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Crumar Mojo 61 Review - (LONG)

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Awesome, that basically settles it for me...probably gonna go all in then. Also another question to anyone who has one, what are the dimensions of the flat top panel? I can assume the length is the same length as the instrument itself, which is 36.3" according to the website, but anyone know the width? I just wanna know what kind of midi controller I can get away with without it falling off, although velcro could probably let me get away with a little more.
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I don't have mine in front of me at the moment so I can't measure, but I will say that I found the Arturia Keystep fits perfectly up there. I hook it up to my Behringer Model D, which also sits on the Mojo panel on the left of the Keystep.

Numa X Piano 73 | Yamaha CP4 | Mojo 61 | Motion Sound KP-612s | Hammond M3

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Awesome, that basically settles it for me...probably gonna go all in then. Also another question to anyone who has one, what are the dimensions of the flat top panel? I can assume the length is the same length as the instrument itself, which is 36.3" according to the website, but anyone know the width? I just wanna know what kind of midi controller I can get away with without it falling off, although velcro could probably let me get away with a little more.


The top panel is curved-edged and the inside-curve measurement is 5". The panel is 35 1/4" between the end caps. I wouldn't use velcro anymore â what works really well and won't mar your investment are those [url:https://www.3mcanada.ca/3M/en_CA/company-ca/all-3m-products/~/Command-Picture-Hanging-Strips-Value-Pack-17206BLK-12EF-black-large-12-per-pack/?N=5002385+3290865382&preselect=8711749+3293786499+3294529206&rt=rud] 3MCommand Strips.[/url] They have a hook/loop version now, in black. Works perfectly for me.


Here for the gear.

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I've stacked a variety of keyboards atop the Mojo 61 using a couple different aids separately or in combination. The first is simply a pair of rubber pipe ends like you can buy at any hardware store. Like these:




These can sit on the flat top of the Mojo and give the top keyboard a relatively stable surface to sit on. Centering the top keyboard on the pipe ends allows the top keyboard to overhang the Mojo controls. Ergonomically, it can work pretty well as it puts the keyboards closer together than most 2-tier stands will achieve. However, there's a limit to its sturdiness. If someone bumps your rig, the top keyboard may topple.


The other aid is the On Stage WS8550 or WS8540 stand with the Tony Orant mod. The Orant mod is basically a pair of threaded bolts through the holes in the bars, nuts and washers on both sides, with rubber stoppers on the ends to hold the keyboard in place. Again, just hardware store stuff. Infinitely adjustable and extremely sturdy, you can have the front of the top keyboard resting on the Mojo while the bank end rests on the supports. You can put pipe ends under the front end of the top keyboard to achieve the overhang effect. Keys can be virtually as close as you want, though you'll probably want to leave enough room to slip you hand under and work the controls.


Doesn't work with every pair of keyboards, but works great with the Mojo 61 at bottom board. I've used this on countless gigs. Until someone builts a better mousetrap, it's how I roll.

Gigging: Crumar Mojo 61, Hammond SKPro

Home: Vintage Vibe 64


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I velcro a Roli Seaboard Rise49 to the top of my Mojo61. I don't see how that would mar up the board at all. If I need to take it off, I'll just use acetone. Since I've got the organ pipe lengths covered by the Seaboard, I just used some white electrical tape and wrote them underneath the drawbars. I also ran white tape the length of the inside of the shelf lip, which helps reflect light from the LEDs back to the board in the dark, those toggles are very poorly marked for dark stages.

Puck Funk! :)


Equipment: Laptop running lots of nerdy software, some keyboards, noise makersâ¦yada yada yadaâ¦maybe a cat?

