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HX3 MIDI expander module


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no way to update my USB expander....


I used the last HX3 flash update software, it recognize the expander, the correct licence numbers, the correct user, the correct FW (3.83), everything is fine.

but when I click on "upade" it find dozens of errors and the process can't be finalized.


now the flash software do not recognize the expander, no licence number, no user, everything is lost.


really tired with the upgrade method (with the first - no usb - HX3 expander was the same, I had to send back to manufacturer in order to fix it). I thought the USB version solved these problems....


I am quite expert with pc upgrade with many other devices, never had a problem in the last 15 years.

but the HX3 is really discouraging.


so I'll have to wait an unknown number of months in order to contact the manufacturer, send the expander and wait for repair....


really disappointed, one of the best sounding organ clone ever, but awful upgrade process....



do you have a MK2 board inside? I think so....


The BETA (use on YOUR OWN risk!!!) is MK3/4 board ONLY!!!


As always: be careful with betas !!!!


thanks Mitch :like:


no, it was not the beta, it was the 3.9...

in any case I have the mk3 board.



PS so my board will not support future upgrades?

as the previous boards are not supporting the last one?

so in order to have future sound improvements you have to change all the board?


Just use the remote software instead of flash and go back to 3.925. Worked for me with my HX3 MkII board, You only must make sure to choose your ftdi adapter under 'Device' and then the correct files under 'Firmware' and 'Fpga'. They must match your board version. It's really not overly complicated. And yes, you will be able to upgrade your board in the future too. Don't worry!




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Just use the remote software instead of flash and go back to 3.925. Worked for me with my HX3 MkII board, You only must make sure to choose your ftdi adapter under 'Device' and then the correct files under 'Firmware' and 'Fpga'. They must match your board version. It's really not overly complicated. And yes, you will be able to upgrade your board in the future too. Don't worry!


thanks Tom!


as I specified, I did not tried to upadate to the beta 4.1

I had the 3.8something and I was trying to update to the last official 3.9something


now, after the flash connection (on the website was suggested this way, how could I imagine I had to use the remote software?), my expander does not work anymore. the flash attempt to upgrade deleted the licence numbers and the expander blocks every operation. expander is not recognized now.


I already sent a message to the manufacturer, let's see....



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OK, for info :laugh:


Carsten replied me!


It seems that (he saw the print-screen of the reported errors) this indicates a corrupted bootloader. There was a small batch of boards sold last year that had an insufficient flash programming.


He will re-program the board at no cost, very kind of him :like:



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It's nice to hear from Mitch that the CV is finally showing some improvement....


I was considered a bad guy on this thread because of my frustration with it. The version I got last year was definitely not acceptable, but the people at Diversi etc. were making it sound like I had a problem.


The only problem I had was not keeping my mouth shut about it. But it made me mad that people were going on like this ( at least the CV ) was the real deal when it clearly wasn't.


From the sound of it, the people who make the HX3 were listening to us after all. I am not sure what to think of those who try to prohibit freedom of speech.

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It's nice to hear from Mitch that the CV is finally showing some improvement....


I was considered a bad guy on this thread because of my frustration with it. The version I got last year was definitely not acceptable, but the people at Diversi etc. were making it sound like I had a problem.


The only problem I had was not keeping my mouth shut about it. But it made me mad that people were going on like this ( at least the CV ) was the real deal when it clearly wasn't.


From the sound of it, the people who make the HX3 were listening to us after all. I am not sure what to think of those who try to prohibit freedom of speech.

I still very much like the CV (didn't update) in conjuncture with a leslie.

I maybe be not a purist, but to me it sounds awesome.

And yes i still have the Numa organ1 and have tested it against the HX3 in every possible way. With or without leslie, internal sim. and the ventilator.


To me the Numa is a nice board but not on the HX3 level.

I guess each to his own ??

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I agree, Van...the HX3 is in the "next level" category with the Mojo (and probably the as-yet un-field tested XK5 and KeyB Legend).

Mitch i want to elaborate some more.....and maybe you can clarify a few things with your expertice.I am no Hammond purist, so the CV issue with HX3 fully escapes me... :blush:


New B3 MK2

I have played the New B3 MK2 many times (my brother has one of those....)and the CV sounds ackward in a way that turning it off sounds better. I didn't mess with parameters, but the default settings in conjuncture with the leslie 122 XB seems to result in a mushy warbling tone....not nice !

Numa organ1

The Numa organ has indeed a nice CV in conjuncture with it's internal sim, but the whole tone suffers in conjuncture with the vent and a real leslie.....to weak, to transparent (?).......so even the spot ond CV on the Numa doesn't help the lack of balls when turning up the volume and competing with electric guitars.


The KeyB legend sounded terrific in every aspect at the Messe (especcially the fact that they dared to show it off with it's internal sim.), but i hope it will materialise one day......


