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hurricane hugo

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2 hours ago, Winston Psmith said:

The DRY knob puts me in mind of the SparkleDrive, another take on the TS, but the Adaptive Circuitry?


Boss had a short-lived Distortion pedal, the DA-2 Adaptive Distortion, using their MDP/Multi-Dimension Processing, which all of their "X"-series pedals use. The description of the Adaptive Circuitry within the Halcyon sounds very similar? It would be interesting to compare the Halcyon with the Boss OD-1X.


Yeah, it's the "Adapt" control feature that I'm primarily thinking of as a "new trick" being introduced the repertoires of the "old dog" Tube Screamer breed. THAT, along with the plus OR minus Dry blend and BOB- ehrr, 808 ;) and MOD voicing (the latter pretty similar to that of my FD-3 Full-Drive3's "WIDE ASSYMETRICAL" Mode), would very likely make it extremely useful for use with my Carvin Vintage 33 amp and its "Soak" Channel.

I really enjoyed the virtual model of the Voodoo Lab Sparkle Drive that was included in my DigiTech GNX4, and its Clean Blend control feature. I'm not sure if the Sparkle Drive allowed complete removal of the Dry signal from the TS topology- being as all TS's and probably all TS "clones" and extrapolations include some clean/dry signal blended in. Being able to go minus as well as plus with the HE Halcyon Green OD's Dry control could be VERY useful to really tailor and fine-tune the tone and response!

I see that the Boss DA-2 Adaptive Distortion utilized some DSP; I don't know if the Halcyon Green OD is all-analog or, includes some digital circuitry in either the signal-path or as a controlling function outside the analog signal. I'm suspecting either all-analog, or possibly digital control of all-analog signal, but I could be wrong and really don't care which way they went to achieve their goals there.

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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On 11/21/2022 at 4:04 PM, Dannyalcatraz said:

I was just informed this exists:



Additional data point:


I was just looking at their website with an eye towards purchasing the Heavy Water, and saw this:


”For 2022 We've added a CUSTOM SHOP version for those that use loopers and want to activate both sides independently. In this case choose TRS In/OUTS.”

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Sturgeon's 2nd Law, a.k.a. Sturgeon's Revelation: âNinety percent of everything is crapâ


My FLMS- Murphy's Music in Irving, Tx



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4 hours ago, Dannyalcatraz said:

Additional data point:


I was just looking at their website with an eye towards purchasing the Heavy Water, and saw this:


”For 2022 We've added a CUSTOM SHOP version for those that use loopers and want to activate both sides independently. In this case choose TRS In/OUTS.”

I saw that, too. =IF= I was putting together a pedalboard and needed to save a little space rather than using two or more different boost-type pedals that I already have, I would be on the CS Heavy Water with the TRS I/O in a flash! What an excellent and VERY useful pedal!

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Well, it’s putting me in a slight quandary: IF I buy a Heavy Water, which version should I get?  Is it worth the extra $$$?*  It’s very much that old dichotomy between having and not needing Vs needing and not having.





* keeping in mind, of course, I still haven’t bought a looper!🤪

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Sturgeon's 2nd Law, a.k.a. Sturgeon's Revelation: âNinety percent of everything is crapâ


My FLMS- Murphy's Music in Irving, Tx



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5 hours ago, Dannyalcatraz said:

Well, it’s putting me in a slight quandary: IF I buy a Heavy Water, which version should I get?  Is it worth the extra $$$?*  It’s very much that old dichotomy between having and not needing Vs needing and not having.





* keeping in mind, of course, I still haven’t bought a looper!🤪

Given the opportunity, I'd go with the CS TRS IO version; as long as I was certain that it can also be used with standard mono TS patch cables for serial/mono operation.

Just for clarity's sake- I do NOT mean to doubt you!- you're referring to a loop-switcher, where one connects all the Ins and Outs of various pedals to remotely switch them each in and out of the signal-path in various combinations... right?

As opposed to the type of looper that records and repeats a musical phrase or passage that one p[lays into it, for overdubbing during a performance live and in real-time... right?