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I just picked up a used Mojo 61 with the lower manual and thought I would give my first impressions as a long time SK1 user. First, the primary reason for getting the Mojo is the "convertible" double manual option. I could have gotten an SK2 or the standard Mojo years ago but didn't want to be stuck with a double manual organ because some gigs I want to go light and simple. For that this is great. For sounds I'm not one to test gear out with headphones or plugging it into a studio monitoring system. I use this stuff for gigging so I plugged it first into my Spacestation and then my EV Elx112P. For the organ sounds I think the Mojo is very good but pretty similar to the Hammond I would call it a tossup, personal taste, however, the Leslie is much better on the Mojo as everyone has been saying for years. The SK1 sim isn't bad but the Mojo beats it hands down. As far as the keyboard feel, very similar but I'm not one of the purists on this forum that nitpick the crap out of various actions. To me, they both play like organs but neither feels like my old B3.


Ergonomically the Mojo is a mess compared to the SK1. Jeesh, all the weird things to get a sound, dual button pushes, have to use the Hold buttons for each manual, can't easily see what's happening with the percussion. I find all those lights way too bright, can't read the panel. Then on the 61 only 2 presets per manual?? When I first picked up the SK1, I had zero confusion at all. I plugged it in at home and started playing it. Bass and pedal to lower is one button push, easy peasy. The extra voices were obvious, I could use it for everything I needed right there, no need to read the manual and I took it to a gig that night.


Still, that stuff isn't that big of a deal on the Mojo, just memorize what's what and it's all good, ignore the lights. I'm almost there already. Now to the big downside, the extra voices. Holy crap what a hassle setting them up on the Mojo, first select the Piano then use the 2 upper and lower preset buttons to scroll and then mess around with FX1 and FX2 buttons? Yes, they mostly sound better than the SK1 especially the AP but no live control over the effects? Have to go in and use the Editor and then preset it? That totally sucks imho. But the REALLY BIG DEAL is when using the extra sounds they can't be put onto the lower manual and still use the organ up top. And, apparently having the pianos on the top manual makes the lower manual a paperweight. I thought, OK, the pianos are on top but I can still play some organ bass or whatever on the bottom but no, unless I'm missing something. Yes, I know this is an organ first but it's obvious those extra voices really are just tacked on and then they had to kludge around to use the controls. The SK1 was obviously designed with the extra voices in mind from the beginning. It's just too bad those voices are pretty weak and I'm very disappointed in Hammond for not upgrading any of those basic voices. Same piano, same EP's etc. Even Alfredson thought the new SKX had improved on them but then he had to back off and say, nope same o same o.


The good news for me is I've read in this thread all about how to use the Mojo to control outside modules and all those problems go away. I have a Roland Sonic Cell already and will probably use that for whatever sounds I need and doing that the two keyboards can be played in whatever combination I want. If I don't like the Roland I'll probably do the iPad thing.


Overall, I think this is a win for me. When I'm playing 90% organ which is quite often I now have a dual manual B3 clone which I've wanted for a long time and that's great and I can still only use the upper by itself if I don't want to schlep the lower manual. The rest of it while annoying I've already got a planned workaround for. This means I'll probably sell the SK1.


One question that's been running in this thread for months is does anybody know of a gig bag for the lower manual that's cheaper than $150? I'm thinking probably not or somebody would have posted about it by now. This is a great thread, love this forum!



Hammond SK1, Mojo 61, Kurzweil PC3, Korg Pa3x, Roland FA06, Band in a Box, Real Band, Studio One, too much stuff...
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I won't say who said it but a notorious Hammond Suzuki endorsee once said the SK1 was an " Electro Killer" or something to that effect.


The ad campaign on the SK series was also pretty ridiculous. Remember the tattooed girl ? It's been almost 10 years now. Was she their target market ?


That being said, I have always felt that very little compares to the Wurli on the Electro. It sounds warm and fat. I have always wondered why so many companies fall short.



