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Heads-up: SpaceStation keyboard amp is apparently back


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How can you judge a product you never tried or heard?


You can't, of course. Certainly not one that's a speaker. :facepalm:


Miden - this choice of coming into a really popular thread and telling everyone who's digging this product they're victims of hype and sheep should work out very well for you - especially given the fact that you haven't heard it. :rolleyes:






3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTQA0XE5yuc


That is just a few...and I did state heard via internet in the post. It was a general comment re the hype and other...was not directed at anyone in particular, did I direct it at anyone?


And so what if it is a long and "popular" thread? Doesn't mean someone cannot disagree.


There's no way you can judge the SS3 by the demo videos. They show it can do stereo in 1 cabinet but in no way show the way it fills a room with sound.


I'm sure if I went into the PX-5 thread and crapped all over the board because of a few video demos, I'd catch a bunch of flak from the actual owners. Similar situation here. You have people who have been using the product in multiple environments who understand what it's capable of, and also what it's limitations are.

Live: Korg Kronos 2 88, Nord Electro 5d Nord Lead A1

Toys: Roland FA08, Novation Ultranova, Moog LP, Roland SP-404SX, Roland JX10,Emu MK6



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Hello all,


My eagerly anticipated SS V3 arrived. Nicely packed, no damage, obviously handled with care. The first thing I do with any electronic audio gear is the quiet test. So, I unpacked the SS, made sure all knobs were set to minimum, plugged it in, and turned it on. Instant hum and slight high-pitched whine! Strange, but okay, Ill move it to another outlet. But, first, just for grins, I turned up the Width control. When I got past 12 oclock, I began to hear hissing. Remember, all other knobs are at minimum. When I turned the Width control all the way up, the hissing was noticeable, even from a couple of feet away. I then turned up the Level control. The volume of the Width control hiss did not change until the Level control was at about 1 oclock. After that, it increased quickly and significantly. However, if the Level control is turned all the way up, and the Width control is turned off, there is no hiss. Only the hum/whine. And, the hum/whine does not increase in volume as the Level is turned up.


Now, by comparison, I got out my old (old!) Roland Cube 40 Keyboard amp. I unplugged the SS V3, and plugged the Cube into the same outlet. Turned it on no hum or high-pitched whine! I turned both volume knobs (one for each input) all the way up still quiet. Now, the Cube does have a couple of scratchy pots the Treble knob and the Reverb knob. They can also introduce some hiss, so sometimes I have to whack em to quiet em down. Still, in all the Cube was as quiet as the SS V3!


I moved the SS V3 to another room and outlet. No change. Remember, the only knobs not set at minimum were the Width and Level knobs. So -


1. Are the rest of you getting any hum and/or whine when you turn your units on with nothing plugged in?

2. Are you getting hissing sounds as you turn up the Width control?


I bought the amp to use with three instruments

1. E-drums

2. Keyboards

3. Chapman Stick


My current rig is massive (including a JBL 18 inch powered sub) compared o the SS V3. Im definitely looking to downsize.


Its true I havent plugged anything into the SS V3 yet. But, I tend to approach electronic audio items pretty methodically. If you guys with great working units can confirm that your units behave in the same manner as mine simply by turning yours on, Im good to go. With the Level knob all the way up, the Width and Mid EQ at about 1 oclock, and the Hi EQ all the way up, the hiss is noticeable, but not particularly objectionable. I can only imagine how loud an instrument would be played thru the amp at those settings. The hum/whine is always there, but again, not audibly objectionable. Its just disconcerting that a decades old Roland Keyboard is as quiet/quieter than the SS V3.


Thanks in advance.

I've noticed a slight amount of noise/hum in a quiet environment.


Turning up the width control is actually controlling the volume of the side speaker. So of course if you crank up the amp it's going to make more noise.


If you were to plug in a keyboard and play with the amp turned all the way up, you'd probably break your windows. I'm sure that your Roland amp, when turned all the way up and the treble turned up, makes some noise as well. My K10 makes noise when I turn it all the way up as well.

Thank you DanL! I appreciate the response. You have confirmed what I hoped was the case. Based on prior forum posts, I have a pretty good idea what to expect in terms of keyboard sounds. I'm looking forward to playing e-drums and Stick thru the amp. Thanks again.

There's an explosive charge in my head. I'm gonna die if you don't kill me!
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I just performed a sound check on two Spacestations from the current shipment: mine, and one I'm returning to Aspen later today.


I plugged in a Nord C2 set to its pipe organ model with all stops and couplers engaged (but no reverb). Nord volume was at 12:00. Each Spacestation's controls were likewise at 12:00. My SPL meter was two feet away, set to A-weighted, slow response. I was playing two-fisted triads doubled in several octaves, with and without pedals.


