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HX3 MIDI expander module


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Quote from the users manual:-"Swell Trim Cap adjusts organ output volume like the trim cap in B3 swell pedal control. Higher values add more punch and output transformer saturation effects". I use a Yamaha FC7 pedal into the swell socket on the back of the module. Boosting the setting gives more volume and overdrive as you push the pedal down.
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I would have assumed that the volume level setting on the 122 amp model ( in the HX3 ) would have been sufficient in lieu of eliminating bass boost.


I got a little more level and bass from my lower manual today. Common mistakes and assumptions in the learning curve of a new device.


I'm not sure that I am seeing the springflx or whatever adjusts keyclick on the menu that I have.


I have a hunch that there have been differing editions of the HX3.


I will be spending some more time with it tonight. I am liking the idea of using cheap lightweight boards with this. I have the Yamaha PSR 262 ( remember those?) and also a Casio CPS300 "digital piano". Circa about 1990.


They both feel better than most of the crap you see at Guitar Center these days. I imagine it will be fun to gig with them and not worry about beating them up at the gig. Both are very lightweight.


I am enjoying playing organ with lighter keys, especially on chord melodies that use a lot of sharps and flats. A TP 80 can be a bear for that.



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HX3 vs Mojo round 2:


HX3 sounds like you are inside the organ. Its model does subtle dirty well. The organ tonewheel set is superbly balanced, almost unnaturally so. Click is not level settable but I found my splatty sound that I like using the contact modelling controls. Cannot set individual tonewheel levels, but can change the sound effectively with the capacitor aging models. Sim sounds dry.


Mojo sounds like you are in a room with the organ. Its ambience and cabinet resonance params make its sim the winner. It has some of the individual tonewheel imbalances of the real organs that the data was taken from. It feels more alive, as some have said.


Comparing the tone of the two organs using their own sims, I would say HX3 is clear and bright until you tame it down with the 1963 cap set. Mojo has a bit of scooped midrange and emphasizes highs and lows more than HX3.


HX-3 models the console preamp / leslie amp paradigm so closely, that it presents the same problem that we all had with our original tonewheel rigs - you can't control overdrive separately from volume. That's more inconvenient than the way Mojo handles it.


Next, I need to try HX3 thru my MiniVent and my Decimator leslie rig of Doom.




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HX3 vs Mojo round 2:


HX3 sounds like you are inside the organ. Its model does subtle dirty well. The organ tonewheel set is superbly balanced, almost unnaturally so. Click is not level settable but I found my splatty sound that I like using the contact modelling controls. Cannot set individual tonewheel levels, but can change the sound effectively with the capacitor aging models. Sim sounds dry.


Mojo sounds like you are in a room with the organ. Its ambience and cabinet resonance params make its sim the winner. It has some of the individual tonewheel imbalances of the real organs that the data was taken from. It feels more alive, as some have said.


Comparing the tone of the two organs using their own sims, I would say HX3 is clear and bright until you tame it down with the 1963 cap set. Mojo has a bit of scooped midrange and emphasizes highs and lows more than HX3.


HX-3 models the console preamp / leslie amp paradigm so closely, that it presents the same problem that we all had with our original tonewheel rigs - you can't control overdrive separately from volume. That's more inconvenient than the way Mojo handles it.


Next, I need to try HX3 thru my MiniVent and my Decimator leslie rig of Doom.


Wow, great review! Thanks.

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Mojo sounds like you are in a room with the organ. Its ambience and cabinet resonance params make its sim the winner.

I'd be very curious to hear impressions of HX-with-Vent vs. Mojo (w/ its own sim).


HX-3 models the console preamp / leslie amp paradigm so closely, that it presents the same problem that we all had with our original tonewheel rigs - you can't control overdrive separately from volume.

That's something that could also be addressed with a Vent.

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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HX-3 models the console preamp / leslie amp paradigm so closely, that it presents the same problem that we all had with our original tonewheel rigs - you can't control overdrive separately from volume. That's more inconvenient than the way Mojo handles it.


The Uhl X3 organ also handles this better. It has two separate control knobs for volume and drive.




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....the paramter "SwellTrimCap" has influence on the drive/crunch too !


What I like on the HX/Uhl is the warm/analog basic sound.

Didn't hear that on any other clone.

On the Mojo I found the upper octave a bit too weak or

better say shrill....but to be honest, I didn't go

to all the different organ models.


But now with all that great clones (HX/Uhl, KeyB, Mojo)

I wonder how Hammond-Suzuki will react ???

(hmmm....maybe they don't even know they exist ???)