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I have to revise my comparison to my SK1. I did a gig yesterday at the clubhouse here in my community for lady who died. Very nice memorial for her and myself and my sax player friend did a standards jazz gig. Perfect for my new dual manual Mojo. I went through his PA with two 15" Eons and the sound was just glorious. I've done several gigs with him over the last 3 years with my SK1 and there's no comparison. Even though the SK1 also sounded good through that PA and my buddy thought they both sounded the same (what do sax players know?) the Mojo blew it away as it is, no Vent required. It's not just the sim, it's the Pedal to Lower bass, which I had also modded my B3 with and it sounds damn near perfect, the way it responds to the expression pedal and the overall sound. It really sounded like I was playing my old B3 and 122 that I sold 25 or so years ago. It really took me back. I always thought the SK 1 was decent and it is but not really that close to the real thing by itself. I have a Vent that I use with it some of the time which helps. The one thing missing of course is the presence of that big beast and the rock solid feel of playing something that weighs 400 pounds.


Count me in on the Mojo train, I'm a believer.



Hammond SK1, Mojo 61, Kurzweil PC3, Korg Pa3x, Roland FA06, Band in a Box, Real Band, Studio One, too much stuff...
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Years ago I had the SK1 side by side with a Mojo 61 for 10 days and I suddenly discovered which had the better organ sounds and action.

And their Rhodes were like night and day.

Harry Likas was the Technical Editor of Mark Levine's "The Jazz Theory Book" and helped develop "The Jazz Piano Book." Find 700 of Harry’s piano arrangements of standards for educational purposes and jazz piano tutorials at www.Patreon.com/HarryLikas


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But the REALLY BIG DEAL is when using the extra sounds they can't be put onto the lower manual and still use the organ up top. And, apparently having the pianos on the top manual makes the lower manual a paperweight. I thought, OK, the pianos are on top but I can still play some organ bass or whatever on the bottom but no, unless I'm missing something.

I believe there may be something from Crumar on the horizon that helps with that.






:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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But the REALLY BIG DEAL is when using the extra sounds they can't be put onto the lower manual and still use the organ up top. And, apparently having the pianos on the top manual makes the lower manual a paperweight. I thought, OK, the pianos are on top but I can still play some organ bass or whatever on the bottom but no, unless I'm missing something.

I believe there may be something from Crumar on the horizon that helps with that.




Bring it on!

Gigging: Crumar Mojo 61, Hammond SKPro

Home: Vintage Vibe 64


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FWIW, both my Mojos cut just fine with bands...


Good news! Especially as I own one, for now.. I vaguely remember you commenting that the Viscount Legend seemed to "speak" a little more clearly- your first impression. But several here, I know, that play fairly loud gigs seem to be more than satisfied with their Mojo. If I ever have enough space to set up a dual manual organ on stage, I'll find out for myself, how it cuts. I'm curious as to what organ models and also, what outboard gear seem to help the most with that. (edited: just saw Jazz's "Soul of Mojo" thread- useful info!)


I bought a used Mojo a few months ago because I wanted a dual manual organ. I thoroughly enjoyed playing it at home- but not long after I jumped at the chance to get an A100. I haven't yet A/B'd them- waiting until I get both hooked up to my Leslie, a tube preamp (not Speakeasy) is out for repair.

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FWIW, both my Mojos cut just fine with bands...


I vaguely remember you commenting that the Viscount Legend seemed to "speak" a little more clearly- your first impression.


Funny - the other night I sent the Legend packing from rehearsal in favor of a Mojo because I couldn't hear it. The difference? I was using an older EV monitor and not my usual TT08as.


Organs are Soooooo picky about their amplification. Even among well regarded powered speakers, they all seem to match up best with something different.







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I use a Gemini module which contains the Mojo organ and leslie (mojo in a rack). I play in a very loud band; I have no issue with the organ/leslie cutting in the mix. Later models "70's B3's" are actually too bright for my taste, I prefer the mellower organ of the late 50's. Even using one of those models the Mojo cuts just fine.