These two similarly named but completely different devices get confused all over the internet...

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Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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5 hours ago, Caevan O’Shite said:

Given the opportunity, I'd go with the CS TRS IO version; as long as I was certain that it can also be used with standard mono TS patch cables for serial/mono operation.

Just for clarity's sake- I do NOT mean to doubt you!- you're referring to a loop-switcher, where one connects all the Ins and Outs of various pedals to remotely switch them each in and out of the signal-path in various combinations... right?

As opposed to the type of looper that records and repeats a musical phrase or passage that one p[lays into it, for overdubbing during a performance live and in real-time... right?

These two similarly named but completely different devices get confused all over the internet...

THAT is an excellent question I hadn’t even thought of!  Might need to dash off an email…

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Sturgeon's 2nd Law, a.k.a. Sturgeon's Revelation: âNinety percent of everything is crapâ


My FLMS- Murphy's Music in Irving, Tx



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2 hours ago, Dannyalcatraz said:

THAT is an excellent question I hadn’t even thought of!  Might need to dash off an email…

I looked at the Heavy Water Manual and related info on the ThorpyFX site, and only the standard TS IO version is covered, nothing on the CS TRS IO model. So, yeah, email or Chat or the like would seem necessary to find out.

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Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Have to agree on the ambiguity of that particular phrasing, but it does seem to suggest the possibility of using it as a two-stage Boost/OD device, by wiring it into two different, possibly successive I/O's on a Loop Switcher?


Several thoughts on that - One is that adding the Loop Switcher itself essentially offsets any savings on pedalboard space you get by using one Heavy Water in place of two other pedals; there's also the cost of the Loop Switcher to consider, relative to the cost of another Boost/OD pedal. Another is that using a Loop Switcher, much like using a Patchbay, essentially doubles the number of cables you need to wire your pedalboard. That's more $$$ for cables, and more potential for signal loading.

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"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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And the answer is:


ThorpyFX Ltd:  “Hi I it’s designed with loop switchers in mind. When you adjust the switch Internally it can go back to normal cable use too. all the best, Thorpy”

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Sturgeon's 2nd Law, a.k.a. Sturgeon's Revelation: âNinety percent of everything is crapâ


My FLMS- Murphy's Music in Irving, Tx



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4 hours ago, Dannyalcatraz said:

And the answer is:


ThorpyFX Ltd:  “Hi I it’s designed with loop switchers in mind. When you adjust the switch Internally it can go back to normal cable use too. all the best, Thorpy”

I kinda expected as much, similar to the way Strymon has addressed such mono/stereo I/O scenarios on some of their pedals before. But it's good to know for sure- thanks for getting and sharing the answer!

The Heavy Water would be a heavy candidate for me in the future; if it also included 'Rangemaster Treble Booster ' options, it'd be a sure-fire shoo-in, theoretically taking the place of two or three pedals; but that'd be A LOT to ask of an already busy boost-pedal design!


On 11/27/2022 at 7:16 AM, Winston Psmith said:

...it does seem to suggest the possibility of using it as a two-stage Boost/OD device, by wiring it into two different, possibly successive I/O's on a Loop Switcher?

Yhup; one, the other, or both in series, at the least...


On 11/27/2022 at 7:16 AM, Winston Psmith said:

Several thoughts on that - One is that adding the Loop Switcher itself essentially offsets any savings on pedalboard space you get by using one Heavy Water in place of two other pedals; there's also the cost of the Loop Switcher to consider, relative to the cost of another Boost/OD pedal. Another is that using a Loop Switcher, much like using a Patchbay, essentially doubles the number of cables you need to wire your pedalboard. That's more $$$ for cables, and more potential for signal loading.

I'd guess that this is aimed at pedal-purchasers that either already have loop-switcher systems, or who aren't terribly concerned with being a good bit 'spendy'.....


Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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54 minutes ago, Caevan O’Shite said:

I'd guess that this is aimed at pedal-purchasers that either already have loop-switcher systems, or who aren't terribly concerned with being a good bit 'spendy'.....



Much agreed - it might also be a boon to someone looking to free up even one pedal's worth of space to have a double-duty Boost/Drive box.

