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Let's hear it!!! Post your music here!

Dave Bryce

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Originally posted by f7sound@gte.net:

Thanks for your compliments! Can I post a quote from you "Michael, you are an electronic animal" on my web site?


Cool idea!! Dave, may I blurb you, also? I take back all those nasty comments I made about sample libraries. They're all great! (Yes, I'm sucking up big time!)


By the way, I just posted a complete three movement concerto done on nothing more than a single JV-1080. Kids, don't try this at home. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif


Thanks again!!



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Cool idea!! Dave, may I blurb you, also?


Once again, absolutely! 'Specially since you asked so nice... http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


I take back all those nasty comments I made about sample libraries. They're all great! (Yes, I'm sucking up big time!)


No need to suck up, my brutha - I wasn't even slightly offended, nor did I take any of yoiur comments as being even slightly nasty...I'm actually way digging that other thread. I hope that you didn't take any of my comments the wrong way - you know what they say: You can take the boy out of Philly, but you can't take the Philly out of the boy. (see Curve Dominant, figure A).


I'd be much more bummed if you felt that there were any restrictions on what you can and can't say here.


By the way, I just posted a complete three movement concerto done on nothing more than a single JV-1080. Kids, don't try this at home. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif


Uh-oh...a concerto? You don't go by the pseudonym Jarl Sigurd, do you?? http://cwm.ragesofsanity.com/otn/laughing/yelrotflmao.gif


Sorry - inside joke for people who read rec.music.makers.synths...


I'm all over it. I'll definitely listen to that puppy this weekend.





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Dave - you're the best!! No, I didn't take your remarks the wrong way. It isn't much of a discussion if everybody agrees on all points. By the way, I'm a native Pennsylvanian, too, but I grew up in the 'burgh. I do truck down to the Spectrum from time to time though, and I'm REALLY glad to hear that the Eagles are getting a new stadium. The Vet was beyond unacceptable.
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Originally posted by dansouth@yahoo.com:

I do truck down to the Spectrum from time to time though, and I'm REALLY glad to hear that the Eagles are getting a new stadium. The Vet was beyond unacceptable.


Ahhh - it was okay for the 70's...awful place to see a concert, though.


Re: the Concerto - you are a madman, dude. Bach meets Handel in a big way...The first movement had that opening line that made me think of Copeland, but then it went straight for JSB...the second movement sounds like something out of the Brandenburg concertos - loved the harpsichord (that was what made me think of Handel). The third movement seemed to recall a bit of the flavor of the first movement, but then it took a real nice turn at the brass choir part.


Extremely imaginative and creative work, sir. It is refreshing and inspiring to hear someone doing compositions in this vein.

Bravo! http://www.mpz.co.uk/cwm/otn/happy/cheers.gif





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by truth@jamfree.com:

Try playing or downloading them from here: http://www.jamfree.com/music.htm


Steve -


Lotta tunes up there...can you point us towards one or two that you really dig?







:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Hey -


How come more of you aren't checking these tunes out? There's some really interesting stuff here, guys...are you listening but just not commenting? Doncha have MP3 players? They're free at MP3.com...


The Introductions thread is a bunch of fun, but the music that people are posting is really a much deeper way of getting to know the people on this forum.


Like the old Alka-Seltzer ad used to say:

Try it - you'll like it!!! http://www.mpz.co.uk/cwm/otn/happy/splitspin.gif





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by David Thomas Peacock:

I just released a new cd that I produced of an incredible new artist named David Ramsay. He is an tremendously gifted multi-instrumentalist.


I really like this tune. Very interesting, and well produced also. Nice playing, interesting arrangement too. I kept this one.


Also, from my cd, give this a listen:



I hope you don't take this the wrong way, David, but this tune makes me think of Tori Amos on synthesizers. Very angular and distinctive, and almost a bit scary. A bit of Peter Gabriel influence as well? The bass part definitely reminds me of Tony Levin.





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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thnx a heap for the kind words DAVE

all those mixes of mine were done in may i call it " my early years"

i think i improve my music lot more after i recent ly move on to do music with cubase5,i hope i can post some of them soon

Maybe it 'll be much more educational for us if you post a rundown on how you did EvilGenius,tracking,mixing,your gears....



