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Roland V-Combo VR-09

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What would be a good amp for a VR-09? Maybe something that wouldn't cause my 60+ year old back to throw a disc out yet still has some power?


I don't gig out anymore but would like to take the VR-09 to friends and family's houses for jams etc. Organ/synth playing is my priority, piano not so much.


Thanks in advance for any and all replies.

I play Gretsch drums and a Roland VR-09. The former notably better than the latter.
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I've ran mine through an EV ZLX12P and that's been plenty also.


HammondCV,M3,L101,C6,SK1,xk5,Farfisa Combo Compact,RolandVR09,JX8P,vk09,Sound Canvas,CrumarTraveler1,Rhodes suitcase73,Wurly200,HohnerD6,KorgMS20,CasioCZ-101,Yamaha CP25,TX7,mx61,CasioCZ-101,PX110
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Thanks guys, checked out some youtube reviews on them. Other than the funky handle, people seem to like them. So forgive my lack of knowledge on powered speakers but I can just use one of them without any kind of mixer? I go back to the days of Marshall and Sunn stacks and Fender twin reverbs. lol


I'm currently running it through my basement PA which is anything but portable. Behringer Xenyx x2442usb, Mackie FR-2500, and a pair of Yamaha A15's.

I play Gretsch drums and a Roland VR-09. The former notably better than the latter.
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Yes, you can use it without a mixer, though it may also depend on how much volume you need. (You can get more volume out of it if you go through a mixer first, as the mixer sends it a hotter signal.)

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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You'll get enough out straight into the zlx12 that you'll never need a mixer. And you have an extra channel to boot, it has a mixer on the back


HammondCV,M3,L101,C6,SK1,xk5,Farfisa Combo Compact,RolandVR09,JX8P,vk09,Sound Canvas,CrumarTraveler1,Rhodes suitcase73,Wurly200,HohnerD6,KorgMS20,CasioCZ-101,Yamaha CP25,TX7,mx61,CasioCZ-101,PX110
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I'm having trouble saving/recalling registrations. Specifically, I set up my upper and lower sound - then write to a registration. I run into problems when I try to recall the registration, the lower sound works just fine, but the upper sound does not recall correctly. The screen lists the correct name of the sound, but a different sound is output. I can correct the sound by just scrolling to the next sound in the list, then scroll back to the sound saved in the reg - then everything plays just fine. Not exactly optimal... I'm using v1.03


Any tips?

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I had the same issue with mine; was version 2. It played the sound you just passed before the one you wanted, but showed the name of the one you wanted.


If you turn the dial anything but slow, it would do it all the time; I just wiggled it as you mentioned (going back and forth to the next setting) every time I changed a setting quickly.


One tip: I would go slow the last few spots before I was to my selection, and it would then be ok...like slowing a car down before a stop sign? That's how it seemed to me, anyway.


Not ideal, but you do get used to it quickly.

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I'm interested in what (PA/amp/powered spkr) people are playing their Vr-09 through. I see DenCV is using an EV zlx12 and I'm considering that.


Anyone else? I'm looking for portability but I don't want to give up too much power.


I'm currently running mine through a pretty beefy home PA (Behringer Xenyx x2442usb, Mackie FR-2500, and a pair of Yamaha A15's) and it sounds really good! Way too much to drag around though.


This whole powered speaker thing is new to me. What if want to run two of the same speakers? Are they both powered? Seems redundant. Bear with me, hey....I'm a drummer. :)


That said, I'm getting some CRAZY good organ and synth sounds out of this VR-09 once I started tweaking the settings. I love the darn thing. Keybed does not bother me as I learned to play on a Hammond T-500 ( home model with built in leslie spkr ) that had diving board keys. Our keyboard player was laughing at me because I have the D beam set to control the Leslie effect. Was calling me David Copperfield. He also said it was a helluva a keyboard for the money.