57 Hammond B3; 69 Hammond L100P; 68 Leslie 122; Kurzweil Forte7 & PC3; M-Audio Code 61; Voce V5+; Neo Vent; EV ELX112P; GSI Gemini & Burn

Delaware Dave



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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't think so John. Here's what the manual says in it's basic description of all the in/out plugs:


Class-compliant USB-MIDI IN/OUT port, can be used to connect the Mojo 61 to

your computer without using an external MIDI interface.


Later on it expands on that by talking about how you can plug in class compliant keyboards or control surfaces that don't need special drivers. This is all about MIDI, no mention of audio.



Hammond SK1, Mojo 61, Kurzweil PC3, Korg Pa3x, Roland FA06, Band in a Box, Real Band, Studio One, too much stuff...
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  • 1 month later...

FYI: An Easy, Cheap real-time extended editing panel for your Mojo61:


I just set this up, and thought I'd pass it along. If you want more detail, let me know if I should start a new thread, after all, this thread is already looooong.


I bought a Korg NanoKontrol2 a few months back ( ~ $75 @ Sweetwater), just to experiment with. I had a few project ideas, but hadn't got around to anything yet. The NanoKontrol2 has 8 sliders with 3 buttons each, 8 pots, and a few more 'transport' buttons. You can connect it to a computer, and use Korg's program to configure a MIDI CC# to each pot/slider, and/or a MIDI note # any button. The settings (a 'scene') are saved in the unit.


Link to NanoKontrol2 @ Sweetwater, couldn't get a good image link here

a609c64e-6d1a-4a86-b666-9b8666295a4d._SL300__.jpg << link-able image from Amazon


The other day, I had fired up the Web Editor on my Mojo61, and realized it would be really nice to have some live buttons/knobs for things like the Clavinet pickups, filters, dampers, and a direct way to access the effects, w/o having to do the press/wait/cycle routine. Playing the Clav w/o being able to reach out and flip those pickups and filters is like playing a Hammond w/o being able to grab the drawbars - just not as much fun.


So from the Web Editor, I assigned some unused CC#'s to each of the parameters I wanted to control, and set up the NanoKontrol2 to match. Just plug the NK2 into the Mojo61 USB Host port (the NK2 draws < 100mA, so OK for the Mojo61 250mA max warning), and it worked!


I had sliders 1-2 set up for the Clav A/B, C/D pickups, slider 3-6 are the Soft, Mid, Treble, Brilliant filters, and 7 is the damper. So now I can change them on the fly, and have visual feedback from the slider position on how they are set. For accurate visual, you should move them once - they transmit only when moved, so the Mojo61 won't be in-sync with the physical position until you move them once.


Then I set the pots 1-3 to Effect#1 Type, Depth, Speed; and pots 4-6 to Effect#2 Type, Depth, Speed. Changing the Effect Type while notes are sounding might create some digital grunge, so you might want to do that between notes, but otherwise it all works really nice. I forget you could use the pedal as a Wha-Wha. These effects are for the pianos too. That still leaves a slider and 2 pots free, plus a bunch of buttons for other stuff (assign one to each 'tine' piano model? VB3 organ model?).


Anyhow, I thought this was pretty cheap and easy way to add some flexibility to our Mojo61's, w/o having to mod anything. You can always use the NK2 on something else, or disconnect it at any time. I would think you could hook up 2 or more NK2's through a powered hub for even more controls, but I have not tried that yet.

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FYI: An Easy, Cheap real-time extended editing panel for your Mojo61: . . . I thought this was pretty cheap and easy way to add some flexibility to our Mojo61's, w/o having to mod anything. You can always use the NK2 on something else, or disconnect it at any time. I would think you could hook up 2 or more NK2's through a powered hub for even more controls, but I have not tried that yet.
Agreed, a great little hack! I do something similar with my Behringer X-Touch Mini and my Mojo XT; usually the X-Touch is a control surface for my Mainstage rig, but it comes in handy as a quick way to tweak the Mojo deep-editor parameters in rehearsal.