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Steve -


Lotta tunes up there...can you point us towards one or two that you really dig?






hehe, yeah, my favorites as far as keyboards go are:


"He Sits Alone"

"Soiled Alms"


"Feelin Good"


If you're into Drum Machine programming check out my solo stuff:


"Charlie and April"

"Be Bold"


I've been really busy but I plan to listen to and comment on the rest of the music posted here.


I agree with you there is a lot of good music on this board.



Constructive criticism is very welcome, we've just built our studio and I'm kinda new to the engineering thing. Do keep in mind these songs haven't been mastered yet.




This message has been edited by truth@jamfree.com on 04-13-2001 at 12:37 PM

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Originally posted by Guest Room Warrior:



The home of DJ Rezolution, my son and slammin' techno producer... check out "Look To The Future" first. The tracks demonstrate some of the power of Reason.....


I listened to the first two tunes; and I quite liked them both. Mojo, despite the fact that it uses that boom-chick boom-chick drum beat that so many people seem to feel is necessary in dance music, is very cool also! I thought that the piece was very well recorded and arranged. Loved the little piano part...also, I didn't find the piece to be that dark...or progressive...just a very nice, danceable tune.


Look To The Future is also very interesting - I am especially intrigued because it was done entirely in Reason. Very interesting drum parts and choice on synth lines.


Somewhat related rant brought on by the TR808 handclaps - I wonder what it will take for people to get over the sound of that thing? Is it really that necessary? I realize that this comment may be somewhat sacreligious to you dance guys, but it just seems so cliche to me. There were so many other cool drum machines released in the 80's - haven't we had our fill of that one piece of equipment?


I swear, if I hear that bleeding cowbell one more time, I'm gonna go postal... http://cwm.ragesofsanity.com/otn/violent/uzi.gif





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Dave: Thanks for the kind words. I'm with you on the rant, though... the kid actually knows some jazz harmony and can jam on the piano fairly credibly, so I've been trying to encourage him to break out of some of that dance-music strait-jacket.


- Jim Bordner

Jim Bordner

Gravity Music

"Tunes so heavy, there

oughta be a law."

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Extremely imaginative and creative work, sir. It is refreshing and inspiring to hear someone doing compositions in this vein.



Dave, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for your gracious review and kind words. You have made my day - correction, my weekend - and I am smiling from ear to ear right now! I work in other styles as well (rock, dance, etc.) and will post again when I have some new material on the site.

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Hey -

How come more of you aren't checking these tunes out? There's some really interesting stuff here, guys...are you listening but just not commenting?


Well, I started listening to some of our new friends.


I was surprised about the quality of all of them ! I'm glad I can talk here to such great musicians from all over the world. I don't care here are not any "pro´s" if "pro" means having a formal music major and doing a living exclusively from music.


Here are some comments, starting with Mr. Bryce:


Dave Bryce: I wish I could sound (yes, I'm talking about the Mix of "Evil Genius") someday like you. Such a great stereo experience. I read some lines above to someone asking for a rundown on how you did it... try it. The other songs were great too, but this one is excellent.


StevieB: "Black Holes are Black" made me wish to enroll NASA. Great song. Well, I'm a fan now http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif


DanSouth: Man, you're a musician ! (that's a compliment) That Concerto is something I wish I could hear more frequently from other musicians. Bravo.


DJ Rezolution: Good dance music. It's a bad thing Dave did not like those "cliche" sounds. Perhaps being a little more involved in sound design could help you a little to make your own style, but that's about production. Talking about music, I enjoyed it a lot.


That's it by the moment.


Can some of you pay a visit to my site and tell me your comments?



We are a commercial Electronic Pop band. I make all of the music and production.


Try "Wake Up" and "Llevame". Those are the best (or perhaps are not as bad as the rest) tunes, according to some feedback from our fans (yes, we do have fans around the globe... http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif )


By the way, Dave, Thanks a lot for the nice comments you sent me about them. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif



Músico, Productor, Ingeniero, Tecnólogo

Senior Product Manager, América Latina y Caribe - PreSonus

at Fender Musical Instruments Company


Instagram: guslozada

Facebook: Lozada - Música y Tecnología



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Finally got a chance to listen to some of you folks. Dave's not kidding - this is a very talented group.


