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OT: I just got the vaccine. Ask me anything.

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I experienced nothing (except a slight soreness for about a day at the injection site) with either Moderna jab. Of course, the mild reactions people are describing just sounds like every day in my mid 60s, so I might not have noticed.
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Florida unsurprisingly has a lot of people apparently unwilling to get the vaccine, so it's been very easy for anyone that wants it to get it.


Friends in Mass. and people on forums say it's much harder to get there due to demand and possibly supply screwups.


My 18-year-old son and his girlfriend got their first Pfizer shot yesterday. It's open to anyone 16 and over in Orange county; I am hopeful that the FDA will open it up so that my 14-year-old will be able to get it soon. We don't even live in Orange, they only want to see a FL driver's license. At least my mom won't be in much danger from us if we visit then, since she won't be getting vaccinated.

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I strongly suspect that the temperature requirements for the Pfizer vaccine don't need to be as stringent as they are. Keep in mind, all of these companies were in a race against the clock, and the FDA process is long and cumbersome and they wanted to maximize their likelihood of success on the first attempt. It's quite likely that lower dosages would have been equally effective, and that the storage requirements didn't need to be as stringent, and so on/ But since that's what they went through FDA trials with, that's what they need to use in deployment. For the time being, anyway.


The mRNA technology is pretty impressive and it could be as revolutionary as the Salk vaccine was.


As you point out we are on a steep learning curve. Here it was announced today that the Pfizer vaccine is OK in fridge freezer levels for up to 14 days - not the minus 70c previously reported. I am eligible for the AZ jab but living in a community where there is zero local transmission I am holding off for the moment.


Yesterday Aus entered into a travel bubble with NZ. No need for 14 day hotel quarantine at your expense on arrival in each country.


Today NZ reports a fully vaccinated airport worker tested positive. They worked in an area of the airport that handled returning NZ citizens from outside the bubble.


Now we get to the next step in understanding what vaccination means.


Seems that it eliminates the chance of death, minimises the impact of Covid whilst infected, but does it eliminate the chance of infecting others?

A misguided plumber attempting to entertain | MainStage 3 | Axiom 61 2nd Gen | Pianoteq | B5 | XK3c | EV ZLX 12P

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Yesterday Aus entered into a travel bubble with NZ. No need for 14 day hotel quarantine at your expense on arrival in each country.


Today NZ reports a fully vaccinated airport worker tested positive. They worked in an area of the airport that handled returning NZ citizens from outside the bubble.


Now we get to the next step in understanding what vaccination means.


Seems that it eliminates the chance of death, minimises the impact of Covid whilst infected, but does it eliminate the chance of infecting others?


It may depend upon which vaccine you get. The Pfizer vaccine has been shown to be 97% effective against asymptomatic spread.




That's pretty good. Don't know whether the others can match it or not.


Cases in Oregon have been rising dramatically recently. Governor Kate is gonna whack us pretty good sometime this week - just as restaurants and clubs have finally been able to get their heads above water.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Got my first dose of the Pfizer shot yesterday. Very minor arm soreness but that's it. My twin sister is a hospital pharmacist and got both doses of the Pfizer back in January, she had no side effects after either shot, so I'm hopeful that my reaction to the second dose will be similar.

It turns out that genetics don't matter :laugh:

Got my second dose Wednesday afternoon, felt fine for the rest of the day. Woke up in the middle of the night with a headache, took some tylenol and went back to bed. Headache was lingering in the morning but I felt ok enough to work from home for the day. I made it about an hour before I gave up and took the day off, within a couple hours I had a fever of 101 F. By early afternoon the fever was coming down and I was feeling better, by evening things were mostly back to normal. Glad that's over with! Looking forward to jamming with my bandmates in a couple weeks once we're all vaxxed up.

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had my 2nd Pfizer shot on April 22nd. Came home and did 90 minutes on my exercise bike. Next day woke up and did 90 minutes on my exercise bike. Had no side effects at all day of shot or next day. Guess I sweated all the bad stuff out of me. :cool:
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....At least my mom won't be in much danger from us if we visit then, since she won't be getting vaccinated.

