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Radial KL-8 Keyboard Rack Mixer

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Is this thing available for sale yet? I don't really need it, but I kind of want it.


Shipping in January, according to my friend at Radial. :2thu:


Thanks Sven, my fingers are now crossed :thu:

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Is this thing available for sale yet? I don't really need it, but I kind of want it.


Shipping in January, according to my friend at Radial. :2thu:


Thanks Sven, my fingers are now crossed :thu:


As are mine!


Of course, it bears mentioning that Radial is one of those companies that will delay a product launch if they think something needs tweaking/improving, rather than punting something out the door early to meet a "deadline". Case in point, the original Key Largo, was repeatedly delayed while they tweaked a lot of things on it.


I'm hopeful that won't be the case this time. ;)

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This may not be news to everyone but is to me - some of the online retailers are listing pricing for the KL-8 e.g. https://8thstreet.com/Product/Get/78656/radial-kl-8-rackmount-keyboard-mixer - Street price of $699, retail of $750. With exchange rate that probably prices me out :(

Would this work for you?



Yamaha CP70B;Roland XP30/AXSynth/Fantom/FA76/XR;Hammond XK3C SK2; Korg Kronos 73;ProSoloist Rack+; ARP ProSoloist; Mellotron M4000D; GEM Promega2; Hohner Pianet N, Roland V-Grand,Voyager XL, RMI
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This may not be news to everyone but is to me - some of the online retailers are listing pricing for the KL-8 e.g. https://8thstreet.com/Product/Get/78656/radial-kl-8-rackmount-keyboard-mixer - Street price of $699, retail of $750. With exchange rate that probably prices me out :(

Would this work for you?




Interesting and thanks as always, will check it out!

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
Down here I'm told April at earliest. I've pretty much written off buying one given cost and wanting the PreSonus USB-C unit.


Better than buying one that fails to meet yours (or Radial's) expectations and returning it and bad-mouthing it online*.


At least that's how I choose to see this. ;)


* - not you, specifically, but the general public bad-mouthing it. I don't think you're the type to engage in that sort of thing, but there sure are a lot of people like that out there. ;)

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Gotcha - yeah I don't doubt the mixer itself will be top notch. I own a Key Largo and was definitely looking at upgrading to the KL-8, but the exchange rate has killed that as an option for me sadly.
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I know its going to sell because anyone owning Radial gear knows the quality they make.

If I were using VSTi and Software Samplers Id jump on this just for the added punch to mushy software.


Im holding out for another Tube Mixer from Radial.

The 1U Space Heater I bought is fantastic, but breed that with the KL-8.


That Dogll Hunt.

Magnus C350 + FMR RNP + Realistic Unisphere Mic
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  • 2 weeks later...

Fedex says mine will be here tomorrow, so looking forward to finally meeting it! :)



Would love your thoughts on it once you receive it and have had a play :)

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Spent a few hours with it this afternoon. It pretty much works as advertised. Its completely silent but I'm just in my living room. The true test will be out on gigs. I've used Radial DI's for a long time so if its anything like their past products, it should be good. Also, like their other products I've used, it seems built like a tank, very good quality/feel knobs, buttons, connectors.


A little info: I currently use a dell XPS laptop running Win10, GigPerformer, Kontakt, Omnisphere, Pianoteq, Keyscape, VB3II, and have a MOTU Ultralite mk4 interface (256/44.1k). So thats all i have to compare the usb interface. I will use the motu for recording and the KL for live/gigs.


Getting it working in GigPerformer was a little clunky at first. The website says to get ASIO4ALL to configure the settings for the keylargo, Which seemed to use the same driver? After messing with it for a bit, it is now working. Using GP's latency checker, it reported about 36ms roundtrip latency as compared to about 29ms with the MOTU. It supposedly sends audio out of the interface and measures the roundtrip time that it's received.


While playing, I don't perceive any latency as compared to the motu. However, I do find it easier to 'stress' the KL. This is just my own preference to see how far i can push an interface and what happens when I do. I use couple of Omnisphere/keyscape patches, that when sustaining multiple eighth-notes will eventually cause clicks/pops etc. The KL starts dropping out when the CPU starts to max out, where the motu clicks/pops excessively. The KL will get to this stressed point much quicker than the motu. I realize this isn't very scientific. Its just for my own reference/info, so take it for what its worth. I assume this difference is due to the Motu having better drivers and written specifically for their hardware? Also, I realize Radial's wheelhouse is excellent audio and they are new in the computer/interface area.


Having said all that.. for the rest of the afternoon I used it in a 'normal' (not stressed) way. I setup multiple racks in GP, using a combination of different vst's in more 'musical' ways. I had no issues with the KL, using it for about 3 hours.