With each unit I was easily able to hit in excess of 95 dB without a hint of distortion. With careful boosting of the Nord output and/or the SS input, I could cross the 100 dB line without distortion. Starting at around 103 dB I could begin to hear some chrunchies.


Adding the Ventilator II made no difference to the overall level other than providing another point at which one could overdrive the system.


I had hoped to repeat this test with a Mackie 1202 in the signal path, but realized that both it and another small mixer are packed away in my road cases. I think it's safe to assume, however, that adding a line mixer would allow one to tweeze out an additional few dB.




First, I'm glad I'm religious about using ear protection. Those 31 dB earmuffs came in handy this morning.


Second, the Spacestation gives me as much volume as I'll ever need. More than 95-100 dB on stage means either that it's the job of the FOH engineer, or that I accepted a gig I shouldn't have.


Third, those of you playing in super loud bands, especially when you're kicking bass pedals, should certainly heed Aspen's advice about adding a sub.


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I played another gig last night with my SS and had a GREAT experience with it. I was playing in a much smaller venue with a jazz group. I used my px-5s into mainstage and a moog little phatty. I got a lot of compliments from other musicians in the room about the sound quality of the SS. I'm going to try out a mixer with this thing and am most likely going to order that behringer sub for larger gigs. I love the sound I'm getting.


@David Loving... I'd get the amp. It's not difficult to set up. It took me a little while to get used to the wide dispersion, but there's nothing like it. Great value.


@KingstonCrim Yeah, so far I've been going straight into the inputs of the SS from the apogee. It sounds great, but as mentioned before I'm looking into adding a mixer and/or a sub when needed.

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Thank you, Alan. I'm back on board. Every amp has its limits. Exceed them with any amp and you'll get distortion. Would this Carvin bass amp work OK as a sub? http://www.carvinguitars.com/products/MB10


A bass amp will definitely give you the added bottom, but what it won't do is filter out the low frequencies going into your SSv3 ( < 100 hz), which a subwoofer will do. That saves you from taxing and muddling up the SS with those lower frequencies and gives it a much cleaner overall sound.

D-10; M50; SP4-7; SP6

I'm a fairly accomplished hack.

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Thank you, Alan. I'm back on board. Every amp has its limits. Exceed them with any amp and you'll get distortion. Would this Carvin bass amp work OK as a sub? http://www.carvinguitars.com/products/MB10


A bass amp will definitely give you the added bottom, but what it won't do is filter out the low frequencies going into your SSv3 ( < 100 hz), which a subwoofer will do. That saves you from taxing and muddling up the SS with those lower frequencies and gives it a much cleaner overall sound.



I am using a TC Electronics Bass Amp, and was just coming out of the SS Sub Out.

I purchased a Rolls two way stereo crossover small Rolls 2 way stereo crossover to split the signal coming out of my mixer and its supposed to arrive Friday.

It is a small 1/3 rack size, and has a variable crossover point.

SpaceStation V3,


KronosX-73,MS Pro145,Ventilator,OB DB1,Lester K

Toys: RIP died in the flood of 8/16 1930 Hammond AV, 1970s Leslie 145, 1974 Rhodes Stage


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It just occurred to me that when I did my sound check earlier, my meter was several inches above the Spacestation. Also, being only two feet away, the side speaker probably didn't figure into the total.


I would expect real-world results, or with the meter on-axis, to be at least 1 or 2 dB better than what I measured, confirming Aspen's claim of 105 dB output.

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Tried it again, sitting farther away, and it sounded cleaner at high volumes. The SPL meter on my iPhone read 94 db max. I'm liking it better. I had experiences similar to BJ's, related above. With a 60 watt Hartke bass amp as a subwoofer, it sounds great. Certainly a keeper. Can't wait to try it live.


What would be great is a control,that rolls off the frequencies below 100 hz, so the small speakers are not overloaded by those frequencies.


Exactly why I liked the roll off on the "outputs" of that Behringer Sub for $300, I am definately gonna get one to try. And BTW, a mixer may also offer a rumble filter that basically cuts LF below 100 Hz.


However at 94dB I do not think this is a big issue...but whenany amp hits it's ceiling of coarse you are gonna hear it in the LF first!


HMMM.... I'm interested to set what you find with the Beringer Sub. Will the roll-off really be a huge difference?

Steinway L 1924 | Hammond SK2 | Hammond XPK-200L | Center Point Space Station V.3 | Motion Sound KT-80 | Yamaha U1
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I am using a TC Electronics Bass Amp, and was just coming out of the SS Sub Out.

I purchased a Rolls two way stereo crossover small Rolls 2 way stereo crossover to split the signal coming out of my mixer and its supposed to arrive Friday.

It is a small 1/3 rack size, and has a variable crossover point.