JamFree (Feelin' Good) - Very energetic in a Tower of Power sort of way. The drums really kick a$$. Bass could maybe cut through a little better with some EQ, but the player is jammin'.


Professor Tundra (If You Wanna) - Hyper track. Everything sounds VERY good, voices, synths, etc. Drum track has some oddly placed accents. Don't mind me, I'm over the hill...


Mockingbird (Can I Com Over) - Very cool early 80's R&B sound. Nicely mixed an mastered.


Jonathan Hughes/Subspace (Lumi) - Beautiful, spacious ambient sequences. I liked this stuff a lot. Was that a real English horn? If it's a sample, I want to know where I can buy it. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif You should contact the producers of the Echoes radio program. Your music would fit right in with their format.


xfactor111 - Strong voices and nice arrangement. Reminds me of Styx in their heyday. You might benefit from some mastering, but it's a very clean and well-executed recording.


Trax MX - Buenos dias, amigos. ?Como esta? Gracias para la musica excelente y gracias tombien para las palabras sympaticas. - I hope I didn't butcher that too badly. - Wow! Excellent voices and first rate techno! Esa Noche would be excellent work out music for the gym. Llevame had a nice laid back sound and beautiful vocals. I'm going to forward your URL to some Spanish speaking friends.

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Bass could maybe cut through a little better with some EQ,

but the player is jammin'.


Yeah Dan, I agree, we recorded that tune live to CD through a cheap old 12 channel board, good mics are the reason it sounds as good as it does. Unfortunately we didn't have anyone adjusting the mix while we were playing, everyone was jammin. I tried to bring it out a bit in Soundforge but it was hard to adjust the right frequency without hurting other stuff. I'm still learning how to use parametric eq, engineering/mastering is new to me, I used to pay people to do it for me http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif.


Believe it or not that Bass player is 18 years old! So is the guitar player, watching these kids grow as musicians over the past few years has been incredible, I just love it. Now my son is starting to climb up on the piano bench and play in our living room. Life can be really tough sometimes but it's moments like these that make it all worth it.

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Originally posted by truth@jamfree.com:

I'm still learning how to use parametric eq, engineering/mastering is new to me, I used to pay people to do it for me http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif.


I don't think anybody ever FULLY masters the mighty parametric. If you decide to mix the tune again and you can isolate the bass track, I'd suggest a slight cut somewhere between 200 and 400 Hz, along with boosts at around 100 and 2k. If you have a low cut (<60Hz) option on your mixer or outboard EQ, use it. Bass players HATE the idea of low cut, but that's a dumb reaction, because it makes the bass cut through much better in most cases. It's almost like turning lead to gold. Almost.


Eighteen, huh? Maybe that explains where all that energy comes from. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif Tell those kids to keep jammin'. Sounds great!!

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Hi all!


I've got a new remix on my ReGurgiTron mp3 site! Can't miss it. It's called "Transmit-noizeRemix". Everyone's invited : - )





Michael Oster

F7 Sound and Vision


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"Jonathan Hughes/Subspace (Lumi) - Beautiful, spacious ambient sequences. I liked this stuff a lot. Was that a real English horn? If it's a sample, I want to know where I can buy it. "




Thanks for the compliments. That sound is out of the the Roland JV series orchestral expansion board. it's got some real nice english Horns and Oboes on it.



"You should contact the producers of the Echoes radio program. Your music would fit right in with their format."


They already play my stuff! Wooowooo!!



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i been listened to many songs of you all but didn't have time to make comments

tonight i come back to d/l more and founded that StevieB's link is dead?

now as far as i can remember

Regurgitron: very weird sound but it 's the first to spring back to my mind

umm have to listen again to make a recall cos this comp with internet doesn't have soundcard on it i have to d/l and transfer to my workstation by zipdrive

i ;ll comeback with more comments soon


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Originally posted by Jonathan Hughes:

They already play my stuff! Wooowooo!!


COOL!!!! I KNEW you had the Echoes sound! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif


Did they seek you out, i.e. are you an established artist in the genre, or did you pitch it to them, and if so, how receptive were they?