The Mojo i played at the Messe and it sounded very, very good (the whole package of superb feel and sound), but it was more in Numa territory (albite clearly better) than HX3. Still something sounded ''polite'' in the overall tone.

Now this is only based on my breef experience during the Messe, so i have to check it out once more,...i know you can choose between many different models, but i played the ''Messe's'' default organ (don't know what that was)

Hammond XK-5

I did play and heared the XK-5, but it sounded a lot like the New B3 MK2.

Beautifull, jazzy, but not the beat up blues sound i am looking for, with sleezy componants that shout, spit and ramble the way i like it.

(not to be mistaken with the overdriven John Lord sound)


I don't use pedal tones, so i won't comment on that....


But the whole discussion about the HX3's chorus seems a little redundant to my ears. That says a lot more about me obviously, maybe because CV comes behind (for me) the ability to compete with distorted guitars, how it behaves in conjuncture with a real leslie and if it is able to reproduce THAT sound i am looking for.

HX3 is capable of that while all other clones i have or have used didn't (Nord, Numa, Hammond, Emu).....including the New B3 Mk2.


And when playing live when some details are lost anyway, i have never thought negatively about the HX3's CV....on the contrary.


My question is :

Could it be that the CV can be very pleasant at a certain volume and style while the same CV sounds ackward for a person playing a different style in smaller jazz trio settings ?

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My question is :

Could it be that the CV can be very pleasant at a certain volume and style while the same CV sounds ackward for a person playing a different style in smaller jazz trio settings ?


Well, not the CV on a tonewheel console. It sounds appropriate in all situations, in the sense that you can take a tonewheel organ and put it in any musical context and it will cut it just fine (assuming the CV is not broken in some way.)


My criteria for clonewheels has become: how many musical situations or registrations or organ techniques can I execute where I can maintain the "suspension of belief" that I'm playing the real thing?


If I hit the CV switch and it warbles or is the wrong frequency or the treble boost is not right, or worst of all if it sounds phase shifty, it kills the illusion pretty quickly.


Same thing if the percussion doesn't have a woody thunk, or the key click sounds like a fake burst of white noise tacked onto the beginning of a note.




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Figures. As soon as I sell mine, they fix the CV.


at least you sold it to your friend. ;)

BeeThree has one for sale in the classifieds section if you want another for a good price.


I have to clear the decks for a Mojo 61, so that's the move for now. So many good choices these days.




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If I hit the CV switch and it warbles or is the wrong frequency or the treble boost is not right, or worst of all if it sounds phase shifty, it kills the illusion pretty quickly.


THIS!! This exactly. Nothing kills my buzz on a clone quicker than bad CV. That's one of the main reasons I've stayed with the Mojo longer than any other clone. No one gets closer to the real CV (including the updated HX3). Do I keep trying the latest and greatest? Yep, and I can't wait to try the Legend and XK5. But, so far, only the Mojo CV holds my ears.

Endorsing Artist/Ambassador for MAG Organs and Motion Sound Amplifiers, Organ player for SRT - www.srtgroove.com

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My question is :

Could it be that the CV can be very pleasant at a certain volume and style while the same CV sounds ackward for a person playing a different style in smaller jazz trio settings ?


Well, not the CV on a tonewheel console. It sounds appropriate in all situations, in the sense that you can take a tonewheel organ and put it in any musical context and it will cut it just fine (assuming the CV is not broken in some way.)


My criteria for clonewheels has become: how many musical situations or registrations or organ techniques can I execute where I can maintain the "suspension of belief" that I'm playing the real thing?


If I hit the CV switch and it warbles or is the wrong frequency or the treble boost is not right, or worst of all if it sounds phase shifty, it kills the illusion pretty quickly.


Same thing if the percussion doesn't have a woody thunk, or the key click sounds like a fake burst of white noise tacked onto the beginning of a note.

Fair enough, i agree with you.

I still have the HX3 MK2 installed in my XB-2 and a friend pointed out to me that it had a better chorus than what came afterwards in more recent updates. (not the very latest, because they nailed it in those)


Since i only use C3 and do not care much for C1, C2 and especcially vibrato (yuk), i understand my confusion reading about he supposed weak chorus within HX3.


Nevertheless, i think HX3 is unmatched when it comes to that fat, balsy bluesy tone and screaming top octave.

It always puts a grin on my face when it screams through the leslie. It makes up for the underpar keybed of my XB-2.

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Now people are starting to discuss the HX3 CV issue. Where were you guys LAST YEAR when I got my unit with " issues"?


What I really noticed was a distinct warble in the upper octave that sounded NOTHING like any Hammond I own. Also, it seemed to kick in when the 5 1/3 drawbar was engaged.