Studio: Hammond XK5-XLK5,  Roland Fantom 8, Prophet 5, Roland SE02, Neo Vent, HX3-Expander, Yamaha Montage M7

Live: Yamaha CP88, Hammond SKX Pro, Hammond XB2-HX3,  Roland Fantom 07, Roland SA1000, Neo Vent

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I do not have a Mojo so I can't comment on that, but I have had a Numa for 4 plus years so I can give a comparison on that.


Straight out of the box, I prefer the Numa / Key B chorus vibrato sound ( C3 setting with 3rd harmonic percussion ) over what I am currently getting with the HX3. I have commented on clone C/V issues before and when I compared Hammond Suzuki to Numa/ Key B I did get rather nasty feedback from a semi notorius forum member who made comments about the potential size of my body parts... etc. etc.


Hopefully that won't need to happen again.


The thing about the HX3 chorus is that it seems to emphasize the vibrato over the chorus. And it shows up on certain tones.... for example high G seems to have a lot more vibrato warble than high A.


Yes I know , there are edit parameters for this but so far I have not ben able to resolves some of these issues.


On the Numa and a tonewheel Hammond, this is fairly balanced.

I really hope that there is a solution for this, because otherwise there is A LOT to like about the HX3.


I did get the leslie sim going today, and I am IN LOVE with the leslie simulation on the HX3.


Just think - you can get this for the price of a boutique leslie sim, and the organ engine comes with it!


I like the fact that the sim does not affect the tonality or character of the percussion. This is a huge plus, and I am wondering how that compares to the Vent an Burn. On the Numa / Key B, the percussion tonality is changed somewhat by the sim.


The C3 chorus also mixes well with the sim. On many other sims that I have heard, it's kind of a warbled mess. On the HX3, it the chorus and sim blend nicely. Huge plus there for HX3.


So far on my sim I am having to hold the pedal down to get fast leslie speed. Hopefully, I can get it to stay ON with in an edit parameter.


Also... I am NOT seeing a way to get slow/ fast and off when the sim pedal is attached. I just get slow and fast. OFF ( or no speeds) would be nice. Once again I may have to delve into the manual.


I held off from getting a Mojo because I wanted the option of having single of double manuals. The HX3 makes that possible now.

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Just think - you can get this for the price of a boutique leslie sim, and the organ engine comes with it!



That was the main selling point for me. If I find I need a Vent/Burn (so far I no need) I'll end up selling it. For now I'm good. :thu:

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Hi LX,


the Numa has a nice CV indeed!

But I guess you could tweak the HX to your liking...


I share your comments on the Leslie sim!

I had the Vent1, the Burn (sold after comparing with the Vent)

and the Vent2. All gone!



I love the fact that with the Uhl I can plug in and play. I dont have

the feeling of something missing..... (Sometimes with the SK I thought:

Damn, why did I leave the Vent at home...).


The only thing I dont like about the HX3 is the housing with that plexi front...

So I put everything in a selfmade 19 inch Expander with internal power supply and 11 pin Leslie Out.

(no idea how to put a picture in here....)



Studio: Hammond XK5-XLK5,  Roland Fantom 8, Prophet 5, Roland SE02, Neo Vent, HX3-Expander, Yamaha Montage M7

Live: Yamaha CP88, Hammond SKX Pro, Hammond XB2-HX3,  Roland Fantom 07, Roland SA1000, Neo Vent

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Is there a 1963 tonewheel set? I only have 1955, 1961 and 1972.


These get progressively brighter in the upper octave, so I am using 1955.


But this sim is so good it may make a "chorale" player out of me yet. So far chorale is the better option over the C3 chorus/ 3rd percussion "jazz setting" that I am getting.


Is there any way to get the sim to go "off" when the pedal is plugged in?

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Hi LX,


there is no 63. Its 55, 61, 72 and recapped.

My fav is 61, not too agressiv...


As for the Leslie Switch (from the HX3- Wiki):


FOOTSW: Single or double footswich controls simulated Leslie speed as well as Leslie I/F control bits (pin 1 to 4 on HX3 PL12): SLOW/FAST on plug tip, RUN/STOP on plug ring. Please use latching foot switches; momentary (button type) switches are not supported. If single footswitch used, Leslie is always on RUN (no plug ring, input grouded by plug sleeve).


Hope that helps...