That would definitely work as well. And because it's a bass amp with a much wider frequency range than a sub-woofer, you've got a lot of play room in there to experiment and figure out what's the best crossover point.


I would suggest, though, that if you don't already have a sub or bass amp and are looking to buy something to supplement the SS, I'd go right for a sub. With the built-in crossover, one less piece of equipment and a few less cables to have to set up.

D-10; M50; SP4-7; SP6

I'm a fairly accomplished hack.

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So...just for grins, I hooked up the CD player to the mixer, then into both the SS and my old stand-by Peavey KB/A 100. Ran the main outs into the SS and Aux out to the Peavey. The Peavey has EQ controls of low, mid low, mid high, and high, so I zeroed out everything but the low. Using the Aux out volume, I could bring as much low end in as I wanted. The Peavey was always pretty honky and brittle as a keyboard amp, but has mega low end with the 15" speaker...it can push some air. I also know that it's an amp used by bass player a fair amount.


Using SPLnFFT (db & SPL iPad app, supposedly one of the more accurate ones)the CDs peak volume was 116db, with sustained at 98 db. The SS was at 12:00, and I could hear it very well/clearly, and with no distortion. How good was the bass response from the Peavey? A picture and a wood hanging fell off the wall during the process. The aux out on the mixer was only at about 40%; I think I could damage the foundation of the house turning it up higher. The Peavey was on 3.


I don't think I should do that very often at home...neighbors and all.


The Peavey isn't worth anything to sell at this point, and is in great shape. Re-purposing it as a sub saves some $$, and I think it does the job pretty well. The SS has feet tall enough to sit right on top of the Peavey too. If I can spot a deal on a crossover unit, I may go that route, but it doesn't seem critical at this point.


I do want to say that after my last few posts, it may have appeared I was disgruntled, or at the least, less then happy with my purchase of the SS. Not the case; It's a great little amp, puts out huge sound for its size, and has a real fullness that's been discussed by all. It isn't a Marshall stack by any means, but if you need loud...that's altogether possible.


I'm a pretty happy camper. I can't wait to pair these up when the band gets together again. Volume...you want more volume!! I'll show you! ;)

"May you stay...forever young."



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I've only been able to play through my shinny new SS a few times since I got it just yesterday. I only have a CP4.


The first time I had amp on my left facing me playing Rhodes sound with stereo vibrato. This is my lipmis test. At that location it did not give me the stereo of two speakers. My right ear wasn't hearing any part of the back and forth sound of the Rhodes. It still sounded very well and I'm only stating the facts. The Width knob, going from off to 12, you can hear the amp open up, so to speak.


Then I played some acoustic pianos. Again from the amp being on the side I couldn't hear low notes more on left,etc. Also there's a honking that I don't particularly like. I was able to alter the sound from the SS knobs. I also tried the eq on piano, tonight but I am still trying to keep everything flat, which I prefer from having to dial every sound in.


Tonight I tried again but this time I placed behind me and tried it on floor and then tilted it, keeping it behind the whole time. Before I report, let me say my whole career of over 30 years, I played through speakers that were 12". The refurbished GK's I have are over 25 years but sound fine for jazz. Audiophile-NOT. My motto could be "why show off the sample of a DP that closely anyway." I'm very used to that full smooth sound of 12" speakers, so the SS with it's 8"+6 1/2" might take some time to get used to.


So, back to tonight. The Rhodes sounded great and I could hear the stereo and I could hear the high/low of the acoustics. There's still a honk, I have to work with.


I still have to play out cause I understand what this amp is really selling. To have the sound of stereo to everyone in room. It's pretty clear that I should like this amp and it will compliment my GK's which I can use one as sub-woofer if gig called for it. I'm playing with a big band in a couple of weeks and that will be the perfect gig to see how it performs.


I do wish I had this amp when I was playing multikeys. I did start on organ, so if I find $2500 doing nothing I can always buy a Mojo and know the SS will make it sound great.

AvantGrand N2 | ES520 | Gallien-Krueger MK & MP | https://soundcloud.com/pete36251

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I'm a new poster here, but lurked on this board before buying an SS3. I had the pleasure of meeting Aspen both at NAMM and at his kickass studio. I own an SS3.


I play a Nord Stage on the bottom and a couple of different "second board" options on top. Sometimes a third board--a Little Phatty or the like--for a funk gig. My jobs tend to be organ- and vintage-keys-centric, though they run the gamut.


I play almost exclusively gigs where my stage monitor is solely that--that is, where I and every band member run through FOH. So my interest in the SS3 was truly as a monitor.


