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Are we in danger of a split?


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I've recently noticed a strong upsurge in activity on KC's Facebook page (to the point where dB has been moved to stick a 'pointer' to here at the top of the latter. Also, it may be my imagination, but this place has seemed a tad quieter of late. Are they related, and are we in danger of this community becoming split?


Previously, the FB page was generally just used as a refuge when the forum software crashed but it does seemed to have recently developed a life of its own (albeit dominated by a couple of posters who, I think I'm right in saying, hardly ever contribute here on the forum).


Anyone had similar thoughts? Just throwing it out for discussion...

Yamaha: P515, CP88, Genos 1, HX1

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I don't think so...but only time will tell.


The intrinsic nature of Facebook supports visuals more so than this forum, and discussions tend to be more ADHD (stimulated by shiny objects, ephemeral, very quickly forgotten...look! a squirrel!).


And I agree that page appears to be dominated by one or two individuals. They seem like nice guys so far.


But this forum has a much deeper history, longer membership and a much higher level of discourse. It ain't perfect, but it does support community in a way I don't see FB ever being able to.


For now the FB KC page seems to be like that weird 2nd cousin to this forum - dimly related, not as literate and well-read, with a tendency to get into the liquor cabinet before dinner if you don't keep an eye on him. But sit him in a corner with a brick and he'll keep him self busy for hours.


Only time will tell if it evolves into an alternate universe where Spock has a beard.


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LOL, Tim! Yeah, I should make clear that I wasn't expressing a preference... if I had to, it would be for this place, for all the reasons you mention.

Yamaha: P515, CP88, Genos 1, HX1

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Good insight Timwat. I also prefer this place to Facebook. Indeed it seems people tend to post less deeper stuff. It also get's "polluted" very fast by some people who seem to want to post everything they do, or pictures of their equipment. A bit to much in my opnion.




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Too bad...by the title of this thread, I was sure it was going to be a Kardashian post... :(


PS - as much as I like the 'old school' feel of this forum, it pisses me off that guys are still afraid of putting their name out there when stating their views on the open internet. You can't get away with that on Facebook, so I'll have to give the nod to Facebook there.

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FB is OK if you want to look at pictures of a house stuffed full if pianos and cheap keyboards. :D


"It doesn't have to be difficult to be cool" - Mitch Towne


"A great musician can bring tears to your eyes!!!

So can a auto Mechanic." - Stokes Hunt


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I still havnt figured out how to post pics on this forum, so I use the FB if I ever post pics ( which is pretty rare ) . I tend to be on this forum 95% v's 5% on FB. Yeah, I'm starting to get sick of the same few guys posting pics of their mass of keyboard collections too.

"Ive been playing Hammond since long before anybody paid me to play one, I didn't do it to be cool, I didnt do it to make a statement......I just liked it "


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You have to put the pics on another website dedicated to hosting them. Lots of free ones out there. Then you simply post that link here. Exactly the same procedure as posting a YT vid or a song that's hosted on Soundcloud or wherever.



Hammond SK1, Mojo 61, Kurzweil PC3, Korg Pa3x, Roland FA06, Band in a Box, Real Band, Studio One, too much stuff...
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The quality of replies here is why this place will always be #1.


Also, as shitty as the search function is, you can't find anything on a Facebook page after a week. Unless you want to scroll and scroll and scroll and...

^^^ :thu: ^^^



The facebook page was started as an emergency backup for when Joe breaks this forum.






:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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It's nice to be able to visit and post on a forum that doesn't require a Facebook account to post. I don't do FB or Twitter or any other social online thing aside from here these days.


I get fed up of being restricted on forums such as sport websites etc where you need a FB account to interact. I'll be pleased when Facebook fades out.


Now get off my lawn.



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I've just changed the FB page from closed to secret.


As mentioned previously, the page was created as a safety valve for when Joe crashes the forum. It was never meant to be an open group. At this point, I figure anyone from KC that was going to join it already has.





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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I've always enjoyed the pace and feel of internet bulletin boards (forums, whatever) a lot more than social media stuff like FB, MySpace, Instagram, etc. Most of the time I cringe as I interact on Facebook, it's uncomfortably lame. I can't even imagine how foolish people who post regularly on Twitter must feel, won't ever be doing that myself.
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This place is more anonymous. Much better.


I use Facebook and like Facebook.


One of the things I like about Facebook is the lack of anonymity. Not to say there are issues here, but I find that in general people are much more civil to one another when they're posting as themselves and not hiding behind anonymous forum names.




Montage 8, Logic Pro X, Omnisphere, Diva, Zebra 2, etc.



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As others have eluded to, both places have their strong points. I take this place a lot more seriously and is much better for most things i would come here for. FB is fine for posting a pic, or a joke, or a link for messing around or whateve......similar to some of the OT stuff here.



Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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I prefer to hang out here. Got dragged into a conversation over there this morning though...

Agree 8000000%. The ONLY reason I'm on FB at all is to be able to notify friends when I've got a gig coming up. Otherwise, it's klugy, unsecure, and I trust them with my personal information and communications about as much as I trust Google. In other words, I basically hate it. And the idiot melodrama-starved culture it has created.

D-10; M50; SP4-7; SP6

I'm a fairly accomplished hack.

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This place is more anonymous. Much better.
One of the things I like about Facebook is the lack of anonymity. Not to say there are issues here, but I find that in general people are much more civil to one another when they're posting as themselves and not hiding behind anonymous forum names.
I agree, "keybdwizrd"... There's nothing I love to see more than posts by bears covering their eyes, gophers with their heads on fire, fingers in dog's mouths, stick figures being abdicated by aliens, rotating CDs, ect..from completely anonymous people. It really makes me feel like these people must have a great reputation.
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There's nothing I love to see more than posts by bears covering their eyes, gophers with their heads on fire, fingers in dog's mouths, stick figures being abdicated by aliens, rotating CDs, ect..from completely anonymous people. It really makes me feel like these people must have a great reputation.


Well, in many (but not all cases), some of these folks have been on this forum for many years. While I've never met JustDan in person, for instance, his reputation with me is because of the history of seeing his business advice and strategy, dealing with life (both wins and setbacks) and of course many years of seeing how he responds to people here on the board. For many of the guys here, the avatar isn't necessary. They're really not anonymous to me anymore.


That said, one of the things about more recent social media platforms is a deliberate stance on anonymity - Facebook as less than this old-style forum. Yik Yak is deliberately completely anonymous. Twitter, Instagram, etc...they all present a stance on it along the sliding scale, because net anonymity promotes some kinds of behavior, constrains others. And it isn't all bad or all good - it's just...different.


The format of this platform intrinsically promotes some kinds of troll-ish behavior (that isn't intentional, it's just intrinsic). But the community generally self-polices unwanted behavior much better here than many other forums. And that means we have a stronger sense of community, which has nothing to do with the tech and everything to do with the people here.


We ain't perfect, and we're not always the friendliest folks to female KB players, absolute newbies, hobbyists, classical pianists, and maybe other subgroups of KB players. But there's a reason some of us have been on this board for over 10 years, and it isn't the Nord Lead.


It's the chicken foot on the sustain pedal.

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This place is more anonymous. Much better.
One of the things I like about Facebook is the lack of anonymity. Not to say there are issues here, but I find that in general people are much more civil to one another when they're posting as themselves and not hiding behind anonymous forum names.
I agree, "keybdwizrd"...


I am anything but anonymous online - here or anywhere else. Check my profile and my YouTube page. Google me.






Montage 8, Logic Pro X, Omnisphere, Diva, Zebra 2, etc.



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