The vaccine protects the vaccinated, however, the vaccinated can still carry Covid-19 in their nostrils and can spread the virus and infect the non-vaccinated. I am due to have surgery in a couple of months. I am now double vaccinated yet will be required to have a Covid-19 test prior to the procedure.


My second shot, no side effects, Moderna.

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Good news and bad news:


After 30 years with the same hospital group and 35 years on nights, my wife accepted a day shift Mon-Fri position at a swanky long-term/rehab facility. It's the kind of place everybody would love to be in but can't afford. She starts in July. That's the good news.


The bad news is that the day after she gave notice a night doc gave notice. The day after that a day shift doc gave notice. Within the last 30 days six more have given notice. The head of the hospitalist program called an emergency meeting Thursday night and begged everyone to give him 3 months to work out a solution. Today another doc gave notice and one was fired. (He really needed to go.) The common complaint among docs is that the patient/doc ratio is dangerous. There are at least two more docs who are exploring their options. The next two months will be a shit show. Beth texted me an hour ago: "This is a freaking circus. If I could leave now I would," followed by something unladylike.


The hospital was in a bad place well before covid and this past year was abysmal. If you're admitted through the ER there's a good chance your doctor is burned out and pissed off. The state of Tennessee has vaccinated a mere 25% of the populace. Our governor declared the state open for business without restrictions, relying, he said, on the common sense of the citizens to do what's right for themselves and their families.






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Two weeks past my second shot, so I decided to celebrate by walking to the local pharmacy and getting another shot. This time for shingles. So far it's shaping up like my second shot of pfizer--some arm pain, what feels like a mild flu the day after--but from what I've heard from people who've gotten cases of shingles.... I'll take it.
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Two weeks past my second shot, so I decided to celebrate by walking to the local pharmacy and getting another shot. This time for shingles. So far it's shaping up like my second shot of pfizer--some arm pain, what feels like a mild flu the day after--but from what I've heard from people who've gotten cases of shingles.... I'll take it.


I had a pretty intense reaction to the first Shingles shot. Second shot, no reaction.


People I've known who've had shingles all say the same thing . . . they would do anything to avoid it. A severe case won't kill you, but you'll wish you were dead.

Gigging: Crumar Mojo 61, Hammond SKPro

Home: Vintage Vibe 64


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Kat and I got out first Pfizer shot this week. My Mom has had 2 shots in LTC, and Kat's Mom one. but since we are looking after her here, between daily PSW's and trips to the hospital, we need all the protection we can get. No reactions so far.

"I  cried when I wrote this song
Sue me if I play too long"

Walter Becker Donald Fagan 1977 Deacon Blues

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I got the second shot at the state fair grounds and picked up two different Leslie's on the way home I was getting fixed at a techs house. I felt fine that night. The next day I woke up really sore like the feeling you have when you have the flu. It took till about Tuesday that I didn't feel gassed out. It usually takes a lot to keep me down but man it's a powerful vaccine.

"Danny, ci manchi a tutti. La E-Street Band non e' la stessa senza di te. Riposa in pace, fratello"






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A family friend, a deputy, got his shots a few months ago and now has Covid.


Vaccinations won't keep anyone from getting it. It should keep us out of the box though.


Slight clarification. Pfizer and Moderna will keep almost everyone from contracting it, just not 100%. Pretty damn close, though. Because it's not 100%, and because so many vaccines have been given, there definitely are some of what they call "breakthrough" cases. (More with J&J.) But as you say, none of those, with any of the vaccines, will put you in the hospital or the morgue, which is all we really care about.

Now out! "Mind the Gap," a 24-song album of new material.

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I read today that ~100M people in the US are fully vaccinated. That's less than 1/3 of the entire population, which is nowhere near enough for herd immunity. I've received both doses, but with the level of responsibility I have to my family, I don't plan to change anything about how I go about my life until that number increases dramatically.
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Two weeks past my second shot, so I decided to celebrate by walking to the local pharmacy and getting another shot. This time for shingles. So far it's shaping up like my second shot of pfizer--some arm pain, what feels like a mild flu the day after--but from what I've heard from people who've gotten cases of shingles.... I'll take it.