Aspen's suggestion that the complaints about distortion and horsepower on the SS3 might be the result of scope-creep--people buying the amp for one purpose, and then promoting it to another--rings true for me. What I needed--what I bought--was a really good stage monitor. (A great one, IMO.) Something that would reduce the need for lots of keys in the venue monitors if anyone else on stage wanted to hear me. Since keys are more FOH-heavy (meaning, since the sound out of PA mains is way better than out of any single stage amp), I wanted a non-fussy, non-shrill, non-jittery monitor for reference on stage, for me and (ideally) other players to hear.


But the thing sounds so nice and is so faithful to and expansive of the boards' sounds, that I almost immediately started thinking of that as "my" sound. THAT'S the organ sound I want to hear, and want people to hear. THAT'S the spacial shimmer of the Wurli. THAT'S the air around the AP. Meaning, unintentionally (and impractically) I started thinking beyond the stage to the FOH. But I'm almost never going to use it that way, whether I want to or not.


For example, I was slightly concerned about the lo-end drop-off, and started, like many here, looking into subs. I really do like sounds to express the full range of harmonic possibility, even if my LH isn't trespassing into the bass-player's turf. I was a little worried about the horsepower too, since stage volume between on-stage amps and the venue's monitors can get jet-engine-ish pretty quick.


But then I remembered (i.e., talked myself back from the edge of getting to acquire some extra gear. Damn you, common sense, damn you to hell): this is a stage monitor. It sounds INCREDIBLE as a stage monitor, far outclassing anything I've used before. The sound is warm and pure. The footprint is physics-defying. If I want some extra juice, I can have it, just the way I always have: via the venue's monitors. I wasn't intending to replace that option, just enhance it. If I want some lo-end balls...well, chances are we're playing literally on top of the venue's sub array. I wasn't intending to compete with that. And anyway, lo-end heavy keyboard sounds are almost always a big bowl of mud onstage. It's exactly the range that the SS enhances that lets the keys ring there.


I may still add a sub for--of all things--rehearsals. In that context, I might want a better sense--and others to have it too--of how my parts are sitting. (Though laziness might win out there; who wants to bring a sub to a rehearsal.) But for my purposes (which I know are not everyone's), it's a BEAUTIFUL sounding stage monitor that brings some real life and presence to the boards, and the rest was always going to be (and always has been) in FOH guy's hands anyway.


It's a tribute to the amp that I stopped thinking of it that way almost immediately after getting it. And I think the idea that those reporting distortion may really be complimenting this stage monitor by trying to over-extend it, may hold water.


My first-post 2 cents, for whatever it's worth.


Proud to use the amp, Aspen. Thanks for making it.



Now out! "Mind the Gap," a 24-song album of new material.

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Well tonight's posts are definitely leaving me with a big smile and a sound sleep! MANY thanks thanks to all you guys for your detailed gig reports, your kind words and support, especially those posting for the first time such as Mathofinsects!


I will continue to do my best to support you as well, and keep you updated on the next delivery...now docking in LA any day now. I also heard the Longshormen are about to get back to work!!

Hammond A100 w/ 2x Leslie 122, Leslie 145 w/ combo pedal, Casio P5S, SS3, Groove Tubes SFX G5 cab + CPS/QSC RM4500 KB amp, 1955 Steinway 48" studio upright.
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I unpacked the SS, made sure all knobs were set to minimum, plugged it in, and turned it on. Instant hum and slight high-pitched whine!


Dear Mixtremist, it sounds like you may have got a unit that could not be 100%, these have been proving to be fairly quiet as Class D amps go. But I have not personally listened to every one.


I'd like a chance to personally "hear what you're hearing". So if you are OK with it, I'd like to advance exchange it for you with one Ive personally checked out here, and I'll pay shipping both ways. I will PM you exchange details.

Hammond A100 w/ 2x Leslie 122, Leslie 145 w/ combo pedal, Casio P5S, SS3, Groove Tubes SFX G5 cab + CPS/QSC RM4500 KB amp, 1955 Steinway 48" studio upright.
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It's a tribute to the amp that I stopped thinking of it that way almost immediately after getting it. And I think the idea that those reporting distortion may really be complimenting this stage monitor by trying to over-extend it, may hold water.


My first-post 2 cents, for whatever it's worth.


Proud to use the amp, Aspen. Thanks for making it.



I am glad to see that this thread is going into the right direction again. A few threads back my fear was that a Spacestation bashing would emerge only because one or two users didn't seem to be able to adjust their connections and settings properly. My SS V3 works perfectly well with all kinds of signals, mixer/no mixer, mp3player, PX5S, SK1, PC3LE, VK8m etc. and it always sounds crystal clear, loud and space-filling. No hiss, no hum, just perfect - with one exception: I am still not overly happy with my piano sounds thru the SS V3. But I have to say that no PA amplification system ever delivered me the same pristine piano sound like studio monitors. For example I never liked the QSC-K speakers for pianos. The only speaker which ever came close was the RCF TT08a. But it had other shortcomings like difficult sweet spot etc.