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"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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36 minutes ago, Winston Psmith said:


Much agreed - it might also be a boon to someone looking to free up even one pedal's worth of space to have a double-duty Boost/Drive box.


Indeed. Though it wouldn't quite duplicate/replace what I get from my 2B with its Germanium Limiter circuit and Dynamics control, and definitely not my CS Ranger germanium 'Rangemaster Treble Booster' type. Close but no cigar for he former, not a chance for the latter.

I'd buy more pedals nowadays had I bought less pedals before!   :) ;) :D 

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Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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23 hours ago, Caevan O’Shite said:

I'd buy more pedals nowadays had I bought less pedals before!   :) ;) :D 

I almost envy the players who get everything they want from a minimalist, mainstream rig, with two, or three, or even zero pedals . . . almost.

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"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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19 minutes ago, Winston Psmith said:

I almost envy the players who get everything they want from a minimalist, mainstream rig, with two, or three, or even zero pedals . . . almost.

I'm far from being a "minimalist", though I can do plenty fine with a good guitar, a good cable, and a good amp; though I'd prefer to include a good tuner pedal, as well. By most people's standards, I have plenty of pedals and related gear, and then some- but not nearly approaching the quantities of synth and 'Eurorack' aficionados cultists practitioners. 😉

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Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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56 minutes ago, Winston Psmith said:

I almost envy the players who get everything they want from a minimalist, mainstream rig, with two, or three, or even zero pedals . . . almost.

That's me. I use an overdrive and a reverb pedal for my Egnater Tweaker 15 watt head which has no reverb and no overdrive channel. For my Super Champ X2 all the efx are in the amp (Reverb and overdrive) Some folks get some awesome tones and efx with pedals, and I appreciate and admire much of the stuff they do. It is all a matter of the player, not the gizmos. The SCX2 is my all time favorite amp, and I have had Marshall's and 3 or 4 Mesa Boogies and many many Fenders, a few Peaveys, and a Seymour Duncan amp, and probably a few more brands.

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I like my Fender amp just using a little spring reverb and then I have to decide which guitar to plug into it LoL!  I do like having a clean boost pedal in-line if I decide to take a lead when playing with others. My Roland Cube EX-4 takes over as a PA and as a cute little busking amp for deck parties and campfires!  I'm using solid state amps these days. I like going straight-in sans pedals as I mostly use the clean guitar chords to back up my vocals.  There's nothing wrong with having a pedal arsenal but it's also nice to travel light with few or no worries with breakdowns due to patch cords, tubes, etc. 😎 

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Take care, Larryz
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  • 2 weeks later...
7 hours ago, hurricane hugo said:


Very cool sounding dual-stomp overdrive; I'd use it on the 'Dumble' side, dialed-in so the SSS and ODS Modes sounded great for bold and bolder, dirtied-up rhythm 'n riffs that would still 'clean up' with my guitars volume-knob and my "touch". Then, kick in the 'Klon' side for a big fat 'MORE!' lead-boost.

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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8 hours ago, Dannyalcatraz said:

Perfect name for it, no question!

I know, right?!

Particularly the Dumble side of things- beyond the prohibitively, astronomically high market prices for Dumble amps, one thing that NO ONE can possibly obtain now is Alexander Howard Dumble's personal attention in crafting and fine-tuning a highly responsive tube-amp tailored specifically for the buyer as a player. THAT was THE KEY feature that most set his amplifiers apart from all others; unobtainable for most during his lifetime, and now forever unobtainable for all.

Klon Centaurs and KTR's? Pretty pricey if you insist on the originals, though easy to obtain if your wants and needs can be met by either a good quality "Klone" or a Klon-inspired overdrive with expanded features.

Personally, I never felt that I needed a Centaur or KTR, though curiosity has me thinking I'll get a really good, authentic DIY kit with the authentic real-deal diodes and everything, just to try it out. Hell, for the longest time- decades- I didn't feel the need for ANY overdrive or boost pedals...

