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Winter NAMM 2021 - Proceed or Cancel?

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Learn to adapt. Its not 2019.


Consider American history.


Our parents, grand parents adapted to pandemics , and 2 World Wars.


They understood self sacrifice and lived it.

The lessons and what they achieved are there.


And the 60's of American history and culture and strife is another

loud example of unified awareness, speaking out, and working hard for progress.


Today ?

Why fit in, when you were born to stand out ?

My Soundcloud with many originals:

[70's Songwriter]

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Hard to find any positives these days,.


Well, air pollution is way down. It's almost like my job is doing itself (I'm in air pollution control).


A couple months ago one might have hoped a big conference in January might still happen. That hope has been extinguished.

Gigging: Crumar Mojo 61, Hammond SKPro

Home: Vintage Vibe 64


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Hard to find any positives these days, but maybe a crazy cool virtual event will be a great thing in a world starving for some good news.


You need to be open to adapt. There is always a silver lining [sL]


I did a SL list back in March, I found 14 positives considering circumstances/events.


The right side of the brain is the creative side, that's the 'muscle' that solves problems

creates ideas not considered before.


If you are a creative musician , work on the right side of your brain.

Why fit in, when you were born to stand out ?

My Soundcloud with many originals:

[70's Songwriter]

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Seems everyone shares the same sentiment/prediction about Winter NAMM 2021.

My business was hit hard, so I've been contemplating whether or not to renew my NAMM membership dues this year (coming up for renewal at the end of the month), knowing Winter NAMM 2021 most likely won't happen.

I ended up paying the renewal dues just now because NAMM does so many good things with the money, and I wanted to make sure the hit they took by closing Summer NAMM (and most likely Winter NAMM) wouldn't damage them.


Authorized reseller: Casio, Dexibell, Kurzweil, Nord, iLoud, Viscount

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Of course it's not happening. Regardless of the exact state of things next winter, the logistics and financial commitments have to be made will in advance for an event of that scale. Maybe they're waiting until 6mo out to officially call it, but what organization is dumb enough to spend the money on a large trade show for this coming winter, with the massively high risk that it won't be able to happen? What smaller organization is going to book its hotel rooms and flights?


My company (not in the music field) has canceled all air travel at least through the end of 2020, not only because of health concerns, but also because air travel and hotel stays can be unreliable. We don't want people getting stuck because of canceled flights, etc.

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Seems everyone shares the same sentiment/prediction about Winter NAMM 2021.

My business was hit hard, so I've been contemplating whether or not to renew my NAMM membership dues this year (coming up for renewal at the end of the month), knowing Winter NAMM 2021 most likely won't happen.

I ended up paying the renewal dues just now because NAMM does so many good things with the money, and I wanted to make sure the hit they took by closing Summer NAMM (and most likely Winter NAMM) wouldn't damage them.


call around to well known US retailers, your favorite contacts


Ask them what they think of the state of new products for 2021

by the 3 Big Dogs, Kurzweil, a few others.


Some , who look ahead and plan, will give you the picture of new products 2021.

Why fit in, when you were born to stand out ?

My Soundcloud with many originals:

[70's Songwriter]

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Time to reinvent. In my work world, companies have gotten past the initial shock and now they're settling in and making longer term plans, i.e. this thing will be with us for a while, maybe years. So lots of folks are working hard on how to reinvent how they work, how they sell, how they interact with their employees, their customers, their suppliers.


Hard to find any positives these days, but maybe a crazy cool virtual event will be a great thing in a world starving for some good news.



I think companies and large quantity of people are realizing things are never going to be like they were a year ago. The virus is global and it is changing how we live now and into the future. There will be a new normal and it going to be more online and change how we socially interact with each other. I sure there will be good things, but for now and into the future is a drastic case of accepting change.

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At this point the question is, if there's going to be a Winter NAMM 2022.


Captain Obvious agrees with you ;)

Why fit in, when you were born to stand out ?