On the whole I am in love with my SS V3. Best keyboard amplification I ever had the pleasure to own.




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I've only been able to play through my shinny new SS a few times since I got it just yesterday. I only have a CP4.


The first time I had amp on my left facing me playing Rhodes sound with stereo vibrato. This is my lipmis test. At that location it did not give me the stereo of two speakers. My right ear wasn't hearing any part of the back and forth sound of the Rhodes. It still sounded very well and I'm only stating the facts. The Width knob, going from off to 12, you can hear the amp open up, so to speak.


Then I played some acoustic pianos. Again from the amp being on the side I couldn't hear low notes more on left,etc. Also there's a honking that I don't particularly like. I was able to alter the sound from the SS knobs. I also tried the eq on piano, tonight but I am still trying to keep everything flat, which I prefer from having to dial every sound in.


Tonight I tried again but this time I placed behind me and tried it on floor and then tilted it, keeping it behind the whole time. Before I report, let me say my whole career of over 30 years, I played through speakers that were 12". The refurbished GK's I have are over 25 years but sound fine for jazz. Audiophile-NOT. My motto could be "why show off the sample of a DP that closely anyway." I'm very used to that full smooth sound of 12" speakers, so the SS with it's 8"+6 1/2" might take some time to get used to.


So, back to tonight. The Rhodes sounded great and I could hear the stereo and I could hear the high/low of the acoustics. There's still a honk, I have to work with.


I still have to play out cause I understand what this amp is really selling. To have the sound of stereo to everyone in room. It's pretty clear that I should like this amp and it will compliment my GK's which I can use one as sub-woofer if gig called for it. I'm playing with a big band in a couple of weeks and that will be the perfect gig to see how it performs.


I do wish I had this amp when I was playing multikeys. I did start on organ, so if I find $2500 doing nothing I can always buy a Mojo and know the SS will make it sound great.


Glad you finally got yours!


I had to really tweak my piano sound to get it to work well in the SS3, but once it was done and saved, it sounds pretty darn good.


At a blues jam/gig I do, it's a tight setup, I'm back against a wall. The SS3 has to go next to me. I lean it against the wall and point it a little my way by only putting 1 corner against the wall. There is a set of double doors that comes into the room to my right that they leave open, so about 6-8' away from the right side of the SS3 is a perfect reflective surface for me to get the stereo effect bouncing around. People are amazed at how great this little amp sounds.


I can honestly say the only issue I had so far was on a really big stage with a 2x12 guitar amp closer to me than the SS3 was. It still kept up and if the guitar amp was a little farther away it would not have been an issue.

Live: Korg Kronos 2 88, Nord Electro 5d Nord Lead A1

Toys: Roland FA08, Novation Ultranova, Moog LP, Roland SP-404SX, Roland JX10,Emu MK6



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I've only been able to play through my shinny new SS a few times since I got it just yesterday. I only have a CP4.


The first time I had amp on my left facing me playing Rhodes sound with stereo vibrato. This is my lipmis test. At that location it did not give me the stereo of two speakers. My right ear wasn't hearing any part of the back and forth sound of the Rhodes. It still sounded very well and I'm only stating the facts. The Width knob, going from off to 12, you can hear the amp open up, so to speak.


Then I played some acoustic pianos. Again from the amp being on the side I couldn't hear low notes more on left,etc. Also there's a honking that I don't particularly like. I was able to alter the sound from the SS knobs. I also tried the eq on piano, tonight but I am still trying to keep everything flat, which I prefer from having to dial every sound in.


Tonight I tried again but this time I placed behind me and tried it on floor and then tilted it, keeping it behind the whole time. Before I report, let me say my whole career of over 30 years, I played through speakers that were 12". The refurbished GK's I have are over 25 years but sound fine for jazz. Audiophile-NOT. My motto could be "why show off the sample of a DP that closely anyway." I'm very used to that full smooth sound of 12" speakers, so the SS with it's 8"+6 1/2" might take some time to get used to.


So, back to tonight. The Rhodes sounded great and I could hear the stereo and I could hear the high/low of the acoustics. There's still a honk, I have to work with.


I still have to play out cause I understand what this amp is really selling. To have the sound of stereo to everyone in room. It's pretty clear that I should like this amp and it will compliment my GK's which I can use one as sub-woofer if gig called for it. I'm playing with a big band in a couple of weeks and that will be the perfect gig to see how it performs.


I do wish I had this amp when I was playing multikeys. I did start on organ, so if I find $2500 doing nothing I can always buy a Mojo and know the SS will make it sound great.


Glad you finally got yours!