I appreciate that it's a quality mixer that can assign an input to JUST the headphone/monitor, 2 transformer isolated DI's for Main/Mon, audio interface (actually, 2), all wrapped up in a 1u rack mountable package. For me, the only thing it lacks is a power switch (it doesn't have one), but that's a minor thing.




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Do you really mean 36ms (29ms) or is there a dot missing between numbers ?



Curious too. Motu is reportedly in the 3-4ms typical with best case (powerful computer) hitting 1.3ms round trip.


I'm not sure about the details of this measurement, but this is done with my laptop - good performance, but not anywhere near a great desktop. Also I have the buffer at 256 samples. If I set them much lower I can get better specs, but I like having a safety margin. And, this is roundtrip from the SW -> interface out -> through a cable -> into an input back to the interface -> software.


I put that info in there just to show the difference, not sure its a completely accurate representation.


Playing, I don't feel any latency, so not sure??




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Do you really mean 36ms (29ms) or is there a dot missing between numbers ?



Curious too. Motu is reportedly in the 3-4ms typical with best case (powerful computer) hitting 1.3ms round trip.


I'm not sure about the details of this measurement, but this is done with my laptop - good performance, but not anywhere near a great desktop. Also I have the buffer at 256 samples. If I set them much lower I can get better specs, but I like having a safety margin. And, this is roundtrip from the SW -> interface out -> through a cable -> into an input back to the interface -> software.


I put that info in there just to show the difference, not sure its a completely accurate representation.


Playing, I don't feel any latency, so not sure??




also, currently not home so cant check, but if I remember correctly the general latency reported by the motu inferface, in its software, was sub 10ms..




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Ive been running 6 msec. / 256 @ 44.1k even though I have .07 msec. / 64 / @ 48k available.

I cant hear a difference even though Latency Mon tells me I suck.


But as Radial customer with the 1U Space Heater, Key Largo, Rackmounted Pro DI, Id rather stick with PCI-e 1X if I used the new Rack.


As of right now I decided to run all ASIO from PC into the Key Largo, then HX-3 and SE-02 in the other channels.

Ive got nice AKM DACs and usuallyroute my hardware into the PC, spit everything out to stereo cabs and a sub.

Reason I used Largo is because it gives my ASIO Signals a much better focus and round bottom end.


I might end up getting this for when I add a Code 8 or Solaris.

ZebraHZ sounds so good Id rather use that for these small gigs.


Absolutely love Radial though.

I wont need the USB Ports, they sound like they could get upgraded with better drivers in the future.

Pretty sure thats why they delayed releasing the mixer.

No reason Radial would be late delivering when theyve already got some impressive audio specs.



Magnus C350 + FMR RNP + Realistic Unisphere Mic
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  • 3 months later...

Ok I had my first gig with the KL-8 last night, and am happy to report it went great. Was as solid as a rock, I only had one issue that is on me, not the KL-8: I used the headphone port to connect my IEMS, but it was useless as I couldn't get enough volume through them. I'm assuming it's to do with the impedance of the IEMs (they are Westone AM30s). So for the first set I could barely hear myself, just got the FOH guy to give me more keys in the FOH feed I had coming in through the Aux Receive.


Overall - love reducing from a Ley Largo plus Mixer to just the KL-8 :thu:



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Ok I had my first gig with the KL-8 last night, and am happy to report it went great. Was as solid as a rock, I only had one issue that is on me, not the KL-8: I used the headphone port to connect my IEMS, but it was useless as I couldn't get enough volume through them. I'm assuming it's to do with the impedance of the IEMs (they are Westone AM30s). So for the first set I could barely hear myself, just got the FOH guy to give me more keys in the FOH feed I had coming in through the Aux Receive.


Overall - love reducing from a Ley Largo plus Mixer to just the KL-8 :thu:


Can I ask where you got it? I'm seeing a lot of on backorder or no in-store stock on Australian websites.

Gig keys: Hammond SKpro, Korg Vox Continental, Crumar Mojo 61, Crumar Mojo Pedals


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Nursers, are you running a monitor feed from the rest of the band to the aux in? I see in the manual that you are able to send the aux channels only to monitor and headphones. Now I know this, im a bit gassing for this thing. I now have three mixers on my pedalboard, but this thing might solve it by its own.




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Nursers, are you running a monitor feed from the rest of the band to the aux in? I see in the manual that you are able to send the aux channels only to monitor and headphones. Now I know this, im a bit gassing for this thing. I now have three mixers on my pedalboard, but this thing might solve it by its own.


Yep that's exactly right - I get a FOH mix into the Aux return and there's a switch on top of the unit that allows you to send that only to monitor and headphones :thu:


Huge credit to Radial as well - I contacted them about how little I'm getting through my IEMS and they've replied quickly saying that the inidividual channel volumes need to bbe higher and pull back master volume and things should be better. We shall see.

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