My Soundcloud with many originals:

[70's Songwriter]

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I'm so glad I went for the first time this year since at best, it will be different in any future years if it happens again at all. Getting together for the KC dinner the first night was worth the entire trip. Everything else was a bonus for me.

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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I've only missed one NAMM since 1985; I think I missed the one in '89? Which means 30 years in a row, give or take. I'm a little bummed as I always look forward to it (and as Joe mentioned above, the 2020 KC dinner was a total blast), but what can one do? First world problem x1000.....also missing CES, which I've attended for the last 20 years I think.


It will be interesting to see when trade shows recover, and what the recover/change into? I've heard anecdotally that Gear Fest, which usually gets about 20K visitors in person, got 80K as a virtual event this year.


Even before the pandemic, companies have been really evaluating the value and need of trade shows as of late, especially CES. Trade shows are a business, and for a lot of companies the ROI doesn't pan out. Expensive booth space, expensive booths, flying in staff, dinners, transportation etc. adds up quickly. And the hotels really stick it to attendees and exhibitors around any show. It's almost criminal. NAMM (Anaheim) is not as bad as CES (Vegas), but it's not far behind.

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We are 5 months into this in the USA and it's getting worse. The Spanish flu was 22 months. I am not a downer, but all these "postponed to 2021" deals are pure science fiction. I am just thankful every day the USA didn't act like this during World War II. We are losing the war. Six months from now? Sorry there's no way. Yes Sam, it's 2022 and even that is a huge iffy maybe at this point.
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I am not a downer, but all these "postponed to 2021" deals are pure science fiction.

I hear you. I keep seeing things on FB that say, "[venue or band] created an event you might be interested in." If it's this year and indoors, Nope! If it's early next year and indoors, Nope!


Remember when people thought this would be over in a couple of weeks, a month at most? :snax:

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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I don't plan to go at this time, it's far too risky.


A more immediate concern (for me, anyway) is Synthplex, which was moved to the end of October, which is still probably way too soon. Ironically, before COVID stopped the March dates, I was scheduled to do a presentation on that most unusual and improbable practice of making music remotely from home. Rumph.

Dr. Mike Metlay (PhD in nuclear physics, golly gosh) :D

Musician, Author, Editor, Educator, Impresario, Online Radio Guy, Cut-Rate Polymath, and Kindly Pedant

Editor-in-Chief, Bjooks ~ Author of SYNTH GEMS 1


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I'll admit that I'll be surprised if there's a physical Winter NAMM in 2021. :idk:


If there is, I can't imagine that there would be decent attendace, especially from the international community.


Unless something changesd dramatically, I would not be inclined to go at this time.





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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because NAMM does so many good things with the money

Like pay Joe Lamond over $900,000 a year? Yeah, no. I'm still chapped that they cut Non-Exhibitor badge allocations from 4 to 2 the year after they raised the dues. My renewal is up this month, and now I get to pay for zero NAMM badges. Woo!

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Winter NAMM has always been a great blessing for me. Because of it, I had a chance to find awesome connections and opportunities that led to real good internships and eventually full time jobs. I understand there are many who just walk around and complain about long lines and $20 sandwiches and stuff ..and then we get to hear about their miserable experience on pro audio forums! My experience has been completely different from theirs.
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My friend who goes to NAMM with me for the past ten years or so were talking about this in late February, not even a month after Winter NAMM, an event in which people were already a bit concerned about coronavirus.


We predicted even back then that Winter NAMM 2021 would not occur (and if for some reason, it did, we would not attend). Most everything we thought would happen, including what people would do, has occurred.


To my horror, it has unfolded in a worse way than I had predicted. This is really sad since I predicted a complete and utter fail here.


I am glad that we were able to get together for the KC dinner. Those things become even more valuable and cherished when they are taken away from us. Don't take anything for granted, and stay safe.