ANYWAY, this Crazy Tube Circuits Unobtanium Overdrive pedal seems to be a very good one; if I didn't already have a number of very good overdrive and boost (and fuzz and distortion) stomps that I can use individually or stacked together in different ways, I'd be interested in one, deployed as I described above.

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Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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A silver Klon recently sold for around $3,000 at my FLUMS, and I have no idea of the current prices of Dumble gear - at somewhere around $300US, the Unobtanium is a steal.


I will offer my usual objection, which is that the "nearly clean" tone in the demo still had some hair on it. Just once, I'd like to see a demo video with a true clean, almost hi-fi tone, just to start with.

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"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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7 minutes ago, Winston Psmith said:

A silver Klon recently sold for around $3,000 at my FLUMS, and I have no idea of the current prices of Dumble gear - at somewhere around $300US, the Unobtanium is a steal.


I will offer my usual objection, which is that the "nearly clean" tone in the demo still had some hair on it. Just once, I'd like to see a demo video with a true clean, almost hi-fi tone, just to start with.

For a time, I owned a Red Plate Blues Machine, which is a Dumble clone. They did create a circuit specific PCB for it but all the innards were good stuff and it sounded fantastic. It did get a clean tone as well as a range of singing overdrive tones up into the "too dirty for me" range. 

One New Years Eve about 3-4 years back, I took it to a paid NYE gig and 10 minutes before show time, it pooped it's diapers. I had no option but to use it, we had to turn the mic up since it was running at about 1/3 the volume. It did get me through the gig. The next day I discovered that the output tubes needed to be rebiased. 

I suspect the tubes as it sounded fine after that but I never took it on another gig and I sold it, more or less got my money back out of it. 


It's my observation that amps can be very well made (this was) and sound fantastic (this did) and you still cannot rely on tubes. 

That was my last gig using a tube amplifier and the last gig I had a problem with my amp. I've switched 100% to solid state amps, they've come of age and many of them sound really good. The amp that works sounds infinitely better than the amp that does not work. 


This pedal is interesting but I also dislike and try to minimize "stuff on the floor" so I'll have to pass. 

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It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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12 minutes ago, Winston Psmith said:

A silver Klon recently sold for around $3,000 at my FLUMS, and I have no idea of the current prices of Dumble gear - at somewhere around $300US, the Unobtanium is a steal.

Considering the Unobtanium as two pedals- and really more like five, between the two modes of the 'Dumble' side and the fact that you can combine the 'Klon' and 'Dumble' sides- it's quite a bargain, really. It could genuinely take the place of five pedals.

I believe that prices paid for original metallic colored Centaurs have broke past nine or ten grand, maybe more. Silly, even Bill Finnegan seems to shake his head at the hype and madness.

Dumble amps? I am pretty sure that we're talking as high as six figures. Particularly silly as they were custom tailor made for each given player that purchased one, as far as I know. I don't know how many people, if any, ever got a new one without Mr. Dumble's watching and hearing them play plugged-in with their own guitars. To me, blowing large amounts of cash on a used Dumble is like buying a used suit that was tailor made for an individual of a different size and shape than your own; I'd have zero interest in buying one, even if I had astronomical amounts of money, unless I just happened to get to try one and just happened to find it a religious experience that I couldn't replicate by any other means...


26 minutes ago, Winston Psmith said:

I will offer my usual objection, which is that the "nearly clean" tone in the demo still had some hair on it. Just once, I'd like to see a demo video with a true clean, almost hi-fi tone, just to start with.

On the one hand, I know whatcha mean. On the other hand, I myself would almost always use an overdrive or boost pedal with an already overdriven amp or amp-sim, all dialed-in to allow me to get my brand of a truly clean clean-tone by adjusting my guitars volume-controls and my "touch".


17 minutes ago, KuruPrionz said:

It's my observation that amps can be very well made (this was) and sound fantastic (this did) and you still cannot rely on tubes. 

For reasons like that, when I do play a gig ('s been a while, and it'll be a little while still before the next time), I try to always have a viable back-up, sometimes several- including at least one decent enough means to go Direct to a PA and monitors, if there ARE a PA and monitors. My all-tube, seven watt Fuchs Lucky 7 head, and also my DigiTech GNX4 digital-modeler/multi-effects unit, each saved the day a few times- using one, the other, or both (in parallel).