I had to really tweak my piano sound to get it to work well in the SS3, but once it was done and saved, it sounds pretty darn good.


At a blues jam/gig I do, it's a tight setup, I'm back against a wall. The SS3 has to go next to me. I lean it against the wall and point it a little my way by only putting 1 corner against the wall. There is a set of double doors that comes into the room to my right that they leave open, so about 6-8' away from the right side of the SS3 is a perfect reflective surface for me to get the stereo effect bouncing around. People are amazed at how great this little amp sounds.


I can honestly say the only issue I had so far was on a really big stage with a 2x12 guitar amp closer to me than the SS3 was. It still kept up and if the guitar amp was a little farther away it would not have been an issue.

thanks. The whole issue with SW turned out great. You got your SS quicker. I saved $$. You have a zillion more gigs then I do. Kismet!!!

AvantGrand N2 | ES520 | Gallien-Krueger MK & MP | https://soundcloud.com/pete36251

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So I am one of the first posters to experience the distortion issue. I spent all day yesterday with the sk2 and SS set up. I went through all of my settings on the sk2 first. I lowered all the drawbar vol levels from 127 to about 100-110 depending on the drawbar settings, I would imagine this would lower the signal output from the board, and it did indeed do that. The next thing I did was use Aspens advice for tweaking the sound, start with width at lowest setting, I had the gain at about 11 o'clock, then set the mids and highs. I ended up with a good sounding organ and pianos with mids at about 10 o'clock, and highs at around 12 o'clock. I then increased the width , and found that any more than about 10 o'clock, the pianos began to sound pretty boxy, but the organ sounded better with more width. I compromised and will keep the width around the 10-11 mark, of course this will change per room / venue. Im still getting distortion on the leslie effect on anything above 12 o'clock on the SS gain. Just to be clear, all O/D effects are turned off. The organ volume is set to about 1/3 . The good news is that this amp, when dialed in, does sound great, Ive never doubted that, but the volume level at which it does start distorting, is IMHO not that loud. Trust me, Im 46 , I don't like to play loud but I don't have a db meter to check . If its any indication, when the sound is distorting, you can still easily hear my speaking voice at a normal speaking level.

I also tried it through both a Mackie profx12, and a yamaha mg06 , it didn't make a difference for sound level before the crackle starts. One other option I will try today is to put the output from the organ through a radial stereo DI and pad the level down more. Im doing a gig tonight and will report back.

Im still thinking theirs something going on with the Hammond that's causing this. Im almost out of options to fix this.

Aspen, Im doing my best to sort this out.

"Ive been playing Hammond since long before anybody paid me to play one, I didn't do it to be cool, I didnt do it to make a statement......I just liked it "


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So I am one of the first posters to experience the distortion issue. I spent all day yesterday with the sk2 and SS set up. I went through all of my settings on the sk2 first. I lowered all the drawbar vol levels from 127 to about 100-110 depending on the drawbar settings, I would imagine this would lower the signal output from the board, and it did indeed do that. The next thing I did was use Aspens advice for tweaking the sound, start with width at lowest setting, I had the gain at about 11 o'clock, then set the mids and highs. I ended up with a good sounding organ and pianos with mids at about 10 o'clock, and highs at around 12 o'clock. I then increased the width , and found that any more than about 10 o'clock, the pianos began to sound pretty boxy, but the organ sounded better with more width. I compromised and will keep the width around the 10-11 mark, of course this will change per room / venue. Im still getting distortion on the leslie effect on anything above 12 o'clock on the SS gain. Just to be clear, all O/D effects are turned off. The organ volume is set to about 1/3 . The good news is that this amp, when dialed in, does sound great, Ive never doubted that, but the volume level at which it does start distorting, is IMHO not that loud. Trust me, Im 46 , I don't like to play loud but I don't have a db meter to check . If its any indication, when the sound is distorting, you can still easily hear my speaking voice at a normal speaking level.

I also tried it through both a Mackie profx12, and a yamaha mg06 , it didn't make a difference for sound level before the crackle starts. One other option I will try today is to put the output from the organ through a radial stereo DI and pad the level down more. Im doing a gig tonight and will report back.

Im still thinking theirs something going on with the Hammond that's causing this. Im almost out of options to fix this.

Aspen, Im doing my best to sort this out.


The SK1 seems to have a pretty hot output. When I run the SK1 through the Stereo Audio In jack of the PX5S I get a distortion with the SK1 volume knob at about 10 or 11 o'clock. When using a Mackie mixer I can crank the SK1 volume way beyond that.




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On my sk1, it will overload my Ventilator if its any more than half way up. Definitely a hot output.