Studio: Hammond XK5-XLK5,  Roland Fantom 8, Prophet 5, Roland SE02, Neo Vent, HX3-Expander, Yamaha Montage M7

Live: Yamaha CP88, Hammond SKX Pro, Hammond XB2-HX3,  Roland Fantom 07, Roland SA1000, Neo Vent

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Wow, all these excellent reviews and comments about the HX3 seem to verify my thinking, it's a great sounding box that's very versatile. I had a Numa too and loved it but one limitation of the Numa is that it isn't completely polyphonic. So, if you do a keyboard smear some note robbing will occur, unlike most of the current crop of clones. It's still an inspiring board to play. If anyone's interested, I have one HX3 left in stock that isn't spoken for. Please contact me privately if interested. ken@kenhall.ca
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Wow, all these excellent reviews and comments about the HX3 seem to verify my thinking, it's a great sounding box that's very versatile. I had a Numa too and loved it but one limitation of the Numa is that it isn't completely polyphonic. So, if you do a keyboard smear some note robbing will occur, unlike most of the current crop of clones. It's still an inspiring board to play. If anyone's interested, I have one HX3 left in stock that isn't spoken for. Please contact me privately if interested. ken@kenhall.ca

Wish you hadn't posted that - bought your numa and loving it! Hadn't noticed the note stealing yet🐢Not as much love for it as the Mojo mind you but as a one keyboard rig it sees more use... Hope Crumar doesn't release a single manu or gas will set in. Mind you, the Hx's will be available second hand by then...

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Plugged my HX3 into my MiniVent tonight. Holy crap what a gnarly sound!


Not sure what I have set up wrong, but I can't get a clean sound out of it. I backed off on the preamp gain trim and leslie amp level and it still shreds. I may be overloading the input of the MiniVent.


I'd like to be able to reproduce this sound when needed, because it cuts like an Emerson/HiWatt powered leslie. But I need to get clean too!




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Are you using the clean 'organ' output jack setting on the HX3? I use my Hx3 with my ventilator, but I do use the lower gain input setting on the vent.

Nord Stage 3 Compact

Nord Stage 2 EX Compact

Korg Kronos 2 73

Mag C2 organ

UHL X3-1 organ

GSI DMC-122 

Radial KL8

Motion Sound Kp500S

Macbook Pro 
Falcon, UVI, Kontakt, Logic, PT

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It is my Controller but not my Module !

(same plexi-Schrott) ;-)



Studio: Hammond XK5-XLK5,  Roland Fantom 8, Prophet 5, Roland SE02, Neo Vent, HX3-Expander, Yamaha Montage M7

Live: Yamaha CP88, Hammond SKX Pro, Hammond XB2-HX3,  Roland Fantom 07, Roland SA1000, Neo Vent

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Iran the HX3 with a Numa 1 as a controller today. I used the Key B setup in the HX3 menu.


As far as I could tell, there were no shallow triggering isues using the Numa.


I was unable to get a lower manual split, but I did get pedals on the lower manual. I am not sure why yet.


I haven't gotten into it to controling the leslie sim. But as far as the key triggering it was not a problem for me.


Once again, in my opinion the Numa holds its own with the HX3. The HX3 is noticeably brighter. I have apporeciated the fact that the Numa is less agressive in the upper register. Some say it doesn't " cut in the mix" but this has not been my experience. My expeience is that it is pleasnt to listen to.

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We are deeply grateful to Stephen Fortner and Keyboard Magazine for their support over the years.


Please visit our website for a second chance savings opportunity for the HX3 Organ Module. http://www.diversi.us/index.html


Thank you,

Diversi Musical Products

Diversi Musical Products
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The product is sounding very nice.

Diversi is serving as distributor/vendor for the KeyboardPartner HX3 module (coming our of Germany), can I ask where in the US you are based? You'll also be handling service? (forgive me if that's been brought up earlier in this very long thread). You also sell the Orla JamKey coming from Italy. The literature suggests Orla can ship the JamKey with the DLQ organ engine pre-installed. Does the JamKey work well with the HX3? Can it also be "installed" in a JamKey?


Prior to Keyboard Mags review... In your opinion, what currently available controller is the best match for the HX3 expander?

Yamaha CP88, Casio PX-560

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Diversi is located outside of Philadelphia in Woodlyn, PA. Yes, we will be handling service.


The Jamkey can be put into default organ mode which is based on KeyB's control mapping. The HX3 Organ Module has to be put into the KeyB custom cc. No, it cannot be installed inside of a JamKey.


It's a personal thing as to which controller to use as you have seen from many opinions on this thread. We don't really recommend one over the other so much.


If you have more questions or would like further clarification, please feel free to email us or call.


Thank you,

Diversi Musical Products

Email: info@diversi.us

Tel: 484-478-0095

Diversi Musical Products
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