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OT: the all things not Taylor Swift thread

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Given all the attention to Taylor, I thought it would be appropriate to have a safe space on this forum where we can discuss things that have nothing to do with her.


Let's get one thing clear right up front, Taylor is great and deserves all the attention and rewards coming her way right now.  This thread is in no way trying to contradict or undermine that position.  In fact, the official position of this thread is that Taylor is undercredited and underewarded.  I mean, what's with people saying she's not a great dancer? How dare they? I'd like to see them send 70,000 fans into paroxysms of joy merely by pointing. The sort of narrow-mindedness that causes people to say pointing is not dancing demonstrates so much of what is wrong with the world today, and at the same time shows us all how Taylor is the one person who can fix it.


But I apologize, I haven't even started and I've already digressed.


Yesterday was a beautiful crisp fall day in New England, and so I drove with my family for an hour and a half to a pumpkin patch featuring what it claimed to be the largest corn maze in the world.  At this point you should be asking, why drive halfway across Vermont for a pumpkin patch, when Vermont is almost literally one big pumpkin patch? That's a good question, and one I asked my wife as we started the drive.  She didn't answer, because she was asleep, exhausted from her experience taking our 7-year old daughter to see the new Taylor Swift movie called, I think, Eros.  Apparently this experience got her so worked up that she couldn't sleep after (and also damaged her hearing from 12 year old girls screaming every lyric to every song).  So while I drove for 90 minutes past one pumpkin patch after another, she dozed.


But it was worse than that, because as my wife slept my daughter kept asking to hear Taylor Swift tunes, so I had to negotiate curvy country roads strewn with pumpkin patches while trying to find songs with names like "red."  Then, I had to explain to my daughter why some song titles were followed by the parenthetical "Taylor's Version."  This isn't easy.  Try explaining the music industry to a 7 year old. Also try explaining why a singer goes to the trouble to re-record a song only to have it sound pretty much the same as the first version (to the casual listener, at least).


It turned out to be a great day after all.  There's nothing like Northern New England during fall foliage.  It is though, a bittersweet feeling, as the beauty is both so intense yet so palpably fleeting.  Which reminds me of a Taylor Swift song . . . actually several.


So, I hope I've gotten this thread off to a good start.  Remember, there's only one rule here: no Taylor Swift!

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Gigging: Crumar Mojo 61, Hammond SKPro

Home: Vintage Vibe 64


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55 minutes ago, Baldwin Funster said:

Does the ban include the name Taylor? Or Swift?

Taylor Hawkins?

Rod Taylor?

Jonathan Swift?

Swifty the janitor from my old HS?

Just tryin to clarify... 



Taylor guitars, the baby Taylor.  Taylor’s signature Taylor guitar. 

Taylor ham, egg and cheese, salt, pepper, ketchup on an everything bagel.  Wash it down with a coffee and tums.  

Yamaha CP88, Casio PX-560

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I will respond swiftly and attempt to tailor my remarks to the thread title. 😉


On Friday night my wife and I drove up to my daughter's campus in Northampton, Massachusetts. (Hi Adan. 😀) We took my daughter to the movies and watched a concert. I had heard it had sold out Sofi Stadium and is contributing $5 billion to the US economy. But for me that's not important.


We sat in a crowded theater, ate pink popcorn, listened to hundreds of teenagers screaming their lungs out. I watched my twenty-something daughter reconnect with her teenage self. All I could think was WOW. The room was connected with a palpable sense of story, of hope, of identity. For those kids, it was transcendent. I thought to myself that's important. This is what music should do.


Today, we get to take my daughter to an art museum. To enjoy what art can do.

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Last night I saw Sona Jobarteh in concert, 5 piece band playing hypnotic fusion music based on African music but reaching around the globe. 

They did not play any music by certain un-named individuals and it was a great show anyway. 


If Sona and her band come your way, go see the show!!!! One of the most beautiful, tightest performances I've seen, ever. 

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It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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I was going to go to the Taylor Swift movie during the week to see what it's all about.   I check the theater and her movie only plays on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday no weekday showings.      That is a pretty big marketing move, per a article I found she (AKA her marketing team) said they wanted to be like the concerts that only were on the weekends.    I think it's also when the bulk of her demographic group young and  early teen girls typically go to movies because they are in school.   My guess doing this the theaters for the next month will be packed with the same hardcore "Swifties" seeing the movie again and again.  I guess you can says Taylor is playing to her audience even on the big screen. 

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Finally, a place where we don't have to talk about Taylor Swift or even mention her name! It seems like everywhere you look these days it's "Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift." You know who would hate this thread is my Taylor Swift-loving daughter who just want to the new Eras movie featuring Taylor Swift last night and said it was incredible. People dancing in the aisles and at the front of the theater to three hours of Taylor Swift songs sung and played by Taylor Swift live at the Taylor Swift concert this summer. Sounds like a terrible time and I'm glad to find a safe haven where even mentioning the name Taylor Swift is forbidden. Count me in. 

  • Haha 1

Now out! "Mind the Gap," a 24-song album of new material.

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3 minutes ago, MathOfInsects said:

Finally, a place where we don't have to talk about Taylor Swift or even mention her name! It seems like everywhere you look these days it's "Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift." You know who would hate this thread is my Taylor Swift-loving daughter who just want to the new Eras movie featuring Taylor Swift last night and said it was incredible. People dancing in the aisles and at the front of the theater to three hours of Taylor Swift songs sung and played by Taylor live at the Taylor Swift concert this summer. Sounds like a terrible time and I'm glad to find a safe haven where even mentioning the name Taylor Swift is forbidden. Count me in. 

 Any hardcore biker bars in your area, might  be your only Swiftie free zone. 

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