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SK-1 and 2 Tips, Tricks and Other Cool Stuff.


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That is very cool, indeed. Thanks, John. I'm at work right now but when I get home, I'm most DEFINITELY going to look into those steps on Page 79! In order to have the Expression pedal have the least amount of affect on the pedal bass, I gather that I would want to set the LOW EXPRESSION - LIMIT LOW FREQUENCY to 0dB?. Would that be correct? (Man, I can't get over how flexible the SK is so far as tweakability - amazing!).


By the way, I had my first jam session over at my place last night with the SK1-73. (The guitarist and sax player were there. The drummer couldn't make it but I was able to previously record some drum beats onto a thumb drive and play it through the SK's "Music Player" section - worked out great!) It was a lot of fun and the guys LOVED that beefy "B3" sound I was getting. I played left hand bass and what I played sounded pretty good but I need to do some tweaking (as well as woodshedding in drawbar manipulation) in order to achieve a smoother level and be more comfortable with the balance in the mix. Really looking forward to playing out with this baby (and a real drummer) LOL Bottom line - this Hammond is definitely a keeper

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hello SK Fans... I have my first gig with the SK1-73 this coming Friday night. I have all of my Extra Voices tweaked and in their respective "Favorite" slot. The thumb drive is loaded up with MP3 tunes to play on the Music Player during breaks. I am ready to rock with this thing! Thanks to all of you for the tips & suggestions! This is an awesome group.
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If the mp3 files are large, test the player/them before the gig. Large mp3 files can stutter during playback particularly if playing along with them. (See the note on pg. 126) WAV files don't have that problem even though they can be much larger.


I recorded the XK-3c demo songs directly into a ZOOM H4 recorder a few years ago. One of the songs would act up a little in the SK-1 Music Player. I converted them all to WAV files and they all played smoothly.

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Thanks for the response, J! I did see that. For my background drum beats, I indeed have recorded them on to another thumb drive as .wav files since I would be playing along with them. It works GREAT! For the gig this weekend, I won't be playing along with these songs so I figured it was safe having those tunes in the MP3 format. If you think it beneficial to do a test listen of the MP3 files on the Music Player, just to be safe, I'll do it.
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On another note, the advice I received from this Group of tweaking the expression pedal setting to practically ignore the pedal bass and concentrate primarily on the mids-highs worked like a charm! Thanks for the heads up on this. Any concerns I had about having the bass level too loud when flooring the expression pedal to dish out a solo are in the past. I still can't get over how "customizable" the SK is!


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The expression pedal settings are frequency adjustments not manual/pedalboard range adjustments. It works a lot like the loudness button on stereo systems. The highs and lows don't drop as much as the mid-range does as the volume is decreased. The amount of high and low frequency drop is adjustable. There are 2 graphics on page 79 that show how the expression settings affect the sound.
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If you don't want the bass to change (much) set the Limit - Low Frequency (#7) at 0 or a small -#. The Expression - Minimum Level (#6) determines the overall volume change range. You may need to play with both of these settings and the Limit - High Frequency to get a balance that works for you.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all,


I'm new to the forum (great forum, great thread!) and have recently acquired an sk1. Well, it's incredible!!! :D


Yet, I have a small question - has anyone managed/bothered to turn off the 'midi active sensing'? I have the sk1 connected to some outboard gear and the constantly flashing midi-in leds are starting to get on my nerves...

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Thanks for quick reply JMcS!

Hm, that's what I was expecting :/

I'm using esi miditerminal m8u (old version), standalone (no computer) and SK1 is thru-ed to all 8 outputs (so I have 8 green leds flashing every 300ms).

Seems then I'll have to either a) get over it, b) always use computer or c) hack the m8u... Do you think it would make any sense to write about being able to turn off active sensing to Hammond/Suzuki as a feature request?

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@vp1... Congrats on getting your SK1. You're gonna love it! I've had mine (SK1-73) about a month now and I'm still discovering new features about it. I've gigged with it in one of my bands a couple of weekes ago. This Friday I'll be gigging with my other band and in this group, I'll also be playing manual bass (in addition to organ and other instruments. I can't wait! The pedal bass tone on this keyboard is amazing! Finally, you've discovered an awesome forum group. These guys are great (and very helpful).
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d) a strip of electrical tape.


Does the active sensing have a useful purpose for anything?


The MIDI interface my SK-1 is connected to does the same thing but it is out of sight.



The active sensing is in case the midi signal is interrupted, in which case the receiving device can shut off any hanging notes.

Legend Soul 261, Leslie 251, Yamaha UX1, CP4, CK61, Hammond SK1, Ventilator, Privia PX3, Behringer 2600, Korg Triton LE, VB3M, B3X, various guitars and woodwinds, drum kits …

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Hello! I got to use the SK1-73 at a gig this past weekend and it went very well except for one problem that continues to bug me... I've gone into the organ's menus (thanks to Member's suggestions) and made the settings that allows as little impact as possible of the expression pedal's influence on the pedal bass volume but it's still not enough (at least to my ears). At the gig, every time I went to take a solo and floored the expression pedal, the pedal bass got so loud to the extent where it took away from the experience of playing the solo! (I play left hand bass). I don't know what else to do. To be honest, I'd be perfectly happy if the pedal bass volume could be completely removed from the expression pedals' control and rely strictly on the 16' & 8' drawbar position. As much as I was trying to get away from doing this, I may have to end up bringing along my Privia piano to position under the Hammond and play my manual bass on that (like I used to do). I can't figure out how the pros play the B3 and bass and get around the fluctuating bass level when they up the volume on the expression pedal. Am I missing something here?


Also... I don't know if H/S has anyone to monitor these internet forums but if there is... I have a request: Would it be possible in the next OS update to be able to disengage the Pedal Bass from the expression pedal the same way one can do with the EV's? That would be such a significant feature (for my purposes at least). I'd be one happy camper it I could set the pedal bass to a particular level and leave it there while using the expression pedal for the upper split to my heart's content.


The SK1 has become such a hit for me on so many levels with the exception of this one. If there is anything else I could do that would help me out of this dilemma, I'd be much obliged! -Peter

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  • 4 weeks later...
I recently got into the Glide feature. I use that unique "Clavn" sound for the solo in Del Shannon's "Runaway" and this past weekend I was able to program the Glide to slide up an octave in .4 seconds when holding down that last E note. It worked fantastic. I opted for using the "UP" programmable button to trigger the glide... which worked fine. Only trouble is, later on in the evening I needed to use the Transpose function and discovered I couldn't. (groan) For the life of me I couldn't figure out what happened until the next day after giving it a little more thought. I've now re-assigned the Glide trigger to the "LOWER" button. I now can still use the Glide but transpose when called for. Yup... still lots to learn of this magnificent beast.
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Can anyone help with low volume on some of the extra voices on the SK2? In particular I'm using one of the synth sounds for Shine on You Crazy Diamond, having trouble getting a decent level out of it. Thanks!


Oh - and just looking at the latest library download...jazz guitar?!?! Is there anyone who would use that? How about some more synth or orchestral sounds?


Remember - you can make a record without an organ on it, but it won't be as good



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