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in memorical order:

B3: hunt,ithink you pretty nailed it right say,secret agent man?

but with honky tonk feel to it

sure i snapped my fingers to it

Jamfree:soildam got me thinking of Ian gillan band with that scream

Gustrax: Wakeup,very good arrangement of timbres,good dance vibe

David thomas http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gifon't be afraid,dave said it Tori? yes with foreigners' feel to it

keep it coming i'll d/l more

thnx for such a listening place

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Well even though I apparently make "true angular post-classical gothic music" according to musicplayer forums own Chip McDonald (he may even be right, God forbid) I love the hell out of a good funk jam, so I have to give the big thumbs up to "Ciao Cacao" on David Bryce's site.


It's no coincidence that the funkiest ax of them all, the Clavinet, was invented by a man in pursuit of the Baroque.


dansouth, very good fugue in Dminor. I dig it, fire up some modal fugues and I'll be a regular visitor to your site.


Like many I'm sure, I am tired of doing recordings that sound fat on CD and choke in mp3 format and am dumping the phasing problems which seem to be inherent in approaching digital as if it were the same thing as analog tape- our latest tune has no compression or eq on vox, lots of room sound, and no compression or eq on the final mix. Soft synths amped toward the hardwood floor and mic'd from there, no eqing, compression or anything on the takes.


First takes only, fuck it and move on! The computer and all it's gizmos has been fun for the last year, but now all I want is the clarity of digital recording and for all the software just to do its job and stay the hell out of my way.


The tune is "Jantar" if anyone wants to check it out, thanks for your time.


If you are in to Moondog, and can lay the matter of timbre aside, you might want to check out "My Lines", which is actually pretty much a straight-forward phrygian-flavored two-part round in 5/4 in the Moondog tradition. The "cantor" is actually the bass counterpoint, for anyone who cares about that kind of thing



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Raising this to the top, as promised in the Songwriters thread.


If you want to solicit people's comments on your stuff, the best results seem to come when you listen to some of the other material posted here and let folks know what you think...





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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I started listening a couple of days ago and just by coincidence I began with http://www.mp3.com/dansouth .


Bingo right out of the box!!! It was refreshing for me to hear a new classical composer so gifted.


If you haven't already I highly suggest you check him out. You are in for a treat.



This message has been edited by lrossmusic@hotmail.com on 04-26-2001 at 06:19 AM

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"The time has come", the Walrus said to finally launch my MP3 site. When I bumped into Dave at the Frankfurt show I promised I would try and get something together, so here it is. All the relavant info is on the site but questions and comments on any of the tracks would be gratefully accepted.


Take a trip: http://www.mp3.com/bassment

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Dan South,


Finally got a chance to listen to your concerto, very nicely done, I would have liked to hear a bit more volume from the string sounds but that's the only thing that bothered me. Overall very good!


Lincoln Ross,


I like "Whaaasuuup?"! Reminds me a lot of David Sanborn, write out those charts and get a band together to record it, I think it could be fat.


I also appreciate the programming you did but late 80s synth sounds just don't do music justice http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif.


Jorn Lavoll,


I listened to Steg. I'm not really a fan of minimalistic synth music, I much prefer acoustic instruments and voice for this style of music BUT I have to admit this tune made me feel very nice.




I listened to Jantar. FANTASTIC, I really like your music. David Bowie is the only other person I've heard pull this kind of stuff off in recent years. Not comparing you to Bowie or anything just saying I don't get the pleasure of hearing sounds like this very often. Thanks.




This stuff sounds kinda dated, no? http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif The songs are well written and I like your voice.

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Hi all!


Just uploaded for your listening pleasure: "check-one" by the ever-experimental ReGurgiTron.




It's just a 606 and a human voice....



Michael Oster

F7 Sound and Vision


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Thanks, Mr. LeBlanc*!


Bowie has always been an influence of course- I interpret his art as "soulful theater"- masks bringing out your real character(s), not hiding them.


Hey, JamFree is a real band in the grand tradition! Reminds me of what I like about California- wide open and organic, but also sometimes that kind of ominous feeling the Doors wrote about.


I got off on "He Sits Alone","Lucky Man" and "Hard Life". Hope you don't mind I was playing along with Lucky Man and came up with a melody I'm going to use.




* saw your other post and changed the name, proper terms of address are righteous




This message has been edited by dadabobro@yahoo.com on 05-03-2001 at 09:32 AM

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