I play Gretsch drums and a Roland VR-09. The former notably better than the latter.
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Not redundant at all. Each speaker comes with exactly the amp (and limiter and processing) it requires.


Need one speaker? Bring one speaker. Need two speakers? Bring two speakers. Need 27 speakers? Being 27 speakers. Pretty straightforward if you ask me. :D


BTW I use the D-Beam for the thunderclap in Twilight Zone. Makes for cool theatrics :)



Hammond: L111, M100, M3, BC, CV, Franken CV, A100, D152, C3, B3

Leslie: 710, 760, 51C, 147, 145, 122, 22H, 31H

Yamaha: CP4, DGX-620, DX7II-FD-E!, PF85, DX9

Roland: VR-09, RD-800


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Not redundant at all. Each speaker comes with exactly the amp (and limiter and processing) it requires.


Need one speaker? Bring one speaker. Need two speakers? Bring two speakers. Need 27 speakers? Being 27 speakers. Pretty straightforward if you ask me. :D


BTW I use the D-Beam for the thunderclap in Twilight Zone. Makes for cool theatrics :)




Ahhhhhhhh I get it! Thanks.


Here's the B3 sound du jour........Dirty !!!






I play Gretsch drums and a Roland VR-09. The former notably better than the latter.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I just got an FC-7 with my CP4 the other day. Can't wait to hook it up to the VR-09. It looks like it will be a 1000x time better expression pedal than the M-Audio unit I have been using.

Hammond: L111, M100, M3, BC, CV, Franken CV, A100, D152, C3, B3

Leslie: 710, 760, 51C, 147, 145, 122, 22H, 31H

Yamaha: CP4, DGX-620, DX7II-FD-E!, PF85, DX9

Roland: VR-09, RD-800


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You're going to need an adaptor to use the fc7 with the vr. I got mine from ashby solutions, been working great.


HammondCV,M3,L101,C6,SK1,xk5,Farfisa Combo Compact,RolandVR09,JX8P,vk09,Sound Canvas,CrumarTraveler1,Rhodes suitcase73,Wurly200,HohnerD6,KorgMS20,CasioCZ-101,Yamaha CP25,TX7,mx61,CasioCZ-101,PX110
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Don't you just need to make a pigtail that flips tip and ring?


Hammond: L111, M100, M3, BC, CV, Franken CV, A100, D152, C3, B3

Leslie: 710, 760, 51C, 147, 145, 122, 22H, 31H

Yamaha: CP4, DGX-620, DX7II-FD-E!, PF85, DX9

Roland: VR-09, RD-800


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Yeah, one could piece together several adapter cords to reverse the feeds, but the Ashby adapter is a quality, solid, one piece affair. It also has 90-degree plug...I've begun to make ALL my keyboard connections at right angles.




I've tried many different swell pedals...FC7 with Ashby is my fave for the VR09.

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Piecing together several adapter cords sounds like a dumb solution. Why not just use a TRS plug and inline jack?

Hammond: L111, M100, M3, BC, CV, Franken CV, A100, D152, C3, B3

Leslie: 710, 760, 51C, 147, 145, 122, 22H, 31H

Yamaha: CP4, DGX-620, DX7II-FD-E!, PF85, DX9

Roland: VR-09, RD-800


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I just had few moments to play a Roland VK-09 side-by-side with my VR-09...and now understand why the VR's "transistor organ" model is a bit too...nice(?) sounding. It certainly does not have the grit and presence of a Vox or Farfisa because Roland modeled their own combo from the late 70's/early 80's which was itself, kind of a hybrid combo organ / Hammond emulator. Roland engineers must have been attempting a more smooth, rounded tone than the wheezy grind that had gone out of style by then.


It is remarkable though, how nearly identical the two boards can sound. Add some spring reverb, brighten the tone a bit, a dab of compressor, a touch of overdrive, and rotary type 1 to the VR09 and it gets a little more bite. I like to have some stone phaser and tape delay ready to sweep in and take it to outer space for a whacked-out In-A-Godda-Da-Vida solo. So much FUN!