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I'll admit that I'll be surprised if there's a physical Winter NAMM in 2021. :idk:


If there is, I can't imagine that there would be decent attendace, especially from the international community.


Unless something changesd dramatically, I would not be inclined to go at this time.




And I think unfortunately we can safely predict that things are not going to change dramatically. Er, uh, for the better.


As I said in my above post, in February we were already talking about this being a no-go.


And there is no way in hell I would go if it were to open. But it won't.

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Forget about NAMM.


Look at it from an individual manufacturers point of view.


2020 will be a washout with minimal sales, ceased or restricted manufacturing but above all a market that has been financially devastated by lack of gigs and/or severe restrictions on the income of the very people who buy the products.


What Companies that survive will surely be more keen on restarting and rebuilding their business rather than to spend vast sums of cash on a glorified Trade Show.


Throw in the mix any physical restrictions that will exist at the venues to minimise the risk if infection. Then there is the vast influx if people from all over the world and the potential for another round of infections.


Thus only the fool hardy will even think about attending an event that could cost them their lives.



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At this point I guess it's come down to some people being cautious or don't give a damn. I've seen FB music events near me with musicians spaced 6' with masks. Then seen music events where no one had masks and taking group pics cheek to cheek posing. WTF!
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Everyone knows if you buy gear, the gigs will come. Why would magical thinking fail us now when it's worked so well in the past?


On a more serious note, I have several friends in the event planning industry. Mega conventions that draw from all over. They are all rethinking their careers. Their assumption is that even in a best case scenario, the mega-convention business will not return to anything like normal for a few years. There are of course possible scenarios worse than that. It's one thing to decide as an individual that you're going to attend a conference despite an infection risk. It's another thing entirely to be the organizer/producer who takes the financial risk.


The good news for my friends is they are finally spending the kind of time with their families that they've always longed for.

Gigging: Crumar Mojo 61, Hammond SKPro

Home: Vintage Vibe 64


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2020 will be a washout with minimal sales


data suggests otherwise


Boy, is that ever the case.


With all the folks spending time at home with so much time on their hands unable to spend cash on the things they normally do, along with other factors like many professionals are having to duplicate their work setups at home and all kinds of folks making sure their computers have good interfaces, mics, headphones etc., the musical instrument and pro audio industries are both seeing unprecedented (sustained) sales in many areas. You don't even wanna know how many ukeleles are being bought these days. :freak::thu:


Normally, these industries are hit way hard during any kind of economic crisis. The fact that people are turning to music to spend their time and money is a ray of sunshine in these crazy times, IMO. A whole bunch of my friends who haven't looked at their gear in years are making music again....and really enjoying doing so. :)





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Namm does have a real opportunity, if they get on it early.


Most of us see namm on youtube anyway. Namm could easily leverage it's brand with a really professional YT channel dedicated to 2021. Instead of stalls,makers, with enough notice, might actually produce some great intros to their products under some Namm guidelines. These could be realeased on the normal start date, followed by a series of live streams where users could ask questions about the stuff.


This would be a service to everyone.


As to long long term, barring a second, worse pandemic, I predict "normal" will start to appear in 2022, and by 2023 corona amnesia will start to set in, much as happened in 1918.


The real question is can the "phoney war" last till then, by which I mean the current level of market denial about the economic damage created so far. I fear we may have a market crash within the year...but I though it would have already happened, so what do I know?

RT-3/U-121/Leslie 21H and 760/Saltarelle Nuage/MOXF6/MIDIhub, 

SL-880/Nektar T4/Numa Cx2/Deepmind12/Virus TI 61/SL61 mk2

Stylophone R8/Behringer RD-8/Proteus 1/MP-7/Zynthian 4

MPC1k/JV1010/Unitor 8/Model D & 2600/WX-5&7/VL70m/DMP-18 Pedals

Natal drums/congas etc & misc bowed/plucked/blown instruments. 

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