And as far as "warmth" is concerned.... the HX3 I had was not exactly warm sounding. All I had to do was run it through my B-3 preamp and 122. My Numa sounded A LOT closer to the B-3 s far as lack of shrillness when I did this.


And all these updates would have driven me nuts. I have been pretty damn happy with a Numa for close to 6 years and it NEVER needed an update!

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Well, had a Numa for 6 months, nothing but trouble and hardware

problems..... and it didnt cut thru in my rockband.....


The HX now reached an incredible level.... IMHO


As Mitch said, CV is improved now!


Studio: Hammond XK5-XLK5,  Roland Fantom 8, Prophet 5, Roland SE02, Neo Vent, HX3-Expander, Yamaha Montage M7

Live: Yamaha CP88, Hammond SKX Pro, Hammond XB2-HX3,  Roland Fantom 07, Roland SA1000, Neo Vent

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Can I send mine into Diversi or does it have to go to Germany?

Tommy Tuscon the famous gunslinger got mine back to me in 1 week before and I can plan the exchange as I have the Chinese Cheeseboard I believe....



Magnus C350 + FMR RNP + Realistic Unisphere Mic
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I just installed the new firmware version 4.11 on my HX3 and this is another big step in the right direction. The chorus vibrato CV3 now sounds really good and very similar to my A100. I haven't had time to do any adjustments to it, and right now I don't even feel the need for it either, which must be a good thing. Another thing I like is that the HX3 module now only makes sound on the 5 octaves it is supposed to be used for. I never cared for the extended key range.



CP4 - Solaris - Kurzweil Forte - Minimoog -

- Mellotron M4000Dm - Motif rackXS - DX5 - SY99 - Rhodes 73 - HX3 - Hammond B3/2x147 - Montage7

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If I hit the CV switch and it warbles or is the wrong frequency or the treble boost is not right, or worst of all if it sounds phase shifty, it kills the illusion pretty quickly.



They absolutley nailed the CV in the new OS 4.11


Hit the CV switch and the HX3 sings.... wow!


For those who just installed OS 4.1 - there is an even newer update now: OS 4.11




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I treat all updates as beta until I receive an e-mail from Tom Tuscon unless MG posts first that the OS is out of beta.




Well,- I don´t buy any product anymore before it´s out of "beta".


It seems the HX3 module needs a lot of "beta"s but the UHL doesn´t.

Just...(thinking) ...



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Brother A.C.

the product is out of beta, the OS update is continually being tweaked.

It is not necessary to upgrade. Fortunately for me I can't hear what the others hear about the nuances of C/V improvements for the most part. So that's why I stay put until I get a green light from someone more knowledgeable than myself.

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...the HX3 Module is NOT beta.


Thankfully Carsten is always trying to improve

his baby. And he gives his users (those who are not afraid to do it)the possibility to (beta-)test the firmware releases before.

It's in a public folder named "beta".

When all bugreports are approved and the firmare is finished

the NEW VERSION is going into the LATEST folder.


Now you can find 4.11 and this is the actual FINAL version with

(IMHO) a much better CV.....



W. Uhl is doing some tweaks and longer testing and then sends HIS version to his customers via Email. And has some "non public beta testers". The 4.11 seems to run well on the X3 and will be released

very soon...



Anyway..... FW 4.11 puts them ahead of the competition (IMHO)

including a well known brand with a very actual model...



have fun




Studio: Hammond XK5-XLK5,  Roland Fantom 8, Prophet 5, Roland SE02, Neo Vent, HX3-Expander, Yamaha Montage M7

Live: Yamaha CP88, Hammond SKX Pro, Hammond XB2-HX3,  Roland Fantom 07, Roland SA1000, Neo Vent

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I tweaked the CV the way I liked but sadly the volume for non CV jumped too much.

Can't wait for the new treats.

Hope everything else remains the same.


Did you install 4.11 final? You are missing a pure nugget if you don't. The update process is dead easy. Just make sure to pick the proper file for your HX3 version:






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Brother A.C.

the product is out of beta, the OS update is continually being tweaked.

It is not necessary to upgrade. Fortunately for me I can't hear what the others hear about the nuances of C/V improvements for the most part. So that's why I stay put until I get a green light from someone more knowledgeable than myself.


Well, what I meant is I´m too lazy updating all the time.

The difference I recognize between keyboardpartner and UHL is the latter seems to "bundle" the updates, then comes w/ a major update from time to time while keyboardpartner updates continuously.

My personal opinion about products being updated all the time is those are unfinished and being released too early.

So, I myself I wait until updates become rare and the product is finished.

Ressources are limited always,- the HX3 hardware/DSP-power is too.


It´s a organ clone,- there MUST come the day it sounds right (or good enough),- no ? :laugh:


Anyway,- I´m looking forward the release of the UHL w/ 9-keycontact technology and hope all the nitpick updates for the HX3 go into any UHL organ anyway.



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