Live: Korg Kronos 2 88, Nord Electro 5d Nord Lead A1

Toys: Roland FA08, Novation Ultranova, Moog LP, Roland SP-404SX, Roland JX10,Emu MK6



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So I am one of the first posters to experience the distortion issue. I spent all day yesterday with the sk2 and SS set up. I went through all of my settings on the sk2 first. I lowered all the drawbar vol levels from 127 to about 100-110 depending on the drawbar settings, I would imagine this would lower the signal output from the board, and it did indeed do that. The next thing I did was use Aspens advice for tweaking the sound, start with width at lowest setting, I had the gain at about 11 o'clock, then set the mids and highs. I ended up with a good sounding organ and pianos with mids at about 10 o'clock, and highs at around 12 o'clock. I then increased the width , and found that any more than about 10 o'clock, the pianos began to sound pretty boxy, but the organ sounded better with more width. I compromised and will keep the width around the 10-11 mark, of course this will change per room / venue. Im still getting distortion on the leslie effect on anything above 12 o'clock on the SS gain. Just to be clear, all O/D effects are turned off. The organ volume is set to about 1/3 . The good news is that this amp, when dialed in, does sound great, Ive never doubted that, but the volume level at which it does start distorting, is IMHO not that loud. Trust me, Im 46 , I don't like to play loud but I don't have a db meter to check . If its any indication, when the sound is distorting, you can still easily hear my speaking voice at a normal speaking level.

I also tried it through both a Mackie profx12, and a yamaha mg06 , it didn't make a difference for sound level before the crackle starts. One other option I will try today is to put the output from the organ through a radial stereo DI and pad the level down more. Im doing a gig tonight and will report back.

Im still thinking theirs something going on with the Hammond that's causing this. Im almost out of options to fix this.

Aspen, Im doing my best to sort this out.


Aussie, I do not have one of the newer Hammonds but they loaned me one for NAMM and it was in constant use all show long. Needless to say every KB player who tried it was BLOWN away, the NAMM Sound Police let me know more than once I was over 100db and to "turn it down. One of the top guys at Hammond came over for a listen and was very impressed as well...so believe when I tell you, it was loud, it was magnificent, and it NEVER distorted once! Here's a short (fun) clip of Al Morrata playing it while I greet the Keyboard Corner gang in an inpromptu video we shot on the NAMM floor, just posted on the CPS Site:



However, as we also had Sweetwater product demo videos, various recorded music demos, a Fender Mustang floor pedal for direct guitar demos, a Pbass thru a GT Brick tube preamp, my new DT1 Dual Top stage condenser mic (yes we even had a few vocalists going thru it) and a Casio PX5S all going thru this little SS v.3 at the same time...of course, we used a MIXER.


The other advantage of a mixer, most any mixer, is it allows up to examine and control signal levels...so that no stage overdrives the next, which is definitely my guess of what's going on with your set up (OR you could have a faulty unit, which I am always open to consider).


However, when Jazzmammal came out and ran his SK1 Hammond into the SS v.3 WITHOUT a mixer it was also LOUD and clear.. See/hear:




Trust me, Bob was playing loud, and you will notice at the end I came back into the picture to end the segment, and I go behind the unit to lower the volume to talk over him (as he would just NOT stop playing...having way too much fun!), and close the session out with a few words...I am speaking LOUDLY even after I lower his playing volume considerably...otherwise you could not have heard me!


So IMHO, there are still only 2 options to your dilemma; 1) you have a faulty SS v.3, or 2) there is something amiss in your signal chain or possibly your instrument.


I know you mentioned you did try a mixer before, but I wonder if you would humor me once more and go thru that step by step, listening w/ a pair of headphones before you crank up the mixer's last gain stage, as follows: using headphones to listen to you Hammond gain chain as you go from the mixer's "trim", the the channel fader, and finally the main out fader. Then if it does not distort anywhere in that chain, and the ss v.3 is still "distorting" at normal conversational levels...I will concede you may have a faulty SS v.3, In that case, I will advance replace you a new unit and get yours back (at my expense both ways) and hear what's wrong with it fo myself.


Of course in that scenario you'd be doing me a great service because until now nobody has made this complaint. If any one of my kids is acting up out there, I REALLY want to know about it ASAP! Anything is possible, afterall, my spacestation is only human.


So, please try my suggested gain chain examination experiment. Then let me know what happens. I have a replacement unit standing by in reserve if you, or any other early adopters, have a quality issue with a SS v.3.


Please trust that I will fully support you if there is any quality issue with one of mine.

Hammond A100 w/ 2x Leslie 122, Leslie 145 w/ combo pedal, Casio P5S, SS3, Groove Tubes SFX G5 cab + CPS/QSC RM4500 KB amp, 1955 Steinway 48" studio upright.
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So I am one of the first posters to experience the distortion issue. I spent all day yesterday with the sk2 and SS set up.