Samuel B. Lupowitz

Musician. Songwriter. Food Enthusiast. Bad Pun Aficionado.

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I have a Mojo 61 on the way (gotta fend off the quarantine crazies somehow!), and wanted to check to see if my understanding of a few connectivity issues is correct. I apologize if this is very basic. I'm quite new to Midi.


I've read through pretty much this entire thread, and tried to distill the connectivity issues. I've put them into what I think are discrete statements below; please disagree or agree with each.



1. I can use the Mojo 61 as a Midi controller, for example to control a synthesizer module like the Moog Minitaur, when I use the Midi OUT from the 61 to connect to a Midi device, and turn LOCAL-OFF on the Mojo 61.


2. I can use the lower manual connected to the Mojo 61 as a Midi controller the same way, if I change the midi number so my synthesizer module receives commands from the lower instead of the upper.


3. If I do #2, I can keep the upper manual playing Mojo sounds--lower manual as a midi controller, and upper manual as an organ (or whatever sounds I choose).


4. Bonus--I don't think anyone has discussed this--if I can do #2 and #3, can I also set up Midi to trigger a synthesizer module with my bass pedals (I have Studiologic MP-113 pedals) while keeping the Mojo 61 playing Mojo sounds (like in #3)?


5. If I want to connect my ipad to use the Mojo 61 to trigger app-based instruments, I need to use something like the Korg PlugKey, and then I can use it the same way I would any Midi instrument (and can use it like item 1, 2, and 3 (and maybe 4) above).


6. If I want to use ONLY the lower manual as a Midi controller (not connected to the Mojo 61), I need to use a device to provide power over midi to the board such as the GM Lab MJU (is this the only device that works for that?).


OK, I think that's everything i can think of for now. I appreciate your guidance!

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I have a Mojo 61 on the way (gotta fend off the quarantine crazies somehow!), and wanted to check to see if my understanding of a few connectivity issues is correct. I apologize if this is very basic. I'm quite new to Midi.


I've read through pretty much this entire thread, and tried to distill the connectivity issues. I've put them into what I think are discrete statements below; please disagree or agree with each.



1. I can use the Mojo 61 as a Midi controller, for example to control a synthesizer module like the Moog Minitaur, when I use the Midi OUT from the 61 to connect to a Midi device, and turn LOCAL-OFF on the Mojo 61.


2. I can use the lower manual connected to the Mojo 61 as a Midi controller the same way, if I change the midi number so my synthesizer module receives commands from the lower instead of the upper.


3. If I do #2, I can keep the upper manual playing Mojo sounds--lower manual as a midi controller, and upper manual as an organ (or whatever sounds I choose).


4. Bonus--I don't think anyone has discussed this--if I can do #2 and #3, can I also set up Midi to trigger a synthesizer module with my bass pedals (I have Studiologic MP-113 pedals) while keeping the Mojo 61 playing Mojo sounds (like in #3)?


5. If I want to connect my ipad to use the Mojo 61 to trigger app-based instruments, I need to use something like the Korg PlugKey, and then I can use it the same way I would any Midi instrument (and can use it like item 1, 2, and 3 (and maybe 4) above).


6. If I want to use ONLY the lower manual as a Midi controller (not connected to the Mojo 61), I need to use a device to provide power over midi to the board such as the GM Lab MJU (is this the only device that works for that?).


OK, I think that's everything i can think of for now. I appreciate your guidance!



1-3 are correct. Never tried 4 or 6.


Regarding #5, I'm using the Korg Plugkey and it works well. I've tried going straight from the USB "to device" on the Mojo to my iPad but nothing happens. Not sure if I'm missing something there.

Gigging: Crumar Mojo 61, Hammond SKPro

Home: Vintage Vibe 64


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1-3 are correct. Never tried 4 or 6.


Regarding #5, I'm using the Korg Plugkey and it works well. I've tried going straight from the USB "to device" on the Mojo to my iPad but nothing happens. Not sure if I'm missing something there.