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I have been using my VR09 quite a while now, 90% of the time as an organ, plus some solo synthes and a couple pads. With a new situation I've gotten into, I want to do some "deep" programming/edits for other synthe sounds. Just want to check with you guys about my understanding about doing this.

If I pick patches that i don't care about, and don't use in other registrations, as a starting point for my own sounds, I won't have to worry about them sounding like I want after they get saved. Like, for instance, I thought I could start overwriting some SyntheBass patches, since I have no use for their original sound. Then as I come up with original patches, put them in a registration and save to USB stick as back-up. Make sense?

Also, no-one has come up with any way to access registrations via MIDI, correct? You just cannot patch-change (registration-change) any way other than its own front panel, correct?

Tanx in advance.


Professional musician = great source of poverty.

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You've got the gist of it. Be sure to use separate usb thumb drives for different libraries such as the Axial ones and the ones from Sweetwater and a third drive for your own edits. Any deep editing changes done to presets and saved to a registration and then saved to a thumb drive will overwrite any previously saved modifications to that preset saved to the same flash drive. Also, be sure to keep a log of which presets have been modified. I've lost many hours of work by editing a preset already modified and accidentally changed all the registrations that use that same preset.


As for the MIDI...near as I can tell, changing patches from a controller board activates the VR-09's General MIDI sound bank and I have not found a way to make the registrations respond to the controller's commands.


I've done just a bit of deep editing and have made a couple of very big, sweeping, morphing sounds. The iPad interface is a tad clunky at first, but gets better with use. I'm still trying to find the perfect spot for programming: with the iPad on a music stand behind the keyboard or on top of the bottom tier board with the VR09 on the second teir?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Follow up: The VR-09 works well with the Yamaha FC-7 as such:


1 - create a pigtail to invert tip and ring

2 - wire a 47K resistor between tip and sleeve

3 - wire a 47K resistor between tip and ring

4 - select expression curve #4


You will get adjustment along the entire length of the pedal, with correct minimum and maximum volume, and a solidly usable section in the middle. The resistor both adjust the maximum volume point (around 22-23K FWIW) and make the pot effectively more logarithmic.


I have no idea if this is what's inside the Ashby cable or not. Tip and ring are per the plug that enters the VR09.



Hammond: L111, M100, M3, BC, CV, Franken CV, A100, D152, C3, B3

Leslie: 710, 760, 51C, 147, 145, 122, 22H, 31H

Yamaha: CP4, DGX-620, DX7II-FD-E!, PF85, DX9

Roland: VR-09, RD-800


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Hi all, I have a couple of questions that i didn't see in the last pages.

Can you edit from a Mac instead of an Ipad?

I thought I read that you could midi a second board. Could you have organ on the VR09 and piano on a weighted board below? Are the layers on a separate midi channel?

If I listed all of my gear here my wife might see it and start asking questions.
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The second board can be used in a couple of different ways. The easiest, IMO, is to put the VR-09 in "KEYBOARD" mode. Then the lower keyboard is programmed exactly as you would program the left side of a split. Configure the bottom keyboard not to send program changes if doing this.


Editing from Mac - not possible.



Hammond: L111, M100, M3, BC, CV, Franken CV, A100, D152, C3, B3

Leslie: 710, 760, 51C, 147, 145, 122, 22H, 31H

Yamaha: CP4, DGX-620, DX7II-FD-E!, PF85, DX9

Roland: VR-09, RD-800


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Thanks WesG. I noticed the VR-09 still has some minor quirks. Does everything seem stable? I don't plan on editing on the fly but making registrations and sticking to them during live performance. Can you make a registration with a layer or split with separate effects for each part? Organ on the VR-09 keys with Lesley and then piano with chorus on a second board?
If I listed all of my gear here my wife might see it and start asking questions.
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