Aussie, it just dawned on me that there may be a better/quicker way to check if your SS v.3 has distortion issues. Just do what I do when I am testing systems before shipping; play some well recorded music thru it, something I am well familiar with.


The v.3 works very well as a sound system, so put some sounds thru it. My reference tracks are Steely Dan "Babylon Sisters", or Michael McDonalds "Keep Believin'"....but the Beatles works very well too. Anything that was recorded "clean", you know, like stuff from the last century : > )


All you need is a 1/8" mini TRS jack to 2x 1/4" jacks (iPod headphone cable) and you are good to go!


Set Level, Width, and MF all around 12 o'clock, and HF maybe at 3 o'clock...should sound awesome, and it should be loud. Then you can crank Level up to see where it starts to distort...that should be around 3 o'clock.

Hammond A100 w/ 2x Leslie 122, Leslie 145 w/ combo pedal, Casio P5S, SS3, Groove Tubes SFX G5 cab + CPS/QSC RM4500 KB amp, 1955 Steinway 48" studio upright.
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Review addendum: First gig last night. Couldn't be happier. V.3 atop the Behringer sub tucked into a corner on my right; seated much too close to appreciate the full effect, but band members and others confirm the rig sounds great. Dialing in the balance was pretty easy. I barely used the sub - OFF is 7 o'clock; I was running about 8! It really does make a difference, though. Pulling those sub-100Hz frequencies out of the SS really increases clarity and headroom. Not a hint of distortion - and as close as I was sitting, I'd have noticed. Loved it. All night long.

Hammond SK1, Casio Privia PX5-S, SpaceStation V.3, Behringer B1200D, 2-EV ZxA1s

MacBook Air, Novation ReMOTE 37SL, Logic, Pianoteq 5 Stage, Scarbee Vintage Keys

The MIDI Gizmo Museum!

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On Thursday nights I play in a band that hosts a local rock jam. Gets pretty loud at times. Spacestation handled it fine and sounded great. I got a nice video from my GoPro music edition ( using the chest mount - interesting perspective).


I am not going to post the link to it here as I'm not sure it is appropriate, but if you are interested, send me a PM I will send you the link. Nice demo in context. Using my CP4 and SK1.

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Here's my experience after 8 days with my new SSv3, for what its worth. Overall I am very happy with it and i'm excited to continue to use it.


I received mine on Thursday afternoon at work. I set it up in the garage (our building is an old fire house with a 3-bay garage with very high ceilings) and connected a CD player. It sounded awesome at all volume levels using all different types of music. We walked around and it sounded great. We also noticed as many have discussed, that even at high volume, we had no problem holding a conversation without even raising our voices. The only thing that sounded a little bad was when i cranked the width knob. At that point it had a very odd echoey sound. This is not a defect, just fooling around to see what happened when i overdid the width setting.


Friday night I played my first gig with the SSv3 using my Nord Electro 3 and MOXF. I played through a Whirlwind/US Audio rack mounted stereo mixer. I thought the sound was very good, but I was a little surprised that I had to crank all my levels to really hear well. I think I had the mixer channel gains and main output both around 9 out of 10, and the SSv3 near 2 or 3 o'clock. From what i read here i was expecting to be running the SS volume much lower. Once I tweaked my piano EQ, I was very very happy with Acoustic Piano sound. I was very pleasantly surprised by this.


Since my rack mixer does not have any input trim pots, I decided to do some experimenting at home. I pulled out a Yamaha MG mixer and very carefully adjusted my gain settings. WOW! HUGE difference in volume output at much lower levels on the SS. I guess the rack mixer doesn't have much gain. I had the SS volume throttled way back to 9 o'clock and was really impressed with the volume. Needless to say, the MG mixer will be gigging with me from now on.


Once I had this dialed in, I started experimenting with all different kinds of voices. Since I had adjusted my mixer input trims to a level just before clipping, when i switched patches i found that some were much louder and started to clip on the mixer. My one observation is that the SS is EXTREMELY sensitive to a clipped signal. Any time i slightly hit red on the input channel, I heard a very loud, almost popping noise. Dialing it back from clipping completely eliminated the noise. I'm wondering if some of the posters with distortion were experiencing something very similar.


I also tried the channel EQ on the MG to roll off some of the 100hz and below. I could cut from a neutral position down to 10 o'clock, and i thought it sounded good with just enough low end. Any more cut and the sound was a little thin.


Here's my summary:


1. I love the SSv3 and think it sounds fantastic. I also really like the way my piano sounds much better than through my QSC K10.

2. I think the SSv3 is very sensitive to input level, so I plan on being very careful with my mixing and levels.

3. With proper gain staging, i think i will have tons of clean volume for my next gig.


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