Thank you @Adan! I appreciate your response.

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One Suggestion for the Mojo;


It would be wonderful if the drawbars could be active to edit the presets in real time.



Harry Likas was the Technical Editor of Mark Levine's "The Jazz Theory Book" and helped develop "The Jazz Piano Book." Find 700 of Harry’s piano arrangements of standards for educational purposes and jazz piano tutorials at www.Patreon.com/HarryLikas


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One Suggestion for the Mojo;


It would be wonderful if the drawbars could be active to edit the presets in real time.




Is there a "Mojo61 Feature Request" thread? That might be a good idea.


Being able to real-time edit presets is attractive, but a little tricky. Two considerations that I can think of offhand, I'd need to sit down at my M61 to fully think this through:


1) We already have the HOLD function, so that we can move drawbars w/o changing the live sound, so it needs to work with that.


2) If the preset (for example), is 88800000 and your drawbars are at 88888888, but you want to bring in just a bit more high end. What happens when I touch the upper 4 or 5 drawbars? Does the sound "jump" abruptly from 0's to 8's as soon as they move? Or do you need to push them to "0" first, to reset before they become live again? But then any drawbar not moved through the preset value doesn't reflect the actual sound (motorized drawbars anyone? :) ).


Of course, Hammond presets couldn't be changed live, but then again, they had 9 presets, cancel, plus A#, B drawbars.


It can be done I think, just a little tricky. I have mine set up as a full B3 (I added my old DX-7 as a lower manual, and MIDI-fied a set of 25-note pedals from an old Yamaha E3 console), so I built my own set of 4 drawbars, and a control panel for switching between 16 presets for each manual, upper/lower C/V, etc. I just don't like not having direct control. But I understand wanting to make the most of the built in hardware, especially for gigging. Another option is Crumar's D9-U drawbar module.


I also wish those drawbars could be live when the piano's are selected. They could be used to set the pickups, filters, and damper for the CLAV, and/or effects, and this could be done by setting the CC#'s for these parameters in the Web_Editor, as I described above using the Korg NanoKontol2.

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Good catch - not on any social media yet. Looks like the long awaited move for the dual manual away from computer to DSP based. I like the more classic control layout, flat top, and YES! internal power supply.


Don't see anything about other sounds either - this one might be a pure organ.




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I think there's a thread about a "Mojo Classic" or something around here.

Yamaha: Motif XF8, MODX7, YS200, CVP-305, CLP-130, YPG-235, PSR-295, PSS-470 | Roland: Fantom 7, JV-1000

Kurzweil: PC3-76| Hammond: SK Pro 73 | Korg: Triton LE 76, N1R, X5DR | Emu: Proteus/1 | Casio: CT-370 | Novation: Launchkey 37 MK3 | Technics: WSA1R

Former: Emu Proformance Plus & Mo'Phatt, Korg Krome 61, Roland Fantom XR & JV-1010, Yamaha MX61, Behringer CAT, Kurzweil PC4 (88)

Assorted electric & acoustic guitars and electric basses | Roland TD-17 KVX | Alesis SamplePad Pro | Assorted organs, accordions, other instruments

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Yamaha: Motif XF8, MODX7, YS200, CVP-305, CLP-130, YPG-235, PSR-295, PSS-470 | Roland: Fantom 7, JV-1000

Kurzweil: PC3-76| Hammond: SK Pro 73 | Korg: Triton LE 76, N1R, X5DR | Emu: Proteus/1 | Casio: CT-370 | Novation: Launchkey 37 MK3 | Technics: WSA1R

Former: Emu Proformance Plus & Mo'Phatt, Korg Krome 61, Roland Fantom XR & JV-1010, Yamaha MX61, Behringer CAT, Kurzweil PC4 (88)

Assorted electric & acoustic guitars and electric basses | Roland TD-17 KVX | Alesis SamplePad Pro | Assorted organs, accordions, other instruments

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