I had a pretty intense reaction to the first Shingles shot. Second shot, no reaction.


People I've known who've had shingles all say the same thing . . . they would do anything to avoid it. A severe case won't kill you, but you'll wish you were dead.


My 2nd dose of Shingrix back in September, knocked me down for a few days. 1st dose was just arm pain, 2nd dose was arm pain for a week, fever and chills for a few days. I had never had a reaction to any vaccine like that so when reports of Covid vaccine reactions started trickling in, I was expecting a similar reaction. However, 2nd Pfizer dose wasn't as bad as 2nd Shingrix dose. 2nd day had some chills, slight fever and general malaise which faded by the next day.



I did space the Shingrix doses out a bit far, nearly a year as I had gotten the first dose in November 2019 but didn't feel comfortable getting the second dose after the Covid pandemic took hold. Last fall, Covid case rates were low in my area so I decided to get the 2nd Shingrix dose while the window was still open. Don't know if that contributed to the reaction.

Mills Dude -- Lefty Hack
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I read today that ~100M people in the US are fully vaccinated. That's less than 1/3 of the entire population, which is nowhere near enough for herd immunity.


Herd immunity requires 80% of the population to be vaccinated. That's not going to happen in the USA

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I read today that ~100M people in the US are fully vaccinated. That's less than 1/3 of the entire population, which is nowhere near enough for herd immunity.


Herd immunity requires 80% of the population to be vaccinated. That's not going to happen in the USA



It's going to be more like thinning the herd.

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I read 70%, but the spirit is the same. Hopefully putting kids into the mix will push the percentages up a bit. I'm waiting for the 12-15 group to get the go-ahead...and so are my 12- and 15-year-olds. And some of those stubborn few will already have had COVID, so maybe they will have enough antibodies to decrease the remaining arms beyond that.


So ready for life to restart....

Now out! "Mind the Gap," a 24-song album of new material.

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Excellent article, thanks for posting. For those curious, this article explains where I got my herd immunity number and where MOI got his

Indeed, and it says they are now thinking 80%, as you said.

Now out! "Mind the Gap," a 24-song album of new material.

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Going by people I know I would have guessed we might get to 50%. People I know range from wacky Q believers to one lady who had cancer and is worried that the vaccine will give her...more cancer (?) No point arguing facts with people who reached positions and beliefs without them...though if they asked for my opinion I'd give it.


On one hand, since all other countries are way behind us, and travel continues, the herd immunity % in this country would seem only part of the picture. However, I've heard that having a local population that is mostly immune means that any influx of virus from travelers can quickly die out.


We may all be taking boosters like flu shots every year and trying, like the flu, simply to keep it down. If that's the best we can manage, oh well. We seem hell bent on bringing back diseases like polio and the measles, what's another disease.


I've heard that the FDA may approve Pfizer for 12-15 year olds. If so my entire nuclear family will be vaccinated. This is timely, considering our governor just made an executive order that might mean that schools can't enforce mask wearing or take any other "local measures".

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Did the second Moderna shot 48 hours ago. Arm is more sore than the first time, but not too restrictive. Oddly enough, the arm pain/stiffness developed as the systemic symptoms faded yesterday - the atypical muscle/joint pain, low-grade fever, and fatigue, which kicked in pretty quickly on Monday. I worked through it okay - teaching about a dozen students and prepping for a gig, though Monday night I felt kind of lousy.


Considering the group of those I know who have had Covid, and some who haven't survived, this is well worth it. Close to a week and a half til essentially, full immunity!

'Someday, we'll look back on these days and laugh; likely a maniacal laugh from our padded cells, but a laugh nonetheless' - Mr. Boffo.


We need a barfing cat emoticon!








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Let's see -

Cherry picking

Misrepresenting conclusions reached in legitimate studies


Well laid out obsfucation

Mischaracterization of trial data

Korg Kronos X73 / ARP Odyssey / Motif ES Rack / Roland D-05 / JP-08 / SE-05 / Jupiter Xm / Novation Mininova / NL2X / Waldorf Pulse II


American Deluxe P-Bass, Yamaha RBX760

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