was to add a acoustic guitar to the second verse, added electric guitar to the chorus and added background vocal to the second chorus.


The song is in the top50 on the pop/rock chart now!

that's cool you've got people listening


yeah you're doing fine on the arrangements, I just feel the less human your sounds/instruments the more important the arrangement, my opinion, take it how you will.

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