23 minutes ago, KuruPrionz said:

I also dislike and try to minimize "stuff on the floor" so I'll have to pass. 

You would despise using my idea of a gigging rig.  :D  Once, though, no less than Dave Borisoff of Hipshot fame- and a fine pedal-steeler and banjoist, as well- wanted to be able to see how I used my pedals in performance, though- so I must be doing something right!  :laugh: :D :thu: We had a good laugh about how I said I wanted to be able to see how he used his pedals, too...

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Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Every time I see a discussion about Klons- especially their prices- I think of a picture of one of Andy Summers’ pedalboards.  He was running THREE on it.😲 

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Sturgeon's 2nd Law, a.k.a. Sturgeon's Revelation: âNinety percent of everything is crapâ


My FLMS- Murphy's Music in Irving, Tx



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5 hours ago, Winston Psmith said:

I will offer my usual objection, which is that the "nearly clean" tone in the demo still had some hair on it. Just once, I'd like to see a demo video with a true clean, almost hi-fi tone, just to start with.

It's the fatal flaw of the great majority of review videos. The only way to know exactly what an instrument or effect sounds like is to compare it to a completely clean version. I have no interest in hearing the contribution of the reviewer's somewhat breaking up amp.

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Scott Fraser
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5 hours ago, Caevan O’Shite said:

You would despise using my idea of a gigging rig.  :D  

Actually, I'd be fine with it. If you were using it then I'd figure that was how you like to do things. 

If it was offered to me to use for a gig, I'd simply plug my guitar into the amp and set the pedalboard off to the side. 😇

Life is pretty simple. And my "backup" these days is a Tech 21 Para Driver DI, one box on the floor maybe? I can survive that, it's better than not playing!

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It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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+1,000 Scott & Winston, I would like the 1st half of any video demonstrating guitars, amps, pickups, pedals, etc., to be played clean.  Then in the 2nd half of the demo, they can dirty it up anyway they want to. I may or may not listen to the 2nd half LoL!  😎

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Take care, Larryz
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On 12/18/2022 at 6:20 PM, Larryz said:

+1,000 Scott & Winston, I would like the 1st half of any video demonstrating guitars, amps, pickups, pedals, etc., to be played clean.  Then in the 2nd half of the demo, they can dirty it up anyway they want to. I may or may not listen to the 2nd half LoL!  😎


I really think for a fair comparison, at least when demoing Guitars and Effects, I'd like to hear them start out through a FRFR system, then something like a clean JC-120 or a Polytone, and then move on to an overdriven or cranked Amp. If someone wanted to give an even fuller picture, they might run it into a DAW, or straight to a Mixing Board, so we could hear all or most of the potential uses, and tones.


Amps, and Amp Modelers, should be demoed with a variety of Guitars, within reason - SC's, HB's & P90's, Solid, Hollow & Semi-Hollow, some different maybe a 12-string or ERG in the mix - and again, I'd want to hear a true clean tone, a mild Overdrive tone, and a fully cranked tone.


Of course, not everyone has access to all of that gear, or all of those options, but then, we're not all fronting Product Demonstration videos, either.

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"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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I agree Winston, Many times the guitars, amps and the effects are combined and the demo may take a lot of time so patience is a virtue. To be fair, most pedal demos do give a few seconds of the clean sound before kicking the pedal in and out.  Many times, the pedal and/or amp in question runs through other effects which precludes the reason for wanting to see what the hardware can do.  For me, I like amp demos with the guitar going straight into the amp sans pedals.  I like the idea of having SC HB solid/hollow/12 strings/P90, etc. and don't mind if they crank the amp up and break it up.  Picks or no picks.  There are millions of guitars and effects on YT vids.  Some quality and some not so quality.  But, I really appreciate the ability to call up just about anything we can think of.  The YT videos will just give us a preview and can save a lot of time when doing research.  😎👍

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Take care, Larryz
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